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Солнечные знаки (общеизвестные Знаки Зодиака)

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Zodiac sign (Sun) Capricorn

Capricorn matures early and withdraws from people. He always listens to mentors, teachers, older people, and from childhood he tries to do everything right, as he claims to teach others in the future. Capricorn works hard on his image and values ​​​​the reputation, therefore, avoids close and equal relationships with people, as they can gossip or somehow harm him. Here Capricorn, even in communication with friends, always tries to take the position of a mentor. But it creates real value. Virgo tries to be useful from a sense of helpfulness - I want to help you become better and through this I will receive self-satisfaction. And Capricorn says - Oh, how is it? You have to do it like this! Let me control you, until this month, to do these things. Capricorn gets high from power over someone.


He does not communicate closely with anyone, puts himself above the rest, so he has few friends. Only useful acquaintances. The desire for power takes away all his strength. Why does he need power? To do something significant! To bring your great life plan to life! At a fairly young age, Capricorn has what people go to all their lives. Because he sets goals! Time is never wasted. Yes, this is that serious nerd who sits at textbooks while others hang out. He says there is still a lot of work to be done. "I tend to underestimate my own and other people's work. It must be something outstanding! Otherwise, the significance of the achievement is simply not felt."

-I received a certificate for excellence

-Yes, but it is not difficult to get it. Freebie! 

Capricorns choose difficult paths because they understand that overcoming obstacles hardens and growth comes through it. So, good luck to Capricorns in achieving great goals! After all, the reward is worth it!


 Capricorn - this is the sign that treats the closest people in the toughest way, while doing the most for them. And relatives do not suspect how much he loves them. Capricorn shows feelings through devotion and fidelity, you can hug tightly and feel reliable. Do you know that Capricorns will praise you among everyone around you, looking cold and demanding?


Who, no matter how Capricorn, is able to work for a long time without waiting for recognition? He just knows that he will reach his goal, sooner or later and it creates motivation to work.


- "I am leaving with my affairs"

This is what Capricorns say when they want to go to the toilet))

 They even work in the toilet


I read the dialogue on the Forum:

Svetlana: I feel that he likes me, but there is a huge gap between us, he is my boss! We do not cross at work, I am just a small colleague for him, there are no points of contact at all, there is nothing to turn to him with. We do not meet often, and even then in a cafe for lunch. I'm also very shy, I can't stand his gaze. He is very serious, hates gossip about himself, is afraid of them, and according to the horoscope Capricorn, who lives with the mind and not with the heart. Why does he need extra problems and troubles? After all, he's so right. Only one thing consoles me, that after all he is a Man, the same person as everyone else, with his own desires. But I don’t see a way out yet, if you tell me the way, I will be very grateful to you !!!"

Answer: I have my closest girlfriend since childhood, by the way, she is also called Svetlanka, and so she looked after her Capricorn, who later became her husband, for two years, then she went to his house on Saturdays with an overnight stay for a year - she says I accustomed him for my stay in his house, then she made him a proposal herself, don’t laugh, it was all real and after some thought the boy, and at that time the boy was already 36 years old agreed. It's been 10 years now, and they are very happy, they have an eight-year-old daughter, but the "boy" is still feeling bad with emotions. This is for you and more patience and success!"


I always admire those who achieve everything in life on their own! Usually, Capricorns are one of these people. They have to do everything in life themselves. Life beats Capricorns more often than others and makes them solve problems on their own! If you saw the rich and famous Capricorns, be sure that they did it on their own, there were no rich parents or connections initially. There was talent and the ability to work hard to achieve the goal!


Where there are success stories, there are Capricorn ears))


- Here we have a bride for you ...

Capricorn: mmm, what bonuses?


Capricorns suffer more than others because they do not allow deviations in the script to happen.


Pisces (w) and Capricorn (m) are a perfectly compatible couple! This is a sextile, between these signs 60 degrees. Pisces seems to be the only sign that Capricorn can show weaknesses without fear of being judged. Who, if not Pisces, can take pity on Capricorn after a hard day's work and relax? Pisces will justify Capricorn and defend against his own accusations against himself, Pisces will make Capricorn's heart softer, and his character more sensitive. And Capricorn, in turn, will serve as a strong support, a shoulder that you can always rely on. Capricorn will protect the fragile Pisces from the problems and rudeness of the material world. With him Pisces can afford to be feminine and soft.


Capricorn is so zealous about the business of life that he avoids relationships.


When asked if the producers tried to put pressure and force them to comply with their rules during the Bachelor project, the answer was:

"Maybe only the first three days. Then they realized that it was completely pointless. They are simply not used to the fact that the hero does everything in his own way. Although I honestly warned them about this. I always stick to my line, and it is useless to put pressure on me: I'm Capricorn. The advantage was that we could discuss anything behind the scenes, but both they and I understood very well that as soon as I entered the frame, I would do whatever I saw fit. So I did. " (Vorobiev Alexey)



You've been given a job, do it now.


