Moon signs

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Saturday, October 15, 2022

Who improves our world?

 "How is it that he / she dared to do this? Don't you know this? It will be P instead of B. Just explained yesterday? Damn, 29 points out of 30, what a nightmare! Why did the toothpaste tube move 2 cm "2 cm, 2 cm, what a disgrace! I already told you about this, are you listening inattentively again? The voice is annoying. I generally like him, but he has a crooked toe of his left foot!"

This sign is easy to distinguish from the crowd. It is enough to observe a little the behavior of the representatives of this zodiac sign. When we talk about how to stand out from the crowd, we usually mean some good qualities. But this zodiac sign, having a number of advantages, is most often distinguished by one of its drawbacks, which crosses out all the advantages. Well, what kind of quality, you ask. EXCESSIVE CRITICALITY AND PICKING ON SMALL THINGS. As you understand, we are now talking about Virgo!

Over the past 2 days, among 30 people, I figured out three Virgos by behavior (then I checked their dates of birth and confirmed my guesses). It was enough for me to watch them for 15 minutes. How is it that you are so predictable, well, where is the element of mystery? All this thanks to your faithful servant, which is called PERFECTIONISM!

Virgos always struggle with shortcomings, strive for the ideal, are attentive to trifles and demanding of themselves. They behave as if they are saying: "Since I am working on myself and being critical of myself, then let others around me be perfect. I am not tolerant of the shortcomings of others, so when I notice the slightest mistakes in people, I want to teach them or express criticism." It would seem that what is wrong with the fact that a person works on himself and constantly improves himself? The fact is that Virgo hates herself for her shortcomings and this is projected onto others. In other words, Virgo does not allow herself to be herself (i.e. allow herself to have flaws) and others to be different with their inherent flaws. Virgos hang template projections of their expectations on other people and this does not make others feel high, believe me. If you notice Virgos get angry because of trifles, they often criticize for no reason.

Ascendant in Virgo can manifest itself in a similar way. The Moon in Virgo is critical and even very, just does not demonstrate it. Venus in Virgo makes high demands on a partner. Jupiter in Virgo criticizes the authorities, well, and so on.

I have Venus in Virgo, so Virgo comrades, I understand you a little. It's like "look at yourself from the outside!" But I don’t suffer from insanity and I don’t advise you.

Are there any exceptions? Hardly ever. Virgo tops the critics rating of all zodiac signs.

Now about the pluses, which are MASS!!!

+These are the best workers! Virgo is the dream of any employer! Executive, punctual, they try to do everything carefully and conscientiously. They will not let you down, they will not be late, they will do everything on time and as it should. Workaholics don't run away from hard work. When they feel bad, they prefer to work hard to forget the problems. Down-to-earth personalities who don't build castles in the air.

+ Clean, tidy, hygienic.

+ Able to listen to the interlocutor

+Good memory! Teaching is easy.

+ Analysis is their forte!

+ Discipline - do everything according to the rules, do not violate the laws

+ Helpfulness - the desire to help. Mother Teresa was a Virgin.

+ High morality. Do not cheat, do not cheat, do not take bribes! (yes, yes, otherwise their conscience will torment them). Decent.

+ Constant in love and affection. They don't change.

+ Modest, show good results, which they prefer not to advertise. They don't like to brag.

+ Order in the head, on the table and in the kitchen. This is especially true for Virgo girls.

+ Strong mental abilities. High logical thinking. Therefore, they live more with the mind than with the soul. Good or bad, you decide. Turn on your favorite analysis and look from both sides.

+ High observation

+ Reliability, stability

+ Responsibility and seriousness

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