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Friday, August 26, 2022

Zodiac sign (Sun) Aquarius

One of the few best presidents of the US. Abraham Lincoln is an Aquarius (Asc and Sun in Aquarius). National hero, the one who abolished slavery in the United States. Aquarius is a sign of democracy, freedom.


"Don't look, don't look around,

Stay the way you are

Be yourself."

Artist - Yulia Savicheva, Aquarius))


That's what it means - if you want to win the favor of the common people, be close to them and be honest with them!

Oprah is loved by people for her sincerity and simplicity. She knows how to talk to any interlocutor and causes disposition with her non-complexity, sociable nature and the ability to accept people with their stories without judgment!


The character of a typical Aquarius!

Just look at the title of the book

"David D. Friedman is an American economist, writer and libertarian theorist. Known as the author of a model of a completely self-regulating anarchic free market, the basic principles of which are described by him in the book "The Mechanics of Freedom." (Wiki)

Aquarius or. Yes, and the his view is what)) Eccentric genius.


Aquarius taxi driver says he admires one boss who doesn't show he's the boss.

“He dresses like everyone else and does not show off, no one would have thought that this man is the boss! He drives an ordinary car, everyone can go directly to him without intermediaries and offer an idea. No, if he does not like the idea, he will say so directly, he will simply listen to everyone and if the interlocutor is right, then he will consider it for sure."

Aquarians admire their own kind)


Why doesn't he answer? Crap!

Aquarius: Pfft, and he shouldn't answer)))


Aquarians try to see only the good in people, they do not notice the bad.

Aquarians accept you for who you are, with all the oddities. But with all this, they sooo love to tell what to do. They criticize not the personal qualities of a person, but more of the action - You did this wrong, you need to do it differently. This is what I would change here, why it was necessary to make such ceilings! I put on the wrong music ... That politician _____ over there is talking nonsense! Well, etc))


Only today I heard about the stellium Aquarius - "So stubborn! No matter how much you say, you stand on your own! And it's always like that."


Whoever has a lot of energy expresses a minimum of dissatisfaction, tries to notice more positive things. Leo is an energetic sign, the Sun is in the monastery. He inspires! The fiery Sagittarius and Aries have the same thing. True, Aries is quick-tempered, it spoils the picture. Aquarius does not have such energy as Leo, since the Sun is expelled here. Therefore, Aquarians are very often dissatisfied, express protests, object.


The ability to stay on good terms after separation is what I like about air signs (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius)

These signs see more than others and know how to go beyond patterns. All because they are controlled by the higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). They often say about Aquarius and Scorpios - Yes, he / she sees people through! Pisces also feel and understand people well, but unlike the first two, they prefer not to notice the bad, hence they are deceived more often.


Why do you, Aquarius, torment the ardent Lions with your coldness and detachment?

Vintage is a singer of Leo zodiac sign. She sings: "Aquarius sign, I gave everything and regret about nothing. I gave everything and nothing is left"


Dmitri Mendeleev invented the periodic table of chemical elements. He dreamed of the table. There are many outstanding scientists among Aquarians. Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison.


They are representatives of the air element, they were so comfortable and easy with each other, no one obligated anyone.


When she (Libra) was waiting in trepidation for what he would do to her for her birthday, he (Aquarius) simply didn’t give a damn on this event, he didn’t even give a gift ...

And she was offended ... She forgave him, then they still talked as friends, but their relationship was no longer the same. And a year later they broke up.

Libra, unlike Aquarius, is used to conventions, especially in relationships. Such a frivolous behavior certainly hurt.


It was a pity to look at him, then I saw that he was Aquarius,

as soon as he became a native)) Sings "I'm free" 👋 😉

Aquarians are direct people who do not limit themselves feelings of shame, embarrassment.

You can directly ask:

How much do you get paid at your new job?

How many times a week/month do you have sex?