Now there is no desire, I will do it in an hour, when there is a mood.


Lara Fabian Capricorn with Venus in Capricorn, hence the depth of emotion in art. Capricorns are passionate people.


Yes, not only Virgos and Capricorns criticize, but these two act on me personally depressingly. For example, I'm sitting relaxed, talking to Virgo, and she immediately corrects: "Not like this, but like this!" Then I tighten up, become tense and generally want to quickly end the conversation with this person and Capricorn scolds very hard and tries to remake you. After communicating with Capricorn, self-esteem falls down to the bottom. These are individual impressions, someone is delighted with these signs. And if you look from the other side, these signs are the most responsible and serious, reliable. They plan everything and make few mistakes, they are always down to-earth and demanding. These people carefully do their job, which cannot but inspire respect. 


Often Capricorn is stubborn and considers his opinion the only correct one, he does not know how to build relationships with people and does not want to, because he hears only himself. So not only I feel, almost everyone unanimously repeats this to me. Isn't it nice to talk to a person who only stands his ground and doesn't even want to hear the arguments of the opposite side? Does he respect the interlocutor? Do they ever think about the fact that there are not only physical and economic, but also emotional needs? Why, when they talk to him about experiences or personal complexes, instead of supporting him, does he begin to teach? Often this looks like a disregard for the interests of others.


The hardest thing in the world is to get Capricorn to say three words: "I love you!"


How Capricorns secretly want to be praised... but they don't like to show it. They feel embarrassed when they are admired.


No, Capricorn cannot live without telling the other what to do and how to behave. Such a nature.


Capricorn torments everyone, but will make sure that the work is done properly.


Capricorns have a desire to always insist on their own. “I didn’t need this, but this,” they say. So they want to defend their self


He works detachedly and gives himself to work completely, can work for hours and take it for granted.

He craves recognition, achievement, but praise himself does not particularly like it, because I am sure that pride harms the cause and swaddles the eyes. Demanding of myself and strict, hence the fear - will I cope with the next test? He shows more than he says.


Its ruler is Saturn, a planet whose absence entails behind a lawlessness and permissiveness. Saturn instills fear, thus he ensures that a person lives in good faith and is responsible for his deeds. Saturn desires

so that we admit our mistakes and learn from them, otherwise he punishes and hurts.


The Tarot card of this sign is the Hermit, the card also has the second name "Inner Light", which I like better, as it reflects the essence of the Leadership qualities of this sign.

This Hermit is actually one that has an inner core/charisma and can lead.


The mountain goat (in other words, Capricorn), as described by zoologists, is by nature a loner, an irritable, self-absorbed soul that shuns the crowd.                         

Really. Few people understand him, and he himself does not try to understand others. But, to those who understand him, he is firmly and for a long time attached. Doesn't let go. Sometimes faithful and loyal to the grave. You just need to pass the test of time.

Eternity is the word of Capricorn. Friends, forever!

Love is forever! If you create, then so that it lives forever!


He works detachedly and gives himself to work completely, can work for hours and take it for granted.

He craves recognition and achievement but does not particularly like when people praise him, because he is sure that pride harms and swaddles the eyes. Demanding and strict, hence the fear - will I cope with the next test? He shows more than he says.


Scorpio and Capricorn are two signs that people fear.

He is result oriented. Learn, get the result, and then forget.


David Bowie, Capricorn

The article is imbued with the spirit of Capricorn.

“I am absolutely cold and indifferent to everything. But in this case, I ask myself, where does this stormy source of creative energy come from? I don’t understand. David Bowie’s songs do not belong to me – I just release them through myself into this world. I am amazed: their author, whoever he was, at least experienced strong feelings! I can’t know such feelings. I am constantly in a state of internal numbness, I wander through life absolutely insensible. I am not a person, I am an ice floe. " — (November, 1976).

David Bowie, Capricorn plus Moon - Saturn conjunct, winter sign. 


Capricorns, praise yourself at least once in a while. You really have something to be proud of, believe me. There is a reason to love yourself. I understand that Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, often whispers to you that you are worthless, but still, love yourself and do not create your hell with an overly serious attitude towards life.


Capricorn loves challenges, he is not one of those who are looking for easy ways. Capricorn likes everything complex, he is not interested in the easy.


Capricorn cannot understand how Gemini can chat for hours just like that. He does everything with a focus on results and empty chatter he considers meaningless. Gemini get pleasure through communication, plus they make connections with the right people, so everything is not in vain.


Scorpio is tough, Capricorn is tough.


So, open the door or at least a window, do not leave Capricorn alone in a confined space))


The feeling of happiness in Capricorn is associated with the performance of work that brings tangible benefits to people.


Scorpions and Capricorns are united by: isolation, perseverance in achieving goals, cruelty, workaholism, categoricalness, imperiousness, passion.


Capricorn is difficult to trust people, does not let anyone close, keeps a distance. To overcome this protective mechanism, a kind of shield, you need to pass the test of time. Capricorns have been friends for years with the same people, it’s hard to get close to new ones.


