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Monday, September 12, 2022

Zodiac sign (Sun) Leo

 Leo is the legislature, Capricorn is the executive. No wonder Leo controls Capricorn.


- Stop acting like a child! You're like a kid!

Everyone supposedly likes the privilege of an adult, a position from above,

over a stupid child.

In fact, childishness of character creates a desire to please a person. An adult is boring with his analyzes, nit-picking and moralizing. The child gives a smile and emotions!

Yes, the child requires attention, is offended by trifles, is capricious, but the point is just to close his emotional needs in time. Making a child happy is a constant art that requires patience and a subtle approach. The child wants admiration and praise, he wants to feel significant. Not receiving proper love, he withdraws into himself and cannot express himself creatively.

He is told "Well done! Come on again, you can do it" when he falls on his first attempts to walk on his own.


The 5th house (responsible for the child and symbolizes Leo) in Astrology is responsible for love before marriage, this is the process of courtship and dates, in other words, the candy-bouquet period.

If the 7th house (Libra) is a mature stage of relationships, when people know each other well and are preparing to live together, start a family, then the 5th house is love - a game, a competition who will fall in love with someone more, who will impress someone more . The game is gambling, there is always a risk of not being liked and being underestimated. Here he prepared dances for her and rehearsed for a long time, but the dance did not impress her! It’s not about him, it’s just that the girl is not interested in this, she doesn’t know how to dance and inside she appreciates this kind of art low.

The girl shows the guy her stories, and he is too lazy to read, he did not appreciate her writing talent!

This is where it turns out whether there will be a continuation of the relationship)) Everyone received less admiration, and Leo

(symbol of love in the 5th house) hates ignoring his talents!

Thinking wrongly:

 Why stress what is so obvious?

 For example, if a girl went to a beauty salon and dressed up, you need to emphasize this! Tell me how beautiful she is! And you need not just to say with words, but to show your surprise and admiration! Emotions can say more than words...

It is really desirable for girls to look spectacular, because Leo loves well-groomed. Rather, in order to feel confident, and not in order to please.

The most important law of this stage is NOT to criticize!

Leo hates criticism. Personally, in my case, it works categorically - the slightest rude criticism (like you don’t paint your eyes like that, make a different hairstyle) and the end! Goodbye!

Criticism destroys relationships.

Do not rush the course of events, hinting at marriage or marriage, allow yourself to get to know each other better and enjoy the period of "childhood"


Crow - Leo 😃

"The fox sees the cheese, -

Cheese captivated the fox,

The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;

He wags his tail, does not take his eyes off the Crow

And he says so sweetly, breathing a little:

"Darling, how pretty!

Well, what a neck, what eyes!

To tell, so, right, fairy tales!

What feathers! what a sock!

And, of course, there must be an angelic voice!

Sing, little one, don't be ashamed! What if, sister,

With such beauty, you are a master of singing, -

        After all, you would be our king-bird!"

        From joy in the throat breath stole, -

And to fox's friendly words

The crow croaked at the top of its throat:

The cheese fell out - there was such a cheat with it" (Krylov's fable)


I just need to know that the girl is my level. This is the main thing.(c)

A Leo


This is the answer I like best. And guess who wrote it? His Majesty Leo

"... For me, love is something high, which makes the two greatest one, it is perspective, it is a stormy activity, a dome of passion, romance, roof-breakers, a future with bright light, waking up with one thought, it is waiting for me and my heart is beating in her name, try for her smile, and every day it's always new, new feelings, new looks, new hugs, relationships before marriage are really romance, a whole chemistry of passion and an ocean of feelings. Relationships are a whole science, if you once doubted, doubts pursue until the end, until you forgive it in yourself and let it go.