"Do you know that such things are not customary to ask?" Virgo gets angry

Gemini, Aquarius is a constant way out of the comfort zone. They always try new things without any inconvenience.


Aquarians are frivolous and irresponsible. As if Saturn is superfluous in their life, apparently sat down somewhere to rest for a very long time, although this is the 2nd ruler of Aquarius after Uranus. Hence the theories divorced from reality and the feeling of being misunderstood by others. Having not adjusted their lives, they climb to help others.

Smart, cosmic, Aquarius living in their ideal theories, land!


There would be more Aquarius doctors ... not so much because of their altruism and love for people, but because of the desire to somehow stir up conservative medicine and popularize non-standard methods of recovery such as a raw food diet.

Here, Scorpio would have come up with his sharp insight and desire to expose the deceit and erase everything old, obsolete. Scorpio loves to dig deep, he eliminates the cause of the disease, and not its consequence.


Aquarius invents, Leo promotes.


Aquarius strives to stand out: "Here I am not like them, I'm different!" There is such an opposition to society, the desire to vividly express their individuality.

Further, when Aquarius receives enough human admiration / recognition for his "antics", he begins to become simpler and closer to the people. This is no longer the Aquarius loner who tries to show how different he is from other people, this is Aquarius, who, with all his simplicity and spontaneity, shows that everyone is equal, regardless of social status, regalia, financial situation. At first there was an attitude: "I'm not like you, I'm different!" Then: "I'm the same as you, don't try to feel inferior / worse / inferior, I'm your friend, you can trust me, because I want to help"


I do what I want, leave me alone already - Aquarians often say.

Aquarians have difficulty with organization, they do not have a good sense of time, they live spontaneously and have a constant need for novelty and excitement. They owe all this to their ruler - Uranus.


-Why is he such a jerk? Simply rude.

- Well, he is, it's his personality. Take it as it is.

This answer was given by the girl Aquarius.


Cancer lives in the past, Gemini lives in the present, Aquarius lives in the future.


Yes, she is inadequate! At the disco always tries to attract attention!

- Well, this is Aquarius ... (speaking to myself)

Aquarius is a 180 of Leo, Leo can attract attention, but Aquarius envies it because this sign can't attract much attention. 


Thomas Edison conducted 10 thousand experiments before discovering the incandescent lamp. He is Aquarius, so he conducted experiments with a feeling of lightness, because it was interesting to him, and not a burden.


Freedom (Uranus) goes hand in hand with responsibility (Saturn).

This concerns Aquarius, because they have two rulers:

Uranus and Saturn.


Aquarius breaks contact with those who are no longer interested in him. Thus he clears the way for new people. You are already studied, you are boring. It also happens that you can do it, this is Aquarius. Do not be offended if he suddenly stops communicating with you, and deletes from the social. networks or becomes sharply cold.


Aquarius women. Simple, friendly, altruistic, shocking, self-willed. It's cold air and unpredictable. It is very difficult to hold or tie to yourself...

Danna Garcia, Shakira, Janice Dickinson, Jennifer Aniston, Elizabeth Olsen. 


I didn't like economics, I loved Mankiw.

He is just an Aquarius and I liked the way he easily wrote and explained complex things in simple language.

Aquarius simplifies


Aquarius is at his best as a friend. After all, friends accept each other as they are, they know all the shortcomings and do not show anything for them. And when people enter into a relationship, quarrels and misunderstandings usually begin. Because friendship is when we feel good and we don't owe each other. Relationships are already increased requirements and conventions, as a result, there is a desire to remake a partner, to fit it in your head. But when we were friends, everything was fine! Here you need to adopt the Aquarius concept of friendship: "Accept a person as he is. Respect his oddities and give him the freedom to do as he wants"


Aquarians are spontaneous, sudden and unpredictable. Here you were friends for a while, and then Aquarius abruptly stopped communicating with you. Aquarius quite easily breaks with the past, he does not cling to the present, his gaze is fixed on the future.