Two symbols of loneliness - Capricorn and Pisces. Capricorn alone goes to his cherished goal, solves all problems himself, does not whine and does not hope for someone's help. Pisces in solitude catch higher inspiration, compose music, write poetry, pity people, engage in introspection.


Even though Osho is a Sun Sagittarius, he has 5 planets in Capricorn! (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn in Capricorn, others: 11/12/1931) Such a strict, serious Osho and the corresponding title of books calling people to loneliness / solitude.

"In fact, only a person who is capable of being alone is capable of loving.

Only a person who knows how to be alone and remain joyful is so full of love that he can share it. He can share it with strangers.

All attempts to avoid feeling lonely are doomed to failure because they go against the basics of life. What you need is not some way to forget that you're lonely. What is needed is for you to realize your loneliness. It's such a beautiful experience to feel it, because it's your freedom from the other, from the crowd. This is your freedom from the fear of feeling alone.

In fact, very few people have loved at all. They pretended, they were hypocrites, deceiving not only others but also themselves. You can truly love only if you are. Right now, you're just part of the crowd, a gear in a machine. How can you love? - because you are not. Be first; know yourself first.

In your loneliness you will discover what it means to be. And out of that awareness of your being, love flows, and much more. Loneliness should be your only search.

And this does not mean that you have to go to the mountains. You can be alone in the market square. It's just a matter of being aware, alert, watchful, and remember that you are only your watchfulness. Then you are alone, wherever you are. You can be in the crowd, you can be in the mountains; it doesn't matter, you're just the same watchfulness. In the crowd you watch the crowd; in the mountains you see mountains. With open eyes you observe existence; with closed eyes you observe yourself. You are only one: the observer."


Capricorns... take the weight off your shoulders, don't take on so much! Don't forget to rest!


Two symbols of Strength, Power - Scorpio and Capricorn.


Capricorn takes on a lot, sets the bar too high. The result is such that either he copes with everything that he voluntarily put on himself, or copes through strength and resistance. Or you can just drop some of the load and calmly go through life without a sour face.


Circumstances put Capricorn in such a position, when you have to be alone and rely only on yourself. This is done so that Capricorn finds support in himself and becomes stronger. This is how a leader is born who leads people.


He always comes so gloomy and dissatisfied, he sits, looks at me with his heavy gaze. He never greets himself, and when he is greeted, he is silent.

That's what they said about one Capricorn, a man of age. The older Capricorn, the grumpier and tougher he becomes. This is not only bad for him, but also for the people around him.


Circumstances put Capricorn in such a position, when you have to be alone and rely only on yourself. This is done so that Capricorn finds support in himself and becomes stronger. This is how a leader is born who leads people.


Capricorn believes that the whole world is against him, and he alone.


Capricorn hopes for himself in life, he does not tell anyone about his problems, considering this a weakness. He does not know how to ask for help, so he is closed and does not like people.

Independent, tough and charismatic - also a kind of charm.


Relative Capricorn: why are you acting like a little one? You jump, you dance, you spread your arms and legs. You're already an adult, but you're acting like a child.

Well, I was in the 5th grade, sort of. For me, seventh-graders are even children, my sister, who is already 16, is still a child. I'm interested in the threshold of age, from which Capricorn considers a child an adult and begins to "foster" him. This threshold is probably very low.


Virgo wants perfection in everything, even in small things. And Capricorn is also a perfectionist, but wiser or something. He understands where it is really important to be thorough, and where it is possible to relax. And Virgo wants to be perfect in all the little trifling things that are very important to her, so her life is more nervous and confused. Capricorn only cares about serious things, so he is calmer.


Capricorns, calm down Virgos))


He was married and had a family, but he always dreamed of her, of the love of all his previous incarnations. He thought that Julia was his illusion, he wrote songs about her, one of them is called "Julie"

It is a pity that David Bowie died without knowing that Julia is alive, that she is real.

Capricorns, Capricorns are always like that - said Julia Wang about the dancer Ilshat at the Battle of Psychics, when she saw his inner fears and a sense of loneliness. Apparently, she knew what she was talking about, since her eternal love, Capricorn David Bowie, was also lonely (according to her poems.)


Maiza (Daniela Escobar) from Clone. Capricorn woman. She played herself.

Serious, aristocratic, strong, ambitious.

I remember when Lucas offended her with his love for Zhadi, Maiza bought diamonds with his money and told him when they met:

"I turn tears into diamonds!"


Capricorn is good as a boss in terms of the fact that he clearly says what and how to do. Everything is clear and understandable with him, in his system everyone knows their duties, so it is reliable with Capricorn in this regard.

Come on time, do the work and be free.

Serious individuals are respected by people. Capricorns are respected, they are treated as individuals.


Don't whine Capricorn. He believes that he should solve all your problems and takes seriously what you say. And you just wanted to attract his attention and get affection, attention from him. And he is cold and straightforward, becoming even tougher, because he believes that you are disturbing him over trifles. Tell him openly about your intentions, without hints, whining, complaints and other petty whims.