I don’t understand why advertise the prudence of the candidate, a mediocre approach, a family man alphabetically. No randomness, boring. I as a Leo myself like bursts of events, eccentricities, surprises, not ordinary things, general colors .. "


Is there love between Leos? The answer is YES. In Astrology, the 5th house (the house of Leo) is responsible for love up to the stage of a serious relationship (7th house), that is, this is a period of flirting, when people sincerely want to please each other, exposing their virtues. This is the time of the game - approach - move away, approach - move away. A game that gives pleasure with its unpredictability, drama and vivid emotions. In other words, the "Candy-bouquet" period, which is better not to rush to end, since at this time love comes from the heart (the Sun is a symbol of the Heart), without any calculation "you to me, I to you"

Example: Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. Alfred Hitchhock and Alma Reville

Scorpio to Leo: You play for the audience! You are not sincere in your feelings!

No matter how you meet the standards of beauty, the main thing is how you know how to present yourself!
When Danila Polyakov (a permanent member of the jury of the "Top Model in Russian" project) was asked with whom he was most pleased to work, he answered - with Yulia Vlasenko. And here is the argument:
"She's super-individual. Cool looks, cool brains. And beauty is an inner feeling. Julia understands that she can be stunning, although 70 percent of people will say that she is ugly. On the show, she really felt magnetism in herself. I like when a girl can suddenly turn on the diva effect. Be cleverly arrogant. And since any person wants to adopt what he likes, I like to portray women turned on their superiority from time to time. " (c)
Bright, creative, theatrical Lioness girls! With self-respect.
Yulia Vlasenko, Leo, famous model:
“At first, I worked with anyone, even studied the world of catering from the inside. At some point, I realized that I couldn’t do something dull, I just climbed the wall from this, and began to storm the modeling world.
For me, the work of the model is a job in fashion, and not at night parties.
I love shows. Each show is a small performance with its own philosophy and stage tasks. In general, the work of a model is a little from the theater.
 Once I fell at a fashion show in Thailand. It was something. Everyone applauded, apparently I landed beautifully. The most amazing thing is that after that my booker said: “Cool, this is a great PR, now everyone remembers you, this is good for a career!” (Yulia Vlasenko)
With Lions, you can not afford a dismissive attitude. Although they do not admit that they are wrong, it is still not worth spoiling relations with them. These are Leos, they put themselves high, but in return they give a lot.
I don't care who you are, the main thing is who I am next to you (Leo)

Leo values ​​​​his reputation, and it is difficult for him to have periods when there is a negative public opinion about him. This is a direct blow to the pride of the Lion. So much time to build a positive image, and then lose it all at once because of the slander and envy of ill-wishers ... I can imagine how stressful it is for Leo. The lion is very worthy in society and is a model of secularism, nobility and generosity. He does not admit weaknesses to himself or others, if he talks about problems, he does this after he has successfully solved them. Leo is an inspiration and motivator, an actor in life and cinema, who has a personal story and his own drama.
“Indeed, outwardly it seems that everything in my life is going like clockwork, but few people know that since 2003 I have had very serious problems related to both business and creativity at the same time. No, problems are putting it mildly, it was a struggle for survival, I really could lose everything, including my good name, and this was the worst thing for me.Everything that is possible and impossible was hung up on me, they began to groundlessly accuse me of all mortal sins, suspect me of some utter things. In short, they formed an opinion. When this happens, it is very difficult to wash off. And my children, who read those custom-made articles, were ashamed to look into the eyes: I have not only little Sasha, but also adult children - 27-year-old Kolya now works in in Moscow in a metallurgical company, and daughter Vika, she is 23 years old, studies at the New York drama school. Moreover, in this tough persecution, everything was big - so bad for me that it seems that there is nowhere worse. I needed to pass through everything with dignity. Fortunately, we succeeded. Thank God, this period is over, now everything is over, and I don’t even want to return to that time ... "(c) Igor Krutoy, 7


Give Lions more compliments and you will have their lifelong conciliation!
“Let them talk what they want,” the satisfied and happy favorite of the public told us. “Yes, I earn twenty times more than my husband. But he loves children - both his own daughter and my two children from a previous marriage. He loves me the way I am. For example, lately I've been terribly worried about being overweight.
With horror, I look in the mirror at my big, as it seems to me, ass. Lyosha comes up and kisses me. He says: “Yes, your ass is the best in the world! We can say our family wealth. After these words, I go to work with a different mood. In the end, now is such a time: whoever in the family can earn money, he earns. Of course, even now, although I am the mother of three children, I have male admirers. They give flowers, often order flower delivery in Moscow, they say compliments. I will never forget with what delight the massage therapist looked at me recently. Like any normal woman, I am pleased, but nothing more. Family is the most important thing." (TV presenter Alla Dovlatova, Sun, Mercury, Venus in Leo, from the article "Dovlatova feeds children and husband",

