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Friday, October 14, 2022

Persevere and determined Taurus

What does a Taurus need to be happy? Eat delicious food, sleep well, live in comfort and warmth, be confident in the future and have a stable income for 20 years ahead. It's that simple. Taurus is a down-to-earth sign, doesn't like to build castles in the air, has fairly simple earthly needs and realistic goals.

What is a Taurus looking for? To material accumulation! For the sake of money, he is ready to do unloved routine work. He considers the idea of ​​spiritual growth to be something utopian, intangible. Money comes first for these people. One Taurus admitted that his deepest desire is to sit on the couch and get a lot of money. Well, I suspected this. 

So, at a low manifestation, Taurus experiences spiritual degradation. The fact is that development is the change that Taurus is so afraid of, because you will have to change yourself and some of your beliefs, which is generally like death, but if Taurus decides to take up spiritual growth, he will carefully delve into one teaching and implement it into comfort zone. These are not Gemini who only get the gist and jump flexibly from one type of information to another. The Taurus do not strive for new knowledge, because everything new is learned with difficulty.

Pavel Globa writes that Taurus is hard to study. It would seem, as it can not be! For example, I know many Taurus who study well. Now I conclude that those Taurus who study well have a solid foundation of knowledge in some area, which they have been accumulating since childhood slowly and thoroughly. I noticed that Taurus learn well in mathematics (date of this article is December 2014). No wonder Taurus become bankers, economists, etc. Mathematics is just a science that you cannot learn on your own, just by reading a book. A solid approach is needed from the 1st grade and here Taurus takes over! Yes, they carefully studied mathematics at school for years, and now at the university they catch higher mathematics easily, well, because it's native. 

When I taught English in courses, I was convinced that Taurus students are really slower than other Zodiac signs to perceive new information.

I'm interested in something else. Taurus, as the opposites of Scorpio, do not have insight. Therefore, they are usually poorly versed in people. As if intuitively aware of their discernment issues, they carefully screen the people they are about to approach. They must know close people from A to Z in order to be confident in them, because unpredictability, as a character trait, is the enemy of Taurus. Taurus say that it is the unpredictability that infuriates them in Libra. Then what about Aquarius and Gemini?

In life, Taurus takes his enviable perseverance and determination. Taurus makes excellent physically hardy athletes. Here in sports, patience is just needed, which Taurus is famous for. Some of my favorite footballers, for example, Taurus are Kaka, David Luiz of the Brazilian National Team, Iniesta, Casillas, Juan Mata, Fabregas of the Spanish National Team. Spain in 2010 took the World Cup precisely with its reliable game. Won boring 1-0, but reliable. The title of tournament favorites was justified. Taurus football players are hard workers who usually do not try to stand out. They work for the benefit of the team and are not super strikers. Among the attackers, the signs of Fire are most often found. Among the famous athletes are Zagitova, Valieva, Nathan Chen, Chashina, Kabaeva, Linoy Ashram. 

The ruler of Taurus is the planet Venus. Taurus is usually attracted by pleasant manners and a charming smile. Men are usually externally and physically attractive. The Taurus usually watch their appearance and know a lot about aesthetics (in the top 10 most handsome: Beckham, Pattinson), plus Kaka is also very handsome. 

What strikes me about Taurus is their common sense! They find explanations for everything. They stand firmly on the ground, they know what they want and what to strive for. These are really reliable people and with them you can feel like behind a stone wall. There is always such calm from them that it is as if they are saying "Everything will be fine!" Practically imperturbable and do not lose their temper. In love, faithful by the way. Here, dislike for change is a big plus!

I didn’t want to talk about it, but I can’t be silent! There are 2 fundamentally different types of Taurus. The first, like Kaka, is a romantic, gentle, physically attractive type with pronounced Venusian qualities. Other type is a cruel one. They can beat their closed people, children etc. Conservative Taurus wants the dependents to obey them, they are also very submissive to those who have authority. 

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