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Saturday, September 30, 2023

Aries woman and Sagittarius man

Sagittarius Adam Brody and Aries Leighton Meester is Aries - married since 2014. They speak only good about their marriage. 

Very positive connection! There are often soulmates or twin flames with compatibility of Aries and Sagittarius. Sagittarius is faithful to Aries. 

 Somehow we quickly and easily became close and felt an amazing mutual sympathy. It's impossible to put into words. You probably won’t believe it if I say that our feelings flared up instantly and burned like fire. We were amazed that we had not met earlier." Aitmatov Chyngyz

I liked the one about “our feelings flared up instantly and burned like fire”

Aitmatov is Sagittarius, and Beishenalieva is Aries. Fire duet. These are astral twins. 

“What happy hours we spent in endless conversations, moments or, perhaps, centuries, tirelessly walking along the river Neva in the Leningrad white nights! All our previous life seemed to fade into the background. There were only me and her in the world. She and I. ..

One day, Byubyusara and I were returning from Moscow to Frunze by the fast train “Moscow - Alma-Ata”. Comfortable compartment for two. No one bothers you on the phone or rings the doorbell. Three days and three nights became an amazing, never-ending fairy tale. Time seemed to disappear. It was as if we were in another dimension. Our conversations on a variety of issues, confession of innermost thoughts that you would not share with anyone at other times, debates about literature and art complemented and developed each other. Then for the first time I understood and felt that there is no higher happiness than finding a person close to you in thoughts, spirit, character and nature.

Clementine Churchill Aries and Sagittarius Winston Churchill - she was the master (Rooster), and he was the servant (Dog). Vector relationships often occur between twin flames, two fire signs. They loved each other very much. Since she is the boss of the couple, he made many decisions on the advice of his wife. He said he was lucky to marry her.

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