Also in relationships. Here he is warm and good with you, puts your interests above his own, tries to help, and then once and suddenly becomes cold. This happens because Aquarius loses interest in a person. At first, he was attracted to your mystery, and now you are like an open book for him, he became bored and uninterested.

Aquarius Jake Pavelka, the main participant in the show "The Bachelor", chose a girl from 25 contenders for a long time. In the end, he stayed with Viena Ghirardi, who, a month later, in a shocked and half-tearful state, declares that Jake has abruptly cooled off towards her, that he had to ask him to kiss her all the time, and he will kiss on the cheek and say: “Is that all?” In general, she was surprised at how a person can so dramatically change his attitude towards his beloved just a month after the engagement.


The sign of Aquarius is a symbol of friendship and innovative currents. When I just became a subscriber of Aquarius a year ago, the main promoter of the raw food diet in RuNet, I received a letter:

"Greetings, dear friend!

I am pleased to share with you the most important and very valuable information about ....."

I follow a lot of people, none of them mention the word "Friend" when referring to their e-mail subscribers. And what the author did then delighted me, "Dear Friend, I salute you!" It can be seen that a person puts value in the very word "friendship". Sergei Dobrozdravin teaches raw food diet and how to stay healthy. 


Roosevelt and Yeltsin - they were said to be unpredictable. Both Aquarians are the same, so it is.


The more Aquarius in the world, the less plagiarism.


Aquarius will not only tell you how it works, but he will definitely show you from his own experience, since he is an experimenter and practitioner, not a theorist.


Aquarius women. Simple, friendly, altruistic, outrageous, self-willed. It is cold air, disobedient and unpredictable. It is very difficult to hold or bind to yourself in your hands ...

Danna Garcia, Shakira, Janice Dickinson, Vera Brezhneva, Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton, Irina Dubtsova, Yulia Sarkisova.


Vanga - like the psychic Muranov (both Aquarians) devoted herself to selfless help to people.

All his life he treated people with the help of his psychic abilities and did not take any money! They brought him food, clothes and household items so that he could exist. As a result, of course, in the final, everyone rushed to vote for Muranov, and not for dark magicians. It is also known that the wife left the psychic, because their house turned into a passage yard - too many people turned to him for help. Accordingly, such a person physically could not take care of the family. Typical altruistic Aquarius - everything for the sake of others! But I still advise Aquarius not to go too far with altruism, otherwise you can completely abandon yourself like that.


Air signs (Libra, Gemini and Aquarius) can chat with each other about anything, even when it would seem that there are no more topics for conversation.

Air signs (Libra, Gemini, and especially Aquarius) are very unpredictable, you never know what to expect from them.


Probably Gemini and Aquarius are the easiest to communicate with. They can talk to everyone, no matter if you are a homeless person or a deputy.

What's the difference between them all? For Aquarius - none!


Everyone's face says "Rebel!"

Freedom! Rebellion! Screaming Aquarius.


There are two models by which knowledge can be disseminated.

Leos: Cool packaging, enticing advertising, high cost of goods and focus on the elite. The lower and lower middle classes are left out

Aquarius: The desire to spread information to as many people as possible. To popularize knowledge and make a common contribution in the name of some idea - to benefit as many people as possible, to convey something and make changes in consciousness. Orientation to all, regardless of social class.


Aquarius will think about others, you just can't force him to do it. He is freedom-loving and therefore, when he hears the words “must”, “should”, he has an internal contradiction, rebellion, confrontation - “I don’t want to, I won’t!”


He will accept you as you are, with all your oddities, deviations and complexes. Even if you are an outcast or obviously do not suit society in some way. Do not complex when meeting with Aquarius.


"Everything ingenious is simple, but everything complex is not necessary."

This is how Aquarians think.


