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Солнечные знаки (общеизвестные Знаки Зодиака)

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Zodiac sign (Sun) Virgo


Virgo: perfection and precise movements. “It’s not easy to skate with Alena Kostornaya, primarily because she wants everything at once and perfect quality,” said figure skater Georgy Kunitsa in an interview with Elena Vaisekhovskaya, published on the RT channel. According to Kunitz, adapting to a partner's choreography is especially difficult because she has a natural sense of precise movements. It is also worth noting that Alena Kostornaya has the best glide in history.


"Well, Virgo is not allowed to eat anything, right?" - asked my groupmate Virgo, leafing through the menu of the cafe "Beer, meat, lemonade" (beer, meat, lemonade are not diet nutrition)


"The sign of great talent is the constant striving to perfection, the constant alteration of their work. All great personalities were distinguished by a constant striving for the ideal, which manifested itself in the fact that they continuously reworked and improved their works." (Rubinstein)


Virgos have a very difficult time dealing with theft; they are owners. One girl said that her idea was stolen and even if they returned it, she was left with a bitter taste.

"If you take all the manuscripts and drafts of Lev Nikolayevich's story

Tolstoy's "Kreutzer Sonata", then their total size exceeds the final result by 160 times! Such exactingness to oneself is already the signature of a genius. "(c)


Restaurant business manager.

- We try to be the best, but there is a human factor and staff mistakes happen.

Virgins! They are the least susceptible to the human factor in their work, and everywhere - I thought)) Especially in the restaurant business, where hygiene and food quality are important.


- Remember, this is the most expensive gift that I gave! Before that, I did for none of the girls this. (says Virgo, showing love in a material way)


"Guess what's the dirtiest thing in here?" - A girl in a coffee shop.

I look and think - maybe furniture? Or what is it?

Answer: Menu


Many people are interested in health, there are also many who let it take its course, eating everything, but for Virgo, the topic of health / hygiene is a fixed idea of whole life. Here I give a flash drive to a work colleague (Virgo), and there it comes out among the contents a video about a raw food diet.

-Ohoo, cool, are you into a raw food diet? I am also in this thread. Here, she offers this way of cleansing ....

Solar Virgos, no wonder.


They are embarrassed to ask for something and try to give more than they take.


Mom: "Music will blow your mind"

Well, yes, Pisces (Neptune) - music, Virgo (Mercury) - brains.

Opposites. 180 degrees


Yes, not only Virgos and Capricorns criticize, but these two act on me personally depressingly. For example, I'm sitting relaxed, talking to Virgo, and she immediately corrects: "Not like this, but like this!" Then I tighten up, become tense and generally want to quickly end the conversation with this person. Capricorn scolds very hard and tries to remake you. After communicating with Capricorn, self-esteem falls below nowhere. These are individual impressions, someone is delighted with these signs.  If you look from the other side, these signs are the most responsible and serious, reliable. They plan everything and make few mistakes, they are always down to earth and demanding. These people carefully do their job, which inspire respect. Thank you for this!


Virgo has a good memory. She remembers who told her what and when, where she learned the information from, faces, names she remembers well. Virgo gets angry if others forget obvious facts from the past or are clearly stupid.


Virgo loves to use statistics to back up her arguments.

"Take notes! It is known that those who take notes during the lecture learn 30% of the information, and those who do not take notes, be they the most brilliant, learn only 10%."


Virgo has clear ideas of what is perfect, pure, correct, therefore, everything that does not correspond to impeccability, she criticizes and rejects. I also understand when a girl says "I'm pure, virgin, so I'm disgusted when different men touch me," and when the Virgo guy says so after the lady touches him (he gets angry and secretly scolds her for just touching hand) , it becomes disgusting to me. All this comes from the low self-esteem of the Virgo and the feeling of their own imperfection. Virgo tries to live right in order to grow in her own eyes. It is even better to oppose yourself to others - "We are so more correct, pure, but they are not like us, they are involved in dirt, which means we have something to love ourselves for"

Virgos are easy to shame. "Oh, nightmare, just as wrong, I'm terribly ashamed to hear such a thing about myself!" - Approximately so they react to their dark sides.

I just want to say to the Virgos - yes, accept yourself already with all your shit and don't scowl at others. Yes, there are imperfections that need to be worked on, but without self-love, it will be harder to do so.


