Соц. сети

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

#1 physicist

#1 is Aquarius Galileo Galilei, physics began as a science from Galileo's main laws. Main discoveries:

* Created the first telescope and discovered Moon, explored the Milky way

* Correctly claimed that planets rotate around the Sun 

* Discovered the laws of inertia, free fall, oscillation period constant

* Created microscope and thermoscope

Among the top 5 are James Maxwell Gemini and Niels Bor Libra in the Guardian ranking. All rankings show Maxwell and Niels Bor in the top 5. The top 5 contain 3 air signs (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini). 

I also found Aquarius Amper in the top 6 inventions 

Aquarius Alessandro Volta (electricity voltage was named after him) was among great scientists 

Enrico Fermi Libra was among the top 5 in Google Hits Study (2009), in some rankings Aquarius Josiah Gibbs is among 10. See different rankings

#1 element is air (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini) and #1 physicist is Aquarius

Among the living physicists, #1 is Capricorn: Stephen Hawking

Isaak Newton was Capricorn. After Aquarius, I would put second Capricorn. 

#1 chemist

In every ranking and survey on the internet, #1 is Dmitri Mendeleev, inventor of the chemical elements periodic system. Somewhere, #1 is given to Alfred Nobel, author of the Nobel prize award. Mendeleev is Aquarius and Alfred Nobel is Libra. Two air signs. Stephen Arroyo mentioned that Nobel prize laureates are mostly among air signs. Nobel was Libra. 


I also considered this opinion, Aquarius is first and Virgo is second. 

Titaniums: Mendeleev Aquarius, Robert Boyle Aquarius, Gibbs Josiah is Aquarius, author of chemical thermodynamics, Irving Langmuir Aquarius (first Nobel prize laureate in chemistry), Lavoisier is Virgo, John Dalton Virgo, Fridrich Kekule Virgo, Vant-Hoff Virgo. 

Le Chatelier Libra and Brown Gerbert Gemini, their principle that we studied at school sounds: 

If a system in equilibrium is affected from the outside by changing any of the conditions (temperature, pressure, concentration), then the equilibrium is shifted in such a way as to reduce the change.

Air signs (Libra and Aquarius) dominate in chemistry. Aquarius is first, Virgo is second. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

#1 mathematician

6 years ago I wrote: I envy Taurus, they can easily understand Economics, Mathematics, and solve problems.

Yes, they slowly absorb information, but thanks to a rational mindset and patience, they easily understand the exact sciences.

Taurus ♉️  Valieva said she likes accurate sciences especially mathematics 

I assumed in December 2021 that earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) excel in math and the most mathematical sign is Taurus. A screenshot of the publication is below. I never even imagined that the ranking in the top 10 will confirm this 100%. I derived this conclusion from my peers and saw how the Taurus sign had difficulties with languages and speed but succeeded in math. 

Virgo is about an order, so math is easy to do for Virgo too, Capricorns are accurate and math is an accurate science. See the sample ranking example here 

Several rankings indicate Karl Gauss as the greatest mathematician of all time. He was called a "King of all mathematicians". He is a Taurus. They put Henry Poincare in the top 10 (7th or 9th ) in every ranking, but some scientists say he is the best of all time. He is Taurus. Felix Klein is in the top 20, Taurus. I also found Aries: Leonardo Euler (usually, he is among the top 5, some mathematicians think he is the best one) and Descartes Aries. Taurus is first and Aries is second in math. 

Isaac Newton is the second (or in some rankings first) greatest mathematician of all time, Capricorn. 

Bernhard Riemann Virgo is in the top 10. Overall, the first 2 greatest mathematicians (Gauss and Newton) are earth signs. 50% of the top 10 mathematicians are earth signs. Contemporary sources include Ramanujan Srinivasa Capricorn in the top 10. 

The top 20 include Bernoulli Capricorn, John Neumann Capricorn, Klein Felix Taurus

#1 film director

I looked at some rankings and revealed that in the top 5 and 10 are 80% fire signs (Saggitarius, Aries, Leo). The top 5 are generally stable: usually, Alfred Hitchcock Leo is the first according to several rankings (at least in the top 3), Saggitarius Spielberg is also first according to some rankings (at least in the top 5), Leo Stanley Kubrick is second or third (at least in the top 5), Quentin Tarantino Aries is fourth or fifth. The top 5 were diluted with Scorpio Martin Scorsese. #1 is Leo! Leos among the top 5: Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick.


The top 10 include Coppola Aries, Christopher Nolan Leo, Woody Allen Saggitarius, James Cameron Leo, and Akira Kurosawa Aries. Orsen Welles is Taurus, top 10, and among the top Coen brothers, the leader is Joel Coen is Saggitarius.