Aquarius... that says it all

In the first video, one Aquarius talked about how people's mouths are stinky. And oddly enough, it shot))

We need Aquarians to understand that we can go beyond the limits and do something different from our usual activities. Aquarians show us that it is beneficial to be ourselves, that you do not always have to copy someone and follow generally accepted stereotypes. That you don't have to be afraid of being ridiculed and misunderstood.


Aquarians always express themselves in an original form and cause a wave of admiration in someone, but rather a wave of protest and indignation in the majority. But it is worth recognizing that Aquarians speak at least unusually and interestingly.

Scientist - physicist Michio Kaku, I quote:

"We are producing a generation of idiots - watch our TV and reality shows. I'll tell you: America has a secret weapon called the H-1B Foreign Scientists Visa. Forget Google, forget Silicon Valley - everything was done not by Americans, but by immigrants. The United States sucks out the best brains from all over the world - India, China, Russia. And we ourselves only produce idiots "

And the look of Kaku, by the way, depicts his Aquarius rebellious temper. And it can be seen from the photo that the person seems to be eccentric and often pretentious, does everything outside the box. 


The signs most prone to rebellious behavior are Aquarius and Scorpio. Aquarius loves to break established orders and stereotypes, his task is to pave new paths in the development of science / art, to do everything in an original and unusual way and Scorpio feeds on the energy of hatred, he loves to go against the crowd. The task of Scorpio is to expose social problems, expose lies, tell everything as it is (Snowden has the Moon in Scorpio), remove the old and obsolete, highlight the truth and get to the bottom of the essence, unravel the mysteries of life.


An Aquarius teacher is the best thing that can happen to students. He will radiate simplicity and emancipation, in his presence it will be possible to express different ideas, offer something new without fear of being reproached or punished.

Aquarius love is unconditional. And it begins with the ability to accept people for who they are. It also applies to those who have the Moon / Venus in Aquarius.


Air Gemini, Libra and Aquarius love to interact with information. Gemini's task is to take and transmit information. No matter how true the information is, you need to learn something interesting and tell someone. It can be bright news, interesting information, controversial points for discussion so that there are more opinions. You may be advised to read a book. They give contacts of good doctors, programmers, tutors, psychologists, dentists, businessmen. Name the addresses of famous places in the city. They show you how to get to the library.


Libras are more selective. The information received from Gemini is considered by Libra from all sides, pluses and minuses are analyzed. Gemini sets the topic for debate, Libra expresses their opinion and argues. Gemini introduces Libra to everyone from their environment, Libra analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of everyone, looks at appearance and good manners, does not communicate with rude peopleю

Aquarius is not satisfied just like that. He needs fundamentally new information! He gets excited when he sees or invents something original and new. This is not just curious information, this is unique knowledge or a brilliant discovery. Everything banal is boring and uninteresting. He himself speaks in paradoxes, speaks in an unusual form. Gives a speech or writes in an improv style. This is when you don’t know what to say or write further, but at the same time you think it over and as a result other people quote you, Gemini journalists come to you to interview, to find out how you do it. And you just advise: "Be natural and simple, gentlemen. Be yourself and do not listen to others. Take your right to invent something new on your own"


Calling a person a friend after the first superficial meeting is a common occurrence among Aquarius and Gemini. 


Aquarius is an altruist for people, he wants to do something good for others. But in a one-on-one relationship with a loved one, he manifests himself as selfish. Because he is very wayward, does not like to adapt to someone, he does everything in his own way. Very freedom-loving and does not like family responsibilities.


Aquarius does not like the malleable, Aquarius loves to be argued with. And Leo, the opposite of Aquarius, is just the one who likes it when they look into their mouths and agree)

"Yes, yes, sir, you are great and right!"


When communicating with Aquarius, you can be yourself. They do not discriminate, they respect any manifestation of the Self, even the most eccentric. They are attracted by everything ingenious, unusual in people and things. They themselves are also those original peacocks. Democracy and freedom are the keywords that drive them. Aquarius is a symbol of liberation from conventions, clichés and stereotypes. This is why the largest percentage of geniuses are born under this Sun sign.


