Moon signs

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Солнечные знаки (общеизвестные Знаки Зодиака)

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Zodiac sign (Sun) Cancer

-  Do you know that Nazarbaev strongly believes in Astrology and Numerology?

- Didn't know. Not surprised. He is Cancer. Cancers are superstitious 

- Powerful! Yes, exactly. All Cancers I met were superstitious 

Princess Diana also had an astrologer since she believed in superstitions 

Lucas and Said in the Clone telenovela! Both are Cancers. I noticed that mostly water signs become great telenovela actors, Cancer and Pisces most often. Because they are very impressionable and sensitive, they can portray different emotions and experiences. Also, these 2 signs have a rich imagination and love to live in their own world. Cancers have an expressive look.


Cancer men can calmly say:

- I need you! Don't leave me... I can't live without you.


I like Cancers because they are not afraid to show themselves vulnerable, especially men.


Two signs that have immunity to Scorpio bites are Gemini and Cancer. Gemini defends with low importance, they don't care, they don't react. Moreover, Gemini is the 8th sign of Scorpio, it is they who manipulate him! "I think the Scorpio charms do not work on Gemini," the Gemini girl said, that's why. Since Gemini is the master of Scorpio, the 8th sign.

Cancers are related to Scorpio, the element is one - water. Cancer is great at dissolving the negativity of Scorpio. It does not reflect, but simply accepts and dissolves. Cancer protects its inner world and has a protective shell. It is easy to hurt him, but it is precisely from the Scorpios that he gets the least. Maybe also due to the fact that Cancers are still masochists)) They always speak well of Scorpios!


Here is a letter written in a personal:

"I am annoyed by Cancer guys for the most part, but girls are fine.

They can come into conflict with a girl 😂 and can sincerely conflict with her on an equal footing, but at the same time they will portray strength and dignity.

Of course, not everyone is like that, but it's hard for me to respect them somehow, for weakness"


Cancers and Scorpios are united by a strong instinct for self-preservation. For these two signs, the family is something closed and secret, something that needs to be paranoidly protected from the outside world. Two tenacious signs, hold tightly to each other and are very jealous.


Cancerians create any mood for themselves through certain music


Cancers try to create the most comfortable atmosphere so that everyone can freely express their point of view. It's always scary to make presentations when the atmosphere is hostile and tense. I clearly remember how I made presentations and always caught the supportive glances, gestures of Cancers! They really listened! I felt mentally better! I relaxed. Responsive character


- What do you think ________?

Cancer: A good, well-mannered girl

Scorpio: Irresponsible, dumb and always just hanging out


People are sitting at the table... they live on planet Earth, they sit and communicate normally with each other. And there are some among them who at that time live in another world, he is clearly not on this planet, and at the moment he does not care what others think of him. Silent in his comfort zone, relaxing... This someone is a Cancer.


Cancers are very warm people))


Cancer makes the right decisions and gives the right answers when it is in a relaxed state. Tension comes, intuition goes.


Cancerians remember facts through the experience of certain emotions.


How are you? Everything is fine? Cancers can say so, they really care about how you are doing. Cancers are genuinely interested.


Cancer: Sorry, I talk about my problems all the time...

Pisces: Nothing, everything is fine.


Cancer is attached to loved ones, he is ready to endure a lot and forgive just not to let go. Hence the masochism, it's just that Cancer lets few people into his world, and when he does this, there is no way back for the one who entered.


Sister Aizhan Kurmanalieva Cancer with Moon in Cancer says:

“Get dressed, aren’t you cold? It’s already autumn, and you’re walking around like this at home! Look, your feet are so cold, it’s just ice! Can you at least put on socks? No, I’m serious, come on, come on! Also, your throat is open, well, in general.”

And I went to look for socks.

Cancers have a strong sense of protectionism. They especially protect loved ones. Often, of course, this develops into obsessive concern. But overall, who doesn't like being taken care of like that?

Who is the sister and who is the little sister :)


Cancers communicate as if they are complaining. Such a tone.



You've been given a job to do now.


Now there is no desire, I will do it in an hour, when there is a mood.


It is difficult to put pressure on Cancers and force them to do something against their will. Suspicious and everywhere finding something to say against, they can find objections to any proposal. Often they see a problem where there is none and in some places they are more meticulous than Virgos.


Cancer is a shy bunny))


If Cancer has fallen in love, he will hover around for a very long time, frightened at the sight of you and afraid to be the first to come up and speak.


