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Monday, September 19, 2022

Zodiac sign (Sun) Aries

There’s something grossly masculine about her, I thought when I saw Dolores Canon in the video. It turned out that she was an Aries. 


- I get up in the morning, go to the mirror and say - how cool! How cool 

I am!

Alla Pugacheva, Aries.

Love yourself like an Aries and everyone will love you!


Aries can speak openly

- Do you like me?


The Aries love themselves and know what they want. They take care of themselves, study themselves and always want to be the best in everything.

These people radiate enthusiasm for life, their eyes burn,

they unconditionally accept themselves with "+" and "-".

People in the main mass are led, they need a person who would become a leader, suggested what to do and where to go))

Aries is that person.


This is how they write about one zodiac sign:

"Stubborn, persistent, such an achiever. He likes the girl, but she harshly rejects him. And instead of losing ground, he takes her with perseverance. He kisses her forcibly, presses her, says these words:

- You are mine! Only mine! I said so!"

Guess the zodiac sign


Aries is like a child, give him a toy here and now!

- I want her!

And he does not accept any "No" or "maybe". Will be persistent and stubborn! He can wait for years for a response Yes, and not just wait, but constantly act - give flowers and gifts for all holidays. Everything is simple and clear with him, this is a real primitive alpha male, who quickly cools off to the one that gives up easily.

What I like about Aries is that they can directly come up and say:

- You are mine!

As a Libra, I admire those who know exactly what they want. And such determination is pleasantly impressive! I especially like the fact that you can reject them directly! You know he is not going anywhere anyway. 


Aries set the bar so high that rarely anyone can reach it, let alone raise it. They are always used to being the best in everything, even in what they should not be at their best logically - in winning the attention of the opposite sex)) Well, because the character leaves much to be desired, they say - let them adapt to me, and not me to anyone! Moreover, Aries women are no less than men succeeded in heart-breaking))


We walked with one girl for a long time once in Barcelona. She always led me, said - give me the keys, I'll open it, let me do it, let's go there now. And how did she manage to navigate so easily in a strange city? After all, she didn’t get lost and still led me, but I just walked beside, as if behind someone’s back, protected and calm. These are the Aries. Bold and always proactive in everything - let me decide, let's open the door with the keys, let's go there ... And I'm Libra, simply nodded and followed. It turns out to be convenient))


Here they gave the task, Aries needs to complete it now and as soon as possible in order to continue to go about their business. Here there is no fear, immediately, like soldiers, they go and fulfill the order. Others procrastinate or do it slowly.


Aries goes relaxed when you clearly show that you like them. Aries loves to achieve and constantly conquer.


The nimble and quirky signs are Aries and Gemini. For 2 years of active Facebook, only these two signs themselves learned about their natal charts on the Internet and wrote with ready-made analyzes of themselves, I was surprised at how quickly they can teach themselves anything!


I like in Aries their self-sufficiency.


- I'll look at the horoscope and tomorrow I'll tell you what and how)

Aries: Tomorrow? I won't sleep!


The term "weak woman" definitely does not apply to Aries))


Vorobyov called the Olympic champion in dance on ice Navka while participating in the project "Ice and Fire" reckless in a good sense of the word. He also said about her that she is a queen in life, not only on ice.

Aries women are not afraid of anything, they rush into battle boldly and always win! 2nd place for them is a loss.


Who will manage the relationship? Aries woman.


The sun is falling in Libra, it feels like you can’t act without the approval of another person. The Sun in Aries is in exaltation, this is a strong Sun, a person acts without waiting for the approval of anyone, he is confident in himself and his actions, he can stand up for himself, even at the cost of conflicts and breaking up relationships. He is not afraid of anything, so he boldly takes the helm of the aircraft into his own hands.


Despite their independence and self-sufficiency, they directly love and understand their beloved as themselves. Mars is the ruler of Aries. Aries obstinacy creates a lot of problems in marriage.


- What kind of teacher is this?

- She is unpredictable, she can underestimate someone,

and someone she loves always supports. You need to look for an individual approach to her. 

Aries are unpredictable, yes.


Aries is a person who does not hold a stone in his bosom. He is honest and straightforward, sometimes rude, but frank.