Friendly Aquarius loves immediacy in communication. And usually, when I write to them on YOU (Russian form of politeness to the other), they answer: "Can I use you?" People love Aquarius because they can easily get in touch with them.


Aquarians have an exiled Sun complex. In this regard, they envy the Leos, who get attention naturally and as expected. Therefore, Aquarians have a tendency to draw attention to themselves through unusual actions, rebelliousness and arguments: "Pay attention to my unique personality!"


I write a lot about Aquarius, without noticing it myself. Most likely, this is how I help them work out the expulsion of the Sun. Bringing them to the attention of others. In general, Aquarius is a sign adored by astrologers) Well, because Uranus is the planet of astrology.


What associations do you have when they talk about the genius of Aquarius? Scientist? Nerd? Discoverer? You may now look at your acquaintances Aquarius and say: "Where is their great genius?" And the genius of Aquarius lies in finding simple solutions to complex problems. Aquarius is an idiot from the point of view of society. Because when they inspire him that the problem is actually complex and that he is a fool not to cope with it, Aquarius does not believe, he is looking for simplicity in everything and self-confidently bends his line. Having found a solution to the problem, he will convey it in the simplest language for understanding, without theoretical demagoguery.


Do you know about the Age of Aquarius? If so, when will this Great Shift take place?

-The transition is already underway. “No one owes anything to anyone” (c) psychic Julia Wang 


Islam Karimov, Aquarius)) The permanent leader of Uzbekistan.

Where is the cruelty? The Moon in Capricorn has done its job! Especially given the difficult childhood of the late president.

Aquarius is the best sign in politics! Aquarius is politics in other words (11th house). Yeltsin, Reagan and Roosevelt are other examples of good government. Aquarius is a sign of altruism, Aquarius is one of those few who are ready to serve the people for years without waiting for recognition. Aquarius always thinks about the well-being of the people, he is unemotional and cold, reasonable. They have the spirit of revolutionaries and reformers. Aquarius in the character of Karimov manifested itself as a desire for absolute independence for the country. As political scientists write, he was able to drive out the American military base in a few months, while our country managed to do this only in 10 years. From the influence of Russia, too, fenced off until the last years of his life. Here is such an Aquarius)) Freedom and independence are above all, even when such an isolated situation causes discomfort.

Two Aquarius, 2 presidents, both born on January 30))

And Yeltsin was a day late - February 1))



Yoko Ono)) Japanese avant-garde artist, wife of John Lennon, Aquarius.

Lennon about his wife Yoko:

"From the very first day, she demanded equal rights with me, equal space and time. She entered my life when everyone served me and every whim was satisfied. I think that's what killed Elvis Presley and many others. Kings are always killed by courtiers, not enemies. She made me feel like I was Elvis "Beatle", so to speak, surrounded by flatterers and slaves who were only interested in ensuring that the state of affairs never changed. And this predicted death. "

John Lennon, October 9, 1940, Moon is (image of a wife) in Aquarius.

The Moon in the chart of men shows the image of the wife! Yoko Ono is just Aquarius, only by the Sun!

The above paragraph perfectly describes the Aquarian need for equality in everything! They do not recognize who is higher, who is lower, if necessary - they can tell the truth in person. It's good to have such friends! Regardless of your social status, money, etc., Aquarians will always remain loyal friends!


My grandmother is Aquarius, my grandfather was Libra. They were well suited to each other, as they were of the same element. Grandmother gave birth to 8 children, one died. They need to give the title of mother-heroine. From childhood, my grandmother grew up with her stepmother and therefore she was accustomed to serve everyone and raised her mother to be hardworking. Mom says about my grandma: "There is no selfishness in her, so she agrees to help." Sometimes they abuse and say: "She herself agreed"

She always treated the daughters-in-law normally, even sometimes helping to raise their children for years. One of them said that she even allows them too much. My parents are Libra, an air sign too. I grew up in a democratic environment where I was given the freedom to say and do what I want. The Liberal Arts University taught us how to use freedom correctly, value our opinion and conduct our own research. For creative people, freedom of expression is important. 

