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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Zodiac sign (Sun) Pisces

Pisces Edgar Cayce is amazingly insightful. He made many accurate predictions. The most important theory for me: after paying off karmic debts, a person connects with a soul mate. This is really a bomb! They mean duty to society, parents and children. How it happened with the writer Chyngyz Aitmatov and ballet dancer Beishenalieva. According to the writer, “We were amazed that we had not met earlier.” First, Aitmatov fulfilled his duty to society, his parents, becoming a famous writer, raised children and then met Bubusara Beishenalieva.

Once a woman said that the last 5 years were terrible. "All the years were full of routine" (she said)

It was the word horror that could be associated with routine by a person with a certain type of character. It was a Sun Pisces (the opposite of Virgo), plus the earth element was absent in the chart.


How do Pisces males behave in relationships? Pisces, I must say, are unusual boys, they are sensitive and soft. They may not be expected to perform typically masculine feats such as solving everyday problems and taking responsibility for the whole family, but they can give a person a good attitude, attention and care. Pisces knows how to listen and understand the other. Pisces understands women, this is a female sign and also the element of water. The signs of water and earth are considered feminine, and the masculine signs of air and fire. If we take female signs, then Pisces is almost the most feminine, only inferior to Cancers in terms of tenderness and sensuality.


There was a program on Russian teleshow about Anton Perverzin, who wanted to jump from the bridge and was stopped by one man. On the program, Anton complained that he was oppressed in the family and because of this he took extreme measures. In general, this sign has a lot of self-pity. The guy's family denied the words he had said, his acquaintances also came to the studio and said that Anton was lying and exaggerating. I don't know who is right. I was just interested in the zodiac sign of the hero of the program. I was not surprised that he was a Pisces.


Pisces dissolve in the feelings of other people. It is important for them to feel like one with people and the world, often they do not distinguish their emotions from those of others. This can be seen in the way they react to the feelings of the interlocutor. Maybe that's why acting skills are easier for them than others. Giovanna Antonelli, the famous actress of the TV series Clone, has long fought for the right to pursue an acting career. As far as we know, her parents were against it, which caused a riot of anger in Giovanna. The actress smoked in spite of her parents ran away from home, and finally, her parents had to come to terms with her choice.


In Brazil's most successful Clone telenovela I found 3 leading roles played by Pisces: Giovanna Antonelli (leading role) is Pisces, Debora Falabella Pisces - drug-addict Mel. Pisces is often related to the sign of drug addicts and alcoholics. Very suitable role! Leticia Sabotella - another Pisces. All in one telenovela. Debora Falabella played the leading role in Avenida Brazil and Seniorita. Generally, in Clone all leading roles are of water element (Lucas and Said roles are played by actors Cancers)

Pisces Beren Saat was awarded in 2021 Murex D'or - a prestige award in the Arab world as the best actress. The actress had been most highly paid before Fahriye Evcen took the lead. Ask Memnu was her most successful telenovela. The actress participated in 11 telenovelas in the main role.

Demet Ozdemir Pisces has 7 main roles in telenovelas. Scarlett Ortiz Pisces. Main roles in 3 my sisters, Luisa Fernanda, Rafaela, Secret de Amor etc. (more than 10 main roles in telenovellas)

Sara Maldonado Pisces has 12 main roles in telenovellas. Aurora, El huego de la vida, Corazones al limite, La reina der Sur etc. 

Aydan Sener Pisces played Feride in Calikusu, main roles in Samanyoli and Fatih-Harbiye 

I don't know any other sign that would compare to Pisces in the number of main roles played in telenovela total. Other signs like Leo, Cancer, Scorpio, and Gemini are two times less.


Pisces. I like in them the ability to listen and in places to insert appropriate phrases, to find the right words (which heal the soul). People fall in love with Pisces because they can open up to them, knowing that these people will understand you correctly and will not judge you.

Andrey Zhdanov, a successful and established careerist who has dated the most beautiful girls, gradually falls in love with the ugly Katya Pushkareva (Nelli Uvarova). Why? He is touched by her inner world, amazing sensitivity and attentiveness. No one could understand him like she did! And as he opened up to her, he began to fall in love.

Nelli Uvarova, Pisces.


“Scarlett did not understand how he, whose soul was dark for her, could bewitch her. The halo of mystery surrounding him aroused her curiosity, like a door to which there is no key. Everything that was mysterious in him only made her stubbornly reach for him, and his unusual reserved courtesy only strengthened her determination to completely possess him. (Gone with the Wind, Mitchell)

Recently, I heard a lot from my friends how they cannot forget Pisces, they yearn for them and remember them with warmth and a desire to return. And everyone says the same thing

- She's mysterious! You won't fully understand it.

