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Sunday, June 25, 2023

Taurus Olympic champions 2026 and 2030

 As a final version of Taurus in figure skating - #1 by the number of Olympic gold medalists and best figure skaters of the last 10 and coming 10 years - both men and women together. 

Women's: Barbara Ann Scott, Sara Hughes, Alina Zagitova, Kamila Valieva, Veronica Zhilina (2026)

Men's: Carl Sheffer (two-time OCH), Manfred Shneldorfer, Nathan Chen, Yuma Kagiyama (2030)

Taurus - the most favorite sign of judges. Sara Huges, Zagitova and Valieva, Nathan Chen - were always generously scored compared to their opponents. Judges love the artistry and beauty of their skating. 

ISU men calendar of events. Another version

2023 - Shoma Uno. World champion (happened) 

2024 - Yuma Kagiyama world champion 

2025 - Malinin World champion 

2026 Malinin Olympic champion

2027 Yuma Kagiyama 

2028 Malinin world champion

2029 Yuma Kagiyama 

2030 Yuma Kagiyama Olympic champion 

I do not really believe that Malinin can become a two-time OC. Yes, he is a Sagittarius, but in the men's singles only one Sagittarius can be king and that is Yuzuru Hanyu. Malinin jumps 4 axel, but in terms of components he will never reach Hanyu. As for the age of 26 years (in 2030) - this is not a very big age for men. Taurus Karl Schaeffer won at 26 also at the second Olympics. Plushenko was 27 in Vancouver, where he almost became an Olympic champion.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

GOAT in science

It is in the inventions that Aquarius and Pisces are first. Aquarius 1st and Pisces 2nd (slight lag)

Aquarius: Incandescent lamp - Thomas Edison, physics - Galileo Galilei (microscope, thermoscope, telescope, discovered the Moon, the law of inertia and free fall, and many more)

chemistry - Mendeleev (periodic table of chemical elements)

Biology - Darwin (natural selection and other theories)

Pisces: iPhone - Steve Jobs, Fisher's method - chess, discoveries in surgery, in physics - Einstein's theory of relativity (he is in the top 5 in IQ among scientists), but Aquarius Galileo Galilei is the best in history in physics.

 Bobby Fischer Pisces, the most brilliant chess player in history. GOAT. Well, Pisces, yes, they are the smartest after Aquarius.

GOAT in chess ♟ Bobby Fischer

GOAT in IT Steve Jobs

Number 1 in inventions in surgery by the number of inventions among top 10 - Pieces.

We have 2 Pieces in top 5 scientists with highest IQ after Aquarius (Einstein, Copernicus)

Thursday, June 22, 2023

#1 in men’s figure skating

#1 is a GOAT forever two-time Olympic champion Yuzuru Hanyu
#2 is an Olympic champion 2026 Malinin. 

Number 1 in history is Sagittarius Yuzuru Hanyu, the first two-time Olympic champion in 66 years after Dick Button (Moon in Sagittarius)
 Yuzuru Hanyu brought something new to the men's singles. Quad revolution author Hanyu was the first to jump: he made the quad Rittberger, the quad toe loop and the triple Axel in the cascade, he set 19 world records. The fastest in history. Plus, he has the best gliding in history among all, the most component skater in history (choreography, skating skills (one foot skating), highest speed and smoothest gliding). No pause before jumps, difficult entries. Rich program, full of complicated movements. Passion and expression. 
Malinin was the first to jump 4A, but Yuzuru jumped in training. Hanyu dominated from 2013 to 2018, becoming a two-time OC. Malinin will dominate from 2025 to 2028. We get 2 of the only and immediately best Sagittarius in the history of FS (winter sign dominates the men’s winter sports/figure skating) 
Both Malinin and Nathan Chen will never approach Yuzuru Hanyu in components and only Yuzuru Hanyu’s skating can be called divine. 

Over the past 10 years and the next 12 years (22 years in total) I noticed that the winter sign dominates in the men’s singles. Sagittarius Hanyu and Malinin, Capricorn Alexander Plushenko.

It is important to note that figure skating has changed a lot since 2012. 2013 Hanyu won the World Championship with multiple quads and in 2017 he did 4 quads and won the World’s. No one could do quads more than one. Moreover, he demonstrated the best possible speed, gliding, and superior choreography that no one could repeat. Malinin only started his career and first jumped 4 axel. This is only the beginning, maybe he will do 6 quads on the competitions. 

Number 1 in figure skating is Sagittarius: GOAT Hanyu and Malinin (Olympic champion 2026) 

https://www.facebook.com/share/XeKjxMwend4kyArd/?mibextid=LQQJ4d (fb Yuzuru Hanyu) 

Monday, June 19, 2023

#1 figure skater of the last 10 years


In figure skating, I wrote that Cancers are in second place after Taurus if we take number of Olympic gold medals in history both men and women. I took into account the number of Olympic gold medals. However, it is worth noting that the Olympic gold medal 🥇 20 years ago and the current one is heaven and earth. Sagittarius Hanyu in the men's singles did what others did not. Let's start with the fact that after Hanyu, quads were jumped in masse and a lot (he jumped 3, then 4 and then started jumping 5)

Sagittarius Yuzuru-san is the first two-time Olympic champion in the last 66 years after Dick Button who had Moon in Sagittarius. 

Before that, they also jumped, but one quad at a time in the program and rarely. Hanyu Yuzuru first did the quad rittberger and quad with 3 axel in combination. All movements are complicated. Plus, he demonstrated the best components in history (this is gliding, skating skills, speed, and choreography)

The most divine skating in history!

Sagittarius Malinin first jumped 4Axel, but is behind Hanyu in everything else: skating skills, glide, choreography. 

Shoma Uno Sagittarius and he is the silver medalist of the games, but his silver is gold, and the gold of Hanyu is a diamond, since the world of FS is much more competitive now. Hanyu is the GOAT. Sagittarius is number 1 for the last 10 years in men’s singles. 

You can say this: the best skaters of the last 10 years and the next 5 years (with quads)

Taurus, Cancer - female singles (Taurus Valieva and Veronika Zhilina, Cancers Trusova and Akatieva)

Sagittarius - Men’s singles: Sagittarius Hanyu, Malinin and Shoma Uno, Taurus Nathan Chen and Yuma Kagiyama.

Cancer Sasha Trusova: author of the quad revolution, fastest of all time, quad lutz jumper. 

Taurus in figure skating is strength, the number 1 sign of the zodiac by the number of Olympic gold medals. The most stable sign. Taurus Veronika Zhilina will succeed in everything: triple axel, quadruple Lutz, rotations, choreography, gliding, and quality of jumps. It will be a stable figure skater in the era of quads. 

Taurus Valieva is best at choreography, and most successful in components (artistry, skating skills, choreography, transitions) among all figure skaters. 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

July 2023 UFC fights predictions

Expected % accuracy for June - 70%

Faces of July UFC winners are here. 


Friday, June 2, 2023

Trump on women more aggressive than men

To quote Trump: Women are much more aggressive than men. They are real killers. Moreover, they are smart like devils. Female signs in the top 3 among serial killers. Pisces, Scorpio and Virgo. 

Although men are more conflicted and uncompromising, in terms of aggression, female signs are number 1. They become especially aggressive if something threatens their children. In addition, Pieces is almost number 1 in science and inventions after Aquarius. 

I would say men with feminine zodiac signs are serial killers mostly. The first female serial killer is Pieces, also feminine sign.