It seems to Virgo that she is imperfect, because of her low self-esteem, Virgo misses many opportunities. Virgo considers herself worse than others, not even suspecting that she is actually better than many, it’s just that others very skillfully hide their shortcomings and behave as if they are perfect and beautiful. The modest Virgo cannot do this, it seems to her that she has a lot of complexes, “Where can I go, those more ideal ones,” says Virgo. And then the moment comes when the Virgin reaches her understanding of perfection, then she mentally allows herself to have what previously seemed inaccessible, this is how she gets her own. It's just a matter of time that Virgo needs to achieve the most acceptable level of perfection in order to allow herself to relax a little and be allowed to have what she wants.


It is easy for a Virgo to earn a neurosis for herself, she attaches great importance to her own and other people's shortcomings.


Here I will go on a diet and I will feel better, more perfect - Virgo says to herself. After she lost weight, she looked at herself in the mirror and again she didn’t like something. You need to go to the gym, remove the hanging fat fold, lost weight, but you need to become fit. Uff, now I'm beautiful! And at work there are problems, I feel like a nobody, I am an empty place, because of the slightest mistake I am scolded, and I try more and more to do everything perfectly. And then I have a neurosis, in pursuit of perfection, I hate myself and my loved ones more and more, whose shortcomings I always notice.  Other people seem ideal to me, they are doing well, and I have a reason to always consider myself lower, worse, I am a servant, no one appreciates me. I'm going to eat everything. Damn, I'm getting fat again, but I don't care about myself anymore.

Virgo, Virgo.


In the cafe:

The perfectionist Virgo looked askance at the vulgarly dressed girl (with a decollete exposing her chest) with the words: "Well, how is it possible?"

The girl sat opposite and behaved defiantly, while her eyes were sad. With all her attempt to show that she doesn’t care about the opinions of others, a complex called “self-dislike” peeped out inside, I would even say “self-hatred”

These are all the problems of Venus: disbelief in your feminine strength and attractiveness.

There are three problematic positions of Venus: Venus in Virgo, Venus in Aries and Venus in Scorpio. These girls need to be told more often that they are beautiful! Thus, you will not only do something pleasant, but change their attitude towards you and help them work out the problem point. They will remember you for a long time to come! Nothing has diminished from you, and you have changed someone's fate for the better!


- Why do you tolerate his humiliation?

Virgo: He's perfect

That is, it doesn’t matter how specific a person suits you, the main thing is that he is ideal in himself))) Also one of the Virgin manifestations.


Virgo wants perfection in everything, even in small things. And Capricorn is also a perfectionist, but more wise or something. He understands where it is really important to be thorough, and where it is possible to relax. Virgo wants to be perfect in all the little trifling things that are very important to her, so her life is more nervous and confused. Capricorn only cares about serious things, so he is more calm.

Capricorns, calm down Virgos))


Lee Kuan Yew has a cluster of 3 planets in Virgo (Sun, Venus and Mars in Virgo), so he created the "correct" Singapore, started with tough penalties for corruption. 


When I meet with Virgos, I want to say

"Don't look at me!". That's who notices all the details in you!

Have you changed the shadows? Yours was brown and now it's pink."

How long have you been wearing braces?

What kind of ring do you have, and what is drawn there?

But they notice your new hairstyle and notice any change of clothes. And there is someone to try to look good!


Real Virgo! She has all the personal planets that form the character of a person, are in Virgo!

Sun in Virgo, Moon in Virgo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Virgo, Mars in Virgo

Model, Miss World, Ksenia Sukhinova! Correct, modest, perfect.


-Why did you love me? You don't know me yet.

Pisces: I don't know why I love you, there's something about you. Do they love for something? They just love it!

-Why did you love me?

Virgo: I liked the way you cook and you yourself are very smart, decent, correct, why not fall in love? I thought.

Pisces have a rather vague idea of ​​the object of their love - "There is something in you, I don't know what, but I like you, you are mysterious and I love you for your soul"

Virgo or a person with Venus in Virgo has a clear idea about the object of his love - he / she sees all the advantages and disadvantages, analyzes how a person can be useful and what advantages he has. If the pros outweigh the cons and there is a real practical benefit from a person, then the brain turns on the signal: "I fell in love / fell in love!"


Virgo is responsible for medicine. Doctors are very helpful people. Virgo cannot but be useful, she immediately becomes ill from the feeling of being useless.


