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Saturday, March 19, 2022

Saturn in the 2nd house/Taurus

Find your Saturn here

The generation of Saturn in Taurus is the generation of 1969 and 1970, 1999-2000. People of this period suffered the most during the poverty of 1990-1993, and in general, there is always a feeling in life that there is no money. I tried to delve into their psyche, how it works, that they are so dependent on money. It turned out that once the Saturnians in Taurus experienced a terrible period of starvation and when there was not enough for the essentials. And then they had to save constantly. Such people earn money mostly always themselves, with their hard work. It is logical since money is the most important thing in life for such people, then they really idolize the rich. So much so that they feel worse in the presence of someone who is richer!

Even if we do not take into account the negative experience of being in poverty, such people, even being born in rich families, also save on everything! A distinctive feature of such children is greed, the inability to share. A similar position is with Saturn in the 8th house or in Scorpio. It only manifests itself in the fact that Saturn in Taurus touches pocket money, that is, a person will not share a chocolate bar, he will not even allow him to lick it (told by the mother of Saturn in Taurus child). Saturn in Scorpio will not give up, he thinks his thing is being taken away from him. Saturn in Scorpio spends more than Saturnian in Taurus. Saturn in Taurus is even stingy with food. Such a person will harass his loved ones and control them so that they do not spend money! To go to the store with them means you will not be allowed to buy a single thing. Expensive!

Solar Taurus people love themselves and spend heavily on delicious food while Saturn in Taurus clamps down on finances and gives himself the command "Don't spend!"

It is logical that if you earn money by your own labor, you will treat it diligently. If it is a girl, she will want to marry a rich man. Having married a rich man, such a girl will earn a living and herself to show that she is independent of her husband's money (details are taken from the cases I watched)

On the good side, if you look, such people are happy to take on financial responsibility for another person. This is an incentive for them to earn more.

Often the husbands of women with Saturn in Taurus get into debt or cannot have a stable salary. Hence, the woman is forced to earn for raising children alone.

A successful example of a person with Saturn in the 2nd house is Dima Bilan. He is constantly published in Forbes as one of those who earn a lot.

According to the experience of people with Saturn in Taurus / 2 house, the mistake of people with Saturn in Taurus is to spend money on more and more expensive and branded things. After all, a person wants to appear richer, so he spends his accumulated money in such a way. It is better to invest money in something that will help you earn more in the future. That is, to acquire assets, not liabilities.

It cannot be said that they do not respect money, because, on the contrary, money for such people is almost the main indicator of measuring the quality of people. This can happen due to the fact that they themselves sell something and want solvent customers, or they were humiliated by their material status and now they want to prove to themselves and others that they are rich.

Saturn in Taurus can be played out in the fact that a person commits financial crimes. He may steal money.

The husband of Khlebnikova Marina took $ 500,000 from Joseph Prigogine for business and did not give it back. Deceived.

The bad side of Saturn in Taurus is either complete helplessness in everyday household life or with in-depth study, a person takes on all domestic issues.

The most successful examples of the owners of Saturn in Taurus: Raim Matraimov (Raim Lemon) and Nursultan Nazarbayev.

It is known that Rayim Matraimov is one of the richest people and he sponsored the election campaign of President Sooronbai Jeenbekov.

Nursultan Nazarbayev made a wealthy country out of Kazakhstan. Once he reproached Atambaev that in his place Nazarbaev could provide such a tiny country as Kyrgyzstan only with electricity. In general, he laughed at the fact that our country is poor. Ideally, Saturn in Taurus should be well developed so that a person can be a leader in the field of finance.

Areas, where people with Saturn in the 2nd house or in Taurus are employed, are economics, finance, investment, audit, food industry (canteen workers, cooks), professional yogis, athletes

Lesson to remember with this Saturn:

You can not spend money to the end, to the last penny. You should always keep a supply and not touch. (taken from life advice of a mature old-aged man whose Saturn is in Taurus)

In general, everyone who has Saturn in the 2nd house successfully copes with this task.

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