Example of the ranking, another rankingone more ranking

The top 20 include some fire signs like Charles Chaplin Aries, Roman Polanski Leo, David Lene Aries, Reedley Scott Scorpio, Peter Jackson Scorpio, Tim Berton Virgo, and George Lucas Taurus, Ingmar Bergman Cancer, John Ford Aquarius, Sergei Eisenstein Aquarius. 

Saturday, May 28, 2022

# 1 cruel

#1 cruel zodiac sign is among the earth element. Booth John Wilkes Taurus killed president Lincoln with a gun. 

Mark Chapman Taurus killed John Lennon 

Hitler was Taurus

Chris Brown beat Rihanna and almost broke her skull.

Dani Alves raped a woman and made her do … to him and did violent actions to her. 

#1 politician

Air is not a strong element, but the air has power in politics, these are the favorites of the public. Politics requires a subtle approach and humanness. This is the only element where there are no animals (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini), and this mini-discovery is mine. In other elements, there are animals in all signs except Virgo. Virgo Lee Kuan Yew was very correct, of course, air would not imprison his friends, but in general, this was done for order in the country. Here he gave up his animal needs for the sake of the well-being of Singapore. Strong in politics are all air signs and Virgo. Air is the power of the people. Abraham Lincoln (signed a decree on the liberation of blacks, died at the hands of a representative of his own people), Ronald Reagan (the best president according to some magazines, Trump's favorite president), Aquarius Franklin Roosevelt was elected 4 times, Yeltsin (gave freedom to the countries of the USSR), Trump (one of the best, gave freedom to the United States from the British / deep state), Xi Jinping (merits are more modest compared to other presidents), Mahatma Gandhi (public figure, liberator of India), who died from a bullet of a representative of his own people), Putin (raised the economy of the country, boldly went against the deep state), Luis da Silva (reduced poverty by 2 times in Brazil in a short time, lost his finger while working at a factory)

Among the current presidents of the largest countries, airmen are in the lead: Trump Gemini, Putin Libra, Xi Jinping Gemini, Indian President Ram Nath Kovind Libra. Indonesia - Joko Widodo Gemini. Among the kings and queens, many Taurus were found: Queen Elizabeth, King William Alexander of the Netherlands, King of Sweden, King of Cambodia (they don't make decisions) Rulers of countries by zodiac signs: Aquarius: 15 Capricorn: 13 Gemini: 16 Libra: 12 Dev: 7 Aries: 8 Leo: 5 Taurus: 11 (mostly queens and kings that don't make decisions) Sagittarians: 7 Crayfish: 6 Pisces: 11 Scorpions: 11 Air: 43, earth 31 (mostly kings and queens that don't decide), fire 20, water 28 Among the Pisces of the presidents, I found many countries that are backward in development: Mongolia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Angola, Guinea, Libya (already like this, it used to be better under Gaddafi), Somalia, Seychelles, Tunisia, Bhutan Exception: Norway and Japan Prime ministers of monarchies who serve as president: Prime Minister of the Netherlands Aquarius, Prime Minister of Great Britain Boris Johnson Gemini, Prime Minister of Sweden Aquarius, Prime Minister of Bahrain Libra, Prime Minister of Norway and India Modi (President of India performs representative functions) Virgo, Bhutan and Australia Taurus, Prime Minister of Belgium Scorpio, Premier of Kuwait Pisces Libra: 11, Sagittarius 11 Scorpio 10, Gemini 10, Virgo 10 Aquarius 9, Cancer 9 Pisces 8 Leo 7, Aries 7 Capricorn 5, Taurus 5 Air - 30, water - 27, fire - 25, earth - 19

Air presidents and prime ministers of the greatest and most influential countries.

Воздух - не сильная стихия, но у воздуха есть сила в политике, это любимчики публики. В политике нужен тонкий подход и человеколюбие. Это единственная стихия, где нет животных (Весы, Водолей, Близнецы)
и это мини-открытие я причисляю себе. В других стихиях есть животные во всех знаках кроме Девы. Дева Ли Куан Ю был очень правильным, конечно своих друзей сажать воздух бы не стал, но в общем это делалось для порядка в стране. Вот от своих животных потребностей отказался ради благополучия Сингапура. Сильные в политике - это все знаки воздуха и Дева.
Воздух - власть народа. Абрахам Линкольн (подписал указ об освобождении темнокожих, умер от рук представителя своего же народа), Рональд Рейган (лучший президент по версии некоторых журналов, любимый президент Трампа), Фраклин Рузвельт был избран 4 раза. Ельцин (дал свободу странам СССР), Трамп (один из лучших, дал свободу США от британского ига/ deep state) чуть не убитый сатанистами deep state), Си Цзиньпин (заслуги более скромные по сравнению с остальными президентами), Махатма Ганди (общественный деятель, освободитель Индии), умерший от пули представителя своего же народа), Путин (поднял экономику страны, смело шёл против deep state), Луис да Силва (за короткие сроки сократил бедность в 2 раза в Бразилии, потерял палец, работая на заводе)