Loves or does not love?

And in guys, Pisces is also attracted by their mystery and hidden inner world, which is seen by others as spiritual and magical!

Pisces attract with their daydreaming and the ability to sincerely admire a partner. Pisces are wise: somewhere they can remain silent when a person is angry with them, somewhere they can justify a person and his bad deeds.

Why are they being abandoned? They cheat! And they don't see it as their fault.

Throw, but then they can not forget ...

Scarlett Ashley's first love fits the description perfectly under the sign of Pisces.

"Ashley was a kind of dreamer - a descendant of people who from generation to generation devoted their leisure time to reflection, not action, reveling in rainbow dreams that had nothing to do with reality. He lived content with his inner world, even more beautiful in his opinion than Georgia ", and only reluctantly returned to reality. Looking at people, he did not feel any attraction or antipathy for them. Looking at life, he did not darken and did not rejoice. He accepted the existing world order and his place in it as something given, once and established forever, shrugged his shoulders and returned to another, better world - to his books and music. (Gone with the Wind, Mitchell)

Ashley looked at her so admiringly and was impeccably attentive to her. He accompanied her everywhere, but did not express an open desire to achieve her love. Scarlett could not penetrate his head and read his mind, but inside there was an arrogant confidence that he definitely loves her! And then, like a bolt from the blue, comes the news that Ashley is marrying Melanie! It couldn't be! A shock for 16-year-old Scarlett, who experienced the bitterness of love defeat for the first time.

Here... It turns out that he loved Melanie, but he only looked at Scarlett... He himself did not understand whether he loved Scarlett or not (Pisces Chaos), but when his wife Melanie dies, he realizes that he only wanted Scarlett, but always loved Melanie.

The plot was very well described in Wikipedia - what happened between these two?

"Scarlett loves Ashley as the hero of her novel, an unattainable ideal, an idol, while not noticing his helplessness and uselessness, while Melanie loves Ashley for who he is, not noticing or smoothing over his shortcomings. Scarlett, on the other hand, is strong in in every sense of the word, with her perseverance and ability to survive, on the contrary, only emphasized Ashley's weakness.


Pisces loves to exaggerate difficulties. On the other hand, the tendency to dramatize helps to do everything right and carefully, hence the Pisces are selfless people/workers. They do not grab everything in a row but do what they can. Better a little, but thoroughly and efficiently.


Virgo is a symbol of order, Pisces (180) are responsible for chaos.

Indeed, in general, disorder and slovenliness are condemned by society, it becomes especially embarrassing when someone unexpectedly looks into our house, and we have a mess on the table))

But if you look at it from the other side, the disorder means that a person is busy with more important things and he simply has no time to do this kind of routine. Pisces people tend to catch inspiration and create more often, naturally in this case there is no particular desire to keep order. On the contrary, in a scattered and disorganized mood, a person relaxes more and is more often visited by insights. Information for creativity flows by itself as a stream, which can be prevented by excessive rationality and compliance with the rules set by the programs of behavior.

Let us recall the words of the most famous scientist, the genius Albert Einstein, who received answers to his questions through meditation.

"If the mess on the table means the mess in the head, then what does the empty table mean?" (With)

Look at the table of Steve Jobs... He is also a Pisces))

Why are you drawn to Pisces? Because you don’t need to say extra words with them, they will understand without. Just enjoy the silence!
Have you noticed that music makes a person very vulnerable? You have no idea how sensitive Pisces is... Neptune, the symbol of music, rules Pisces. As soon as the student does not complete the task, the Pisces teacher cries.
These signs see more than others and know how to go beyond patterns. All because they are controlled by the higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). They often say about Aquarius and Scorpios - Yes, he / she sees people through! Pisces also feel and understand people well, but unlike the first two, they prefer not to notice the bad, hence they are deceived more often.
Cancer: Sorry, I talk about my problems all the time...
Pisces: Never mind, everything is fine.
Pisces and Libra are the most indecisive, driven, and hesitant signs!
Mom: "Music will blow your mind"