Cancer lives in its own world and few people are allowed to go there. His inner world is a mystery to others.


Cancer, like other signs of the water trine, Pisces and Scorpios, is shy and self-absorbed.

He is silent in class, even though he knows the correct answer.


“I thought that every woman has a maternal instinct. But, looking around, I see that this is not so. There are mothers who are even afraid to take their newborn child in their arms. I didn’t have this. I knew from the first minute I remember someone once said to me: "It feels like you already have ten children. I can communicate with children in their language, I can be a strict mother - depending on the circumstances."

Alsu, Cancer, gentle, soft and caring mother.


Cancers are sensitive people.


Cancer helps relieve guilt


 Cancer... Always afraid of offending the contestants, very soft in communication, one day says:

- What are you doing, don't cry! No, it's not your fault, it's our fault, you just seemed like an adult and that's why we didn't turn around. Great job, well done, you did the right thing!

Pelageya)), Russian Voice. Children.


Cancer lives in the past, Gemini lives in the present, Aquarius lives in the future


You need to be very sensitive in dealing with Cancers. No matter how many achievements they have and clear advantages over the rest, Cancers were and remain flawed: they are easily offended, feel worse than others.


Cancer women love to sort things out, blame someone for problems, complain.


Cancer / 4th house of the horoscope - a symbol of motherland, family and personal security. Some people have a strong bond with their families, some don't.

So, if you have a powerful family support, appreciate and be proud! Not everyone is given to have such a reliable support!

Cancers love to study the genealogy, Cancer astrologers (Pavel Globa, Eduard Falskovsky) dig deep, starting with the history of science, study where everything came from and how it came to us, who are the founders of Astrology

Cancer astrologer carefully delves into the history of Astrology, honors traditions and authorities, studies karmic astrology, as he wants to know his past incarnations and ancestral karma.


They allow themselves to be educated and tortured -

well, this is the price for wanting to be dependent on another


Fears, fears... they are the essence of Cancer. We need to clean up this garbage!


If Sagittarius is a fan of exclamation marks (!), then Cancer loves emoticons of this nature))))

I have already noticed it many times. I usually use Crayfish emoji when I get softer.

Capricorn loves neither


I come home and go to my room, and my sister Cancer says that she immediately noticed .... something is not right with me.

Then the familiar Cancer writes in messages:

- Hello, how did you celebrate the New Year?

Me: everything is fine

- So, who hurt you?

It happened in one day.

I think I can hide my emotions, but Cancerians notice everything.


Hysterics are an effective tool to convey to a person what he could not convey for a very long time. A person understands and thinks where h/she could act differently. 

Cancers, right?


Cancerians are afraid to let go of the past, which is why they don't like to cut their hair.

I met a lot of Cancer girls with very long hair, gentle soul, be careful with it (January 2016)

Confirmation (March, 2022): 

In March I noticed the long hair of Sasha Trusova and recalled that my younger sister hates her long hair was cut by more than 5 santimeters. One student also had long hair and she was Cancer too. My revelation is that Cancer is a sign that likes long hair. Psychologists say that when you cut hair, you kind of part with you past. Cancers live with memories from the past and don’t let them go easily. 


Frida, played by Trusova, is a Mexican artist. Both are Cancers.


Trusova: "I cry because I have been alone, without my mother and dogs for 3 weeks." Cancer is a Moon sign and is close to a mother therefore . 


Capricorn instills a sense of guilt, and Cancer relieves him.


Cancer is thoughtful and laconic, not inclined to show off.

This is a dark horse that should not be underestimated. He used to win calmly and unexpectedly for others.


In the first two photos, Cancer is calm, because the children are safe and sound nearby. But Cancer becomes unrecognizably furious when his family is in danger! Ready to kill everyone!


Tell me, who knows what Cancer is thinking? What does he even feel?

No one is allowed to know this


Cancers, why when you are yelled at, you remain soft and cannot respond normally? (Comment as of now: Trusova also never replies when she is offended by Russian media. When they deprived her of Olympic gold, the only time she did not allow to humiliate herself. Silence is not the best strategy.)


Cancer will say that no matter how much good you do at work,

no one will put up a monument to you, but at home they are always waiting for you, they love you.

Family is the main value for Cancer, and the rest is in second place.