Lions are very sensitive to any kind of humiliation. Any attempts to show the Lions that they are lower in status, financial situation or worse than others on some racial grounds greatly hurt their pride. Model Iman and actress Halle Berry (Lions) have been proving to everyone all their lives that black people are also normal and talented people,
not the dregs of society. It is now considered taboo and an insult to even hint at the "low-grade" of a person just because he is a Negroid race. And in those days, they made it very clear that you were black, so we can’t take you to play the main role in the movie. In Russia and the CIS countries, the problem is still acute. Black football player Hulk, Leo, speaks on this subject as follows:
“The only thing that really upsets me about Russia is the attitude of fans towards black players. Unfortunately, racism happens in Russian stadiums. I think it doesn’t matter what color a player has.” (c) Hulk
My classmate Leo, the only friend was at school. No matter how much I or someone else tried to offend, insult, humiliate him, he always behaved with dignity and did not even take offense! This is what the Sun means at home, self-respect does not need confirmation from the outside, Leo accepts his significance for the axiom.
"I'm good, if someone disagrees with this, it's his problem"

Aquarius invents, Leo promotes.
Leo loves passionately, with all his warm, generous heart given from the Sun! Leo is the place where the Sun shines and manifests itself in full force! In Leo, the Sun is at home!
Yes, my father is Leo and he is generous, unconditionally generous both with family and friends.
Naive are not only Lions, childish naivety is inherent in fire in general, including Aries and Sagittarius. Leo loves passionately, with all his warm, generous heart given from the Sun! Leo is the place where the Sun shines and manifests itself in full force! In Leo, the Sun is at home!
Leo wants to achieve recognition, he loves to surprise and demonstratively show what he is capable of.
7th grade:
Libra: Throw me money to my cell-phone
Leo: mmm....
Libra: please, you are good, generous!
Leo: ok
Dropped 200 soms 😚😊 ❤
Here's how to deal with Lions.
The lioness dyed her hair. Her boyfriend did not squeal with delight,
he didn’t even give a compliment, but just said: “Well, you were so good before that” (that is, you were beautiful anyway). And the Lioness did not like it. 
"I quit first because I'm afraid they might quit earlier"

Leo's words
The sun falls in Libra and is expelled in Aquarius. Libra tries to draw attention to themselves by doing things that please other people. So they achieve recognition of the environment. Aquarius tries to stand out through rebellion, non-standard behavior, it is important for him to be different from the rest. So he makes discoveries, comes up with original solutions to problems and gains recognition that compensates for the expulsion of the Sun.
In Leo, the Sun is strong, as it is at home. Therefore, Leo is self-sufficient, he does not demand attention to himself, does not crave praise, he receives all this unconditionally, from birth.
Leo likes to impress! So if Leo does
something good for you, react enthusiastically! A simple and modest "thank you" does not suit him.
To offend Leo, you don’t even have to make an effort. Just don't reply to the message.
A lion cannot be forced to do something through swearing. If you think that through criticism he will become better and he will have more motivation to prove that he is worth something, you are mistaken. The lion will not lift a finger if he is constantly criticized. It's hard to manipulate them by arousing guilt. 
Leo is offended when his merits are not recognized. Leo works to impress, otherwise why? It's a shame when you are underestimated! That is why Leo most often works for himself!

Look at him! Lazy, noble, popular and beloved by all the king of animals - Leo!
The lion, as a king, is supposed to be lazy, do not judge strictly.
Aries loves the word "best", and Leo - "unique"

Lionesses of a woman with a lion's mane. Children of the Sun. Noble, regal, majestic bearing, proud, artistic, popular, domineering. The stage for them is life, and attention to their person is a common thing! With all actions and deeds for show, they tell people: "Here I am! Look and admire!"

