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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Saturn in Libra, 7th house

 Calculate your Saturn in sign here

"Having drunk enough of poverty, I endured the disastrous in its consequences and the false opinion that for such a beauty as I am, salvation is in rich men." (singer Sati Kazanova)

"And it didn't even cross my mind that I had to give back first of all. A very important spiritual conclusion."

"The whole of me is a continuous ether, but there is no skeleton, a solid core.

And where does he come from, if you are used to looking for support in life - outside of yourself? She constantly relied on strong men, shifting responsibility for her future to them"

(c) Sati Kazanova, 7 days

“And the growth of the spirit is to roll up your sleeves and, without grimacing, rake up your problems yourself. Yes! I’m not weak! ."

I wanted to remove some quotes, but couldn't. So eloquently they shout about the position of Saturn in Libra in the chart of Sati Kazanova! More precisely, in the first place, they display the mistakes that are made by women with this position. I, as solar Libra, can only say that the model of relationships imposed by Saturnian Libra / 7th house by men is not entirely clear to me, it causes sadness. Because I don’t accept cynicism in relationships, I’m guided more by sympathy/antipathy.

 Almost everyone with the position of Saturn in Libra and the 7th house makes excessive demands on marriage partners. Relationships can be built with anyone, without obligations, but marriage should be with a respectable person, high-status. Such people scan a partner for suitability and only after that decide to fall in love. The consequences of such a relationship can be the loss of oneself in a partner, the desire to obey him in everything, to fulfill any petty requirements. The case of Sati, described in an interview for 7 days, describes exactly the mistakes that girls make with Saturn in Libra / 7th house. She really wanted a rich man, and when she got an oligarch, she realized that he was not her man. The oligarch husband, according to her, disappeared, did not appear at home, in return, he simply paid off his duties with money and regularly walked on the side away from Sati. Since she loved him, in her own eyes she could justify his behavior, but after a while, she got tired of living alone, without attention, and she broke this connection. The second partner was not rich, but he could show attention, care, patronize unnecessarily, as it turned out, he did this not out of love, but out of selfish reasons. She says that if you love, then you give freedom of choice to another.

Marriage for such people is a prison, labor, and ground for constant reflection.

Men with Saturn in the 7th house / in Libra tend to go single for a long time, as they feel that the relationship can handcuff them. Examples: Dima Bilan, a bachelor.

Arshavin left his wife and children and later he filed for divorce. Arshavin had a lot of problems with his new wife.

Divorce is a terrible thing for people with Saturn in Libra/7th house, they want marriage once and for all. This is the #1 fear that a wife or husband will no longer meet their requirements and they will decide to get a divorce. Most often this is what happens - fear is justified. Although, at best, at a fairly mature age, people still find soulmates with whom they build "eternal relationships"

By the way, for V.V. Putin with Saturn in Libra, the marriage lasted a very long time, only relatively recently he filed for a divorce from his wife, Lyudmila Putina. (all examples are copyright)

Saturn loves longevity, is ready to endure partner duties and difficulties in relationships, so long as there is no divorce.

 Once, at a speech at a business forum, the CEO of the Kulikovsky cake series said:

- When your wife starts with the letter B...

I thought:

- Tin, how can you talk about your wife in public!

It turns out that indeed the wives of the owners of Saturn in Libra are often domestic tyrants, strict bitches who can "steam" with their imperiousness and exactingness.

Knowing the peculiarities of their Saturn, such men themselves strive for bitchy, cold women, seeing in them independence and the ability to do without a man. This after all can help him in difficult times. Many of them are feminist men. A feminist man has one requirement - to be socially realized, like a man, and then there will be worship, respect, and release from household duties.

Ordinary men, not feminists, see their duties in the maintenance of the family and their wife. At the same time, earning well, they understand that attention and participation cannot be replaced by money, again the trap of the devilish Saturn! (mini opening)

Taking too seriously and giving importance to relationships and marriage only spoil the situation. It is important not to try to please another contrary to yourself, but to be able to be sincere. Say what you do not like right away, do not allow yourself and another to abuse power in a relationship.

The main significator of Saturn in Libra/7th house is the theme of any partnership. CEO of Kulikovski cake brand gave instructions on how to assess whether it is a good business partner.

- Buy him an iPhone and say "you will return it in 2 months", then you will see

"Take - give" - ​​this is a sensitive point of such people, they are often forced to just give and not demand anything in return. Especially in relationships, they tend to give, seeing the indifference of the partner, they give more and all this is done in order to earn approval.

