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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Saturn in Aquarius/11 house

Calculate your Saturn in sign here

I would like to start with the fact that the generation with Saturn in Aquarius is we, 1992-1993 (some 1991). Well, there are those among us who also have Saturn in the 11th house (double Aquarius).

These are people who are difficult to integrate into the team. In general, any Saturn in an air sign gives unsociableness, whether it is Saturn in Gemini / 3rd house or in Libra / 7th house. Saturn in Gemini is distrust of the environment, it is difficult to find a common language with people, Saturn in Libra gives conflicts associated with social activities, inability to please and get along with people. Saturn in Aquarius is a loner who has a negative attitude towards any attempts to drive him into the framework of group interests. On the other hand, if he still wants to build a team or join a team, he will do it with all seriousness and responsibility, understanding the main goal - group interests. Thus, I saw how a classmate worked with the Rotaract team, how he loved to really be a part of this charitable organization and its leader. At best, patrons come out of people. People devoted to the idea of ​​altruism and charity. In group and collective work, such people are often forced to endure human irresponsibility and take on most of the responsibilities, probably because of this, disappointments in people arise. On the other hand, it is by being the leader of a team that a person learns to forgive and endure.

Saturn in Aquarius sets the task to assimilate humanity, not to demand ideality from people. This is especially played out in friendship, which such a person takes extremely seriously. A friend is such an image of a perfect person, for the sake of which one wants to accomplish a feat. He is friends with cool comrades and loves to serve them. Fulfillment in friendship is another manifestation of Saturn in Aquarius. However, it is not always possible to make friends with people, there are few real friends, mostly friendship comes with the powers that be.

Saturn in Aquarius / 11th house is the desire to separate yourself from other people and go your own way. In a team, a person feels uncomfortable, as if he is not accepted. The reasons can be different - a person of a different nationality, a beggar, wayward values.

My case was connected with the fact that they do not accept me because of a kind of hobby like Astrology. By the way, in my case, Saturn in Aquarius is a clear indicator of devotion to Astrology. Apparently, I can show results in this area and I have to do it according to karma. My task is to promote the idea of ​​the benefits of Astrology for society in order to introduce new knowledge into the minds of people. Aquarius is just a symbol of Astrology, under the auspices of the planet Uranus. The second ruler of Aquarius is Saturn.

In the case of Brigitte Bardot, she was separated from society by the idea of ​​veganism up to fanaticism. Very bright manifestation of Saturn in Aquarius!

Journalists write about her:

“Love for animals has become for Brigitte a passion bordering on insanity. Her statements and actions have perplexed the entire world community. She condemned deer hunting in Canada, urged people to stop eating horse meat, and in 1999 she wrote an angry letter to the President of the People's Republic of China, in which accused the Chinese of killing the last tigers and rhinos to create aphrodisiacs."

Brigitte Bardot is also known for her intolerance towards other nationalities and sexual minorities. Such is the Saturnian Aquarius - cannot accept others as they are (my discovery). Perhaps because he also cannot accept himself in some matters. Solar Aquarius, on the contrary, accept any, albeit gay, lesbian, Muslim with a veil, they are equally friendly to people of different segments of the population. Saturn in Aquarius can't do that, he's sluggish in this regard.

Saturn in Aquarius is an innovator (my assumption). I consider myself part of this generation. Once the company Wind held a training to identify talents and its head, Ilgiz, began by identifying the purpose of the work. Who or what are you working for? I wrote 4 columns on the board, the most popular. Family, career .... there was something else, I don’t remember. And everyone named one of these four, and when it was my turn, I decided that none of the options suited me and named my own option. Then Ilgiz at the end of this exercise said that the one who named another reason separately is an innovator. I did not understand then - is it really me? It turned out, yes, it could be. After all, Astrology is too innovative, because no one really understands its meaning and significance.

Saturn in Aquarius is also the fear of the future. It is this fear that pushes a person to work today and now in order to secure his existence as much as possible in the future. I myself am afraid of the future, but when dealing with predicting the future, I nevertheless became more mature, I understand that one must be ready for anything.

Saturn in Aquarius can also find itself in programming. IT and Techwomen programs that teach modern technologies - that's where the potential realization of such people lies. The generation of Saturn in Aquarius in 1962, in my opinion, is far behind, they do not understand computers and phones, they can fall into helplessness at the sight of a laptop. 

I'm a technology, but I admit that Saturn in Aquarius makes me slow to learn new trends. It is difficult for me to accept a new idea and the task of such a position: to keep up with modern technologies!

Saturn in Aquarius is probably an attempt to find oneself in politics. However, I do not yet know successful politicians with such a position. Among the environment, there are public figures, assistants to deputies. Who knows, maybe this generation will give the world responsible politicians who sincerely want to change something?

So far, I know the sad example of Khodorkovsky. He suffered hard because of his political ambitions and rebellious behavior. When journalists asked him what he would do if he returned to politics, he said that he had plans to carry out political reforms.

It's a pity when Saturn plays so depressingly in any house or sign.

It is better for such people not to joke with politics and authorities.

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