Whitney Houston, Marlene Favela, Jennifer Lopez (her childhood idol was Madonna, also Leo), Madonna, Charlize Terron

Whatever level Leo is in terms of financial status, he will always be able to play a person from high society. Even rich people will be jealous, as Leo is not equal in their ability to behave. They behave like rich people even if they are of more humble backgrounds. Take Neslihan Atagul, for example. She plays the rich girl Nihan and does it more than convincingly.
Fire attacks and is set to attack. In the famous animated series Avatar, the element of fire unleashed the war first. Therefore, it is better for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius not to run into conflicts and be less quick-tempered and harsh.

Leo often behaves like Yushka in Platonov's story. They say bad things about him, but he rejoices inside
"Oh, they are discussing me! It's an honor, but they love me, because they pay attention to me!"
 So he tries to get away from admitting to himself that they think of him not as well as he imagines. 
An excerpt from the work:
"There Yushka is coming! There is Yushka!
    Children picked up dry branches, pebbles, rubbish in handfuls from the ground and threw them at Yushka.
    - Yushka! the children shouted. Are you really Yushka?
    The old man did not answer the children and was not offended by them; he walked as quietly as before, and did not cover his face, into which pebbles and earthen rubbish fell.
.... When the children completely stopped Yushka or hurt him too much, he told them:
    “What are you, my relatives, what are you, little ones! .. You must love me! .. Why do you all need me? .. Wait, don’t touch me, you hit me in the eyes with mud, I don’t see.
    The children did not hear or understand him. They still pushed Yushka and laughed at him. They rejoiced that you can do whatever you want with him, but he does nothing for them.
    Yushka was also happy. He knew why the children laughed at him and tormented him. He believed that children love him, that they need him, only they do not know how to love a person and do not know what to do for love, and therefore they torment him. "
Lions - noble and naive soul!
There are two models by which knowledge can be disseminated.

Lion's: Cool packaging, enticing advertising, high price of goods and focus on the elite. The lower and lower middle classes are left out.

Aquarius: The desire to spread information to as many people as possible. To popularize knowledge and make a common contribution in the name of some idea - to benefit as many people as possible, to convey something and make a change in consciousness. Orientation to all, regardless of social class.
Don't abuse Leo's admiration. You yourself will not notice how admiration will be replaced by contempt.
Leo says: "I am worth a lot" and provides services to rich and generous clients. He is driven inside by the phrase: "Do not throw beads in front of pigs," that is, do not sell to those who value it low.
Leo is inclined to demonstrate his results and skills. Here will make something - it is necessary to tell! That's Leo's task - to demonstrate! They make great marketers! They will present the goods in the most favorable light with all the pluses. They have excellent self-presentation skills. The abandoned discoveries of great scientists that are gathering dust on the shelves have a chance to become popular if Leo intends to show them to the people and promote them
I respect Leo for the fact that he will not allow himself to be humiliated. Especially the Lioness woman always behaves with royal dignity and her pride simply will not allow someone to wipe their feet on her. Well done dude, this is how it should be.
Not only Leo, but all fire signs (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) are boastful. Leo loves everything branded, status, secular and always emphasizes his positive qualities, which necessarily indicate that he is above others. Leo hates competition, he wants to be unique and incomparable. He likes to assert himself through acquaintance with stars and other unique personalities, popular people. He also claims to be a star.
Aries is pathetic because he loves all the best in the rating, he always wants to be the first, therefore, unlike Leo, on the contrary, he loves competition, tries to break the record, jump above his head. He asserts himself through victories and understands the laws of natural selection, where the strongest survive. He likes to humiliate another not by status (Aries is not secular at all), but by specific parameters "The best in this, I do this cooler than everyone else, I "did" that one, I won this one."
And what is the pathos of Sagittarius? The answer is not entirely obvious at first glance. But if you look closely, you can see that Sagittarius clearly loves authority and prestige. He sucks up to the guru, respects excellent students at school, because everyone respects them, listens only to authoritative people and authoritative media, but the opinion of the rest does not matter. Arrogantly looks at the illiterate and low-spiritual. He himself claims authority, loves when his opinion is listened to, therefore he often teaches and instructs, likes to act as a spiritual leader, loves to give advice. He considers it necessary to have a higher education, and a prestigious one. He loves to learn and expand his horizons to say: "I know more than you and have seen more, so listen to me!"
He also chooses places of work, focusing on prestige and authority.
Leo only pretends to be self-sufficient. In fact, he has a rather vulnerable ego. He believes that he makes a brilliant impression on those around him. Faith always leaves room for doubt. Therefore, Leo is forced to seek approval from others, a kind of feedback on his actions, in order to be convinced of his exclusivity again and again.
Leo is fine, don't worry. He just likes to dramatize.
Leos don't like being compared to others. If Leo is your boyfriend or girlfriend, never tell him:

