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Saturday, March 19, 2022

Saturn in Scorpio/8th house

Find your Saturn here

Looking at person X, I understood where her indifferent-cold attitude to what was happening comes from. I noticed a lot how people with Saturn in Scorpio or in the 8th house have a lower energy level than others. This is interesting because frigid women and ... men often have a Saturn position in the 8th house or in Scorpio, example: Marilyn Monroe (my new discovery)

It is quite understandable, because Saturn clamps down on the natural manifestations of the Scorpio sign: sex, money, energy.

Marilyn Monroe, if you read her revelations, often admitted that she did not like sex. The negative point in the biography of such famous personalities is some kind of dark side associated with sex. Marilyn Monroe used to "sell sex" in her youth for little money just to survive. Oprah Winfrey was raped by her own cousin at the age of 9, in return he bought ice cream. (All examples used are authentic)

I thought maybe because of the negative experience they had an aversion to sex, but I know virgins with Saturn in Scorpio or in the 8th house who are not attracted to men.

Well, girls, okay, but when men have sexual coldness, this can definitely be attributed to Saturn in Scorpio / 8th house, as something abnormal and unnatural. I would say such men can go without sex for a long time, feeling comfortable. In sex, such people do not show initiative, it is mostly the girls themselves who have to be active.

A girl a year older than me got married and a year after her marriage she wrote to me with a feeling of embarrassment that they were fine, they were joking together, discussing something, but in bed ... He turned out to be not so passionate, retreating when it comes to sex.

She says everything correctly. This should not be the case, this is his personal position of Saturn in Scorpio/8th house. Expectations that after the wedding a person would be unrestrained did not come true. But the plus is that he did not cheat on her before marriage, since he does not want sex in general. 

A rare case, but such a position can often give a bisexual (who wants a different gender), an example of which is Christian Stewart, the main character of the Twilight series. She said that she finally wants to be herself, admitted that she likes women.

In the case of Cristiano Ronaldo (the owner of Saturn in Scorpio), Saturn manifested itself as a desire to brutally rape women, because he was even sued that he could rape and then pay money for silence. One of the Playboy models that Ronaldo slept with said that he was very shy and timid in bed. In Ronaldo's case, I suspect it also played out in that he can't have children. His children were born by a surrogate mother, but he probably carefully hides the fact of his infertility. 

Men with Saturn in Scorpio or in the 8th house often have sexual dissatisfaction in their relationship with their wife, they complain about this at least that there are many prohibitions. Disappointments in sex make such people more demanding in sex.

I know temperamental and passionate guys in their youth, when they wanted self-affirmation in sex at the expense of girls. It was precisely the owner of Saturn in the 8th house. How else can you explain when a guy tells others how "he slept with her too", because rare guys do this. Perhaps realizing his limited potential in this area, a person wanted to prove something to himself. Perhaps not as passionate a person as it seems to be.

Handsome Turk Burak Ozcivit is a recognized sex symbol of Turkey and the whole world. He really looks sexy, but is he really that good in bed? Saturn in Scorpio may have given him some strength in this regard. Strength at least in the fact that he is a recognized sex symbol. Saturn in Scorpio in his case also played out in his highest acting skills, which he demonstrates on the screens! He very well conveys the emotions and feelings that the hero experiences. His dramatic display is the most convincing. Yes, he says that he studied this for a long time, which at first did not work out.

Now about money.

You can immediately see how important money is in the life of the owners of Saturn in Scorpio.

"Not greedy, but economical" - they justify themselves.

Since the level of energy is often related to the level of money that a person earns, this partly explains that a person receives little money at first. Perhaps because of restrictive money beliefs, the person suffers from a lack of funds. "First" - because this is not a sentence, you can always work out Saturn in any house or sign.

Interestingly, such people like to count other people's money, but prefer not to have their own. Perhaps because they are afraid that someone will take it away from them. How else to explain that since childhood, such people have been fighting for a candy that was taken from them on their table? Greed?

One woman with Saturn in Scorpio became famous for her video on how to choose men. She divided them into categories by income level:

Less than 50 thousand rubles a month - you can’t sleep with these men. They are not allowed to breed at all.

