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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Lord-servant relationships ❤️‍🔥

Vector relationships are Lord and Servant relationships. The Sheep becomes the owner of the Snake, the Snake is the owner of the Monkey, the Monkey is the owner of the Rat, the Rat is the owner of Horse, the Horse is the owner of Boar, the Boar is the owner of Dragon, the Dragon is the owner of Rabbit, the Rabbit is the owner of Rooster, the Rooster is the owner of the Dog, the Dog is the owner of Ox, the Ox is the owner of Tiger, the Tiger is the owner of the Sheep. 

Forum answer: 

“We have had a vector relationship for 11 years! I am a Goat (servant of Tiger), my husband is a Tiger. Everything is fine with us. We understand each other perfectly. Merged into one creature with two heads that constantly talk to each other. The relationship is emotionally vibrant, we are not bored together 24 hours a day. We've been walking hand in hand for 11 years. Everyone around was jealous. 

At first we quarreled and passions ran high. It was the principle that we couldn’t be together, and it would be bad without each other. After 5 years, we got used to each other. Now there is complete harmony and unabated interest in each other. We are very happy. We have a growing son (8 years old). 

The main thing is, at the first signs of an approaching storm, take a break and hide and wait it out. The storm will end, everything will return to its place. Now we prefer to immediately move on to the stage of reconciliation, since we know the entire scenario of the quarrel in advance (all 11 years according to the same scenario). Therefore, the scandals ended completely. My husband trusts me completely, I make decisions for the family (although I am a servant by vector!). Sometimes I let him go into the world of his hobbies, and he is absolutely happy. We have found harmony! According to the Zodiac, I am Virgo, my husband is Sagittarius.

Don't be afraid of vector relationships! They are the brightest, most breathtaking, bringing complete satisfaction. Against this background, all other relationships seem pale. We simply cannot live without each other.”

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