"You look so much like that famous star! You have the same eyes, the same voice, and much more"

He wants to be the only one. He himself is like a star, why do you compare him with another star? (unless it's his idol)
Lions are contemptuous of petty and prudent people. They believe that it is necessary to live in abundance and wealth, and pettiness and stinginess humiliates their self-esteem. Therefore, they can easily pay for you in a cafe, leave generous tips to the waitress, are ready to overpay when buying clothes in branded boutiques, do not count change, and can forgive debts. Of course, around Leo, therefore, there are many applicants for his fortune, they think how to deceive the naive Leo and play on his generosity.
In general, there is nothing reprehensible in the fact that Leo is proud. Let this be his Lion's right. But if you allow him to show theatrical narcissism, he will do everything for you. Just do not criticize him, praise him more often.
"You either agree or keep quiet," one well-known journalist Leo told followers and friends on Facebook.
Leo is proud and wants to give the impression of a self-sufficient person. He cannot even admit to himself that he has problems and everything is bad. When you tell Leo that he had depression at such and such a period, he says:
"Yes, it was just a feeling of uncertainty. I wouldn't call it depression."
The lion does not want to look miserable in his own eyes. And also for him the main thing is not to lose face in society, you need to "keep the facade."
In general, it is difficult for fire signs (Leo, Aries and Sagittarius) to be aware of their emotional needs. They want to appear strong and do not want to admit weaknesses. Everything is good with them, even when objectively it is not so.
Leo just needs to know that he is special. It helps him to be creative.
Leos don't like being criticized. Because he is very creative and does everything with love. And creative people always painfully perceive criticism of their creations. Leos put love into everything they do. This is not a passion for business, like a Scorpio (which withstands criticism quite successfully). Leo has Sunny love, calm and majestic, the egregor of life on earth. Leo does everything with energy and enthusiasm, he loves passionately and generously, is ready to forgive and be noble. Constantly radiates pride and dignifiedly kept in society. He jokes, behaves liberated, dramatizes and plays on stage to attract special attention to himself.
All this for the sake of one goal - to win people's love and gain recognition.
Leo needs recognition, if you let him feel his importance, he will be ready to do everything for you, simply because you appreciated him. In this case, he will turn a blind eye to your obvious shortcomings and forgive weaknesses.
Aquarius does not like the malleable, Aquarius loves to be argued with. And Leo, the opposite of Aquarius, is just the one who likes it when they look into their mouths and agree. 
Why are Sun signs so wildly popular?
Because it's Leo)) ☀ 😘 And Leo is always popular.
I won't fight you. You are just dogs ... why lower yourself to you?

(c) The Lion King


Dan Pena:
Kids, what if you were not afraid of anything?
Men, beast, financial bankruptcy, nothing?
Dan Pena states that he fought with buffalo, got up, chased and killed it.
Dan Pena is Leo. Brave