Cancers penetrate into the inner world of a person, they know how to feel people and their psychology, and usually they don’t express their opinions about a person aloud.


Cancers are clients of astrologers #1. Because they are very superstitious and fearful. You have to be careful with them, because they will take everything to heart because of their impressionability (2015).

Confirmation: 2020


People want to hug and cuddle Cancers like little children.


Cancers remember grievances for a long time. They keep in themselves what someone said a long time ago. And here you are - insecurity and an inferiority complex for many years


When money is only accumulated and not spent, an imbalance arises and there is a possibility of losing everything. This is a warning to Cancers who are stingy.


Cancer is one of those who often fear for their loved ones. Cancer thinks they can leave and never come back. Different thoughts arise in Cancer:

"Did something happen to him?

Is everything all right?"

Calls often: "When will you come home? It's too late!"


Cancer thinks over every word before saying anything, because they are very afraid of offending a person.


Every Cancer is a potential domestic tyrant))


It is necessary to calm the person, since he feels bad. Even if the enemy is crying, I feel that I need to approach and reassure.

Such an instinct in Cancers.


Suspiciousness and frequent mood swings are a consequence of Crayfish self-doubt.


The imagination of Cancer is rich, you can dream to the fullest.


So soft and kind that they sit on your head, Cancers.


Cancer girls are impressionable, this is what they catch. People like to impress them, to please them, because for this there will be a natural emotional reaction in the form of childish delight.


Cancers say "Imagine..." when they want to convey something and be understood. Cancers themselves have a rich imagination. And hence the good memory. They remember everything through images.


When Cancer does not like something or someone does something bad to him, he starts whining and complaining, and Capricorn simply takes tough measures to punish a person, so simply and calmly, calmly, without whining.


People who tend to quickly become guilty, it is useful to communicate with Cancers. They like to calm down and remove the blame from a person.

"It's okay, do this and it will pass. You're done, never mind, don't worry."

When you say to them: "Oh, I look terrible in the pictures," Cancers answer: "Oh, yes, it's like that for everyone, everyone thinks so to themselves. In fact, you look fine!"


Cancers find it difficult to hide their emotional state. People see your mood change.

Cancers, when you're jealous of someone who just shared their success at something, you just don't have a face. Some even begin to look down and sigh.

All those present can envy, but Cancer shows this through a change in his mood for the worse.


Sister Cancer with Moon in Cancer says:

"Get dressed, aren't you cold? It's autumn already, and you're walking around the house like this! Look how cold your feet are, it's just ice! Can you at least wear socks? No, I'm serious, come on, come on!  Your throat is open, well, actually. "

And went to look for socks.

Cancers have a strong sense of protectionism. Especially strongly they protect close people. Often, of course, this develops into an obsessive concern. But overall, who doesn't like being taken care of like that?

Who is the sister here, and who is the sister called 🙂


Pisces and Cancers tend to manipulate people through self-pity. They do it unconsciously. Scorpio, on the other hand, manipulates people quite consciously and does this not only through invoking self-pity. He is more savvy in the methods of psychological influence. NLP, hypnosis and suggestion, hidden speech influences, playing on people's sore spots so that they do what is beneficial to Scorpio. Scorpio loves power, he wants to control people.


Cancer, like Virgo, tends to be offended by trifles and offended. But Cancer will not be angry and annoyed, like the Virgo. Cancer reacts to insult with emotional defense, his mood drops, he hesitates and it is clear that he is offended. Often, Cancer closes and withdraws into itself, not letting people into its world, where it is safe for him to be with himself. In the circle of friends and relatives, he can whine and act up. Virgo is more nervous, she arranges a scandal, showdowns, begins to defend herself through reciprocal criticism and attack.


Cancer girls are very feminine! Soft and emotionally responsive. Empathetic, touchy, capricious. Mysterious. Refined. Intelligent. In general, all feminine qualities are cultivated.


Tattybubu Tursunbaeva - from above (our domestic Kyrgyz actress)

Tuba Buyukustun - in the middle (Turkish actress, TV series "Asi")


Cancer is a psychosomatic disease. It happens to those who are inclined to harbor grievances in themselves, and this inner feeling, finding no way out, then develops into tumors.

Cancers, do not be offended by trifles. If you are offended, feel free to speak up. And then you pout and only make it clear with hints.

Others, please do not offend Cancers, you need to take into account their subtle psychology and choose words when communicating. This is especially true for Aries and Scorpios, who tend to say everything in person.