Среди действующих президентов крупнейших стран лидируют воздушные:
Трамп Близнецы, Путин Весы, Сицзиньпин Близнецы, президент Индии Рам Натх Ковинд Весы (смена нынешняя Близнецы Драупарди Мурму) Индонезия- Джоко Видодо Близнецы
Среди королей и королев обнаружилось много Тельцов: королева Елизавета, король Нидерландов Вилльем Александр, король Швеции, король Камбоджи
Правители стран по знакам зодиакам:
Водолеев: 15
Козерогов: 13
Близнецы: 16
Весы: 12
Дев: 7
Овнов: 8
Лев: 5
Тельцы: 11 (в основном короли и королевы, которые не решают)
Стрельцы: 7
Раки: 6
Рыбы: 11
Скорпионы: 11
Воздух: 43, земля 31 (короли и королевы, которые не решают), огонь 20, вода 28

Среди Рыб президентов обнаружила много отсталых по развитию стран:
Монголия, Эфиопия, Гватемала, Ангола, Гвинея, Ливия (уже такая, раньше была лучше при Каддафи), Сомали, Сейшельские о-ва, Тунис, Бутан
Исключение: Япония и Норвегия

Премьер-министры монархий, которые выполняют функции президента: премьер Нидерландов Водолей, премьер Великобритании Борис Джонсон Близнецы, премьер Швеции Водолей, премьер Бахрейна Весы, премьер Норвегии и Индии Моди (президент Индии выполняет представительские функции) Девы, Бутана и Австралии Тельцы, премьер Бельгии Скорпион, премьер Кувейта Рыбы
Весы: 11, Стрелец 11
Скорпион 10, Близнецы 10, Девы 10
Водолей 9, Рак 9
Рыбы 8
Лев 7, Овен 7
Козерог 5, Телец 5
Воздух - 30, вода - 27, огонь - 25, земля - 19

Friday, May 27, 2022

#1 in skiing

Here it's more interesting. Aquarius (second) and Capricorn (first) dominate in skiing, both are winter signs. Aquarius is also first in biathlon, Capricorn - in hockey. All are winter signs. Pisces is third - February 19 - March 20, skiers are from countries where it is snowy and winter is there even in March. 

18 and 15 km - #1 is Aquarius  (5 gold Olympic medals)

Hallgeir Brenden (2 times gold), Sven-Ake Lundback, Andrus Veerpalu (2 times gold) = 5 in total

Pisces is second - 4 gold medals

Other signs are by 2. 

50 km - #1 is Capricorn (4 gold medals), the second is Aquarius - 3 gold medals

Gunde Svan, Petter Northug, Iivo Niskanen, Alexander Bolshunov

30 km - #1 is Capricorn - 5 gold medals, second is (3 gold medals) - Pisces

Veiko Hakulinen, Thomas Alsgaard, Christian Hoffman, Evgeniy Dementiev, Alexander Bolshunov

10 km and pursuit - #1 is Gemini (5 gold medals out of 8 total)

Bjorn Dahlie (4 gold medals), Frode Estil 

Total gold: Capricorn - 13, Aquarius - 10, Pisces - 8 (some are born in winter, some in March, but in winter countries Norway or Russia, March is still winter by weather, it is cold and snowy. 

Next: Gemini - 7, Cancer - 6 etc. 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

#1 in Biathlon

 #1 in biathlon - Bjoerndalen Aquarius. The best biathlete in history is Aquarius (Jan20 -Feb 19), a winter sign. In the top 10, there is one more Aquarius - Frank Ullrich (6th place in history's best biathletes). In another winter sport, hockey, Capricorn was a leader, also a winter sign (22 of December - January 19-20)

The second place belongs to Virgos. Marten Fourcade is the second-best biathlete after Bjoerndalen. Virgo Frode Andresen is number 7 in the top 10. 

Correctly predicted marriage dates/Правильно предсказанные даты брака

Aziza really found her partner in the second half of 2021. “You will marry in the second half of 2021” 
May, 2021: 
- I didn’t find anyone, even not close to marriage.
- Marriage means “beginning of a relationship” , it means you will meet someone in the second half of 2021.

Marriage happened in 2022, as predicted:
Development starts from the end of 2021-beginning 2022, that’s about Personal life, I don’t know about work. Marriage is most likely in 2022, maybe before spring 2023.

Perizat Maksutova married in 2022 as predicted earlier. 

By the way, Cholpon. You also made a forecast for my friend. You said her marriage would be in 2023 at the end of the year, 2 years ago. Got married on December 28th. You also made a forecast for my relative that she would get married in 2022 in the spring or in December. She's 87. Also got married at the end of December, I already remember the date.