Well, yes, Pisces (Neptune) - music, Virgo (Mercury) - brains.
Opposites. 180 degrees.
Pisces (w) and Capricorn (m) are a perfectly compatible couple! This is a sextile, between these signs 60 degrees. Pisces seems to be the only sign that Capricorn can show weaknesses without fear of being judged. Who, if not Pisces, can take pity on Capricorn after a hard day's work and relax? Pisces will justify Capricorn and defend against his own accusations against himself, Pisces will make Capricorn's heart softer, and his character more sensitive. And Capricorn, in turn, will serve as a strong support, a shoulder that you can always rely on. Capricorn will protect the fragile Pisces from the problems and rudeness of the material world. With him, Pisces can afford to be feminine and soft.
When Geminis deceive, they understand it, when Pisces deceive, they do not understand it, because they themselves believe in their own deception.
Neptunian people are very kind. The bum is a man of Neptune (as well as a drug addict), and whatever he may become now because of a shattered psyche, once, probably, he was a very kind person. A soft and vulnerable person who acutely perceived all problems and suffered more than others from the imperfection of this world. Over time, a person became more and more indifferent to himself, he disappointed the people around him with his helplessness before the world, and people, instead of providing psychological support, pressed morally and continued to spread rot. Neptune people say “You don’t understand me”, they cannot express in words what they feel and I would like there to be more empathic people who would try to understand them and psychologists who could help sort out the situation and get them out of the state of self-destruction.
Someone relieves anxiety and gains confidence through alcohol, but I become bolder when I listen to music. Music helps relieve stress, takes you away from solving problems into a world where you find peace, bliss and merge with the ocean like a drop. All this is Neptunian symbolism: the ocean, escapism, alcohol, music, liberation and bliss.
(Neptune is the ruler of Pisces)

Sarah Maldonado (March 10, 1980), is famous for the television series Aurora. The image of the worried, impressionable, fragile, mysterious, understanding, trusting, romantic girl Pisces.

Two symbols of loneliness - Capricorn and Pisces. Capricorn alone goes to his cherished goal, solves all problems himself, does not whine and does not hope for someone's help. Pisces in solitude catches higher inspiration, composes music, writes poetry, pities people, and engages in introspection.

"You're always being deceived!" 
"You don't understand people, everyone is good for you!"
"What's that doing here? Your room is dirty, how can you live like that?"
Virgo sees the slightest imperfections and tries to correct the situation as soon as possible, Pisces prefers not to notice even the grossest flaws, always hoping for the best human qualities, and the mess does not depress them much. Who has an easier life? Hard to say. Virgo does not take a very advantageous position, criticizing everyone and everything, especially herself. And Pisces so want the world to be kind and live in their illusory world, where they experience real pleasure and happiness, they think about the high and they have no time to focus on the imperfections of the material world, rather they feel sorry for people who make mistakes and feel sorry for themselves for weakness of character and an unwilling existence. Virgo is neurotic, Pisces are drug addicts.
"You don't understand people, everyone is good for you!"
"What's that doing here? Your room is dirty, how can you live like that?"
Virgo sees the slightest imperfections and tries to correct the situation as soon as possible, Pisces prefer not to notice even the grossest flaws, always hoping for the best human qualities, and the mess does not depress them much. Who has an easier life? Hard to say. Virgo does not take a very advantageous position, criticizing everyone and everything, especially herself. And Pisces so want the world to be kind and live in their illusory world, where they experience real pleasure and happiness, they think about the high and they have no time to focus on the imperfections of the material world, rather they feel sorry for people who make mistakes and feel sorry for themselves for weakness of character and an unwilling existence. Virgo is neurotic, Pisces are drug addicts.

It often happens that you just want to be listened to and understood, or maybe even pitied. It is really difficult to find a person who would emotionally feel your inner anguish and conflicts, who would be sincerely involved in your experiences. If it is difficult to find such people among people, I suggest looking among Pisces))


Pisces are helpless, fragile, delicate, and weak creatures that need protection from the rudeness of the material world.


It is beneficial for Pisces to maintain low self-esteem, otherwise they are afraid that pride will make them selfish and they will stop helping everyone as before. Pisces would like to love themselves and let the sacrifice go away, this is a plus. If they help, then from fullness and desire to share, and not when they feel bad themselves or from low self-esteem. In the second case, you can do worse for yourself.


Pisces hate themselves for powerlessness - when they see other people's problems and cannot help in any way. What is the point to help others when it feels bad?


Capricorn believes that no one understands him. Then, finding himself in a difficult situation, when everyone turns away from him, he sees that there are Pisces who will understand him so complicated, and in case of depression, they will always come to the rescue.


Libra and Pisces are similar. Both want to please and dissolve in others, both are sacrificial. First to others, then to yourself. Idealistic and want to pretend that the world is beautiful.

-Why did you love me? You don't know me yet.