Ask him, he is responsible and serious, through help he feels needed. Ask to be near, somewhere to comfort, to show gentleness. So he will clearly know about your needs.


Capricorn life tends to hit harder than the rest, so he asks himself: "For what?" and here begins the study of cause-and-effect relationships, that is, karma.


Valuable observations about Capricorns from a friend of the psychologist.

"I had many clients of Capricorns - mostly true women. Everyone has something similar. Their own point of view, which they rarely change to please someone. Persistence, difficult fate, constant obstacles, problems with personal life (not for a long time can find a suitable life partner), although there are many fans. fell in love with someone, then as a rule for life. And he does not care about the opinions of others on this matter. Men, oddly enough, are often crushed by such pressure of fate.

 This is what I liked the most.

"If a Capricorn falls in love with someone, then as a rule for life. And he does not care about the opinions of others about this."


If Sagittarius is a fan of exclamation marks (!), then Cancer loves emoticons of this nature))))


I have already noticed it many times. I usually use Cancer emoji when I get softer.


Capricorn loves neither.


Capricorns do not discuss acquaintances behind their backs, and even more so friends.


The power and dictate of Capricorn is a way of self-defense, he wants to cling to something stable and hold on to it for fear of losing a stable, familiar one, for fear of destroying the structure.


Yes, Capricorn does not lisp and does not show affection, tenderness, but you should not assume that his coldness is indifference to you. In difficult times, he will take responsibility for you, solve problems, show concern.


Capricorn complicates, Aquarius simplifies.

So I say with caution: it will be necessary to work a lot during this period

Capricorn: Work? Happy!

If you tell Scorpio or Capricorn how exhausted you are or that you worked very hard, they will tell you that this is work and so it should be, they say, what did you expect?


If you have met Capricorn, your ego is in danger. Saturn does not like the proud and arrogant, he points them to their place and makes them do something significant before showing off. The same goes for Scorpio, he does not understand why people put on airs without doing anything special.


Capricorn is a sign of purpose and high goals, so it is often vital for him to decide on a goal. And here lies the trap. Why does Capricorn work so hard without inspiration, and then often feel empty after achieving the goal? Because he goes to false targets! Capricorn's eyes light up when he sees the bait in the form of social awards and prizes, he loves fame, prestige and power. He does not understand that it is possible to get all this by following his own path, and not imposed by the stereotypes of the mind. Even if at first glance this path seems absurd or unprofitable, Capricorn needs to follow the call of the soul, and not choose difficult ways to achieve a "prestigious" goal, after which you feel nothing but devastation. And it is not worth striving too much only forward for the sake of power.


The exploiter is not only Capricorn, but also Scorpio! The first requires patience, discipline, perseverance and responsibility. And the second - squeezes out all the juices, he is waiting for the full return of himself without a trace.


For Capricorn, the phrase "accept and love yourself as you are and don't change others" is simply meaningless. He is right, because you need to work on your dark sides, and not just accept them and love yourself no matter what. It’s just that there are people so unscrupulous that at least 10 Capricorns will shout to them that they shouldn’t do this, that there are punishments, karma, and so on, they will still consider themselves ideal.


Why scream or hysteria when you can just punish with silence? Good strategy of wise Capricorns.


In everything that happens in life, the person himself is to blame - Capricorn says to every whiner.

So, we found out. We go to Taurus when we want to get better. To Virgo - when we want to improve our health. And we go to Capricorns when we have already got drunk and let ourselves go so that he, firstly, through swearing, makes us feel guilty. Secondly - to read the recommendations for long-term fasting.


“Sorry for the lame joke. I'm hard on jokes and I'm not good at them. In the film, I look like a sort of self-taught wit, but in fact I drew humor from the script.

Capricorn Kevin Costner interview

Imagine the load and responsibility Capricorn Kevin Costner had as a bodyguard! Therefore, serious, reliable and collected, after all, such a burden lies on him - to keep the star safe and sound, to be able to be in that place and at that time in order to have time to save her life. Otherwise, he will be to blame for everything - he did not save, he could not protect from dangers!

From the movie "The Bodyguard"

Frank told his father as a child: “Dad, I should have been brought up tougher. Why didn't you beat me as a child?

Capricorn is the sign least prone to gossip. In this regard, he is strict with himself, he can be trusted.


Here it is the earth, with a protective bark:


Taurus is reserved and stubborn

Capricorn is serious and callous

Virgo - nervously tense and clamped

The defense of these signs can be difficult to break through.


You, Scorpios, are psychologically hardened))) Together with Capricorns, you normally endure criticism. It is very difficult to shake your self-confidence and charisma.


Trust is expensive. Especially for Capricorn and Scorpio.


Capricorns know how to look as if they want to punish. It's getting creepy...


Cruel, demanding, hard-working. At the same time reliable, guaranteeing a reward. He says: "Overcome the difficulties, go through these tests and you will get it"


Saturn, ruler of Capricorn.


