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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Getting up early for the fire 🔥

 Learning to get up early came in handy for me. According to Stephen Arroyo, fiery people receive energy from daylight and do not know what to do with themselves at night time. My personality core (Ascendant, Sun, Moon) is 66% fire. Asc in Sagittarius, Moon in Leo. I learned to get up early without an alarm clock. Early for me means 8 am or 7:40. 

Why did I fail to get up early for the last 9 years? As soon as university finished I did not have a schedule. I might be awake at night and sleep till 11, then I have gone too far by getting up at 14:00 or 15:00 in 2022-2023 winter (winter is hard for me)

At school I had to get up early to go to school by force, from that time I hate getting up early. When somebody wants, it is not for me, I needed to want it myself. 

When I didn’t sleep at night, I felt the sense that something is not fine. If fire plays some role in my life, it would be better for me to get up early. 

Magnium helped me in this. I feel much better now when I get up in the morning without effort and alarm clock. I advise all of those with fire element to learn to get up early for healthy and energetic lifestyle. Fire takes energy from the Sun. 

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