The only survivor among the 10 tourists in the Dyatlov squad was Yuri Yudin - Cancer according to the zodiac. He, too, was on a campaign with the others, but after a while he felt ill and returned home. This is where Cancer intuition helped, Cancers always feel the danger in advance and try to protect themselves at the right time. They are more inclined than others to listen to their intuition. The same can be said about those who have the Ascendant, Moon, Mars or Venus in Cancer.


Capricorn always takes responsibility for his own destiny, so do not be offended when they answer your complaints and whining: "It's your own fault, you did everything to yourself. Don't be weak, don't whine and don't complain." authoritarian advice-imposing, remaking people to fit their standards and views of the world. Cancer, as the opposite of Capricorn, on the contrary, always tries to provide moral support and says: "Don't worry, it's not your fault, it's these people who did this and those events turned out like that, but you are good, everything is fine!" This also applies to Moons in Cancer. Therefore, they are drawn to Cancers, and Capricorns are considered callous, insensitive. The other extreme is Crayfish cowardice, avoidance of responsibility, hiding one's head in the sand at the slightest problem. They do something bad, they try to get away with it, they cannot plead guilty, they blame circumstances, they push everything onto other people. "Ah, nah, it's not me, it's those people over there, I have nothing to do with it." Capricorn, on the other hand, takes everything upon himself: "It's all my fault, I was responsible. I should have done differently."


Cancer likes to patronize and protect from dangers, especially loved ones. Often, the guardian properties of Cancer extend to friends and just acquaintances.

"Put on a warm jacket, otherwise you'll catch a cold!"

"Eat something, you haven't eaten since morning"

"Don't go to those dangerous places!"

"Why are you still awake?"

"Get some rest, you can't torment yourself like that"

"Are you sick? Does your head hurt? Let's get some water and let's go to the infirmary."

"Sleep some more, you've been up all night (covering something)"

Cancer is morally ready to have a family since childhood))


What I like about Cancers: gentleness, caring, complicity in problems and sensitivity. The ability of Cancers to emotionally understand people and adapt to their mood is a separate praise. Cancer outwardly seems vulnerable and often offended, but in the most difficult situations it shows stamina and psychological stability. The Moon is the planet of emotions, being the ruler of Cancer, she takes care of his emotional well-being.


Cancers are homebodies.

“Since childhood, I have lived a very quiet life and devoted all my time to football. When I was little, my friends always called me to go for a walk, but I rarely went with them, because I knew that I had training tomorrow. Nothing has changed since then .If friends go somewhere and call me with them, I stay at home." (c) Messi


Messi and Zidane are similar in that they are both Cancers and married to Pisces.

He is called the most caring president. No wonder, because he is a Cancer. He tries to be a father for every citizen of Kazakhstan, takes care of the people as if they were his own children. Whatever they say about his rigidity (this is Mars in Leo), Cancer softness and kindness are immediately evident, because he also has the Moon in Cancer. That is, Nursultan Abishevich can be called a typical Cancer.


Sister Cancer says that she could not be a traffic police officer and fine people (well, too soft). Why stand by the road, whistle and arouse hatred in people? Few people want to go against people. This is where the idea came up:

Capricorns could be happy to be traffic cops, punishing people for infractions and breaking the rules is their favorite pastime.

Cancers are emotional. They are responsive. About Princess Diana, her lover said that she was kind, and sincere. Such kind people are often victims. There is a great sacrifice in Cancers in relationships and most often they endure for the sake of children.
Cancers are #1 in suffered woman category. Jessica Simpson lost $12 mln to Nick Lachey just because of the marriage seal on her passport. Ashley Cole cheated on Cheryl Cole. Selena Gomez's heart was broken by Justin Bieber's unexpected marriage to Hailey Baldwin. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber had been together for many years. Frida and princess Diana are also Cancers. 