Capricorn chooses hard ways to achieve goals. He loves to overcome obstacles. Unfortunately, it often happens that Capricorn, climbing to the top of the mountain alone, becomes callous and demanding. And therefore, when he meets people who are frivolous or who are used to getting everything just like that, he rages inside. Such Capricorn wants to lower through slander or scold dirty. Among the Signs of the Zodiac, the most prone to slander - His Majesty Capricorn is in 1st place. This is already known in Astrology, well, I myself confirm this. Was a victim of slander by two Capricorns.


Do not blame Capricorn for spiritual callousness. He takes on tasks that no one would ever take on. He is responsible for the result, so he demands from himself and others


Capricorns say it's better to have a lot of work than not to.


Capricorns are often depressed because they always strive upwards. You have to do this, then, there is no time to relax, you cannot stand still, otherwise the train will leave and when Capricorn stands still or goes down, when his schemes and plans fall apart, he feels very bad. Capricorn is born to take responsibility and move forward. But still, you need to be able to relax, look better at others, they are not particularly steamy and happy, but as soon as you start to slip, you immediately fall into depression, for you to stand still or fall into a crisis is a step back. In fact, crises are also needed in order to then get out of them to a different level, renewed. Allow yourself some time to be in the swamp and do not build a gloomy face.


Capricorns always want to follow the scheme, do everything according to plan, control everything. Therefore, they often take everything upon themselves, do not trust others, think: "If you want to do something well, do it yourself"

But Capricorn also has a desire for absolute power when it becomes possible to delegate work to others. That's when hard dictatorship begins: control over the quality of work, deadlines (due to the desire to do everything right and according to plans), there is a desire to give less and squeeze more. Capricorn bosses are very strict, rarely praise, often scold employees, stand over their souls, show diktat and completely kill creativity in a person, because they force them to work according to schemes and instructions. If Capricorn is the head of state, the country will face a totalitarian regime.


Taurus and Capricorn are very difficult to change their views on life, their beliefs are firm and crystallized. But by doing this, they radiate self-confidence, charisma, reliability, support, a stable system of life values, and clear principles. For example, when you ask Taurus for a hundred from your bag or take the keys from your jacket pocket, he will say:

"I do not look through other people's bags and do not rummage through pockets"

and the path is even your brother. And he will never get into his parents' pocket either. This is his life principle, firm conviction, and value.

Capricorn is like that too. If you ask: "Tell me what she said about me?"

He will answer:

"I can't say that. I can't talk about a person behind their back. It'll look like me and that girl can talk about you as well."

Virgo, being also earthly, has the same strict principles, however, Virgo is a mutable sign, she changes more easily, is always open to new knowledge and loves to repeat after someone more correct than her. Accordingly, unlike Taurus and Capricorn, she is easier to rebuild, she can reconsider her beliefs, correct something in her worldview. Virgo believes that her views on life may be imperfect and is in the position of a student who asks every time: "Is this right? Am I doing everything the way it should be? Or maybe it should be completely different?"


Virgo is very sensitive to any hint of her imperfection. She is quickly offended. For example, when you say to Virgo:

"I'll tell you something, just promise not to tell anyone."


"I told you, now I hope you won't discuss it with anyone"

Virgo after these words will tell you:

"Me??? I'm not like that! I'm not a gossip!"

And really, how could we doubt the correctness of the Virgin?


Although Capricorns and Scorpios do not immediately trust people, but after checking a person in all respects and including "Theirs" in the circle, they will not let him go. They will endure and go to the last.

Capricorns, your problem is that you always remake and educate everyone and people have the right to be themselves. You don't have to tell them what to do. Improve your life.

If you want to be periodically brought down to earth and educated, contact Capricorns more often. For those who want to take a course of shock therapy "The Whole Truth About Me", I advise you to go to the Scorpios.


Usually when they meet people who are secretive and distrustful, they ask: "Did any past experience affect the fact that you now do not trust people?" Of course, experience plays a big role in shaping a person's character, but at the same time, Capricorns and Scorpios are naturally distrustful and secretive. Even if there was no disappointing experience, there is still paranoia, just from all sorts of thoughts - what if he betrays and hurts? This is "what if, huh?" prevents them from approaching people and opening up even to their closest ones. Scorpio is jealous, not because someone cheated on him in the past, he is simply jarred at the thought that this is theoretically possible. And such a thought no longer haunts, Scorpio always suspects a loved one, checks and controls: "Where was/a, what did/a do?" Because he does not trust and somewhere in his thoughts he always allows the option of betrayal.


Capricorn always needs to know that the business he is doing is important and beneficial. Work for him is the main thing in life, so always praise not him, but what he does. If you want to hurt Capricorn's pride a lot, say that what he is doing is pointless and worthless. You will get an enemy for life.


Mostly good things can be said about Capricorn women. They serve their husbands very faithfully. Work, give birth and cook at home.