The word "ideal" is suitable for Virgo, and the word "idealistic" for Pisces (opposite of Virgo) and Sagittarius. "Ideal" means correct in all respects, without errors or shortcomings. Therefore, Virgo always strives for perfection, she easily sees flaws and loves to poke at them to make something or someone better, more ideal. And an idealistic person is dreamy, inspired by some ideal in the form of conviction, faith in a better future. The idealist does not try to be perfect, often does not notice his own and other people's mistakes, tries to justify the shortcomings and treats problems philosophically. The ideal person (Virgo) is here and now, he does everything rationally, makes the right decisions, lives from his head, does not build illusions, looks at things realistically. The idealist (Pisces, Sagittarius) is inclined to build illusions and be deceived, but on the whole he lives happier than the ideal, as he is more likely to see the beautiful, and skips any imperfections. The ideal person builds realistic goals and plans everything in advance, knows what he is doing and why. The idealist is not inclined to plan, he dreams and believes that somehow it will turn out well there, lives in his own world and makes the ideal one twist his finger at the temple. And this is where the idealist takes a risk... On the one hand, he can fall hard and become disillusioned with life, throw his dream in the dust, come to the ideal and listen to a 2-hour lecture on how to live "correctly." On the other hand, having an unshakable faith in his illusion, he can materialize it and achieve great success. Can the ideal and the idealistic teach each other anything? Yes, the ideal corrects the goals of the second in the direction of practicality, corrects somewhere and says the best. The idealistic helps the ideal to become more sublime, he teaches him to dream and see the best in people and in the world. You can also say that the idealistic is inspired by the idea, and the ideal is taken to execute.


The virgins will die... if they waste their time, uselessly


And here's how. Virgo puts a lot of positive emotions into the word "benefit". Virgos love to serve and be useful to someone, therefore they value the same qualities in others.


So, we found out. We go to Taurus when we want to gain weight To Virgo - when we want to gain health, and we go to Capricorns when we have already got drunk and let ourselves go so that he, firstly, through swearing, makes us feel guilty. Secondly - to read the recommendations for long-term fasting.


Virgo teachers ... And then in my head: "Poor Children and Students" ***

Here it is the earth, with a protective bark: Taurus is reserved and stubborn Capricorn is serious and callous Virgo - nervously tense and clamped The defense of these signs can be difficult to break through.


Virgos get very annoyed when they see journalists writing with errors.


People ask me why I love Virgo so much that I often write about her. So, how can you not love Virgos? They write to me: "If you need me, you can safely ask questions on any topic. I will always be happy to help you somehow!" Another Virgo person also writes: "I hope it was useful to you." My friend Virgo is worried when he writes, he thinks - maybe I'm interfering? To which, of course, I answer: “No, what are you doing! You don’t interfere, on the contrary, you help!” Here they are Virgos, conscientious.


Virgo is afraid to be unnecessary and useless. She gets used to serving and often cannot sit idle. She also thinks that she needs to be loved for some deeds, and not just for who she is. Otherwise, he is afraid that he will be abandoned because he has ceased to be useful.


Virgo, stop deleting all the photos as soon as you find that something is wrong there. Sorry for the photos, they were really good. But it seems to your critically tuned mind that the pictures, which have been successfully standing for several years, suddenly become terrible and must be deleted without fail. Again, the same nervousness plus perfectionism.


Virgos can quickly get offended and nervous, break all ties with you. With them, you need to carefully choose words when communicating.


The Virgo has a peculiarity to remember past mistakes and scold herself for the fact that it was necessary in a different way, but it happened. And damn it's too bad you can't turn back time.


If Virgo fell in love with you, you can be congratulated. You are perfect!


In Virgo, I like their OBSERVATION. They always notice what you like and what you don't. They are aware of what you eat, what clothes you like, they know what gift to give you to cover some of your needs. Virgos are attentive to small things. Some inadvertently thrown word comes as a hint for the Virgin: "Yeah, so he/she likes this" And maybe later you yourself will forget about what you said and maybe even didn’t have a special purpose to convey something, but Virgo remembers all your phrases and they told her a lot about what you are and how you should be treated.