 Sharapova, the image of an independent, self-sufficient and realized lady! Aries is! She once donated her boyfriend Vuyachich a Porsche for his birthday.

worth 105 thousand dollars, which greatly surprised him.


He paid for the concert, he did not like the concert, got up and left.



Oh, it's finally spring! The grass is just starting to grow, rich green, fresh and bright! Lilac blooms! It's the Sun in Aries, guys!

Aries is life!


Aries are such active workers, they can easily be the best in any field and it seems that no one can compete with them. Meanwhile when they drink ... it's a nightmare, they can quarrel with their superiors, they begin to threaten the boss: "Hey, I'll destroy you, do you hear?" Then they fire Aries from a very good job with a decent salary, this is how you can quarrel with everyone because of excessive self-confidence and straightforwardness, and as a result, you will be left with nothing. However, Aries is good because he does not lose heart, he knows how to quickly switch to something else ... he behaves seriously and works conscientiously after the lessons he has learned, and then they start again ... friction with superiors, disputes, unwillingness to obey, but drunk Aries is especially dangerous, the tongue is not controlled at all, and the body gets into a fight (in Aries men especially)


Faster, faster ... life goes on, you need to have time to do everything, and one. Aries hopes for itself in life, it is a symbol of activity, self-sufficiency and independence. Aries is impatient, he acts when others think about "right / wrong, what others will say, will it work / will not work, etc." He does not need the approval of other people, he knows what he is doing and believes that he is always right.


"Let's start this project! Let's start doing this!" - says Aries, without a shadow of doubt and hesitation.


-It's not possible now! Let's do it later!
Aries: No, here and now!
-Be patient!
Aries: noooo...
Wait until Aries cools down... he's just out of control in a rage! But when he calms down, he will do whatever you say!

There's a tale about Ivanushka, similar to Aries man who is teased as a fool and stupid. By the end he gets rich and famous. He is just the one who let the thread lead him.

It is difficult to force an Aries to do something until he himself wants it.
Aries internally understands that he is wrong in the dispute, he just needs to defend his opinion to make sure that he is not amenable to other people's influence.
-Why is he so rude?
- Well, he is, it's his personality. Take it as it is.

This answer was given by the girl Aquarius. I would say: well, this is Aries, do not pay attention.
This is an ordinary person: "To be, to do, to have"
And this is Aries: "Do, be, have"

Aries starts immediately from the “Do” point and gain the necessary knowledge on the way.
Aries says: "Fuck off, I have no time to talk to you!"
Scales say: "Damn, when will he roll off!"
The difference is that Aries directly says it, and Libra -
One of my classmates, whose birthday is April 4, wrote her name, surname, dash on the desk, "you are the best!" 
I wrote an article about favorite words of zodiac signs. Aries loves the word "best"
Aries can be distinguished by the way he likes to argue with everyone.
Simply by this he wants to show that he is independent and not amenable to influence. It is often easier for Libras to agree with a person than to sit and argue for hours. But it is fundamentally important for Aries to defend his rightness, even if he may be wrong.
If you are a notorious and insecure person (which is the majority), then you need to look at Aries and communicate with him more often. You look and see that loving yourself is useful. Next to a confident person, you yourself begin to open up.
"I am the way I am, no need to remake me, I won't fix it anyway." (c) Aries

In this case, you do not need to remake others for yourself.
Aries are confident. If they say no, it is a firm and resolute no. And Libra will first say No, and then they think - maybe Yes?
That's probably why Libra doesn't like Aries because they can't love themselves like Aries.
Aries is a sign that is not inclined to endure where it does not consider it necessary. If he doesn't like the job, he will leave it. And he does not understand those who suffer and complain, not trying to change anything in their lives. Aries is ready at any moment to burn bridges and start all over again.
Aries women... They want to be the best in everything, they love to compete. At the Aries school, the girls wanted to solve the problem faster than others, give the answer faster than others, and be the first to put the notebook on the teacher's table. They quickly got bored of everything routine, they were strong in those tasks that were solved quickly and easily. Aries often rushed to the board, they could also calmly ask to write off to get a good mark.
Libra tends to choose working, reliable methods, fear of making mistakes does not allow them to try new things. Here Libra comes to the cafe and chooses what is already checked. Here is Aries, the opposite of Libra, every time he comes to the cafe and always chooses new dishes. He is so brave, not afraid to try new things.
Me: - I realized that you are my friend))
Wow, I found a guy friend!
- I'm glad for your success)) Super info!
  How did you find that one?
Me: time, dude, time brings together
- Ahhh)
And what were the criteria for a friend?
Me: have 100% trust
no fear
say something wrong
he accepts you
with all cockroaches
- Ahhh)
You described alpha 😂😂😂
Oooooooo, ahaaaahh ♈️💪 🅰️