Pisces: I don't know why I love you, there's something about you. Do they love for something? They just love it!


-Why did you love me?

Virgo: I liked the way you cook and you yourself are very smart, decent, correct, why not fall in love? I thought.

Pisces or people with Venus in Pisces have a rather vague idea of ​​the object of their love - "There is something in you, I don't know what, but I like you, you are mysterious and I love you for your soul"


Virgo or a person with Venus in Virgo has a clear idea about the object of his love - he / she sees all the advantages and disadvantages, analyzes how a person can be useful and what are his pluses. If the pros outweigh the cons and there is a real practical benefit from a person, then the brain turns on the signal: "I fell in love / fell in love!"

Can you imagine how strong the susceptibility of Pisces is? When someone falls, for example, they feel pain in their knees.


Pisces are barely clients of psychiatric hospitals,

therefore, do not be afraid to appear out of this world, discuss any fantasies with them, and share psychological troubles, chaos in your head, internal evil thoughts, and demons. Pisces are all capable of understanding and accepting, and the coolest thing is that they try to take a sincere part in your problems, empathize and give advice.


Pisces have one feeling that does not allow them to live in peace - this is a constant Guilt about and without.

I want to help but I'm powerless bad daughter, bad son (they called themselves for their own reasons)

offended someone did not help when he asked memories of past events when you did something bad to someone from the thought that they helped someone to feel needed, and not just like that (and this happens to them) and then the thought "I have to fulfill the duty, disinterestedly doing good."


Pisces, as the 12th sign of the zodiac, has a higher destiny to be spiritualized, empathize with the whole world, understand everyone and forgive.

Male Pisces will arrange a candlelight dinner, create an atmosphere of romance, dedicate poems to you, maybe even record a song in honor of your love, but they tend to suddenly slip away when you have real problems. This is where the sober-minded and practical Virgo man has an advantage, he feels of little use if he does not solve your problems.


Pisces are driven, they believe in everything that sounds beautiful and do not try to verify the information. Therefore, they are often deceived.

Pisces are not picky about people, but that's what makes them such incorrigible romantics. And then the picky Virgo (the opposite of Pisces) is somehow earthly and prudent.


The fish are soft, they won't attack first. When Pisces is yelled at or accused of something, they most often remain silent, especially girls. They often cry because they really feel guilty. It's so easy for them to feel guilty.

Sometimes we just need Neptune to get through difficult periods, pretending there are no problems. (Neptune is the ruler of Pisces)

Can Pisces' illusions become reality? They can!


Pisces is a sign of self-denial and high sacrifice. Pisces can give themselves to work / study completely and in their perseverance are not inferior to earth signs (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn). I know 5 Valedictorian Pisces students who have had a GPA of 4.0 or 3.98 in all 4 years. And all of them almost in a row became the best, each in their release. 

Later it turned out that the top 5 scientists with the highest IQ Aquarius and Pisces: Pisces Einstein, Copernicus, Bell


Somehow we are sitting in one of the lessons and here Pisces guy says:

"Look, people. Can't you just call to ask how I'm doing? Here's a friend calling, but he always does it when he needs something from me. Other friends do it too. They definitely call for something. But they wouldn't just call to say that I called just like that, I wanted to know how I was doing, for example. No, of course, I would help, I’m ready to run at least at 3 am and do everything for a friend. But this moment worries me: “Why can’t you just call ?"

It was said emotionally. I already remembered.

Pisces always help everyone and unfortunately they often use it. And this is not an isolated example of the fact that Pisces can really come at least at 3 am if you call them and say that you have depression, let's say. 


If not for Pisces, the world would be cruel, callous, and inhumane. Pisces are soft, they are able to empathize quite sincerely, they really feel sorry for people and they want to help everyone, make everyone happy. Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac, which means the dissolution of the ego and self-sacrifice. Therefore, you can often find Pisces living for the sake of others doing charity work. A well-known model, Pisces Natalia Vodianova, has been running her charitable foundation since 2007.

Recently there was a scandal. Sister Natalya who suffers from autism and cerebral palsy was tried to be kicked out of the cafe because she allegedly scares away visitors. Such inhumanity and cruelty caused a lot of discontents and the result of the scandal was the clip "Don't be silent", performed by Dima Bilan.


Pisces and Cancers tend to manipulate people through self-pity. They do it unconsciously. Scorpio, on the other hand, manipulates people quite consciously and does this not only through invoking self-pity. He is savvier in the methods of psychological influence. NLP, hypnosis and suggestion, hidden speech influences, playing on people's sore spots so that they do what is beneficial to Scorpio. Scorpio loves power, he wants to control people.