Lions are devoted to those from whom they received help, they are devoted to the authorities, benefactors and those who are for them. In relationships, not everything is so simple, there are cheating Lions, but Sagittarius and Aries are number 1 in this regard, Leo among the fire is the most faithful.
She was a capricious girl, but she married a good guy Leo, who does everything she says. I mostly got good feedbacks for Leo husbands.
The only fire sign that can handle water is Leo. In one of the swims, freestyle1500 meters Leo was the best. In addition, Leo Charles Jogin was able to survive after the crash of the Titanic. He was drunk and was in the water for a long time
With many virtues of Leo, there is a trait of "disobedience" and unwillingness to listen to advice. Even simple advice or constructive criticism can be taken with hostility, not to mention possible hurtful speech.
This can become a problem when communicating with more authoritative and powerful people. The desire to do things your way. Megan Markle Leo came to the royal family as a naive girl and wanted to wear what she wants, behave as she wants, spend as much as she wants, but the reality turned out to be that it was necessary to obey the rules, and the earth is poorly expressed in the chart. As a result, the British press "ate" Meghan Markle, criticizing everything in her. Clothes, behavior, spending. Meghan Markle even wanted to commit suicide.
Leo is the opposite of Aquarius. Leo loves people with imperial manners and he himself is one. There are successful dictators among the Lions, this is Fidel Castro. One of the best dictators in the world, favorite of Cuba
Lions have low stress resistance. Elchin Sangu burst into tears when Fahriye Evcen yelled at her in front of everyone. They are easy to hit
The best runners are mostly from Africa, and there the Sun is just fuel for the fire. Fiery best in running

Fiery excel in running both in the number of the best and titled, and in the number of gold medals in the Olympic Games in the overall standings.
If we count by races at different distances, the fire is also a leader:
100,200,800, 10000m marathon = fiery leaders over 5 distances
Best among runners is Leo, Usain Bolt  (100, 200, 800), among women - Sagittarius Griffith Joyner.
Second Fastest - Leo Tyson Gay.
Coco Channel died of a heart attack. Heart attacks are the most common Leo disease. Demi Lovato sings "Heartattack" where she says she'll have a heart attack if she loves again.
Cancer and Leo
Two baby signs. The difference is that Leo knows more about his virtues and does not let himself be offended. The lion cannot be deceived. Cancer can tolerate and be a victim. Both signs tend to pity the offended. Leo is a sign of the heart and perhaps that is why everything is perceived too sharply. Cancer says - okay, and Leo immediately gets annoyed and begins to defend his point of view. Leo, unlike Cancer, is much more self-centered and wants to be in the public eye, while Cancer tends to be more insecure and prefers to be in the shadow behind someone. Cancer is more touchy. Leo is also touchy, but Leo hits back, and Cancer just does everything so that you understand how much you hurt them and throws a tantrum. Leo is ruthless to enemies, and Cancer is less proud and can remain silent. Unlike Cancer, Leo is more quick-tempered and can attack because of the slightest hurt pride. Leo hates being raised, this is an independent sign, and Cancer appreciates someone's guardianship and takes care of himself. There is more love, understanding and care in Cancer. Without love Cancer dries up. Cancer needs love like water, Leo can often offend Cancer with a lack of sensitivity and attentiveness. Cancer offends Leo by not recognizing him -
Cancer is more self-sacrificing and treats everyone well. Leo is prone to leadership, which is probably why he divides people and behaves vainly. Cancer, on the other hand, believes that all people deserve love, regardless of abilities and achievements. Leo believes that the strong deserve love especially. Cancer is more for the weak.
The purpose of this post is to show that two signs are childish and hate insincerity and harsh criticism. Be careful. Although these are two children's signs, Cancer is water, Leo is fire, therefore they are different.
Alain Delon did not have a normal relationship with his wife Natalie. From the first days of their marriage, they yelled at each other. Alain Delon, according to Natalie, scolded her for her inability to cook. The only thing she knew how to do was cook pasta.
He told her, "I know what you will cook for the next few days"
Delon also called Natalie a dragonfly and himself an ant. Delon is reminiscent of Bill Gates in that both are Scorpios who came from ordinary families. Gates comes from a working-class family, and Delon was abandoned by his mother as a child. From childhood accustomed to save. Natalie Leo was not used to saving and didn't particularly like to cook. This is where the characters don't match.
The social status of the parents of a Leo child is not so important. Lions even in poverty will spend. They are just like that, don't skimp. Especially when it comes to themselves. It is not a pity to spend on good, necessary things of higher quality.
Leo has a negative trait. A childishly open language that sometimes brings problems. A child can often say things that do not need to be voiced.
Jennifer Lopez in an interview talked about confusing passion with love. Fiery ones. Passion is more important
In politics and friendliness, Leo may be inferior to Aquarius, but in PR and marketing it beats. Leo also beats Aquarius in matters of the heart.
Demi Lovato punched a girl who revealed information about drug addiction. She then had a bruise. Lions are not to be joked with. For Leos, a good image is important, and information about drug addiction has spoiled the reputation of the singer
Chukovsky: "He loved something huge. In a huge office, on a huge writing desk, he had a huge inkwell. The fireplace in his office was the size of a gate, and the office itself was like a square. Such an attraction to the huge, magnificent was reflected at every step. His house was always crowded: guests, relatives, an extensive courtyard and children - many children, both his own and others' - his temperament demanded a broad and generous life. " This is about the writer Andreyev. "Looks like a Leo" - I thought. It turns out he is a Leo The writer doesn't necessarily mean poor.
Charles Feaney's main zodiac sign is Taurus, Mars in Leo. Both signs are quite generous.
The wife of Hitchcock, Leo Alma Reville had seasickness, which the director spoke about when he told how he proposed on the ship. Fire signs actually have a hard time around water.