Fire for passion, water for love. Fire for conquest, conquest, leadership, dominance, and water for maintenance, feelings, care for the needs of the soul. Fire and water have different values, but water wins in love (of course, if it is good water)
It will be difficult for fire and water because fire takes care of the external, but water still needs feelings. Fire can give strength to water, give money, but this will not be enough for water. Fire does not show feelings, this is not normal for water. Fire is emotional, but the manifestation of feelings is considered a weakness.
The water element loves silence and secrets. Water signs have a negative attitude towards people who are open and talkative. Especially Cancer. Cancer Jessica Simpson broke up with Mayer because he said she was
very good in bed and that she is a drug. The singer considered this a betrayal. This is personal information in her opinion, and he disclosed it. He thinks differently. He just wanted to compliment her and didn't even think she would react like that. She later reveals that she kept coming back to the memories of how he loved her. She loved how much he loved her. He is Libra, power in love. Many Libras (if not completely reptile) know how to love.
It is generally difficult for the Scorpio sign to find a mate. I would say Cancer is the perfect sign for Scorpio Both are secretive. Two signs for safety and devotion, sensitive and attentive friends. Vulnerable. Cancer is ready to submit to Scorpio.
The example of Russian singer Egor Creed shows that the female side can prevail in men ... This is a compliment to him. He is Cancer. Cancer is the most feminine sign.
Among the 11 triple Olympic water polo champions 3 Cancer, 2 Pisces. That's 15 gold medals out of 33.
Among the two-time OC 3 Cancers and 3 Pisces, other signs of the zodiac one or two each
Cancer is a mysterious person. They even say: "Don't try to guess me!"
The main fear of Cancers is to remain unnecessary. Hence the desire to be always beautiful and uncertainty, complexes. Cancerians have power in relationships.

The undisputed leader in swimming is water Cancer: a total of 32 gold, 8 more than Gemini. Among the most titled - the best Cancer is Michael Phelps.
Cancerians often think that they are not loved and find more and more confirmation of this. They think they are being treated unfairly. Self-esteem goes down at the sight of more successful, more earning people. Sometimes feeling like they enjoy being the victim
Aquatic people have a desire to have their desires fulfilled even if they do not ask. They want to be guessed since they themselves are empaths (Stephen Arroyo first spoke about the empathy of aquatic). Frida Kahlo said that if she has to ask her husband to hug or kiss her, support her, then she no longer needs it. 
Why water and fire are difficult to get along. Cheryl Cole appreciated Ashley Cole very highly and even took his last name. Cancers in personal relationships are self-sacrifice. It turns out Sagittarius Ashley did not appreciate this and began to cheat. After the breakup, it was too late to say that he couldn’t live without her. Fiery ones are not strong in the manifestation of feelings; moreover, they cannot appreciate the feelings of another. Conquest and courtship - yes, but maintenance is lame. In ordinary everyday relationships, fiery ones infuriate with their uncompromising and explosive nature. In order to compensate for moral damage, fire must provide well and not be greedy, and this is within the power of fire. If you don't know how to love, then know how to share
Another example is an almost mirror situation. Frida Kahlo Cancer and always loved Sagittarius Diego Rivera, and he enjoyed causing suffering to the artist with his constant betrayals. Cheryl Cole immediately filed for divorce, but Frida suffered.
Cancers are excellent wives and mothers. This is not a discovery, since the Moon is the female element and the image of a wife, a mother according to known rules, but my task is to test the theory in practice and say what works. Ronald Reagan always said about his wife that he could not live without her, that she was his very life for him and he was waiting for her return every time she left
Cancers are often dark horses. They live in underestimation and shoot unexpectedly for everyone.
Cancers are martyrs. Mandela, Khodorkovsky, Frida Kahlo, Princess Diana

#1 in ski jumping Cancer is entirely dominating.

4-times Olympic champions: Matti Nykanen, Simon Ammann Cancers

Others are single Olympic champions, Cancer is the only most titled Olympic champion, 4-times, there are no 3-times

Single OCH Cancers are: Ernst Vettori, Petter Hugsted, Yens Waysflog 

Total: 11 Olympic champions Cancers.


There are 4 players among 3-times Olympic champions and 2 are Cancers.

Middle-heavy weight 3-times OCH is Akakios Kakhiashvilis Cancer, Halila Mutlu is a 3-times Olympic champion in the lightest weight, Cancer. It's interesting that Cancers are strong and athletic. Plushenko said that Trusova is stronger than Christiano Ronaldo and Ovechkin

Prince Charles married twice and both times to Cancers: Diana and Camilla.
Princess Diana had a personal astrologer because she believed in omens. She is Cancer
The most stingy person in the world is Hetty Green, she has Moon and Mars in Cancer. Two main planets in Cancer. She used to wear only black dress her whole life, eat oatmeal and never used heating not to spend money. Once her son broke the leg and she did not address the good doctors not to pay money she went to the free medical personnel for the poor. They could not cure well and the leg was amputated. Estimated according to the current state including inflation - $2-4 billion. 
John Rockfeller wore the pants to the holes. He is Cancer zodiac sign. The former girlfriend said that Ilon Mask was very stingy and they lived in a house for $40000 in LA. When the mattress became old, he offered his girlfriend Grayms to bring the one from her own apartment. His zodiac sign is Cancer. 