"Why love one person when you can love everyone?"

Pisces usually make good actors and musicians. Segundo Cernadas is a good actor and you can see that yes Pisces, romantic and sentimental, plays so real as if it's true.


Pisces are blamed for the fact that they often hover in the clouds, live in their own world and do not want to notice the rudeness of the material world. But in the most difficult moments, such an attitude to life helps. Pretend that there are no problems, that everything is fine, that the world is perfect and after a while the difficulties really disappear. Only when you listen to music to get away from the oppressive reality, do not do this while walking down the street, you never know - the car can almost knock you down.


When you pity people, sympathize with them and cry, Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, influences you. At its best, Pisces is the most spiritual sign. Pisces are able to feel the pain of a person, empathize and alleviate experiences with their very presence. People tend to see the good more than the bad.


12 years of slavery. Why exactly 12? Accidents are not accidental, the 12th house in Astrology is responsible for slavery, this is the house of Pisces. Also, the 12th house is the last house (there are 12 in total), a symbol of the last incarnation, unconditional love and compassion. 12-th house people are very kind and obedient people)) The 12th house in its highest manifestation gives absolute harmlessness and holiness! I would advise them to be more decisive and not to go with the flow, and also not to let themselves be trampled on. It is necessary to get rid of the position of the victim and change life with your own hands, because the 12th house is also the house of esotericism!


Pisces write to me - what can I say about them, except that they are drug addicts and alcoholics? :-) In general, Osho says that a drug addict is a person who was closest to God, but lost his way, went the wrong way. From the point of view of psychology, a drug addict strongly idealizes the world and therefore is not ready to put up with its rudeness and cruelty. He goes into his own world, either through music / creativity, or simply pricks from hopelessness. Deborah Falabella was able to play the drug addict Mel from the Clone, and she did it very well!


Pisces forgive a lot to loved ones, and Tyra Moore was the only love of Aileen Wournos. Tyra betrayed her, but Eileen said she still loved Tyra and had a good time with her. A very interesting property and paradox of this sign


I wrote that Pisces do not offend themselves and allow loved ones a lot, but they behave with strangers as ruthlessly as possible. This is strongly seen in the example of Aileen Wuornos. She was a victim of rape and incest, further pulling the trigger on any attempted rape. Popkov Mikhail did not kill his wife for treason, but killed other women who personally did nothing to him. He loves his children and his wife very much, he said that he would do everything for them.


Pisces -  in a still pool devils are found


Water sign people are emoji experts. The most diverse emoticons are in Cancer and Pisces, especially


You can see the idealism of Pisces in the example of Bobby Fischer. He did not accept the foreign policy of America and even changed his citizenship. Pisces are idealists who do not want to see the world and people as they are. Fischer hated his chess colleague, Kasparov (fire)

Understanding that the world and people are not perfect will make life easier.


Pisces is so impractical. Rihanna doesn't want to sign a marriage contract. According to insiders (taken from “Inside Barbados wedding”), Rihanna becomes defensive when people around mention a prenup. Without earthly energy, the singer has no planets in the earth element

Of the representatives of Pisces men, Joe Alwyn, Taylor Swift's boyfriend, personally impresses. Shy, modest, and seems to love Taylor Swift after so many years together. 
From what I have noticed, Pisces women behave vulnerable in friendships or other relationships, they are jealous even when there is no reason, and men often freak out
You can often watch Pisces freak out. Because of their idealism

Among the Pisces presidents, I found many countries that are backward in development:
Mongolia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Angola, Guinea, Libya (already like this, it used to be better under Gaddafi), Somali, Seychelles, Tunisia, Bhutan
Exception: Japan and more or less Turkey
The ability to forgive is a hallmark of the Pisces sign. Rihanna forgave Chris Brown for the beating and said in 2012 that she still loved him. In marriage, too, Pisces women forgive, but they receive a lot of money from their husbands as compensation
Pisces are the presidents of the poorest countries and the sympathy of this sign is necessary in order to understand the suffering of the common people.
Pisces is the most generous sign for feelings. I'll tell you how I understood it. I met Pisces, who in conversation was always responsive to what I thought and felt. Also a husband according to one girl's opening “cares what I feel”
This is the main trump card of Pisces. Concern to the feelings of others. Zuckerberg spoke about his wife Priscila Chan, that for the first time he sees a woman so generous with her feelings. These words led me to the idea that Pisces is the most generous sign for feelings.
I guess Justin Bieber was expecting too much from Haley and is now doing bullying and abuse. The aquatic have the property of idealizing people, and people are fiery, that is, different. It saddens me to watch Justin Bieber not understanding his wife and is trying to foster. Fiery ones are difficult to foster.
In a situation when an entrepreneur asked me many times to write a horoscope description for him, and I agreed, and then asked for separate bills in a coffee shop and accused me of insincerity, I was supported by an unfamiliar girl Pisces and a familiar friend Leo. Pisces said: "As you wrote that post, I felt so bad ... then I felt bad for a week." This is empathy and the ability to heal a person.
Pisces are often beaten by husbands or lovers. It is worth giving them their due, they endure everything. Stars with high self-esteem get divorced. Pisces women are very loyal in relationships. They are beaten, I don't even know why. They probably allow