Aries women. Self-sufficient, active. And most importantly, they know how to take care of themselves. I really like their confidence of Keira Knightley, Christian Stewart, Kayleigh McEnany, Jennifer Garner and Emma Wattson
Aries quickly lights up and quickly cools down, does not bring the matter to the end, lacks patience and endurance. For the period while it is burning, you need to have time to launch some kind of crazy project, which in the future can shoot so that others will pick up the enthusiasm of Aries and bring the project to the end.
Aries always thinks about himself and when talking he always talks about himself, seeks profit for himself and acts in his own interests almost always.
I see Aries sitting and deliberately shaking his knees. It is clearly unbearable for a person to sit out until the end of the class. 
If you want a courageous, self-confident, determined and brave man who is used to always being a winner in everything, choose Aries. Just do not then complain about his rudeness and insane stubbornness.
Aries is pathetic because he loves all the best in the rating, he always wants to be the first, therefore, unlike Leo, on the contrary, he loves competition, tries to break the record, jump above his head. He asserts himself through victories and understands the laws of natural selection, where the strongest survive. He likes to humiliate another not by status (Aries is not secular at all), but by specific parameters "The best in this, I do this cooler than everyone else, I "did" that one, I won this one."

He is initiative, active and enterprising. He is difficult to obey, loves a free work schedule, often he has his own business and he is his own boss. Very energetic and does not like to sit in one place.
Famous Aries Entrepreneurs:
Robert Kiyosaki (famous businessman, bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad)
Aliko Dangote (wealthiest man in Africa, founder of the Dangote Group)
Larry Page (co-founder of Google)
Sam Walton (Founder of the largest retail chain Walmart) 
Aries women have a warlike look. The feeling that they are ready to compete with everyone, defend their rights, argue with you and prove their own.
Aries women are very energetic and restless. They work, do business, look after children, actively clean houses, always on the move. So many things can be done in a day! Aries men are also very active. After all, they managed to study and do business at the same time, plus they participated in various events, headed clubs and organized people.

Aries, how do you manage everything?
There is one blogger Aries. He writes that only in his articles is the whole truth about men (and all psychologists are just delirious). He says in one of them: a man is driven only by sex! And that's it! Like, realize this simple truth already. People are already arguing there, they say that there are many examples that just prove the opposite, but he doesn’t, he doesn’t recognize this, he insisted on his thesis and that’s it. This is what it means to judge all men by themselves. Male Aries are really driven by primal instincts, and it's not just about sex. He is easily led to provocations, goes and fights right away or gets angry and screams. You will say to him: “Come on, can you“ do that ”? No, you can’t.” He will go and invite this person to a fight to prove to you the opposite. Aries is a winner, there is nothing that he cannot.

I like Aries for their fearlessness. About many Aries, we can say that they are real men, and women are very active and courageous. If others try to escape from the dangers, Aries goes to meet them, substituting his chest. Just a real warrior. In a relationship, this works so that Aries is not afraid to make the first move. He is not afraid to lose, to be rejected, he can fall and get up a thousand times, run and achieve. There is no pride and fears, there is only the intention to take what is yours in any way.
Halit Ergench (Suleiman the Magnificent)
Aries. The commander did not suffer a single defeat. Aries can't stand defeat (hate). On the other hand, many people died because of his conquests, but he used to say it was necessary for his victories. Aries has a tendency for violence. 

