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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Saturn in Capricorn/10 house

Find your Saturn in sign here

 “By the way, Carolina performed there with a temperature of over forty. But I said: “Do what you want: cry, fall to your knees, die, but you must give birth to this song and win!” And she did not let me down "(Yuri Thales, producer Ani Lorak, her former lover)

Yuri Thalesa (with Saturn in Capricorn) told Ani Lorak when she was young that if she wants to be popular, then after each success she will need to step further without stopping. Ani had to focus only on her career.

When a person has Saturn in Capricorn or in the 10th house, career and status in society come to the fore in life. Saturn with this position does not forgive laziness and tries in every possible way to load a person with work and professional duties. For the first time in their career, such people often have tough, inhuman bosses who force them to work until 12 at night. This probably reinforces the belief that since you are the boss, you can do anything. However, a person himself is often inclined to abuse power, so an event with a strict boss should be a lesson not to be so inhuman when the power comes to you.

Perhaps Saturn does this to teach a person to work and take responsibility for mistakes. A sense of self-worth is a basic need, such people see themselves only as professionals, and if they lose their job, they are very painful about such an event. The worst thing for them is to be professionally unsuitable, unclaimed. They attach more importance to work than it deserves, hence the fear of mistakes, the fear of being fired, the fear of what the authorities and bosses think about it, whether they appreciate it. The fate is such that such people often lose their jobs and are forced to revise their values. Early experience of unsuccessful business projects is also the story of people with Saturn in the 10th house or in Capricorn.

Such Saturn can give a sharp rise and success, and then drop down with the same success. Astrologer Shestopalov S.V. mentioned this. "Saturn in the 10th house elevates to then reset"

A very striking example is the Moldovan actor Georgy Gryu. He had everything: success, early popularity, people's love. Known for the film "It Could Have Been Different"

Now he is a homeless bum, begging on the streets of Chisinau. He came to the program "Let them talk" in 2014, where he explained what happened in his life and how. He says in 2006 there was a car accident, after which he became an invalid of the second group. He said that he was very frightened and already thought that no one would hire him. Unable to cope with professional lack of demand, he began to drink. Later he decided to leave home. When the authorities placed him in a homeless shelter, he said:

"New things, new bed, room" - I didn't deserve all this! I didn't earn!

It can also be seen how a person does not tolerate bureaucracy and regime: (discovery: people with Saturn in Capricorn often criticize administrative personnel for details)

- Why don't they give out boiling water, I want tea!

Georgy's brother Gryu came to the studio, he told him - don't disgrace yourself like that!

In general, following the example of this person, we can say that he is the embodiment of all the fears of the owners of Saturn in Capricorn / 10th house - shame, professional unfulfillment, lack of demand, lack of a place in the structure.

From an early age, people with Saturn in Capricorn/10th house have a fear of public speaking (my discovery). The Russian psychic Vitaly Gibert writes about this in detail in his book. He has Saturn in Capricorn and writes about how much he blushed and was speechless when he had to go to the blackboard at school. Gradually, he overcame this fear, now he speaks to the masses quite confidently. Saturn gave him popularity and victory in the Battle of Psychics project, and at a fairly young age (examples are authentic)

They are also afraid of public shame, hence they hate gossip and rumors, they are afraid for their reputation. At the same time, they themselves can slander someone or slander someone, because in this way, in their opinion, they can somehow harm another.

The desire for professional recognition is simply burning. Reputation plays a big role in shaping attitudes towards work. Such people prefer that everyone see their work. It's funny, but such a person can do something if they look at him. When they do not look, that is, there is a tendency not to do, to be lazy. They admit that it is important for them to do something for the masses and significant for everyone.

Christian Stewart says in an interview that she always needed to be part of the team and do something important.

The most successful example is Barack Obama. The most natural manifestation for people with Saturn in Capricorn/10th house is to achieve a high position in the structure, to have authority.

Such people can hold a position of power for quite a long time, which can negatively affect their performance and provoke abuse of power.

Obsession with work sooner or later brings public recognition. For some it's too early, for others it's in their mature years. The latter is more real and durable. 

Saturn in Capricorn was interesting for Leonardo DiCaprio. How many years did he not get an Oscar? Everyone already took pity on him. From the 6th time, I still managed to win this prestigious award. But in the nomination "best actor" he won several times in a row (5-6 it seems)

It is important for them to do the job perfectly, to know all the subtleties inside and out.

In the speeches of such people one can see strictness and intransigence both towards themselves and towards others, the desire to condemn. Such people are especially sensitive to professional mistakes. Those who know how to work well are noted and recommended to friends and relatives.

A distinctive feature of such people is that for them the boss is the main person who needs to be pleased. They respect authority and strive to win their favor.

Sometimes they are even too sensitive to indifference from their superiors, especially to criticism.

"You sat in front of my boss like that, how could you?" - such a reproach was received by the girl of the owner of Saturn in Capricorn.

I'm almost sure that the boss did not attach any importance to this, but the guy found it scary to behave this way.

The fathers of such people are powerful people, frequent conflicts go with dads. The sense of duty to the Pope is strong.

There may also be a manifestation of hatred towards the authorities if the authorities do not meet the requirements of correctness and professionalism.

The late oppositionist Boris Nemtsov was born with Saturn in Capricorn. One can see how he severely condemns V.V. Putin. He said - he wants to sit in power forever! He also once mentioned that Boris Yeltsin wanted to appoint him president, but then circumstances turned out so that Putin became president. This is how Nemtsov reacted to N. Mikhalkov's words of love for V.V. Putin: "How can you love power? Power can be respected / disrespected, trusted / distrusted. Love for power is slavery"

Professions that are of interest to the owners of Saturn in the 10th house / Capricorn:

Working with clients, power in the state. structure, work in a prestigious organization / company, own business, responsibility for projects, management, construction

At best, such Saturn gives a strong position in the hierarchy, legend and full mastery of the profession.

Legendary singer Lara Fabian is also with Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn gave her a talent, and through her work she achieved amazing results! 

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