The top 10 greatest tennis players include 3 Leos and 3 Gemini.

Leos: Federer, Petros Sampras, Rod Laver


In weightlifting Cancer is first, the second is Leo. Leos are: Naim Suleimanoglu is one 3-times OCH, two 2-time: Alexander Kurlovich, Valdemar Bashanovski. 


I also highlight Leos as those who were poor and could become rich. According to poor oligarchs, among 20 top oligarchs that came from poor families, 5 are Leos: 

George Soros - from the middle class, Fransua Pino - from the family of a merchant, was ashamed of his poverty, Li Ka Shing - In the 5th class he lost his father and had to work at factory, Sheldon Adelson - poor family, father worked as a driver, Larry Elisson worked 8 years to feed himself. 


Among the top 20 most generous people in history, the most generous zodiac signs are: 

1) Taurus - about 4226% 2) Saggitarius -966% 3) Leo - 388%

There is a formula of generosity: amount sacrificed/current financial state. 

Taurus Charles Feeney (he has Mars in Leo) sacrificed $8 billion and left $2 million -  4200%. 

Leos: George Soros - 211% - 313,2%, donated $18,1 billion or $26 billion (?), current $8,6 or $8,3 billion

Kaizer 35%, Azim Premji 36,9%, Li Ka-shing 5% = 388%

Number 1 is Leo ♌️ as a proof for the astrological characteristic of a sign as theatrical 

Most titled Oscar laureates: first is Leo, second is Taurus

Leo: Walter Brennan (3 times for the supporting actor), Dustin Hoffman (2 times for the best man's role), Sean Penn (2 times for the best man's role), Robert De Niro (2 times: 1 for best man's role, 1 for the supporting actor), Kevin Spacy (2 times: 1 for the man's best role, 1 for the supporting actor), Jayson Robards (2 times supporting actor) = 13 Oscars

I looked at some rankings and revealed that in the top 5 and 10 are 80% fire signs (Saggitarius, Aries, Leo). The top 5 are generally stable: usually, Alfred Hitchcock Leo is the first according to several rankings (at least in the top 3), Saggitarius Spielberg is also first according to some rankings (at least in the top 5), Leo Stanley Kubrick is second or third (at least in the top 5), Quentin Tarantino Aries is fourth or fifth. The top 5 were diluted with Scorpio Martin Scorsese. #1 is Leo! Leos among the top 5: Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick.

The top 10 include Coppola Aries, Christopher Nolan Leo, Woody Allen Saggitarius, James Cameron Leo, and Akira Kurosawa Aries. Orsen Welles is Taurus, top 10, and among the top Coen brothers, the leader is Joel Coen is Saggitarius.

Example of the ranking, another rankingone more ranking


I also highlight Leos as those who were poor and could become rich. According to poor oligarchs, among 20 top oligarchs that came from poor families, 5 are Leos: 

George Soros - from the middle class, Fransua Pino - from the family of a merchant, was ashamed of his poverty, Li Ka Shing - In the 5th class he lost his father and had to work at factory, Sheldon Adelson - poor family, father worked as a driver, Larry Elisson worked 8 years to feed himself. 

