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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Saturn in Cancer/4th house

Calculate your Saturn in sign here

Saturn takes a lot, but always gives something, even large. Using the example of Saturn in Cancer / 4th house, we can say that if in general a person was born in a status family, then the house in childhood was very large and strong. Sometimes a position can speak of a good mother in childhood, who put her soul into a child and raised her well.

Mom in the best cases in the chart of such children is a source of pride, children with Saturn in Cancer / 4th house are trying in every possible way to earn her praise, to help her. Such children have a great sense of duty to their mother. They are afraid to part with their mother, they are afraid of her death, they are very attached to her (observations)

In bad manifestations, the position gives a strict, domineering mother, who deprives her of love and lacks attention. Mom can be demanding. The child does not respect such a mother. Example:

From childhood, the mother raised the child, without denying her anything, and when the child began to earn money, the mother began to take the entire salary for each month from him with the words:

- I gave you all my youth, and now you have grown ungrateful!

Marilyn Monroe was born with Saturn in the 4th house. As we know from her biography, she was an orphan, her mother did not raise her, moreover, her mother was crazy, she ended her life in a psychiatric hospital. Marilyn Monroe lived all her life with a sense of her uselessness, in her revelations she writes that it was Joe DiMaggio who was the one to whom she belonged, he became her protector, helped to feel a sense of security that Marilyn Monroe had not had since childhood. She also writes that she was always afraid to end her life as a mother, unfortunately, this fear partially came true. Family karma. A person came with such Saturn to carry the karma of his ancestors, it is not for nothing that he feels responsible for the whole family from an early age.

Becoming a mother for the owners of Saturn in Cancer / 4th house is a big challenge!

Here is how Angelina Jolly describes her attitude to motherhood:

"It always seemed to me that becoming a mother is one of the most terrible, responsible, and desperate things in the world. This is not a full back tattoo."

No wonder she thought so, because Brad Pitt turned out to be a bad father. Angelina Jolie has repeatedly given interviews that she is a better parent than Brad.

Giovanna Antonelli, the actress of the Clone telenovela, also with Saturn in Cancer, wrote that Murilo Benicio is a visiting father, that she herself is fully raising children. She even filed a lawsuit to deprive Murilo of parental rights.

Among my environment, I know a single mother with 4 children, she also has Saturn in Cancer.

Conclusion: women with Saturn in Cancer are lonely mothers, they have to care about children without a husband (my new discovery!)

In children with Saturn in the 4th house, an early divorce of parents and a single mother, the only teacher, are possible.

The feeling of motherhood makes people responsible for other people's children, which is roughly similar to the position of Saturn in Leo / 5th house. These can be directors of shelters, orphanages, kindergartens.

For men, this position means a wife-bitch, who is bad as a wife, and as a mother for children, too, the responsibility for raising children also falls on one dad.

 There is a dependence on the female sex in general, unconditional respect with a simultaneous sense of vulnerability. The wife comes across as demanding.

Donald Trump with Saturn in Cancer often writes about how he loves and hates women at the same time.

Of the diseases, Saturn in Cancer gives diseases that are transmitted genetically. If the parents died of Cancer, then the person himself will also be predisposed to this disease.

Angelina Jolie, knowing that her aunt and mother died of Cancer, also began to prevent this disease. She removed the mammary glands, ovaries to minimize the risk of developing cancer (examples are authentic)

There are those among the acquaintances who, with Saturn in Cancer, died of Cancer.

The vulnerable body part is the stomach. The wife always told Sergei Bezrukov that he had a sick stomach, why did he eat fatty pork!

In youth, Saturn in Cancer / 4th house makes a person suffer for a long time, as he does not have his own house / apartment. Compensation can be - work in construction, real estate. Throughout life, there may be disputes over inheritance, division of property, and protection of ownership of the house.

The most tragic manifestation of Saturn in Cancer is Andrey Gubin. When journalists talk about him, the first thing is "By his age, he did not start a family: he has no wife and children" 

Lives alone in the house.

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