"As soon as I saw her with a stain on her clothes, I immediately stopped liking her! I stopped dating her. Estimate, I myself was in shock!" These are the words of the Virgo guy, who was shocked because of how squeamish he turned out))


Criticism and high analyticity of Virgo often plays against her. She becomes irritable and gets angry, offended, nagging and anxious over trifles. Even in the good, he finds the bad, sees some minor flaws and inflates them. For example, listening to some training with useful information, Virgo can say: "His voice annoys me!" It turns out everything else does not matter anymore, you don’t like the voice, that’s all! Details are important to Virgo, she also knows how to notice the good. They smiled softly, showed concern, brought and covered with something, opened the door to the store, helped bring something to the house, somewhere kept silent in time or expressed words of support. Her mind is tuned to notice the little things. Every little thing can make you happy or make you sad.


Pavel Astakhov. A man with a strong Virgo (he himself is a Virgo with Mercury in Virgo). I watched the program "Hour of Judgment" and noticed his analytical abilities, sober mind and logic. Always serious, reasonable, correct and decent - Pavel Astakhov.


Virgos and Capricorns are similar in their increased demands on themselves. But unlike Capricorn, Virgo, although she criticizes, knows how to forgive. Capricorn is more cruel in this regard. He takes life and actions of people too seriously, condemns and rarely forgives, always wants to punish. To himself, he is no less severe, never satisfied with his own achievements, always striving for more. Just like Virgo, Capricorn is not inclined to love herself, she does not know how to accept compliments. Capricorns: 1) Maybe you will learn to relax without remorse and after each success somehow pamper yourself? 2) Is it worth putting everything on one card, and then falling into despair and depression if the goal has not been achieved? Maybe it's better to have several goals, plans B in case of failure, or find a business that will really bring satisfaction already in the process of activity? 3) Maybe learn to trust people and love them? Well, at least try ...


It is useful for Virgos to be with Taurus. Well... to calm the nerves. The type of Taurus when communicating says: "Calm and only calm." Taurus is very difficult to break through, they rarely get angry. But just do not overdo it with brainwashing, otherwise you risk seeing an angry bull. And this show is not for the faint of heart.


One already married young man, a car salesman, once said: "I always keep everything clean, my car is always clean inside and out, my clothes are clean and tidy, I keep order on the shelf, I hate mess and scattered socks. And I choose cars carefully so that I don't blush in front of customers later" Do you know why I believed the seller? Because as I guessed, he turned out to be a Virgo. By the way, he also told jokes of his brothers and friends who said: “What kind of a man are you if your socks don’t stink? No wrinkled clothes, no dirty car, everything is put on the shelves and no mess! No, definitely not a man” That's right, he's a Virgo)) Virgo men, this is a compliment to you, so please do not shoot ...


Virgos who do NOT criticize others and themselves unnecessarily, you are on the verge of extinction! Respond, I will put you in the Red Book. Friends, please repost! Help in the search!


“Maybe I’m doing something wrong, don’t I look like that?” "You got away from me! Am I bad? Ah, so you don't like me?" You love Virgo to wind up too much.


Virgos play soccer right!

“People don’t talk about what Muller did in the World Cup, but they should talk about it. He plays right all the time, he defends right, he attacks right, he controls the ball right. do. He does what the game asks him to do. Tricks are not about playing football. Playing football is what Thomas Müller does. Ronaldo and Messi are just freaks. Don't try to imitate them." (Thierry Henry about the Virgo by Thomas Muller)


They do everything carefully and correctly while remaining modest and shy. I think it's clear who I'm talking about))


Virgo children are so sincere and obedient. Especially girls. They are also easily intimidated as they are shy.


The main drawback of earthly people is the inability to cooperate. Closure and stubbornness.


Kim Yuna and Rodnina criticized Valieva. It shows how Virgos are ruthless to breaking the rules. Kim Yuna even said that rules should be equal to everyone.


Virgos often blush. I don't know if this has been discussed before. I wrote this using Pink as an example, that she always blushed and that's why she was called that. Let's understand the reasons. Blush for reasons found by observation: 1) Afraid of making mistakes, afraid of discovering their mistakes 2) Personal information pops up 3) Feel worse than someone else


When I talked with the little girl Virgo and directed her actions, her older brother said that now she would cry if she is talked like that. 😅


Virgos are #1 among the boxers. I analyzed 33 Olympic champions and found 8 Olympic medals.

