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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Saturn in Leo/5th house

Find your Saturn here

Saturn in Leo of a famous Latin-American actress gave her innate high status, attractiveness, and talent as an actress. From the age of 4, she has been acting in commercials and has been an actress for 30 years. Saturn in Leo also gave a lot of fans.

I recognized her from the TV series Bella Calamidades (literally "Misfortunes of a Beauty")

She perfectly played the role of a modest servant in the house of wealthy ranchers and her son, heir Eduardo, fell in love with her.

In general, roles, where one has to humiliate them, do not bother such people, because Saturn in Leo / 5th house hates being humiliated. In the developed version, these are people who respect the service personnel. 

Saturn in Leo gives acting talent, fame, social life. He takes away his personal life and maybe children. Average people are complete failures in love from a young age with this position. Other people, too, may not have everything cool with their personal lives, but I have not met people who are so worried about this, like people with Saturn in the 5th house or in Leo.

Dana Garcia did not marry at her age and did not give birth. Although fans are always more than enough. Her Latino counterpart, the famous Gabi Espino (also with Saturn in Leo), has gone through 2 divorces. Figure skating coach Tarasova Tatiana Anatolyvna has no children.  

One rich man and philanthropist Putincev has only 1 child. They consider it a big responsibility. Rich people think so too, which means it’s not about money, but about overestimated importance on the topic of children.

There is a guy from the environment, my age, he says that he considers himself childfree.

Probably the childhood of such people is difficult in the sense that they have to endure the humiliation of their elders. An unloved child, as if on purpose, grows up capricious and infantile in order to compensate for the lost love in childhood. Many owners of Saturn in the 5th house or in Leo are heavy and capricious, quickly offended and, in general, they have a difficult character (my observation) - this is how people who communicate with them can complain about them in adulthood. I would advise these people not to try to take everything personally and be scandalous. You need to know how to forgive.

Saturn in Leo/5th house seeks recognition, where it is valued it is a narcotic place from which it is not so easy to break away. Everyone strives for recognition, and Saturn in Leo wants admiration, wants to be in the spotlight, to receive love. Scandalous methods, but attention is provided. For this reason, there may be many actors among them.

Most of these people, although they do not humiliate, are demanding and capricious in terms of the level of service. But having found their make-up artist, stylist or hairdresser, they appreciate the work. Leave a generous tip.

In the case of a bad Saturn, this is a person who is stingy with emotions, cold and envious, unable to love.

In good people, Saturn can also harm with early failures in personal life, which over time can develop into an unwillingness to have a personal life at all. It’s hard to refuse fans, of course, there are enough of them even if you are not a show business star. But even fans don't make them happy when you want a serious relationship with someone mature rather than raise infantile boys yourself. Dana Borisova, one of those who, as the psychics said to her, "is catastrophically unlucky with her personal life," with which she completely agrees. Although generous men do not spare anything for her, but they refuse to take responsibility and generally do not want children, since they bother making business. I looked, she had Saturn in Leo.

In their youth, girls with this position usually do not understand when boys try to flirt with them. If they are called to the cinema, it is perceived as normal, like it means he wants it that way and it does not mean anything. Later development on the topic of Saturn is a personal life, although experience is enough, usually negative.

There are often single mothers with this position, since all responsibility for children falls on the owners of Saturn in Leo / 5th house.

A man with this Saturn has a reputation of a heartbreaker. Many fans, but personal life is also not going well. Even the rich. Example: Robert Pattinson. Everyone already knows how many girls love him, but relations with Christian Stewart did not work out, she broke his heart.

The lead singer of the "Cold Play" group was more fortunate, he married the chic (according to him) Gwyneth drew her attention to him first. His wife complained about him after the divorce that instead of using his support herself, she was forced to constantly invigorate him, endure his bad moods and console him. She explained this by the fact that people of creative professions suffer from frequent mood swings and this is difficult to endure.

More or less successfully managed to build a personal life for rapper Kanye West. But what did it cost him! At first, he was unrequitedly in love with Kim Kardashian, survived her marriage to basketball player Kris Humphreys, wrote songs about her: "I love Kim, Kim loves me"

In the end, he got it anyway. In his chart, Saturn in Leo is realized in branding. He completely changed Kim Kardashian's wardrobe and made her a style icon.

The name is not very attractive, but the content is just wonderful in terms of quality!

We do not know anything about the personal life of the American Sherry Argov, but perhaps from the book we can guess that she has already worked her Saturn in Leo. The book consists of 100 principles of attractiveness.

Saturn in Leo is the desire to pursue your hobby as a professional activity.

Stephen Arroyo has Saturn in Leo. It is very evident with what love and desire to create something special, Arroyo writes his books. His works are really appreciated and this astrologer has a lot of fans! Considerable work has been devoted to the compatibility of two people. It was Arroyo who discovered the concept of "elemental energy compatibility". If one of the elements is missing in the map, while the other has this element as the main one, then these people will experience serious energy blockades, these are competing elements, which will also be reflected in sex (Arroyo. Astrology, psychology and 4 elements)

Arroyo is a psychologist by education. He says that astrology can give a more complete picture of a person's personality and character than psychology with generalized theories that do not work for everyone.

The area where a person with Saturn in Leo or the 5th house can be a leader is relationships, children, show business, acting, stage, dancing, a humor show. 

David Bowie had Saturn in Leo, he himself said that he was a "star firer", as he knew how to show sympathy for a certain group of performers or a person, using his popularity.

The wife of Ilya Shakunov is happy, as she herself admits, both work in the acting field. She has Saturn in Leo, he has the Sun there. Being more famous, Ilya Shakunov is firmly devoted to his wife and stated this himself in an interview with various newspapers. Perhaps this is the dignity of his wife, that she firmly tied him to her with her Saturn.

I wrote about the connection of Saturn and the Sun in the synastry.

Natalia Oreiro after the series Wild Angel became wildly popular, but this popularity cost her a 6-year relationship with her lover, who could not stand the challenge of her fame and they broke up. After the severe depression, Natalia Oreiro managed to establish a personal life, she married Ricardo Mollo in December 2001. The couple still lives together. This is what marriage means once and for all. The husband even managed to forgive her betrayal in 2016. This is a successful example of the manifestation of Saturn in Leo.

Dale Carnegie also had Saturn in Leo. He writes that people are driven by the desire to be appreciated, that even criminals went to crime to write about them, so that their name would appear in the newspapers. An example is given: A wife complains to her husband-

- I've been cooking for you for 20 years and have you ever admitted it? Do you even know what you eat?

The desire to be appreciated is the main motivator that drives people, therefore the fear of being underestimated is number 1. Modesty is the main advantage of these people.

Areas where the owners of Saturn in Leo / 5th housework: acting, entertainment, show business, dance, fitness, aerobics, marketing, promotion, advertising, branding, service industry, event management, photography, customer service

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