If only logic was responsible for the mind, then all the Virgos were geniuses. The point is, Einstein was a Pisces and has always challenged logic and order. "Order is for fools, but chaos is for geniuses." - he said. "If a mess on a table is a mess in your head, what does an empty table mean?" (Einstein) Pisces and Virgo are opposite in the zodiac. Pisces believe in intuition and inspiration, while Virgos believe in logic and common sense. Steve Jobs was also Pisces and he also had a messy desk.

This is understandable why Pisces is the best at surfing, the ruler of Pisces is Neptune, the lord of the ocean. Fish also live in the ocean. Pisces is also #1 in rowing in kayaks and canoes. #1 in 100 meters back in the swimming

Among 20 -surfers-of-all-time/ water sign Pisces is a leader. 

4 Pisces: Mark Richards, Laird Hamilton, Lisa Andersen, Jordy Smith. They should include Pisces Tom Blake too, he is in the top 10 of the best = 5 Pisces

#1 rowing in kayaks and canoe 

Water signs- Pisces 19, Cancer 15, Scorpio 16 (twice and more Olympic champions)

Birgit Fischer - Smidt Pisces is the only 8 times Olympic champion. Gert Fredriksson is Scorpio, a 6-times Olympic champion among 2 


Pisces is a vulnerable sign and has a tendency for getting easily offended. Idealistic approach to life and people cause to see bad in people. Pisces does not like being offended, but how ugly this sign can offend in return for a trifle. They may depreciate all your efforts and put the blame on you. Popkov killed women who cheat on their bf and whores because his wife cheated on him. Aileen Wournos turned into a serial killer after being raped by men. She killed 7 men. 


Pisces has a tendency to lie. In 2012 Russia was shocked by Michael Popkov who managed to deceive people for 20+ years. He was a policeman and killed more than 80 people. He even deceived his own family. 


Top three serial killers: 40 Pisces, 38 Scorpios, 33 Virgos. Leaders among water. Aquatic Pisces are idealistic and they kill to make the world a better place. Aileen Wuornos killed male clients who wanted to rape her. Popkov killed walking women who cheated on boyfriends and husbands. He called himself a cleaner. Bin Laden was preparing a terrorist attack out of revenge against the American government for the pain of the Arab people and for the religion of Islam.


Most of the eight-thousanders (the peaks of at least 8000 meters high) were conquered by Pisces. This is a winter sign, from February 19 to March 20. Especially in March, winter continues in the Nordic countries. Second Gemini. The air is also friends with the mountains, as it receives energy from the mountain dry, clean air


In olympteka in speed skating first is Pisces (partially winter sign Feb 19-March 20)

Most titled champions (6,5,4 times) - the first 10 include 4 Pisces and one 3-times OCH Pisces = 5

Skoblikova Lidiya Pisces, 6-times Olympic champion, Claudia Pechstein, 5-times OCH, Bonnie Blair 5-times OCH, Ivar Balangrud, 4-times OCH, Yalmar Andersen 3-times OCH = 23 gold medals

Wust Iren Aries 6-times OCH, Arnold Clas Thunberg Aries 5-times OCH, Evgeniy Grishin 4-times OCH, Lyudmila Titoba single OCH, Victor Kosichin single OCH = 17 gold medals


There are bad people among the fire, but the fire does not hide it. There are bad people among the water, but they can hide it by pretending to be the nicest people. People die from fire much less often than from water (unless they blow it up on purpose)

Fire is dangerous and everyone knows it. You touch, you get burned.

The water seems harmless, but you will not notice how you drown or the fast current will carry you away. Fire is strength, military power, missiles. Fire burns those who attack it.


Pisces is a water sign and the only serial killer sign that killed by drowning. Wilbur Jennings drowned his victims in channel. Draganer used drowning as one of the killing methods.


