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Friday, May 24, 2024

Askar fought for Russia against Nazis

 «Требовались операторы для дронов, а у меня за время работы на ТВ был такой опыт. Я решил, что смогу быть там полезным», — рассказывал Аскар. Он отмечал, что его дед воевал с фашистами в Великую Отечественную и был награждён.

Askar uulu Kubanychbek: 

“Drone operators were needed, and I had such experience while working on TV. I decided that I could be useful there,” Askar said. He noted that his grandfather fought against the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War and was awarded.

“The hero of RT publications, Askar uulu Kubanychbek, who participated in the war in Ukraine on the side of Russia and was sentenced to punishment in Kyrgyzstan for this, managed to get to Moscow. Now the man is asking for temporary asylum and Russian citizenship. RT also sent a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a request to provide assistance to Askar.”

We always stand for Russia in the war and Kyrgyzstan is unfortunately run by deep state (Japarov is not a deep state person, but there are those within the government) that wanted to sentence to 10 years of prison because of protection  of Russia against Nazis. 

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