The sister of the owner of Saturn in the 7th house complained that her brother was unlucky in love. He gives the girl phones, writes long and passionate text messages, and in return receives indifferent two-word phrases. Then he begins to write more, feeling guilty that he did not please.

These are the "pleasers", because sooner or later the energy given does not return, you have to put an end to it and the person is disappointed in the opposite field.

Saturn in Libra is also an indication of the powerful and strong enemies of man, opponents.

The position of Saturn in Libra in the map of Putin V.V. forces him all his life to put the enemy (representatives of the US authorities) in such conditions when it will be forced to compromise. This is how the entire history of V.V. Putin's reign with his karma continues - upholding the interests of Russia. Putin has a legal profession, also symbolic of Saturn in Libra, which gives a vocation in the legal field.

Among men, there are also often bachelor singers singing about love (Dima Bilan, David Bustamante)

Among women - gymnasts (Alina Kabaeva, Chashchina), beauty industry workers (Ainura Sagynbaeva - owns a plastic surgery clinic), beauty salon workers, love singers (Vera Brezhneva, Alsu, Cheryl Cole), professional consultants, diplomats.

Veronica Castro is known throughout the world for the TV series "The Rich Also Cry", she is also known for her uncomplicated personal life. But she has two children from different fathers out of wedlock. She never entered into marriage.

The famous singer, judge of the X-factor show, Cheryl Cole, for 4 years of marriage with the English football player Ashley Cole, suffered from her husband's betrayals, she almost had a nervous breakdown and in the end she was forced to file for divorce. She entered into marriage, being already successful, not claiming her husband's finances. On the contrary, it was she who made him famous, it turns out Ashley Cole profitably married Cheryl Cole.

By the way, Saturn in Libra and Saturn in Leo - what's the difference? After all and there and there - relations!  Saturn in Leo - it is difficult to attract a worthy partner, the wrong ones come across. Saturn in Libra - you can attract, you can meet, but it is difficult to build long-term marital relationships.

In the worst case, this is a situation where it is impossible to live without partnerships. A girl can become a mistress and not be ashamed of it.

As if rewarding for patience and suffering, Saturn in Libra gives serious and powerful partners. For a long time, there was talk about the relationship between Putin and Alina Kabaeva.

Alina Kabaeva asks not to get into her personal life, but in many ways protects Putin. She gave interviews where she slandered Navalny (an American spy), Sobchak (thinks only about money and fame, not about the people), and Nemtsov (worked out scheme and speech).

The owners of Saturn in Libra are very strong partners. Will always take your side if they act like partners.

Women are strong too - an example of this is Jennifer Lopez, she says that her husbands always obey her.

Alsu successfully married when she finally met her man.

“I still can’t remember without admiration how Jan looked after me. Hotel rooms full of flowers, a meeting at the airport inspired by his favorite film “The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia”: a gangway is rolling towards the liner, on the top step of which stands Jan with a bouquet - this is really impossible to forget! And the most exciting moment came exactly two months after the first date. On the veranda, located on the roof of the restaurant, Jan knelt down, handed me a ring, and asked me to become his wife ... We have been together for eight years, we have two beautiful daughters, but Jan still never ceases to amaze and delight me." (Alsu, 7 days)

Proud of my husband! - says woman, for whom Saturn in Libra gave support in the face of her husband.

"I'm not lucky with girls. No, you're snickering! Several girls want to marry you. Your phone number is bursting with calls, they want children from you. Is that not enough for you?" (says one blogger)

In the case of a blogger, he works off karmic debts for Saturn through blogging about relationships. Helps women find personal happiness in marriage.

So, not all is lost. Over the years, you can attract mature and wise partners, the main thing is to deal with the demons inside yourself, find a core, get rid of the need to please everyone.

One author with Saturn in Libra learned useful lessons from her first marriage, in which she was humiliated, later she married a man with whom she lived happily for the rest of the years, he did everything for her that she even wrote about the temptation to sit on his neck, which she willingly substitute. She developed a whole methodology for the relationship

I often met people with Saturn in 7 house who excessively demanded from people around. "I pay money" was the reason. The money was not that big, but it's hard to stay with them even when the money amount is big. Example: Jennifer Lopez changed her personal assistants every month, high salary did not stop people from leaving her. 

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