Pisces is a secretive sign, hard to be caught. Smart sign. Popkov was a policeman that deceived his colleagues for 20 years. He showed results at work higher than average and he was promoted and appreciated at work. Dennis Raider had a reputation of elusive serial killer, 14 years of being not caught. Anthony Cook killed out of revenge for discrimination against black, his victims were white. Aileen Wournos killed men who raped or tried to, Osama Bin Laden out of revenge for the Arab nation. Shi Yueczun killed out of revenge for the humiliation from society. 


In sailing, two 4-times OCs: Aquarius Ben Ainsley, Paul Elvstrom Pisces. Pisces is a water sign, Aquarius is an air sign with water symbol 


There are many outstanding musicians among Pisces. Rihanna is the richest in the world of music, 2 times richer than Taylor Swift.  Adam Levin, Justin Bieber, Stromae, and Bruce Willis are famous Pisces singers. 

Composing is even harder than singing. According to this ranking, in the top 10, I found 3 Pisces and one with Moon in Pisces.

Shopen, Vivaldi, Georg Handel, Schubert has Moon in Pisces.

There are also such famous Pisces as Rimskiy-Korsakov and Rossini 


Out of 16 Pisces presidents, 12 are 100% sea countries, 2 are close to the sea (Serbia and Ethiopia), and 2 - are completely dry (Buthan and Mongolia). Pisces is a water element, ruled by Neptune - a lord of the ocean. 

Japan - Naruhito Pisces, Pisces Erdogan - Turkey, Pisces Harald 5 - Norway, Alber 2 - Monako, Zurabishvili - Georgia, Alejandro Djammattei - Guatemala, Libya - Mohamed al-Menfi, Seychelles ( islands) - Wavel Ramkalawan, Somali -Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, Tunisia - Kais Said, Angola - Joao Lourenco, Mamadi Dumbuya - Guinea.


Gwyneth Paltrow has married Pisces men both times: Chris Martin and now Brad Falchuk. Pisces are the favorite men in Gwyneth Paltrow's life.

Pisces are a free soul, but it can be difficult with them due to the fact that they do not understand the interests of those who are stronger. They themselves do not seek power, they do not want to overwork themselves in making money, they have no ambitions. The main thing is love and peace of mind. Virgo is the opposition of Pisces, excellent servants and strive for a more favorable position in society to the detriment of freedom and their own opinion.
Pisces men value relationships. Joe Alwyn is proud of his relationship with Taylor Swift and doesn't want anything outside to destroy what they have. Pisces understands that feelings are an intimate and fragile thing, so Alvin does not say anything about his relationship with Taylor Swift.
Among the 6 stars who committed suicide at the peak of fame 3 Pisces. Kurt Cobain, Chester Bennington and McQueen. Pisces don't handle fame very well, they don't have the vanity to withstand the pressure. Bieber also felt lonely, took drugs.
No. 1 in music are those who compose music themselves. Composers, that is. The top 10 include 3 Pisces: Chopin, Vivaldi, Georg Handel. Schubert with Moon in Pisces.

200m backstroke: #1 Pisces (3)
Pisces: Tyler Clary, Igor Polanski, Richard Carey

100m backstroke: Pisces #1 - Warren Kealoha (2 gold medals), George Kojak, Bengt Baron, Richard Carey

