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Thursday, March 10, 2022

Saturn and sacrifices

 Saturn and sacrifices. From Feb 2019 (Russian version)

In the house or sign where Saturn is located, a person is forced to endure, go through failures, suffer, lose ... The last word especially reflects the essence of Saturn - loss. What to do in order not to lose? As a person who has been focusing on the planet Saturn for a long time, I understood why a person eventually loses what he has been striving for many years. Suppose a person works and achieves goals. Everything seems to be good (Saturn is the planet of discipline) and then the moment comes when everything collapses. I thought for a long time - it is painful to work out something so that later it would be taken away or depreciated by someone? The problem is ego. Not to be confused with self-love. Selfishness is just "to me, only for myself, so that I feel better" and this leads to loss. Saturn gives power and checks how you will use it.

Where Saturn is located - you must give! You must voluntarily give away, otherwise, you will be robbed and left with nothing. The higher you climb, the harder it is to fall. When you begin to give sincerely, then there will be forgiveness on the subject of Saturn. Over time, a person will receive more than he wanted.

Saturn is the planet of the devil, most of the temptations are on the topic, where a person's Saturn is. What to do to get rid of harmful addictions? You need to be a leader in the field where Saturn stands. Leadership is giving the best that is in you for the good of the other / others. It is also necessary to leave something to yourself, otherwise, self-love suffers. Saturn is power, you need to use it wisely and carefully, without selfishness and abuse. Saturn wants a person to go a certain way through suffering and reach certain heights, and then make life easier for other people through his experience. Thus it will be possible to solve the laborious karma on the subject of Saturn in the sign/house.

My Saturn is in charge of knowledge. He is in my 3 house.

The more you give, the more it comes. I noticed this on the example of knowledge. By sharing knowledge without a trace, you gain even more knowledge and experience. A channel opens a stream. I would like to tell more, show more, each time overcoming the fear of being misunderstood. Before, I was a little frightened by the fact that someone would take the knowledge and use it, and I would be left with nothing. Now I understand that the knowledge that I share will only be increased, and the methods of knowledge transfer are being improved. The accumulated information without "transmission" leads to pride. If you have personal experience, it is better to share it with others. I have accumulated a lot of different useful information, research. When the spirit comes back, I will gather everyone and give everything that I "have accumulated." The one who makes others aware is aware. This is the path to a wealth of knowledge. Give and get more.

Saturn in 1 house / Aries:

Beauty requires sacrifice, self-realization requires sacrifice, self-sacrifice in the name of the struggle for something

Saturn in 2 house / Taurus:

Money requires sacrifice (hard-earned), eternal saving, returning karmic debts with money, loss of money.
Saturn in 3 house / Gemini:
Sisters, brothers demand sacrifices. Learning requires sacrifice.
Saturn in 4 house / Cancer:
Family requires sacrifice, parents require sacrifice, building their own home requires sacrifice
Saturn in the 5th house / Leo:
Love requires sacrifice, children require sacrifice
Saturn in the 6th house / Virgo:
Work and health require sacrifice.
Saturn in 7th house / Libra:
Relationships require sacrifice, social activities require sacrifice
Saturn in 8th house / Scorpio:
It is necessary to sacrifice money and it is difficult to give. Victims to receive another's money. Sex requires sacrifice
Saturn in the 9th house / Sagittarius:
Living abroad requires sacrifice; higher education requires sacrifice
Saturn in the 10th house / Capricorn:
The career requires sacrifice, recognition requires sacrifice
Saturn in 11 house / Aquarius:
Friends and like-minded people demand sacrifices; technology adoption requires sacrifices
Saturn in 12 house / Pisces
Creativity requires sacrifice, career and earthly goods sacrifice for the sake of spiritual

So that sacrifices are not empty, a person makes the position of Saturn his destiny.

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