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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Saturn in Saggitarius/9th house

Calculate your Saturn in sign here

Very often people come with Saturn in Sagittarius / 9th house and the first thing they ask is:

- When will I go abroad? This is important for me to know. Want very much!

The theme of the 9th house is almost always related to foreign affairs. If a person does not go abroad, he studies languages, there are many English teachers among Saturnians in Sagittarius / 9th house. Or he works at the embassy, ​​consulate of another country in his own country.

All English teachers dream of visiting the States or England, but few get the chance, especially with such and such a position of Saturn. Until the age of 29, if they manage to get out abroad, then for a short time. But there is a chance to go abroad after 29 years, when Saturn is kinder. Basically, such people cannot win either a green card or a free trip abroad through various programs.

Higher education is important because it is hard. There are obstacles that a person overcomes during higher education, such circumstances may arise that you have to interrupt your studies and then recover. In general, some kind of drama happens in connection with higher education.

At best, a person receives a fairly prestigious education, studying with perfectionism. An example of this is the Turkish actor Kerem Burcin, a graduate of Emerson College. Not a single Turkish actor has yet graduated from a university in the United States, Burak Ozcivit, for example, cannot even say two words in English, and Kerem Bursin speaks English as his native language since he lived there almost from childhood. This is the advantage that Saturn gives to the sign of Sagittarius / 9th house -  higher education, an important stage for professional development.

Successful, well-known personalities, of course, often travel abroad without interference, but ordinary people have to get their way to abroad by a long siege.

Interestingly, Saturn in Sagittarius gives good human rights activists and lawyers, and also gives a talent for writing. An example of this is Maria Arbatova. The difference from Saturn in Libra is that Saturn in Sagittarius is for Human Rights. Maria Arbatova is known for introducing the new concept of "feminism" to Russia for the first time, being a feminist herself. She actively fights for the rights of women, speaks on programs Let They Speak, where she once said how a man can be "imprisoned". The owners of Saturn in Sagittarius are very drawn to imprison someone, in this regard, this Saturn is cruel. (examples are authentic)

Andreichenko Natalya 3 years ago filed a lawsuit against her son, raising a fuss in the media, as he left her without a livelihood. The son withdrew a large amount from his mother's account - $ 1 million for the development of the restaurant business, the mother wrote a statement to the police.

The son's father condemned Natalya's act, that she disgraced her own son and almost imprisoned him.

Former President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbai Jeenbekov with Saturn in Sagittarius. He immediately began to clamp down on people who were in power and some of the current ones for past crimes. He declared in an aggressive fight against corruption, Sagittarius - honesty. Saturn in Saggitarius makes people ruthless to law violation and corruption (discovery, copyright)

In general, if a teacher at a university with Saturn in the 9th house takes a bribe, he will have a hard time. Such Saturn does not forgive and almost always punishes for such "misconduct" (my discovery!)

Saturn in Sagittarius/9th house suffers from moral problems. There is clearly a lack of respect for authorities, spiritual teachers, gurus, disbelief in higher ideals, in God. Hence one wants to deny everything and be subjected to nihilism. Expressed harshly and recklessly. Perhaps there was a lot of gullibility in life, which was severely punished, and it's hard to believe someone.

The worst example is the religious fanatic Osama Bin Laden. Because of his faith, he committed crimes against Americans. His Saturn in Sagittarius gave a convinced fanatic of Islam, a direct fighter for the rights of Muslims. Immoral, how can you be religious like that?

In the developed version, this is a person who is correct in terms of religion, following strictly all the prescriptions.

Yulia Savicheva once wrote on Facebook that she hates deceit! For any lie, she is ready to raise scandal against anyone. Yes, Sagittarius does not like to cheat, this is an honest sign.

In the worst case, Saturn distorts the decent features of Sagittarius, making a person a hopeless liar.

In a well-developed version, they make good teachers, spiritual mentors. The owners of Saturn in Sagittarius / 9th house are very fond of giving advice, sometimes even imposing their worldview on other people, which can be annoying. Such people make good researchers, writers, and illuminators of the moral problems of mankind.

I know the best cases of the manifestation of Saturn in the 9th house is the luck of a person. When I wished good luck to one person, he said proudly:

- To me? This is good luck to you!

It was confusing, and then I remembered that he had said how lucky he was!

And then another girl said that she was very lucky. She also has Saturn in the 9th house.

I am really happy when I see the positive manifestations of Saturn in any sign/house!

Saturn in the 9th house/Sagittarius gives good luck!

Frane Selak survived a plane crash, the other 17 passengers died. He survived when the train went off the rails and fell into the lake. Later he won the lottery for $1 mln. He has Saturn in Saggitarius.

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