The second is Cancer - 4 medals, third is Capricorn - 3 medals. 
3 times Olympic Champion Felix Savon (1 person brought 3 medals)
OCH Povetkin Alexander (1)
OCH Valerian Sokolov (1)
OCH Stepashkin Stanislav (1)
OCH Yanovski Vyacheslav (1)
OCH Valeri Popenchenko (1)

I did not include Kostya Tsyu, he is not OCH, but he is a very famous boxer, World champion. There is also Orzubek Nazarov Virgo, Kyrgyzstan - 7-times world champion 

I analyzed 20 freestyle fighters, two and three times Olympic champions, and found that Virgo is #1, a bit higher than Taurus

3 times Olympic champion  Alexander Medved (rare example)

2 times Olympic champion Beloglazov

2 times Olympic champion Fadzaev Arsen


Total: Virgo 14, Pisces 11 

Virgo is #1 by the total number of gold medals in mountain skiing

In luge 7 Virgo gold medals out of 16 total. 

Astrological opposites often in life also dislike each other. Kostornaya Virgo complained that Tutberidze Pisces always set Trusova as an example, and treated her worse. "When Trusova left, I thought maybe they would love me now, but the attitude has not changed" - the words of Kostornaya


Perfection is a disease of a nation, it is the soul that nees the surgery. Beyoncé
Fucking perfect - Pink
Both are Virgos
Virgo is a rather vindictive sign. Yuna Kim suffered a hard defeat from Sotnikova in Sochi and harbored a grudge against Russia. Yuna Kim is sure that she should have won, and considered Sotnikova's victory to be absurd. When Valieva's positive doping test was discovered, Kim Yuna said that she should be disqualified and the rules are the same for everyone. Virgo has a good memory
Trusova and Kondratyuk: Virgos have great respect for those who are stronger than them. Sasha is stronger than Mark and Virgo is a helpful sign that can be useful. Mark Kondratyuk so reverently hugged Sasha after the performance of Frida at one of the shows recently! He is next to her like an insecure nerd, just lacking glasses. Love life will have a positive impact on Sasha and her skates because when a person falls in love, intuition sharpens.
There are enough Pisces among drug addicts, but according to my statistics, Pisces are more alcoholics. That's it, there are a lot of drug addicts among Virgos, they are leaders.

Snowboard's most titled OCHs is 3-times OCH Sean White, Virgo. Victor Wilde (Virgo started at 4 a.m on Aug 23, 1986, on the west coast of the US) is a 2-time OCH, Virgo.

Yurii Podladchikov, single OCH, is Virgo. = total 6 gold Olympic medals


Total is 16 gold medals: Georg Hackl Virgo is a 3-times OCH, Gunter Detlef Virgo single. 

Second is Leo: Felix Lokh, 2-times OCH and David Glyasher single.

Out of 16 gold medals among women Steffi Martin Virgo, two-time OCH. Margit Schuman is single OCH Virgo= total 3 gold medals. 

7 Virgo gold medals out of 16 total. Taurus: Doris Neuner,Tarjana Hufner, Capricorn Vera Zozula and Gerda Weisenteiner and Virgo first. 


Half-middle weight category, #1 is Virgo
Valdemar Legien, Esida Hidechiko, Djamel Bouras, Ole Bichof

Middle weight category, #1 is Virgo
Sekine Sinobu, Valdemar Legien, Mark Huizinga

Virgo is the best almost everywhere in sports: skiing, snowboarding, luge, freestyle wrestling, boxing, one of the best in football, in two weight categories of judo. This is #1 sports sign.
As for Virgo... this sign loves to hide its flaws, but the worst example is devaluing others and their work. "Everything is bad. It's wrong, it's wrong.” Finding errors that don't exist. Once they themselves were devalued and now they do so.
"Why is Rodnina so angry?" write in the comments. Virgo is her sign. This is the reason.
Yuri Luzhkov (former mayor of Moscow)
possessed a superb memory - that's what they say about him. I saw his Sun in Virgo. Virgo has a good memory. I met a man one evening. He asked me for 100 soms for a taxi. I called a taxi. He asked for my phone number. A month later, he writes to me in WhatsApp that he remembers how I helped him out. He says: "People need to help each other, I don't forget this"
Interestingly, Virgos also remember the negative in their address.
Khabib is a simple guy from the village. Self-made. He did not have rich parents, or connections. You can be poor since childhood, but incredibly strong in body, or have strong brains, and creative talent. And then you become better than many, above those who initially have a high chance of succeeding thanks to their rich and influential parents/relatives. Habib is said to be very modest.
Among millionaires, there are more Scorpios and Virgos. Previously, the results of the study were published by someone.
There is a small neighbor in the yard. She was a year old last year. So obedient. Come to me, look here - she obeys. She sat down on the stairs and I sat down with her. We stood up at the same time and I brushed myself off from behind. She repeated after me and also brushed the dust off her dress. This year she is showing a slide. Her older brother says "dirty" A minute later I ask if she will roll down the slide, she says: "Dirty!" The girl is already 2 years old, Virgo traits are immediately visible. Reacts to the word "dirty", obeys and understands everything. In general, it is possible to frighten the Virgin with mud, it will work.
Virgo can only blush like that when personal information comes up. In general, Virgos tend to blush. Pink was called pink because of the habit of blushing
According to Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony was jealous of her because of the half-naked photos. Jennifer Lopez said that she will not return to Marc Anthony because of his constant jealousy. Mark Anthony Virgo, earthly conservative sign. Semi-nude photos are too much for Virgo. In general, with this post I want to say that the earth is a jealous element. Applies to Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