Virgos and Capricorns are similar in their increased demands on themselves. But unlike Capricorn, Virgo, although she criticizes, knows how to forgive. And Capricorn is more cruel in this regard. He takes life and actions of people too seriously, condemns and rarely forgives, always wants to punish. To himself, he is no less severe, never satisfied with his own achievements, always striving for more. Just like Virgo, not inclined to love herself, she does not know how to accept compliments. Capricorns and Capricorns:

1) Maybe you will learn to relax without remorse and after each success somehow pamper yourself?

2) Is it worth putting everything on one card, and then falling into despair and depression if the goal has not been achieved? Maybe it's better to have several goals, plans B in case of failure, or find a business that will really bring satisfaction already in the process of activity?

3) Maybe learn to trust people and love them? Well, at least try something...


Capricorn always takes responsibility for his own destiny, so do not be offended when they answer your complaints and whining: "It's your own fault, you did everything to yourself. Don't be weak, don't whine and don't complain." authoritarian advice-imposing, remaking people to fit their standards and views of the world. Cancer, as the opposite of Capricorn, on the contrary, always tries to morally support and says: "Don't worry, it's not your fault, it's these people who did this and those events turned out like that, but you are good, everything is fine!" This also applies to Moons in Cancer. Therefore, they are drawn to Cancers, and Capricorns are considered callous, insensitive. The other extreme is Cancer cowardice, avoidance of responsibility, hiding one's head in the sand at the slightest problem. They do something bad, they try to get away with it, they cannot plead guilty, they blame circumstances, they push everything onto other people. "Ah, nah, it's not me, it's those people over there, I have nothing to do with it." Capricorn, on the other hand, takes everything upon himself: "It's all my fault, I was responsible. I should have done differently."


The state of moral maturity and seriousness in this sign arises from childhood. Therefore, he gets annoyed when he sees clear signs of frivolity and permissiveness on the part of people. In youth, this manifests itself as a desire to punish the stupid and immature, but the older he gets, the wiser he is about the frivolous actions of people. In my life I met a lot of Capricorns, on whose faces instead of the usual word "depression" there were still other words: wisdom, maturity, responsibility.

Yes, he is, Capricorn!

Julia Wang and Ilshat (in continuation about Capricorns

DW: What's going on with you? Are you depressed. Stress, fear of loneliness, fear in general. A lot of fears. A lot of pain. Why are you so worried? Were you born in January? Capricorn. Capricorns are always like that. (Here Ilshat falls...)

Ilshat Capricorn with Moon in Capricorn. Therefore, the propensity to depressive states is so clearly expressed.


A step in the wrong direction is a punishment, a step to the left is a dead end, a step back is impossible, a step forward is scary.

And you still say why Capricorn is so serious and gloomy


He is alone in his fears, he does not trust anyone, he is not even ready to open up to his relatives, he is always in himself and always in hell, crushed by obligations, takes on a lot, does not tell anyone - what is wrong with him? You share, open up, it will become easier for you! No, everything needs to be controlled, I can't be weak. Whining is a shame Emotions must be kept.


:"I don’t trust people, here everyone can be an enemy, they will put another knife in the back, it would be better to take control over them and force them not to be themselves. We are to blame for everything, we build our own destiny. Here I have a goal, it is my own. I am always together with her, she is worth living for, that's my love. I'm climbing, I'm a lone wolf, don't come, don't touch, don't interfere. Do not talk in vain, do not steal my and your time, go and achieve, find a dream. Achieved less? It's your fault! You are just weak. Who asked you to sit just like that? Look what path I have traveled, and you? Aren't you ashamed? Come listen to me and do this. Otherwise what? Merciless time will punish you, everything is not in vain. Reap what you have sown now. Grow up, don't be impudent, you owe a lot in this world, be brave and strong, don't whine and don't cry! Go around everyone around, you set a goal, so go to it, you are a strong man!" (Capricorn)


Younger sister Cancer says that she could not be a traffic police officer and fine people (well, too soft). Why stand by the road, whistle and arouse hatred in people? Few people want to go against people. This is where the idea came up:

Capricorns could be happy to be traffic cops, punishing people for infractions and breaking the rules is their favorite pastime.


Jeanne D'Arc Capricorn. Capricorn women are often strong and courageous. Not as much as Joan of Arc, but the brave are more common than the cowardly. Capricorn women can openly oppose authority, have a sharp tongue and are not afraid to express their opinions.


Jack Thayer is the hero of the Titanic. This guy, at the age of 17, helped passengers get on the boats and did not get on himself. Later he was pulled out of the icy water and he survived. The media talked about him and the guy became famous throughout the country. By date of birth, you can see the Sun in Capricorn, the Moon in Sagittarius, Mars in Aries. These are the three most daring signs. Fire is bold, and among earthly Capricorn is the most courageous.


The earthly type of personality is always easier to adapt to the requirements of the structure. Capricorn Kate Middleton is an example of this, because she was able to get along with members of the royal family. Megan Markle couldn't as she is the artistic type. Lion with insufficient earth energy.


