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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Optimistic Sagittarius

Finally, the turn has come to Sagittarius! I was waiting to be filled with optimism and be inspired! After all, you can not write about the most optimistic sign of the zodiac in a different mood. Sagittarius, you have always cheered me up in the most difficult moments of my life. Such energy of cheerfulness emanates from you that you can not exert yourself. You are very good at instilling confidence in people! You are farsighted and like to predict the course of events. All Sagittarians have a prophetic gift from Jupiter. You ask - what are all Sagittarius predictors of the future? No, they are not psychics.

In life, many suffer from myopia - people often get hung up on problems, they are captured by the daily routine and they do not know where it all will lead in the future, whether there will be a worthy reward for work. Here Sagittarius can prophesy a successful future for a person, saying: “Yes, don’t worry! You do this and that, but then the reward will be this and that!” They begin to look to the future of a person with an optimism that infects a "myopic" person who is mired in pessimism. Entrepreneurship, for example, requires a lot of effort and perhaps even failure before the business can turn a profit. In Sagittarius' understanding, all these problems are temporary, and every mistake leads to victory. In the case of business projects, Sagittarius can see the potential of each project. It is difficult for short-sighted people to assess the future development of a business, they think about possible failures and do not want to work for free for some initial time, but Sagittarius can work for free, because he knows that a generous reward awaits him from Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) after all that has been done, What if he makes a mistake? Nothing bad will happen to Sagittarius! He will simply take on another project and take into account all the mistakes of the past. Sagittarius has the strongest Spirit! No problems will break it!

Once I asked a question to my teacher: “In my natal chart, there are much more affected aspects (squares and oppositions) than harmonious ones (sextile, trine). This is bad? So life is hard and full of obstacles?”

The response I received cheered me up. It sounded like this.

“Yes, those who are born with a large number of harmonious aspects have everything for the successful arrangement of their lives. Usually, somewhere before the age of 25, such people have everything ready on a silver platter, manna from heaven pours on them, but these people often become lazy, not used to working. It is for their inability to direct talents in the right direction that they pay in the second half of their lives and are left with nothing. Those who had many squares and oppositions overcame obstacles from the very beginning of their lives and built their own destiny, as a result of which they were very successful and rich. So it's even good that you have such a situation.

The Sagittarius astrologer also said something that changed my life and gave me more confidence about my future.

I somehow remember that I didn’t want to talk about the fact that I wanted to be an astrologer. Well, you never know, evil tongues, etc., and so my mother has already managed to say a lot of bad things about this. Once my friend Sagittarius prophesied an interesting thing to me.

“Do you want to become an astrologer? Cool! I will tell everyone that my friend is a cool astrologer. People stand in line for weeks to get in!”

It was nice. Imagine hearing this! Even if it is a distant future, there is still something to strive for.

The ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter - the planet responsible for optimism, expansion, prophecy, Spiritual growth, wealth. For Sagittarius, Spiritual Growth is obligatory, like air! With the highest manifestation of Jupiter, Sagittarians are able to lead people, promoting big ideas! Sagittarians make excellent, charismatic speakers who can persuade everyone! For their generosity, spiritual development and healthy optimism, they receive a reward from Jupiter in the form of wealth and abundance.

Jupiter is also responsible for traveling and getting to know foreign cultures, so Sagittarians are often interested in other countries, their religions and cultures. They are directly drawn to foreign countries, it often seems to them that somewhere in another country they will be better, there will be more opportunities, or at least adventures. Well, where we are not - yes, Sagittarius? A person with an accented Sagittarius or 9th house (house of Sagittarius) in the natal chart usually travels a lot, he is attracted to foreigners.

What gives Jupiter in a low spiritual manifestation? A person believes that his opinion is the ultimate truth. Sagittarius can teach other people and even condemn them, and at the same time he will explode when people point out his mistakes. The complete lack of critical thinking in relation to their beliefs and the fanatical adherence to some kind of ideology can create decent problems for Sagittarius in life. I once met a Sagittarius guy who smoked. It so happened that we flew to the states on the same flight. I just said that smoking is bad for your health. He exploded from this! (Now I understand that it was not necessary to say this, but still, why react like that?)

“Smoking is not harmful, 60% of people in the world smoke and nothing happened to them! Keep silent! Probably you will also eat the brains of your husband (!)”

Sagittarius is generally a lucky sign (from Jupiter). Therefore, Sagittarians have a craving for gambling inside. They think like this:

“Well, I’ll lose 1 million here, but I’ll win 3 million there!”

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