What happens to the air when they try to put pressure on it? The air will not be led and will leave the other in annoyance. Those close to Yeltsin said that he hated pressure. They also said that, unlike Putin, he was a trusting person. Trusting nature is characteristic of Aquarius.


My yard friends, two sisters. Virgo was smart, but Aquarius, her sister, was able to enter the US university for free for 4 years. In addition, she was also given $20,000 for research. An interesting fact is that she has always been emotionally unavailable. I was much more emotional and lively, yet I have the Moon in Leo and many even disliked me. I don’t know exactly what the Aquarius girl felt, but she definitely never spoke badly about anyone, she was friendly with everyone. Detached and never aspired to leadership, but her strong point was study and research. Although even there she must not have sought to dominate. Her inner world, with external absolute calmness, remained a mystery to me. There was also something that connected us: we were indifferent to relationships and guys, we were of the same element in the Sun and both wanted to succeed in school.


Among the best fiction writers, the signs of the zodiac were divided between Virgos (Agatha Christie, Tolstoy, Goethe) and Aquarius (James Joyce, Charles Dickens, Chekhov)


There are many good politicians among Aquarians: Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Lincoln, Kim Jong-un, Yeltsin (who gave freedom to the CIS countries), Sarkozy, Islam Karimov. Reagan and Lincoln are the best according to many US magazines. Franklin Roosevelt was president 4 times in a row.


 #1 in diving. As many as 15 Olympic gold medals, while the rest are 5 maximum


In sailing, two 4-times OCs: Aquarius Ben Ainsley, Paul Elvstrom Pisces. Pisces is a water sign, Aquarius is an air sign with water symbol. 


In the top 10 biathletes 6th Frank Wilrich Aquarius, and Uli-Einer Bjoerndalen, the very first and best in history, is also Aquarius. This is a winter sport and a winter sign like hockey, where the best is also winter Capricorn


18 and 15 km - #1 is Aquarius  (5 gold Olympic medals)

Hallgeir Brenden (2 times gold), Sven-Ake Lundback, Andrus Veerpalu (2 times gold) = 5 in total

In skiing, taking into account all distances, the first is Capricorn - 13 Olympic gold medals, Aquarius - 10, Pisces - 8. Capricorn and Aquarius are these winter signs. The fish are partially winter, but in March in Norway, Denmark and Russia it is cold and winter continues.


 #1 in the downhill part of mountain skiing is winter sign Aquarius - 4 gold medals, other signs - 2 at maximum

Egon Zimmermann, Pirmin Zurbriggen, Tommy Moe, Feuz Beat


Among the coaches in figure skating, all eminent and titled among the winter signs of the zodiac:

Tarasova Aquarius, Chaikovskaya Capricorn, Brian Orser Sagittarius, Nikolai Morozov Sagittarius, all winter 100%. Tutberidze (February birthdate) and Alexei Mishin Pisces (February 19-March 20). The sign of Pisces in Russia or Canada is considered winter since spring comes later there.


Aquarius girl marries a guy of much lower status. Wow. Still, it is true that Aquarians communicate with those who are lower and can sincerely love them.


