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Thursday, March 10, 2022

In the Shadow of Saturn... about fears and complexes

James Hollis - the author of a book about men's complexes, called "In the Shadow of Saturn"

I didn’t read the book, but the title caught me. How does the author know that Saturn is a planet of human complexes and fears? I looked at his biography and found the answer to my question - James Hollis is a student and follower of the famous psychologist, astrologer Karl Jung, Arroyo often cites the astrology scientist in his works on Astropsychology.

In more detail, Saturn in a sign and a house is often a place of constant headaches for a person, a place where a person feels inferior and underestimated, in the case of a well-developed Saturn, a person gets rid of complexes and becomes a leader in these areas.

Saturn in Aries / 1 house: complexes of appearance and body, a complex of non-independence, rejection of oneself and one's negative traits, selfishness, horror from self-awareness by anyone, the need to express one's self and to represent something. Rejection of a loss. Fear of being attacked, the image of a more aggressive person as compensation. Ignorance of myself and who I am is an active search for myself. In the best case, a person carefully looks after himself and always looks good, his image is very attractive (respectful), he knows how to give himself and keep a brand, independent person, love of himself, self-acceptance, desire to be a leader and lead, responsibility for others, treating others as oneself, a person found himself and represents a person.

Saturn in Taurus / 2 house: fear of poverty, pathological greed and focus on saving, underestimating oneself and one’s talents, skills are not worthy in the market, buying the latest gadget model to show off, poverty complex, fear of hunger, money only through hard work. In the best case, it makes good money, provides for others, knows the value of things and money, knows how to manage money wisely, knows how to work hard, loves itself and spends on itself wisely, saves money, and multiplies.

Saturn in Gemini / 3 house: fear of seeming stupid, unknowing, superficial reasoning, fear of verbal battles, serious attitude to the words of other people, scandals due to words and misunderstanding, non-acceptance of someone else's opinion, the exaltation of one’s opinion, fear of being uninteresting and boring interlocutor/storyteller. Fear of losing ties. Gossip. Too lazy to learn and understand the material. In the best case, a person knows how to competently and effectively communicate, respect for the word, and the appropriate use of words in speech. He speaks only if he knows the truth, the reasoning is serious and deep, the word is firm, gives useful advice. Doesn't talk much, says the case. He studies thoroughly.

Saturn in Cancer / 4 house: an unhappy childhood, obsession with childhood psychological traumas (Marilyn Monroe), difficult and cold relationships with parents (strict and callous parents), lack of one’s home, fear of losing one’s home, feeling insecure, avoiding responsibility for own family. A lot of single mothers with this situation. In the best case, the study of stereotypes of behavior from childhood, the interruption of a child’s life, the fulfillment of a sense of duty to parents, caring for them, a large home, veneration of ancestors, the strength of the Sort, strict parenting, spontaneous expression of feelings.

Saturn in Leo / 5th house: low self-esteem, envy, mousy complex, fear of humiliation and underestimation, fear of ridicule, fear of spontaneous manifestation of one’s personality, infantilism, moodiness, self-centered manifestation of one’s self, tendency to dramatize, vulnerable self-esteem, too serious attitude to life, cold heart. In the best case: adequate self-esteem, the ability to give oneself, doing one's favorite thing, falling in love, the ability to see the best in people and situations, gratitude, generosity, beautiful gestures and romance of love, a devoted heart, fidelity in love, sincere admiration about other people.

Saturn in Virgo / 6th house: notoriety, poor health, and the immune system, doubt about its usefulness and need, self-affirmation by finding errors and shortcomings in work and people. Too lazy to do cleaning, maintain personal hygiene. Complex relationships with subordinates, colleagues, unwillingness to help others (only their duties). Other people's usability. In the best case: the ability to serve and a sincere desire to be useful, perfectionism at work, thorough cleaning, maintaining hygiene and cleanliness, modesty, and expertness in the field of health and nutrition.

Saturn in Libra / 7th house: fear not to be liked, to set people against me, peace against me - I am against the world, a feeling of incomprehensibility to others, suffering from injustice, dependence on the opinion of a partner, marriage of convenience, feeling unworthy of love and a better partner, fixation on partnership and relationships, you have to plow a lot to win the respect and love of a marriage partner, humiliation, dependence on public opinion. Complexes of appearance. 
In the best case: protection of women's rights (D. Aitman), justice, understanding of human needs and the ability to find an approach to everyone, responsible attitude to people's reactions, the ability to cooperate, self-love and the ability to compromise without compromising one’s own interests, understanding harmony, ability to devotion in marriage - once and for all.

Saturn in Scorpio / 8th house: greed, desire to always control the situation and people, unwillingness to change, willfulness, vindictiveness, inability to part with what you have - clinging to people, for life, for things. Owners and Jealous. They value money above themselves. Making money hard. Weak energy and weakness in the genital area. In the best case: the ability to make good money, spiritual growth through studying the other world and the secret sciences, the ability to let go, following a program to change yourself, more trust in other people, working on the sexual side, and achieving excellence in this area.

Saturn in Sagittarius / 9th house: denial of God, disbelief in oneself and one's higher self, nihilism, lack of spirituality, immorality, crystallization of worldview, and protection of one’s beliefs, lack of proper education. In the best case: optimism in any situation, knowledge of spiritual truths, gaining a guru, mentoring, strict moral principles, honesty, decency, prestigious education, visiting and studying other cultures, broadening the horizons and talent of a researcher, special abilities for languages. Gaining faith in oneself and others.

Saturn in Capricorn / 10 house: fear of public shame, fear of public speaking, fear of criticism from the authorities, laziness at work, the judgment of people, high demands on the competence of other people, hatred of power, a complex that a person has not achieved anything, professionally unfulfilled, feeling insignificant. In the best case: high responsibility for their actions, a sense of duty, perfectionism in work, a passionate desire for recognition, the ability to organize the work of other people, an impeccable reputation, high positions, fame.

Saturn in Aquarius / 11th house: fear of losing one’s personality in a group, high demands on a person, difficult relationships with friends, loneliness in a group, altruism to the detriment of one’s own interests, harsh stalking and experimentation, inhumanity, fear of the future, fear of being expelled from a team, fear of losing freedom, the difficulty of being yourself, skepticism about new ideas of other people, the desire to be the best in the group. In the best case: the ability to lead a group of people, the creation of egregors, the struggle for humane goals (vegetarianism, against discrimination of certain minorities), the gradual introduction of innovations in society, responsibility in friendship, success in politics.

Saturn in Pisces / 12 home: victim of circumstances, despondency, and sadness, fatalism, fear of responsibility, low self-esteem, self-destruction. In the best case: the knowledge of unconditional love, the study of the laws of the universe, holiness and compassion for people and for all living things, the ability to understand the psychology of people, the desire to study chemistry, alchemy and the secret sciences, responsibility for the pain inflicted, charity work, serious psychology, esoteric studies, the desire to save a person, the responsibility for building their destiny, the destruction of borders. Serious attitude to creativity, friendship with chaos.

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