Cash Warren and Jessica Alba share the same element and this explains their long marriage. They immediately fell in love with each other at first sight. He pleased her in everything and persuaded her to marry him. The marriage was complicated by the jealousy of the spouse. As usual, the earthly are jealous.


Capricorns are most interesting women as occupying a high part of a strict hierarchy. These are excellent administrators who can get along with higher-ranking people. Kate Middleton found a common language with the royal family that Princess Diana and Meghan Markle could not do. Lyudmila Putina was able to live in marriage with the president for 31 years!


Among the best 30+ hockey players 18 are earth (more than half)

8 Capricorn, 5 Taurus, 5 Virgo. Capricorns are the best in hockey.

Capricorns: Frank Mahovich, Ray Burke, Bobby Hull, Valery Kharlamov, Terry Savchuk, Mark Messier, Jacques Plante, Sill Apps

Taurus: Vladislav Tretiak, Steve Yzerman, Jari Kurri, Stan Mikita, Johnny Bucik

Virgos: Ovechkin, Guy Lafleur, Jean Beliveau, Peter Shastny, Daryl Sitler


In skiing, taking into account all distances, the first Capricorn - 13 Olympic gold medals, Aquarius - 10, Pisces - 8. Capricorn and Aquarius are these winter signs. The fish are partially winter, but in March in Norway, Denmark and Russia it gets cold and winter continues.


There are Capricorns from Satan, and a girl who is a kind Capricorn told about one of them. He said that in the presence of men she could not say a word, express her opinion, since she was a girl. According to the girl, Capricorn always made her feel guilty and ashamed, in this regard, he was a real devil.


Sports gymnastics includes Capricorn 9-time OCH Larisa Latynina, 8-time Savao Kato Libra, Andrianov Nikolai Libra. This is the first three of the most titled OCs. Next up is 6x Capricorn Vitaly Shcherbo and 5x Capricorn Agnes Keleti and Tsukahara Mitsuo. 4x Libra Ludmila Turishcheva and Georges Maitz.


 The best Formula 1 drivers in history: first place Lewis Hamilton 103 wins, Michael Schumacher 91 second. Both Capricorns. Third place 53 wins, already a big gap from the second.


In Capricorn, intuition is developed rather poorly, while in Cancer it is strongly developed. In anticipation of mortal danger, this is noticeable and Cancers have much better relations with people. Capricorn Dyatlov was the leader of the campaign, he did not feel anything, but Yuri Yudin foresaw the danger and went home. His body even spoke to him, because he felt bad and after that he decided to leave. Several tourists died from avalanche.


There are good Capricorns. They are often exploited, used by acquaintances and friends, and the bosses behave inhumanly. Capricorns are the most executive and hardworking.


What are Capricorns afraid of? They are afraid that the person - the image they admire, will disappoint them in person.


Jack London was a Capricorn. He lived a difficult life, often fell into depression, and his last years were also depressed due to a creative crisis. I read quotes by Jack London and felt a depressing gloomy tone


It is difficult for airy girls to do physical labor. The fire works until it burns out. Water knows how to cook deliciously and exquisitely, but does not particularly like to plow. Earthly physical labor is easier, as they are hardworking and patient. The earthly ones, of course, lack the imagination of water, and they can do the same thing for years without fiery novelty. Homework greatly exhausts the air.


Compatibility between Capricorn and Scorpio. Capricorn and Scorpio are quite compatible. Two strong signs. The point of contact of these two signs is the love for the power of both signs. If Scorpio is a man, then he simply rules authoritatively in relationships, and the Capricorn woman obeys. I'll give you an example. A Capricorn woman married a man who was far from her father's image. She was used to the fact that her father always told him what to do. For example, "come there and at such a time" Her father is Scorpio according to the Sun, and her husband is an air element. The husband gave freedom, and the Capricorn woman got used to the man insisting on his own, deciding everything himself. It was very difficult to change the mind. Father Scorpio is the perfect man in the eyes of Capricorn women. Capricorns love powerful and status men.


Capricorns have a positive trait. They take responsibility for life themselves even if the other made a mistake. Capricorn never allows a problem to come out.


Capricorn men are among the most handsome men in history together with Taurus (top 10):