In politics and friendliness, Leo may be inferior to Aquarius, but in PR and marketing, he beats. Also, Leo beats Aquarius in the heart matters.
The best sign for living together for Libra women is Aquarius. In terms of ensuring that there are as few manifestations of animal savagery as possible, Aquarius is ideal. He will not beat at least and is tamable.
It is impossible to force me to do what I do not want - this is what Aquarius says. I've heard the same thing about Libra. Why does Libra have to do the opposite? - asked friends. Air signs are democratic in themselves. They cannot stand possessive behavior. They value freedom. If the boss oppresses and tyrannizes, does not respect the opinion and personal space of his aerial subordinate, the air leaves. Of course, the air can pretend that it is a slave for its own sake. As a result, irritation will accumulate and an explosion of the nervous system will occur, a desire to escape at any cost.
My dad has an influential friend from his student days. Despite the big difference in status, the friendship remained. Aquarius by zodiac sign. Artykbaev Osmonbek Mambetzhanovich, the former deputy of Kyrgyzstan. Once he pulled dad out of a big injustice problem for free. Influenced strongly. Of course, Aquarians are good friends. 

Pisces husbands often complain of indifference on the part of women in bed. In general, water signs are difficult to suffer any indifference, especially in personal relationships. Pisces is a sign of feelings. They will share their feelings, they do not mind. In return, they also want the same. It's just that this is the case when a woman does not have water in the chart, she is woven from air, and also the coldest air - Aquarius. The air is abstracted from the whole animal as much as possible, it is a very detached element. The earth (antipode) is woven from alive instincts.

In the list of the best first 5 poets in the history of Russia, there are 4 air ones: Yesenin Libra, Vysotsky Aquarius, Pushkin Gemini, Lermontov Libra.

Almost everywhere except IT air signs are the best in discoveries. I thought medicine might be an exception, but Libra is the leader along with Sagittarius in the field of the most notable surgeons in history, the second Libra and Gemini after Pisces in the field of scientific discoveries in surgery.
Air signs are leaders in the field of science and discovery, but much weaker in remembering facts and therefore far from the first in “What? Where? When?" "The smartest" and "Own game." (Who wants to become a millionaire is an exception, but questions are easier there)
In these knowing facts show , the most intelligent Taurus, Scorpio and Sagittarius. They are the best at remembering facts and also at medical discoveries (smallpox vaccine, cure for tuberculosis, insulin for diabetes, anesthesia, artificial heart)
Anime Avatar was created by Cancer Michael Dante Dimartino (a.k.a. screenwriter) and Brian Konietzko with Venus in Cancer and Moon in Pisces. Water element. Ang was from the element of air, and fire 🔥 unleashed a war. The creators of the elements of water, therefore, they saw fire as a hostile element. Katara is water by nature: she loves to cook, is close to her mother and has a melancholy character. Air saves from the aggression of fire. In life, the air is democratic and philanthropic.
Aquarians are liars, they always show indifference in relationships, although in fact they are devoted and love.
When the taiene (mother's grandmother) came, she lay down so that her head was close to the balcony. So, taiene wanted the door to be open and a window on the balcony ... cold air blew from there in winter. “I need fresh air. I can’t do without it” and it doesn’t matter that you can catch a cold.
When the zodiac sign is Aquarius, you want air. I understand it this way.
Aquarians do not understand people. This one is good, that one is good. Virgo, on the contrary, distinguishes.
My dad has had one influential friend since his student days. Despite the big difference in status, the friendship remained. Aquarius by zodiac sign. Artykbaev Osmonbek Mambetzhanovich. One day, Osmonbek Mambetzhanovich pulled dad out of a big problem for free (a situation of injustice). It had a big impact. Of course, Aquarians are good friends.

Aquarius Neymar and Cristiano Ronaldo have a similar style of taking penalties. They accelerate in place for some time at the beginning and pause, then create a false alarm and, seeing where the goalkeeper is going to move, score in the other direction. Also, both have Jupiter in the 10th house.
The negative point is that Aquarius has no sense of duty. They hate being in debt to someone and do not fulfill obligations fully. They may ask you to work and take it for granted. If you tell them the truth, they will say that they are only human and make mistakes. One Aquarius guy's girlfriend brought him lunch every day when he just started his business and had no money. Years passed, he became successful and did not return anything to her. Moreover, he decided to break up with her. There are two types of Aquarius: one is altruistic, and the other is completely without a sense of duty and responsibility.

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