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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Saturn in Virgo/6th house

Calculate your Saturn in sign here

Russian version is here

If Lesha says that he needs to cook two sausages for breakfast, then it is precisely this amount (and in no case three) that he should put on a plate. (Laughs.)

Aleksey: Just don't make a perfect monster out of me, a kind of domestic despot! Just no matter how many sausages you put me, I'll eat it all. But I need to watch my weight (7 days)

Tatyana Totmyanina complained in an interview that the Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin is critical of trifles.

It is difficult for him to give up his habits, so she has to adapt.

The quote above shows that Alexei Yagudin with Saturn in Virgo is actually just attentive to health and does not want to be overweight.

Pavel Volya often made Leysan wear a thicker skirt and wear a headdress even when you do your hair. Pavel Volya with Saturn in Virgo.

It often happens that when you are unwell, a guy with Saturn in the 6th house can take very good care of you during your illness.

Ordinary people with Saturn in Virgo/6th house usually have poor health from childhood. You literally have to fight for it. They get sick often. It happens when health does not fail and even strong, but over time, with wear and careless, consumer attitude, it begins to weaken greatly. Indeed, such Saturn requires a serious attitude to health. I would advise Yagudin not to eat sausages either.

With a well-developed Saturn, such a person's health is a matter of pride.

Often ways to improve health are: raw food, separate meals, fasting, exercise, health practices. Calling can be found in healing and medicine. I found information on the Internet about a certain Juna, looked up her date of birth and it turns out that she has Saturn in Virgo!

Juna (real name - Evgenia Yuvashevna Davitashvili) was born on July 22, 1949 in the village of Urmia, Krasnodar Territory. She worked as a nurse in Georgia, and it was there that she discovered that she could heal with the laying on of hands.

In the early 80s, she moved to Moscow and became famous as the first Russian psychic, the author of bioenergetic non-contact massage. Juna could make a rose bloom with one movement of her hand, make a correct diagnosis from a photograph of a patient, move objects without touching them. Once they came to her from the Kremlin, they said that Brezhnev was dying, they asked for help. At the bedside of the sick general secretary, she made several passes with her hands, and Leonid Ilyich “resurrected.” (

People with Saturn in Virgo can also be excellent veterinarians. Even neighboring cows are treated and assisted in childbirth. Also the auditors come out good, dedicated to the service.

In matters of interaction with people, the situation is not the best, as it creates excessive intolerance for the shortcomings of people. On the other hand, if a person loves someone or treats someone well, then even the most obvious flaws may not be noticed. If he dislikes, he will spread rot on trifles.

This is especially true of subordinates and work colleagues. Saturn in Virgo/6th house makes great demands on the work of other people, as he himself is meticulous in this area.

One woman said:

- Everyone asks me: "Why is everyone leaving you? What are you doing with them?"

All subordinates who came to her also left her.

Perhaps insecurity and a sense of vulnerability in work, as well as underestimation, pushes the owners of Saturn in Virgo / 6th house to criticize the work of other people, seeing only imperfections.

By the way, Saturn in the 6th house differs from Saturn in the 10th house in that here the work is small and thankless, while Saturn in the 10th house is doing something that he considers important and large-scale.

The task of such a position is not to be a blind manager in work. To be able to manage the staff, subordinates, leadership qualities are needed. The mistake is to think that everything will be done by itself, and the ideal employees immediately come, they know everything and know-how. You need to be able to teach and invest. Do not be categorical and tough to the mistakes of other people.

Hygiene is a topic for study. If Saturn is underdeveloped, there are usually difficulties with cleanliness and hygiene. Such a person may go unshaven for a long time, may not have a haircut, and walk-in rumpled clothes.

In a worked Saturn, such people are very obsessed with cleanliness and cannot feel comfortable if the house or the toilet is dirty, especially.

A distinctive feature of such Saturn is that it impairs a person's memory.

It is difficult for a person to remember names (my discovery). Wife about such an owner:

He didn't remember names or phone numbers. When we met someone on the street, he, calling someone's name, asked how he was doing. Friends were surprised and said that they did not have such children. I always told him: “You don’t ask my name, just ask how you are doing, how the children are doing.” I ask why you don't remember names or phone numbers. He told me that he did not want to clog his brain with unnecessary things: “Why should I clog my memory with numbers and names? There you need to save completely different things.”

One professor had difficulties remembering the names of his students. He did not try to remember, he just ignored the names. Every time he said: "What is your name?"

(Cholponbek Bazarbaev, Saturn in Virgo)

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