Regarding the conflict between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, that Kate made a remark in Meghan's harsh form about the children's dresses. Kate is Capricorn and it is worth noting that this sign does not have a personality, it is a set of attitudes and rules. Megan is a personality and here we again see the leadership qualities of the fire element. She was offended because they wanted to “attach” the standard to her and did not even warn her how to dress the children at the wedding. You need to respond to Capricorn's remarks correctly, without offense, understanding that you are not communicating with a person, but with something automatically correcting you.
Francia Raisa donated a kidney to Selena Gomez. The generosity of this sign is often amazing. One thing is money, another is to give away part of the body. I'm talking about Leos.
Meghan Markle Lion has succeeded in winning Harry's heart. Lions more accurately succeeded in winning hearts. If you notice ... Lions are always like that ...
Of the 9 best anime directors, 2 are Leo and 2 are Libra.
No. 1 - Leo and Libra: Tatsuya Ishihara - Leo, Akiyuki Shimbo - Libra, Satoshi Kon Libra, Mamori Oshi Leo. In addition, I would also add the director and screenwriter of the anime Shinzo - Lev Tetsuo Yamazawa. Shinzo is the best anime of my childhood, I haven't seen anything better.

Leos really don’t like it when authorities trample on them. They simply lose respect if you go against especially those in the outside world who became their first mentor, a popular idol.
Leos often always want to do everything their own way. This applies not only to Markle, it is quite clear why there. Often they can simply argue over trifles where this should not be done. For example, if you tell them we’ll meet there, they will answer: maybe over there?
There are good and there are powerful, evil Leos. Dina Averina is kind, she said: “Don’t poison the Ashram. I feel sorry for her."
They say about Leos that they are too domineering. One Chinese woman with whom I shared a room in the summer during work and travel always asked me to do something for her. Give it, bring it, put it there. There is an overbearing quality, but it was not difficult for me, since such requests were not frequent.
Lina from the Battle of Psychics was remarked that she too harshly rejected the competitor Vlad’s method and did not allow him to do the ritual. They even said: “she has something of a predator in her” On the other hand, one person wrote in the comments about “male generosity” of Lina. This is Leo - a combination of predator and generosity. Angelina Izosimova could also show severity towards Vlad.
Leos often always want to do everything their own way. This applies not only to Markle, it is quite clear why there. Often they can simply argue over trifles where this should not be done. For example, if you tell them we’ll meet there, they will answer: maybe over there?
By the way... Sterling Leo and other fighters call him an actor.
Tetsuo Imazawa is the writer and director of the Shinzo anime. He's a Leo, it's a pity he's not on the list of the top 10 best anime directors in history. There are two Leos besides him and this one is also a Leo. For me, Shinzo is the best anime of my childhood! I was waiting for him every episode and when Shinzo ended, I was just sad and missed the kind Mushra. I loved Shinzo very much.


One of the directors is Roger Allers Cancer ♋️ and this is also about rich imagination. Directed by Rob Minkoff Lev, just two directors and two child characters.
Leo 🦁 Balotelli spends half of his salary on helping children from Africa. Well, yes, Leo is a generous sign. The most generous Chuck Finney has Mars in Leo.
Monica Lewinsky is a typical Leo, she was flattered by the president's attention and entered into a love affair with him. I feel sorry for the woman, because after this affair she lost her career and reputation. Bill remained white and fluffy. For Leo, losing his reputation is like a bad dream. The same is about Meghan Markle.
Leos tolerate criticism more easily than Sagittarius. Leos cannot stand hate speech when they are hated and insulted.
Leos are the most loyal of the fiery ones. Dana White is loyal to Donald Trump, of course... he raised the UFC brand from the bottom to success. How dare Piers Morgan ask why Dana is extremely loyal to Trump?
The best runners in history come from hot African countries (Jamaica is hot too). It's no wonder why fire signs lead the race. They take energy from the sun, and there is a lot of sun in Africa. Running itself as a sport is included in the summer sports.

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