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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Saturn in Pisces/12 house

 Calculate your Saturn in sign here

My relative with Saturn in the 12th house has had a talent for drawing since childhood. Right from school, he had a clearly expressed talent for drawing, he could look at me and draw exactly as I am! Once I asked him to draw a contour map in the Atlas of Geography. He did it very well! He drew every line exactly as there, in the physical map of the world.

It is a pity that the talent remained unrealized! Although, who knows, even more than half of life is ahead.

Saturn in Pisces gives a talent not only for drawing but also for music!

Dimash Kudaibergenov! He has Saturn in Pisces! You can see the work that the musician did before becoming what he became. Star of the world stage.

Justin Bieber also has Saturn in Pisces, but he also has the Sun in Pisces, which makes it easier for Saturn to be in Pisces. How did Bieber get started? He sang in underground passages and asked for money for his work.

Vincent Cassel, an actor with Saturn in Pisces. He said that at first, you work passionately in acting work just to get to the bottom of the truth, and then there comes a period when you just relax and work.

Passionate work in creativity is Saturn in Pisces, be it music, theater, drawing.

These people are good at reflecting the pain of people, from hopelessness they do not know how to help them. If only I could help with my tears! - so they are expressed.

The most famous manifestation of Saturn in the 12th house is the Spirit of Chaos by psychic Julia Wang. Very symbolically, the 12th house and Pisces are Chaos.

Fall into the Abyss, she will not betray (c) - says Julia Wang.

Chaos is Love, the original state of all particles (s)

Through creativity, Julia wants to change people's minds and give unconditional love, for this she came into this world as she herself declares.

"Raise your vibrations, turn off other people's illusions, create your own!

And if you cannot create, at least begin to be aware.

Let in the Abyss!

Otherwise, you will forever spin in the wheel of Samsara. It's time to wake up.

Stay in the space of Love, sweep away everything that hinders you, everyone who condemns you, form your own space of positive energy. Do not listen to God, enlightened gurus, psychologists, do not listen to me, listen only to yourself. Your light is only your own, and no one will give it to you. I can only point the direction with my light that I carry. You could say the only New Neo pill in this matrix is ​​Love." (Julia Wang)

Just according to the position of Saturn in the 12th house, Julia is engaged in perfumery, smells, and writes music.

Chemists make good ones.

People with Saturn in Pisces are effective in esotericism, they often study esotericism and look misunderstood by others. When transit Saturn walked through my 12th house, I only did what I found support in esotericism, it helped me go through a period of loss and breaking the old pattern of behavior.

Looking for a soul mate is the task of such people. Often they feel lonely and are very afraid of this feeling, the feeling of loneliness. They are afraid to be alone, although their true talent, a talent for creativity, is revealed in loneliness, so overcoming the fear of loneliness is one of the main tasks.

Men with this position often cheat or are victims of adultery. They suffer from the betrayals of their loved ones.

There are many psychologists among Saturnian Pisces who have been counseling people for many years. examples: Harry Chapman, Dobson (psychologists, best-selling relationship authors)

Among ordinary people, whose profession is not psychology, but Saturn is located in Pisces, they can also brilliantly study people and their characters by how a person moves, how he shakes hands. They want to be very accurate in their descriptions, so they are often unsure of their ability to analyze a person. But there is talent, which is worth developing through perseverance and work.

Negative features of this position: passive, go with the flow, get carried away with drinking.

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