Cancer in the cartoon Thumbelina was very slow. If you remember how two Pisces  rushed Cancer so that he would cut off the root of the river leaf 🍃 with claws, on which Thumbelina was, so that she could swim away from the frogs. Cancer was very slow there, just like in life, Cancers are often slow and indecisive.
The only director was Cancer Richard Rich. Cancers have a rich imagination and therefore can create cartoons. Also, Cancer is a children's sign of the element of water. Just about the swan in the lake.
Thumbelina is one of my favorite cartoons from my childhood. Director Amalrik Cancer ♋️
The premiere of the cartoon in the month of Cancer was July 3rd. The same events often take place near the river. Andersen with Venus in Pisces, that's such a fantasy in water that you need to create fairy tales.
One of the directors Roger Allers Cancer ♋️ and this is also about a rich fantasy. Director Rob Minkoff Leo, only two directors and two children signs.
Valieva and Trusova are very similar in terms of sliding, they have a sweeping one. This is most clearly seen in Valieva's short program at Skate Canada 2021, and in Sasha's free program at the Beijing Olympics. As they begin to slide, two sweeping steps and they are already on the second half of the rink. Valieva Taurus with Mars in Cancer, Trusova Cancer with the Moon in Virgo. Kostornaya Virgo with the Moon in Cancer with a reference slide. All three are almost earthly, Trusova's Moon is in an earth sign and all have a planet in Cancer.
Astrid Carolina Hereira Cancer, so she was perfect for the role of the "wife of Judas", she was vindictive and as an excuse for the murders was her past, where everyone left her in prison, knowing that she was not guilty. She became a victim of great injustice, as she sat down for the crime of her mother in order to save her. When opening her face, she admits that they have no idea what the prison does to people and that she was taught to kill there.
Figure skating coaches in Russia are mostly water: Cancer Moskvina, Cancer Zhulin, Pisces Tutberidze, Pisces Mishin, Pisces Sergey Davydov, Pisces Rukavitsyn, Scorpio Plushenko, Scorpio Alexander Volkov.
Cancers and Virgos are the strongest in sports. If we take figure skating, the strongest skaters of the last 4 years: Trusova Cancer with the Moon in Virgo, Kostornaya Virgo with the Moon in Cancer, Valieva - Mars in Cancer. Akatieva Cancer. 
If you take a contribution to sports, then Cancers are one of the first:
Cancer Joe Jones is the best in the UFC
Cancer Messi is the best in football
Cancer Michael Phelps is the best swimmer
Cancer Trusova is the best in figure skating
Cancers are also the best in ski jumping, weightlifting, swimming, water polo - by the number of the most titled Olympic champions.
The anime Avatar was created by Cancer Michael Dante Dimartino (screenwriter) and Brian Konietzko with Venus in Cancer and Moon in Pisces. Water element. Ang was from the element of air, and fire 🔥 unleashed a war. The creators of the elements of water, therefore, they saw fire as a hostile element. Katara is water by nature: she loves to cook, is close to her mother and has a melancholy character. Air saves from the aggression of fire. In life, the air is democratic and philanthropic.
I believe in the victory of Jan Nepomniachtchi in 2025. It will return the World Cup to Russia since Kramnik. Kramnik and Nepomniachtchi Cancers by the way.
The wolf and the seven kids - scriptwriter Nikolai Abramov with the Moon and Venus in Cancer.
Screenwriter of the American version of the anime "Seven Dwarfs" Rak Sherry Stoner.
The author of the idea of "Three nuts for Cinderella" Bozena Nemtsova with Venus in Pisces and Mars in Cancer. Director Vorlicek with Venus in Cancer.
The screenwriter of the fairy tale The Golden Antelope Abramov with the Moon and Venus in Cancer. Directed by Atamanov Pisces. The soviet cartoon Golden antilope - the author of scenario is Abramov with Moon and Venus in Cancer. The director is Pisces Atamanov. Briefly, about the content: one silly rich man wanted an antilope that can produce golden coins. An antilope was boy's friend. The rich man wanted him to tell where is the antilope with the threat to cut his head. The rich man found the antilope and she created coins in a large amount as he asked. However, he demanded more and she produced more so that  finally he was buried by the heap of money. 