In general ranking of writers, Virgo and Aquarius are first. 

Virgos: Tolstoi, Agatha Christie, Geothe 

Explanation: Tolstoi was ranked first in this ranking according to best books of the 20th and 19th centuries. Tolstoi - 327. 

Among the best-selling writers, number 1 is Agatha Christie - the first one. Minimum sales are $2 billion, maximum - 4 billion.

Goethe is first among the foreign authors according to another ranking


In synchronized swimming, Romashina is the most titled, she is a 7-time champion of the Olympic games, Virgo. Aries Ishchenko Natalia 5x OCH were born on April 8 and Ermakova Anastasia 4x OCH on April 8th.


One psychologist told about his mother that she was always very angry! Mom turns out to often show anger, she was terrible. Once she fell down and said she broke her arm or leg, I don't remember. He says what happens if a person is negative, shows dissatisfaction with life. Mom was a Virgo.


Harry's tendency to blush is just like Pink's, both Virgos. When Megan appeared in a wedding dress and he met her, Harry blushed and was embarrassed.


Putin is lucky on Virgos. Alexander Lukashenko Virgo, the head of the only country (Belorussia) completely sided with Russia. Medvedev Virgo - was the prime minister and president of Russia. Atambaev Virgo broke relations with the United States and completely went over to the side of Russia. Submissive servants. I mean it in a good way. Virgo Ron Desantis is Trump's servant, he will be the next president of the United States in November 2024. Modi is the prime minister of India, Virgo. Akylbek Japarov is Virgo, Sadyr Japarov's servant. Virgo Alexey Dyumin may become Russian president. I understand they are not close to Mother Theresa, she is the ideal servant Virgo, but loyal to authorities.

Virgo is a very vindictive sign. They can remember what happened 15 years ago and start insulting and pouring negativity.
Virgo, interestingly, does not betray the authorities, but betrays relatives and friends with a cruel attitude.
Virgo is a very vindictive sign. They can remember what happened 15 years ago and start insulting and pouring negativity.
What's wrong with Virgo? Lack of understanding of other people and their needs.
Virgo girl 3 years old sits upset in the yard. The girl next door explained that the other girls did not take her into their circle and kicked her out. I tell her that she would rather meet people, that this is nonsense. Moreover, I say that these are big girls of the 6th grade.
Earthy ones tend to be possessive. One little girl, Virgo, shed tears in our yard and looked at me when her brother, already 2 years older, snatched a toy from her hands. She pointed at him with her hand and looked at me for me to react. The sweetest moment. The toy is hers, but you can’t take someone else’s.
Virgos are divided into good and evil. Kind - these are ideal Virgins, like Mother Teresa. Evil - it's clear here.
One psychologist told about his mother that she was always very angry! Mom turns out to often show anger, she was terrible. Once she fell down and said she broke her arm or leg, I don't remember. He says what happens if a person is negative, shows dissatisfaction with life. Mom was a Virgo.
Virgos can be insightful. One Virgo Irina Larionova teacher, the coordinator of tutors (I was a tutor), once told me: 
Cholpon is such a smiling, positive girl.
In fact, I am often in a state of elation.
Pisces betray power, but not their loved ones, but Virgos do not betray power, but betray loved ones.
Aquarians do not understand people. This one is good, that one is good. Virgo, on the contrary, distinguishes.
The amazing insight of Bachelor's Virgo Ali Fedotowsky. She warned Jake Pavelka that Vienna Girardi should not be chosen. Jake Pavelka said:
I don’t care what they say about her, she is always there for me.
They did a lot of harm to each other later. Virgos are really insightful about other people.

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