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Thursday, October 26, 2023

Significance of astral twins

The Russian psychic Julie Vang (real name Julie Gavrikova) helped me understand the importance of the astral twins (or twin flames)

Astral twins are more significant than soulmates. Soulmates can be of different social status, but astral twin is a person equal to you. Astral twins have a very similar appearance, but not only. They have the same astral channel energy. It is like someone you already know. She claims that they had been together with David Bowie in several past lives. She hoped that in this life they would also merge, but she became famous only a year before David Bowie died. Plus, she lived in Russia and more influential David Bowie in the United States, so they did not have a chance to meet. All the attempts of Julie to reach out David Bowie via his Twitter account did not have success. She is alive now. 

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