Cancer Amalrik is the director, and Scorpio Nikolai Erdman was the screenwriter. The author of the idea is Scorpio Samuil Marshak. Cancer Amalrik director, Scorpio Nikolai Edman was a scenario director. The cat's house - name of the cartoon. There was a rich cat with a big house and she invited the neighbors (a pig, a couple of goats, a hen, rooster). When the kittens asked for help and shelter, the arrogant cat kicked them away). Finally, her house suffered from fire and burnt. She searched for shelter and her neighbors refused one after another. The kittens were the only ones who found the shelter themselves and let the cat her watchman enter. 
Fish, Cancers and Scorpios are the water element. There are a lot of directors and screenwriters of cartoons. 12 months, Gray neck, Lion King, Princess Swan, Little Mermaid, Thumbelina, Shrek, Scarlet Flower.
The king Leo One of the directors Roger Allers Cancer ♋️ and this is also about a rich fantasy. Director Rob Minkoff Leo, only two directors and two child signs.
Thumbelina is one of my favorite cartoons from my childhood. Director again Amalrik Cancer ♋️
The premiere of the cartoon in the month of Cancer was July 3rd. The same events often take place near the river. Andersen with Venus in Pisces, that's such a fantasy in water that you need to create fairy tales.


The director of the cartoon "The Gray Neck" Cancer Leonid Amalrik, Vladimir Polkovnikov with Venus in Cancer. Again the rich fantasy of Cancer and water. The author of the fairy tale is Scorpio Mamin-Sibiryak, also a water element.

Trusova and Valieva. Trusova: 5 quadruples, this is considered an event even in the male world of figure skating. They say that she only has jumps and no program, and Nathan Chen is also like that, but no one talks about it, and the scores for the components are on par with Hanyu. The fact is that Trusova is a girl and for her 5 quadruples is a sufficient indicator to be considered great, and Nathan Chen is a man. For this reason, nitpicking about the triple axel in short and low component is ridiculous. If you take the components, then there is something: it is unsurpassed speed. Chen's speed is lower than Hanyu, and Sasha is the fastest in women's singles. Valieva is not far behind in speed, she is also very fast and she and Sasha are the best in history in this regard. Valieva's trump card is choreography, creativity and just 100% return in every movement. Yes, she has a program, even though she is inferior to Sasha in jumping. Very creative exits from jumps. Deserved 90 in the short program. The most divine skating in women's FS history. The universe wanted Trusova to become an OCH, no matter how they pulled Valieva. So it had to be. Those who consider Valieva the best in history will also be right in their own way.
The first conquerors of Everest are Edmund Hillary Cancer, here, too, Cancer is the first along with the Gemini Tenzing Norgay. Cancer and Virgo are the strongest signs in sports. Gemini is air, they love mountains, therefore, they take air energy in the mountains.
Another unfortunate Cancer is Ilya Yashin, a blogger received 8 years in prison for words. Almost like Rak Khodorkovsky, he was in prison for 10 years. The most unfortunate Cancer is Mandela, he served the most.
Crayfish are domestic and Adelina Sotnikova won the Olympiad at home. Native walls helped that even after the fall she became the first, since the program is more complex in terms of technique.
Ian Nepomniachtchi Rak and therefore his game depends on his mood. The ruler of Cancer is the Moon, which is responsible for the mood. Here is what they say about him: “If he is in a good mood, he is able to win and play very well, and if his concentration drops, he can "float".
Among Cancers there are many who are sent to prison. Cancers often go against authority. In the case of Assange and Mandela, it was justified, but Khodorkovsky and Yashin might not have gone against the authorities. Still, Putin’s authority is indisputable.

Capricorn is the opposite of Cancer, the sign responsible for children. Aristotle Onassis was therefore against children. He only had 1 son, and Maria Callas forced her to have an abortion

Talulah Riley complained that Elon Musk treated her like his employee. The roots of this behavior are that she rejected him at the beginning. It’s a blow to pride for a person of this level to be rejected by some model. The man fell in love and had no choice but to offer her to spend his credit card. Elon Musk Cancer, a vulnerable sign, hates rejection.

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