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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Saturn in Gemini/3rd house

Find your Saturn here

I will begin the description of Saturn in Gemini with its famous owner - the poet Alykul Osmonov! Alykul Osmonov made a huge contribution to the development of Kyrgyz literature. Alykul Osmonov died of lung disease (tuberculosis) at the age of 35. "Sabattuu bol!" (Be literate) is his first work. He was my favorite author at school because he wrote even when he was sick.  

But always Saturn in any house or sign gives some defect or limitation. 3rd house is responsible for different languages ​​​​and communication, as well as for the school and the environment. Zagitova was criticised for the broken Russian when she became Ice show tv presenter on the first channel. 

A person can teach, show and give information to those who need it. I just know the coach of one with Saturn in Gemini, here he chews everything about relationships, what mistakes women make, and all that, I liked him with his manner of presenting the information. Everything is serious, clear, concrete, and mature.

A distinctive feature of people with Saturn in the 3rd house / Gemini is that they almost all write something. They love to write. You can often meet announcers, radio presenters, TV presenters (the late Saltanat Samatova). It also turns out directors, translators, SMMs, sales leaders. Scientists too. Effective in transferring knowledge.

Recently, my mother showed the children's program "What? Where? When?", An experimental series where smart children showed knowledge by answering questions from adult participants in the program. So, among them, the team captain Artem Savochkin has Saturn in Gemini, he is still with the Sun in Gemini (generation 2001-2002), and the smartest teammate according to his mother is Denis Potekhin, as it turned out, also with Saturn in Gemini! To the host's question "Do you read a lot?" Answered yes, a lot.

Saturn is in the 3rd house of Kasparov, the undisputed chess champion for 15 years. Saturn is in Gemini in Bobby Fischer's chart, an American chess player and contender for the best chess player in history. Often Saturn in the 3rd house gives outstanding intellectual abilities (Discovery, all examples are copyright)

People with Saturn in the 3rd house are drawn to professions that are somehow related to communications. Media people, networkers are also usually third-house Saturns. I know from my surroundings too.

Director Hilal Saral has Saturn in Gemini. Her work "Endless Love" is simply outstanding! Received an Emmy Award in 2017. The owners of Saturn in Gemini know how to create a movie based on some exciting story.

Vasily Utkin, football commentator, director himself. Films his programs, comments himself, is often invited to work with various televisions and channels.

Steve Jobs in a chart with Saturn in the 3rd house. He devoted his life to creating phones and Apple technology. The 3rd house works well here as a means of communication.

Among my classmates there are many owners of Saturn in the 3rd house who work in the audit field or receive a certificate in accounting. accounting and work in international companies as accountants.

Weaknesses are the lungs, the breath is weak, nervous diseases, ears. Such people have to speak sparingly and a little, because through words you can lose energy, become devastated (my personal guess). The words of Saturnians in the Gemini / 3rd house are taken seriously, they may not forgive for a long time for what was said. They take everything seriously. They express themselves concretely and give words more meaning than they should. (My mini-discovery)

Finally, a successful example with Saturn in Gemini. Elon Musk, the creator of PayPal, is called the most successful young entrepreneur of the 21st century. He said that the Internet is the future. In his youth, he avoided communicating with his peers, periodically suffered bullying from them, and was even beaten once. In general, like many Saturnians in Gemini or the 3rd house, communication with peers and classmates is difficult.

But over time, the environment is built from intelligent people

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