100 thousand and more - they can already be considered ... they can be raised and pumped up. The level of sex for food.

more than 1 million - that's our goal!

Such people are really very passionate about having money. For their sake, they are ready to go to great lengths, a man with such a position is not averse to marrying a richer lady.

For average people, usually, Saturn in Scorpio / 8 house gives little money, in this area, they seem to have eternal stagnation. In more developed people, such Saturn gives money after 30, gives enough and even more.

There are examples when champions have reached great financial heights.

For example, Steve Jobs in his youth was poor, but then, thanks to his passionate desire to develop his business, he became very rich!

Oprah Winfrey is the richest black American, she earned everything herself. As a child, she grew up in poverty and perhaps she didn’t like living like that, a kind of breakdown and drama that was in her life prompted her to develop herself and go towards her goals.

Beren Saat is the highest paid Turkish actress.

Almazbek Atambayev, one of the richest people in the Kyrgyz Republic, said: “I am a billionaire, why do I need the presidency?”

Salymbekov is the creator of the Dordoi market. He created a market for cheap goods for people to afford. Indeed, Dordoi recently saw one dish for salads at the market, it cost 170 soms, and in the mall the same dishes on the 1st floor in the supermarket costs 499 soms apiece! They look the same, the quality is also the same, that's when I thought that our Dordoi still has value, in vain we "buried" this place. Interestingly, Salymbekov does not like to fly business class, preferring economy class. He wrote in an interview why should he spend money on a business class when there is an economy class?

Ingvar Kamprad with Saturn Saturn in Scorpio has the reputation of a frugal billionaire. Having a net worth of $3 billion, he could buy second-hand clothes and drove an old 20 years Volvo. Ingvar Kamprad had hair-cuts in developing countries. 

Burak Ozchivit was greedy to spend money on holidays in the Maldives, but after his wife's claims, he nevertheless took her to the Maldives. But it is worth noting how Burak did not spare money to win his wife before marriage - he gave a car for $ 250,000, cosmetics for $ 12,000, he himself took on the costs of the wedding. As I understand it, for the sake of their loved ones, such Saturns do not spare money, that is, money for them is the main way to conquer the object of desire. I love, so I give money. But as won, then let's be kind to save. He imposed limits after marriage on how much Fahriye could spend in numbers. For this, the fans scolded him - that he earns much more, he could have been more generous.

Cristiano did not want to pay taxes (2 million euros), and when the Real Madrid management defended the Tax Office, Cristiano was so offended that he decided to leave the club and the country.

I liked the statement of one friend who has been provided with everything necessary since childhood thanks to his parents:

- I'd rather starve than take someone else's.

They can be trusted with money. They will give the money to the right person without spending a penny only if Saturn is right and mature. If Saturn is not mature, will "lower" and squander.

Yes, such stories also came across when the owner of Saturn in Scorpio spends all the money right / left as soon as he receives it.

An interesting feature of many Saturnian Scorpios is to count every penny where money goes. Such a husband constantly asks his wife to bring home checks from purchases, which is very annoying for a woman. Oprah Winfrey, by the way, says in an interview that it is important for her to sit and consider where the money goes. She'd rather stay up late and sit down to personally sign every paper. What a responsibility in terms of money!

Perhaps this is the right approach to financial management in companies, which then a person tries to apply in life too ..

They make good financiers, auditors, bankers. Also, a person can be employed in the acting environment, the military sphere, be an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a policeman, a sex teacher, a surgeon, a physician.

The life of such people is often endangered, which makes their fear of death much stronger than that of other people. It may also be due to the early loss of loved ones.

Every person with Saturn in Scorpio/8th house should take responsibility for their own finances and for providing for their loved ones. In this case, if you want to earn big money, give it back. Then the world will give more. Compression straightens out gradually and slowly, but you can and should go to the top in this area. Having reached a prosperous financial position, you need to lead other people to this by helping the poorer to become wealthy. Harv Eker (Saturn in Scorpio) - the author of training on financial literacy. I read his book "Secrets of the Millionare Mind", so soberly and realistically written about how to be rich and what to do. This man made me respect the owners of Saturn in Scorpio!

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