Today I dreamed about the pool and my friend Cancer. He was kind to me. I woke up and thought what it could mean. There was nothing to do in the evening and I decided to reconsider swimming according to the signs of the zodiac. I found out that I incorrectly determined the 200 m backstroke, in fact, Pisces are the first: Tyler Clary, Igor Polyansky, Richard Carey. On the 100m backstroke, I missed one Pisces - Richard Carey, where the Pisces were still the first. Warren Kealoha (2*SP), Bengt Baron, Richard Carey, Kojak.
Also added Pisces in the 200m breaststroke: Joe Werder, Ian OBryan, David Wilkie, Zhulpa Robertas. Before that, there were only Aquarians. That's how I offended Pisces! In terms of the total number of Pisces in 4th place, the first three remain: Cancer, Gemini and Aquarius.
Pisces on the back 100 and 200 meters first! Pisces are first in backstroke!
Ice Age was directed by Chris Wedge, he's a Pisces. Here the water signs have a rich imagination, this is an anime with Oscar. The second part is about "Global warming" and the flood. He was born on March 20, and just in March the snows are already melting, and somewhere even in March it is still winter.
The rich fantasy of Pisces, a water sign. Screenwriter Anatoly Granik Pisces.
Vicki Jenson Pisces ♓️ is one of the directors of Shrek. Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios are often found among screenwriters and directors of cartoons for children.
Bobby Fischer Pisces, the most brilliant chess player in history. GOAT. Well, Pisces, yes, they are the smartest after Aquarius.
GOAT in chess ♟ Bobby Fischer
GOAT in IT Steve Jobs
Number 1 in inventions in surgery by the number of inventions among top 10 - Pieces.
We have 2 Pieces in top 5 scientists with highest IQ after Aquarius (Einstein, Copernicus)*
Ismael is Judah's wife's helper
Altagracia. Pisces actor Nacho Watt is statistically the number 1 serial killer. Assistant Cancer Astrid Carolina Herrera. The right choice of actors. Pisces, by the way, look innocent and Crayfish too. Two water vindictive signs. All water signs are vindictive.
Figure skating coaches in Russia are mostly water: Cancer Moskvina, Cancer Zhulin, Pisces Tutberidze, Pisces Mishin, Pisces Sergey Davydov, Pisces Rukavitsyn, Scorpio Plushenko, Scorpio Alexander Volkov.
Pisces are often on the frequency of pessimism and love those who feel bad. From this, they are often turned to merge the negative, to be cured, and then they are no longer needed. The positive energy of success is also very necessary, and you also need to be able to listen to it without envy.
Miguel de Leon beat up Gabriela Spanic because Sagittarians have such a trait of telling the truth and not feeling sorry for the feelings of others. Pisces are sensitive. I'm not defending her ex-husband, but the reason is clear. It is advisable to say things not directly, but in a different way, so that the person himself becomes ashamed.
Pisces guy took the first step
and they started dating. Suddenly, his girlfriend fell in love with another. "Blurred mind," he explained. Later she said that she wanted to marry him, and I did not understand why he was not particularly happy. Pisces, on the other hand, have a hard time enduring failure in their personal lives. He doubted her: I don't know. She already hurt him once. As a result, they are married.
Why do Pisces lose face so quickly? This is a slave sign, prone to self-pity over trifles.

Pisces Paris Hilton, Rihanna, Kesha and Russian TV presenter Ksenia Borodina are victims of physical abuse by men.
In 2019 Justin Bieber asked if Trump can free those children in cage. Yes, he released the children from the underground according to the military report. This could have been done only with the order of president. What I really like in Pieces is their ability for empathy.


Taylor Swift's new video is also on the Mastermind cover of the constellation Pisces and Sagittarius. Pisces is Joe Alvin, Taylor Swift is Sagittarius.
The Secret of Toys, screenwriter Pisces Ludmila Ulitskaya.

Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka. Directed by Pisces Olga Khadataeva. Screenwriter Danilov has Venus in Scorpio. Water is here too. Danilov Sagittarius just loves when they obey him and he wanted to show that the elders have authority and if they don’t obey, it will be bad.
The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs. Screenwriter Pisces Yuri Olesha.

The screenwriter of the fairy tale The Golden Antelope Abramov with the Moon and Venus in Cancer. Directed by Atamanov Pisces.
Oh my God! Another Soviet masterpiece! Screenwriter "Geese-Swans" Pisces Alexandra Snezhko-Blotskaya and another - Aquarius Ivanov-Vano.

Director of the fairy tale "Frost" Pisces Alexander Rou, screenwriters Nikolai Erdman Scorpio and winter sign Capricorn Mikhail Volpin. Water dominates here.

Atamanov is Pisces, the director of the cartoon Scarlet Flower.
Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios are the water element. There are a lot of directors and screenwriters of cartoons. 12 months, Gray neck, Lion King, Princess Swan, Little Mermaid, Thumbelina, Shrek, Scarlet Flower.
Vicki Jenson Pisces ♓️ is one of the directors of Shrek. Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios are often found among screenwriters and directors of cartoons for children.

The rich fantasy of Pisces, a water sign. Screenwriter Anatoly Granik Pisces. 12 months cartoon.
In my opinion Pisces are very stubborn. They always do what they want, according to their own mind. Definitely make it clear what they don't like and can complain, whistleblow.
Pisces are a free soul, but it can be difficult with them due to the fact that they do not understand the interests of those who are stronger. They themselves do not seek power, they do not want to overwork themselves in making money, they have no ambitions. The main thing is love and peace of mind. They are the slaves of he stronger ones in he relationships. Virgo is the opposition of Pisces, excellent servants and strive for a more favorable position in society to the detriment of freedom and their own opinion.

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