Marriage Elvira Aitikeeva predicted on end of 2024-beginning 2024. January 2024 actual date of marriage. Known through a friend.

Karina Abdyldaeva married in 2021 as predicted. 

Bermet Ilyasova married in 2023 as predicted (made a prediction in 2021), learned via her friend. 

Wanted to know when we are gonna have a child. 
- Daughter by the end of 2023. 
- We lost hope, but now are waiting for a daughter in autumn 2023. 
Alisher Mamunov was engaged in 2021 and married in 2021 too. 
Nurberdi married in November 2021, but he thought it would be December since it was predicted as end of 2021-beginning 2022. 
Urmat Alkadyrov married in by the end of 2021 exactly as predicted. 
Baidoolot Talant uulu married in 2019, December as was predicted “I will stop my opinion on the end of 2019-beginning 2020” 

Second half of 2022 marriage. 
- Not ready, I don’t have anyone. 
Sept 28, 2022 date of marriage. 
I made this post in October 2022 with a bride, marriage predicted as end of 2022-till spring 2023.

@ayzhan_t married on July 12,  2023, engaged in March 2023. 

Aiperi, marriage can be either in 2018 or in 2019. You are gonna marry in 2018, 2019 - children, or if you meet a person in 2018, in 2019 may marry. It happened exactly: married in 2018, had a child in 2019.

Predicted as: summer - autumn period 2017. Autumn included. Date of marriage is October 2017. 

Date of marriage is here. 

Correctly predicted marriage to Chinara Jusup FB friend (marriage - middle of 2017) 

Altynai Sadabaeva is a very smart girl with a Republican test score of 214, from small-town Kant. Marriage date predicted: end of 2018 - beginning of 2019. December 2018 - factual marriage.

 Nargiza Abdubalieva married in 2017 as predicted - 2017

On January 10, 2018, they wrote to me asking me to predict the approximate date of marriage. I didn’t know if the girl had a bf, so when I saw the romantic aspects, I predicted that at the beginning of 2018 someone would propose. The girl just got married!

10 января 2018 мне написали с просьбой предсказать примерную дату брака. Я не знала есть ли МЧ у девушки, поэтому увидев романтические аспекты предсказала, что в начале 2018 кто-то сделает предложение. Совсем недавно девушка вышла замуж! 

Predicted: second half of 2018-first half of 2019. Sia Bakir-Usenbek married on January 19, 2019

Feruza Alimbekova from Fb married in 2018 as predicted.

Nadira Nurbekova  married in 2019 as predicted

The following woman (Andrea Lemonidou) married in 2021

Marriage was predicted for the daughter of a famous politician Aidanek Tekebaeva. Prediction was made on Oct. 2017, married as I wrote “will marry at the age of 24, end of 2020-beginning 2021.” Factual Engagement - Nov 2020, official marriage ceremony -  March 8, 2021

Dastan Dushekeev is an ambassador of Kyrgyzstan in Kazakhstan. I predicted two years of marriage: 2019 and 2021. He married twice: in 2019 and 2021.

Marriage and engagement in 2021, November. Altynai Abdusheva

Date of prediction - June 2017, marriage predicted for: Autumn 2020, the real thing: engagement 2020 autumn, marriage in 2021 April

Ira Zakernichnaya met her husband and they started living together in 2016 summer. Prediction was that she will meet love in summer 2016

My classmate from primary school. Exact prediction: end of 2018 - beginning 2019 marriage, happened on Nov, 2018

Ayana Kasymova is a famous singer in Kyrgyzstan. Marriage will be before June 2022 included, engagement is March 31, 2022, and coming marriage - June 2022. 

Ooganov Nurberdi Ooganov fb friend, summer - met a gf and in November 2021 married (predicted for end of 2021)

Marriage predicted for the end of 2021 - factual marriage - Dec. 2021

Another exact date of marriage: predicted for January-February 2017, official registration of marriage in Feb. 2017, marriage ceremony was later. 

Predicted two options: 2019 or 2021 (happened in 2021)

Maria Iamshikova got married in 2022 as predicted (date of prediction - 2019)

Friend of Айжан Касымалиева got married as I said "autumn 2021", factually: December 2021

Marriage is either in 2022 or 2024. 

Aiperi, marriage can be either in 2018 or in 2019. You are gonna marry in 2018, 2019 - children, or if you meet a person in 2018, in 2019 may marry. It happened exactly: married in 2018, had a child in 2019.

Meerim Ganieva fb. 
Hello, Cholpon. Hope you are fine. I hope you remember me)) Reading our correspondence, I remembered our meeting in 2017. To be honest, at that time I was not very prepared for the information that I received. As time showed, everything was for the better. September 14, 2021 I got married. As far as I remember, you talked about September 2021.