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Monday, October 2, 2023

How to alleviate the pain of oppositions and squares

Absolutely everybody encounters oppositions and squares in their lives at some moments of life. Squares and oppositions often come as a shock the moment they occur. The good news is that everything passes and is remembered with a smile over time. True, at the time of the aspect it’s certainly not a laughing matter. For example, I remember how I had this in 2015. Absolute horror: you are doing bullshit, what a shame! You won't make money from this. I thought: what if they are right? What if I'm forever poor?

Well, now I'm in a much more optimistic mood. I remember that time with gratitude.

The girl's idea was stolen on one of the Venus-Pluto 90 aspect. The idea was returned, but according to her, the sediment remained. Often, in this aspect, a partner is stolen; the couple can no longer exist as before. You need to go through the experience of forgiveness and the partner returns. Everyone can make mistakes, the experience of squares and oppositions shows this. Sometimes a person himself can make a mistake on such aspects and be caught.

Squares and oppositions need to be experienced, completely abstracting from the situation. It sounds easy, but in reality it is very difficult to implement. Acceptance comes gradually; at first you don’t want to accept. The stronger the ego, the greater the reluctance to accept. Everyone is given tests to overcome their ego.

Why shouldn't we be jealous of our exes? Selena Gomez experienced feelings of hatred, jealousy and a sense of worthlessness after the marriage of Bieber and Hailey (She had Moon and Pluto 180, Uranus and Venus 180) 

In fact, living together for a long time between people of different temperaments leads to the depletion of each other’s magnetic fields (Stephen Arroyo). They get tired of each other and this is expressed in irritation, which is difficult to hide even in public. Information is power, lack of information leads to jealousy, envy and unnecessary pain.

Everything will fall into place, a broken heart will be healed, everyone will take their place. People who are not in their place will be lowered, and those who are worthy will take their places. Sometimes it happens that someone takes your place. Time will put everyone in their place.

Shakira had a Saturn-Venus opposition aspect when she found out about the affair. How did she feel? This is the collapse of self-esteem as a woman. To bring home the one you plan to marry. Collapse, but later you discover that they exchanged you, a talented singer, for an ordinary employee of your husband’s company. Self-esteem is restored, but anger arises. Earlier I wrote that oppositions and squares are perceived very subjectively. First, the collapse of self-esteem, then the understanding that you were good, it’s not about you, but about the fact that he likes ordinary women who are ready to sacrifice their lives and devote all their time to their husbands, which Shakira, with her travels, could not offer.

We need to take things easier. We meet squares and oppositions with shock, time passes and we learn to accept, the pain subsides, what we were striving for comes, but the sediment remains. Feeling of humiliation, rejection. Both in life and in relationships.

At first, oppositions and squares seem unbearable, it’s as if someone has walked through the soul.

Sometimes you need to accept that a person may not need you. There comes a moment when you need to understand that there is nothing that you need from someone else and nothing that is needed from you.

The pain from oppositions and squares is treated slowly, after about 2 years the wound no longer hurts. For some it goes away in six months.

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