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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Air Brothers Gemini

On the photo there are famous Burdaev brothers who are Gemini zodiac sign. 

First, let me explain why I get along with Gemini. As a representative of the element of Air, first of all, pleasant communication is important to me. It is with Gemini that I feel lightness and ease in communication. These people do not climb into their pocket for a word, and you can endlessly talk with them about anything. You think - Is it unpleasant for me to communicate with other Zodiac signs? By pleasant communication, I mean the opportunity to be yourself without pretending. With other signs of the zodiac, I have to be on the alert, to follow what I say. In other words, as a Libra-diplomat, I adapt to them in order to get normal communication, and this causes internal tension. In communicating with other signs, there is a sense of danger that they may not understand or hurt. With Gemini, I can be myself and say whatever I want without fear. Even in a quarrel, I do not feel threatened by any danger from them. According to this indicator, I have the freedom-loving air sign Aquarius in 2nd place. It is clear that if you are a Virgo, then you will be pleased to communicate with Taurus and Capricorns, because the element is one - Earth. Aries, Sagittarius, Leo represent fire and communicate well with each other. Aquatic Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio - similarly. When finding mutual understanding, Lunar compatibility also plays a role. Well, I already got into the topic of compatibility, so let's get back to Gemini. 

So, what can Gemini be respected for?

- Purely objectively, we admit that people usually resist change and it is difficult for them to let new information into their heads in order to change their opinion or worldview, especially for the signs of the Earth. Gemini, on the other hand, are always in a state of curiosity, they want to learn and learn a lot of new things. When you tell them something new, they listen with great curiosity, even if the information is "inconvenient", i.e. contrary to traditional views on life. You can share any useful information with Gemini, because you know that they are open to self-development like no other sign. Just do not think that they are allegedly driven people who can be sold anything. Just the same, they check all the information and analyze it for veracity before letting it into life. What is allowed into life can be easily and painlessly changed. That's the quality I like about them. There is, of course, a downside, but more on that later. What about Aquarius, you say? Aquarius is also open to new information and in general is the main reformer and creator of change, but these changes are global in nature. Plus, Aquarius is a fixed sign. For example, if they made some opinion about a person, this opinion is difficult to take and change. Aquarius can think differently and fanatically believe in their beliefs. When a person is fanatically convinced of something, he loses objectivity.

- Geminis are very good at selling and promoting goods/services. Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, was considered the god of trade according to ancient mythology. Therefore, Gemini is good at selling something quickly due to their resourcefulness and sociability.

- Mercury is also responsible for the mind and the exchange of information. Geminis are usually well-informed, they can be called a "walking encyclopedia", they know a lot, though superficially, but still. When communicating with Gemini, you can learn a lot of new things. Flexible, quick-witted mind, hence clever jokes.

-Know how to be the soul of the company. They love to gather people and have fun. Diplomatic. Gemini easily enter into communication and try to acquire useful connections.

- They can sincerely express admiration or gratitude. When they meet a person who is superior to them in some way, they are more often admired than envied. Instead of envy, the Gemini try to learn something new and useful from this person. This is also good quality in my opinion.

Okay, now let's get to the bad stuff.

The lower beginning of Gemini is inherited from Mercury (Greek Hermes), who was a clever and cunning deceiver, could fool many around his finger and get out of the water dry. How does this manifest itself in Gemini? They can sell any product. If they messed up somewhere, they can easily get out of the situation, talking to everyone and get out of the water dry. For example, I can be easily burned when I lie, so I prefer not to embarrass myself. Gemini, on the other hand, lie skillfully and imperceptibly.

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