Kim Tae-Hyng Capricorn, Hrithik Roshan Capricorn

Regarding the conflict between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, that Kate made a remark to Meghan in a harsh form about the children's dresses. Kate is Capricorn and it is worth noting that this sign does not have a personality, it is a set of attitudes and rules. Megan is a personality and here we see again the leadership qualities of the fire element. She was offended because they wanted to “attach” the standard to her and did not even warn her how to dress the children at the wedding. You need to respond to Capricorn's remarks correctly, without offense, understanding that you are not communicating with a person, but with something automatically correcting you.
In the list of the most famous prophets and teachers, there are almost only Capricorns - Muhammad, Confucius, Zarathustra, S. Vivekanada, G. Gurdjieff, M. Nostradamus. J. d'Arc.
Jesus Christ has a dubious date of birth, December 25 is not his exact date of birth. Exact - August 21, 7 BC, that is, he was a Leo. Lions are brave and often have a good heart.
Capricorns have a positive trait. They take responsibility for life on themselves even if the other made a mistake. Capricorn never allows a problem to come out, does not take dirty linen out of public
Queen Elizabeth 2 is Taurus and therefore she was impressed by Kate, since she is a Capricorn. This is one element - the earth. Earthly most adaptable to the rules and norms of the system.
Capricorn is a very vulnerable sign. How so? They seem to be tough people, but in fact they are closed, lonely and vulnerable. Capricorn is afraid to fall in love for real, is silent and keeps everything inside to the last, as he is terribly afraid of unrequited feelings. Capricorns always plan everything and feel helpless in situations where something does not go according to their scenario. Who knew that the finalist of the project "The Bachelor" Natasha would say to Alexei Vorobyov "I don't love you!" Could he have expected to ever hear such a thing? Second finalist Yana gave him an icy heart with the intention of melting it together. Yana herself did not expect such a reaction. Natasha has the Moon in Capricorn, Yana has the Sun in Capricorn - so they all three reflected each other. Natasha and Yana were crying too...

Capricorns are perfectionists, the singer gets nervous and anxious before every concert. He gets very critical of evey his mistake. Kim Taehyung cried out of feeling ease when the audience cheered him and expressed more support that he expected. Kim Taehyng is in the top 10 most beautiful men in history! Capricorn is number 1 handsome in history. There was another Capricorn in the top 10 together with 2 men Taurus. Capricorn is a very passionate zodiac sign. His marriage year is 2027, but before this, he will have a lot of romantic relationships. Kim Tahyun may not necessarily get married in 2027, he may meet his love as an option and this is a meaningful relationship for him. Capricorn men usually don't get married early. 


There are two types of Capricorns. The first one is passionate and the second type is cold, minimum emotions. 

Jimin: “I only tend to Taehyung, I actually learn a lot from him. He makes me feel good and touches my heart. That’s when I am grateful to have Taehyung as a friend.” Taehyung starts crying…

They say men don't cry. Capricorn is a feminine sign, so he cries.


Capricorn - 8, Virgo - 6, Aries - 4, Cancer -4, Aquarius - 4, Leo - 4, Pisces -3, Scorpio - 2, Gemini - 2, Libra -2. 

Tina Wesson, Tom Westman, Rob Mariano, Denis Stapley, John Cochran, Adam Klein, Ben Driebergen, Maryanne Oketch.

Earth: 16, Fire: 9, Air: 9, Water: 9


Capricorns are of two types. Some are very passionate and sensual. Others are cold and have a minimum of feelings.
Julie Wang loved Capricorns and always spoke of them affectionately, because David Bowie was Capricorn. Ilshat (dancer), why are you so worried? Depression, fears and fear of loneliness. Were you born in January? Capricorn…

I'm sorry for a Capricorn Yana Anosova. She loved Vorobyov very much, and since Natasha Gorozhanova said that she did not love, then Yana should have been given the victory. I am sure that Alexey loved Natasha more and if she brought an icy heart instead of Yana, he would not even notice. Having received a refusal from Natasha, Alexei became angry and decided that he also needed to hurt someone. The target was Yana, the second finalist. She suffered from the categoricalness of Capricorn Vorobyov.
Guardiola is a Capricorn, which means he is a picky person. He found fault in the game of the players even if they won the match with Real Madrid.
My mother is with Mars in Capricorn and she is very responsible. I'm not as responsible as she is.
In the men's singles, winter signs came and changed the FS. Sagittarius Hanyu is the best figure skater in history, Sagittarius Malinin will show himself, but he is already confidently doing 4 axel, steadily. Capricorn Alexander Plushenko can also do something interesting.
Capricorn is a very intractable sign and that is why he is being bullied. Plus likes to whistleblow the cheater and for this reason has many enemies.
What is in Capricorns is their ability to profitably present themselves. They take care of themselves as if they are looking in a mirror and imagine how they would look in the eyes of others. They hone their gestures, gaze and speech.
There was one girl sitting with me in the 11th grade, so kind! Nazgul came in 11th grade, she was a Capricorn. The others didn't leave the same impression as she did. Everyone is like people, with flaws.
A Capricorn woman is either a bitch or very kind.
Capricorns love to be in relationships with older women. Like Lewis Hamilton and Shakira.
Capricorns have the tendency to cry. Cristiano Ronaldo's mother.
Irina Shayk and Ivanova
Capricorns are very jealous, all earthly people are jealous, but Capricorn in particular. David Bowie sang in his song “Julie”:
I'm not a man of single reason
It's in every single man
This beat of jealous retribution
And every spurned heart makes its plan
Well, I know that you really loved him
And I know that if there's a God above
Through a million times we'll remember
How the trail slips away
Capricorn is the opposite of Cancer, the sign responsible for children. Aristotle Onassis was therefore against children. He only had 1 son, and Maria Callas forced her to have an abortion. 

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