Other psychics spoke about him: "Self-confident, narcissistic boy" Well, of course, Aries. But here's what's interesting. Thanks to their unconditional love for themselves, many girls really fall in love with Aries. At the university there was one Aries, who was loved by almost the entire female team. That's what creates self-confidence and such a self-presentation of the image of "macho". 

Impulsive, reckless, active, stubborn and self-confident. This is Masha - the image of Aries.
And the anger of Aries is truly terrible. In a rage, they are not able to give themselves a sober account of their actions. True, they later regret what they did. I've been watching this for a long time. In general, it’s better not to anger Aries, get yourself the worst enemies who will stop at nothing.
One psychis told about one woman that she is like a man. She was Aries.  They often have a man's
 appearence. Star of "House of Cards"
A strong and ambitious, successful woman Robin Wright is also an Aries. 
She states that she has always been a loner who does not like girly glamorous clothes and has always felt more comfortable in the company of men.
“I was unpopular at school. I only had two friends. I have never had fashionable girlish clothes or jewelry. You couldn't call me a chick. Though I've been the queen of the party once, mostly because I have a lot of guy friends. I'm generally more comfortable talking to men."

"I like boyish chic. I feel a lot of boyhood inside me. When I was a teenager, I dressed like a boy. Until the age of 14, I did not wear skirts at all. I just hated them. I still like to wear men's shirts."

People always ask me: "So you're not kidding when you say you're a feminist?" It's like all the hell they're doing is joking around with this (Keira Knightley, Aries)


Aries woman is almost always a feminist, she is for equal rights and does not consider herself weaker than a man. If necessary, she will take the lead in the relationship, as Emma Watson, a UN-recognized feminist, did. Emma Watson recently proposed to her boyfriend William Knight herself, inviting him to become her husband.
"Emma Watson considers it humiliating for a woman to wait patiently until a man makes her happy with his proposal. A feminist Watson believes that this is fundamentally wrong and that it is time to end this "medieval" tradition, in her opinion. Emma and William have more than once discussed the topic of marriage, the actress knows that Knight passionately supports her fight for equal rights for women and men. That's why she wants the initiative to come from her. Thus, Watson is going to set an example for other girls, encourages them to show independence and initiative. " (May 2017)

Aries is a real masculine sign, hence Aries women often feel the masculine in themselves is stronger than the feminine. The famous Aries woman Samantha Fox has lived all her life with one woman, and Christian Stewart considers herself bisexual, recently she has only dated girls. Lady Gaga also confessed her bisexuality:
- I love sex, and it doesn't matter to me what gender my partner is, but my boyfriends don't understand it. They are afraid that I like women. Upon learning of this, they begin to feel out of place, whining that we are good together and we don’t need a third in our relationship.

I remember there was a tomboy girl in the yard. She had a black belt in karate. She once got into a fight with one girl in front of some girls at the back of the yard. I was one of the observers. The rule of fights: you can’t grab by the hair, the rest is allowed. She skicked the girl with the words.
- Oh you bitch!!! 
She cried at the end. Where did it all start? The girl seems to have disobeyed and Aries had to invite her to ... a fight.
After the fight, the girl went somewhere, and Alby (I’ll call her that, I thought of it) realized that she had lost the chain. The Aries girl broke her chain, she herself was left without a scratch. After the fight she says:
-Crap! My chain! Help me find! Oops, found the chain! But where is the pendant?
I tell her, taking it out from under the soil:
- Here's your pendant!
- Oh, this girl just found my Aries!
Then she said many more times that Cholpon found my Aries for me.
The pendant depicted her zodiac sign.
An example of a well-known individualist is chess player Garry Kasparov. In the English version of wikipedia they write: "Known for intimidating arrogance"
He is very fiery (Sun in Aries, Moon in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo)
Fiery ones are often vain (the more fire, the more vanity), especially such individualists as Kasparov. I do not think that someone has the right to judge for the external manifestation of qualities. Kasparov is a genius. 
Actors Kadir Doğulu and Neslihan Atagül are an example of a fiery couple. Aries passionately fell in love with a Lioness girl. Immediately after marriage, the husband began to cheat on his wife, disappearing in clubs and returning in the morning. The wife showed herself like a Lioness. This is how you should behave. Neslihan Atagul gave him a fight and decided to get a divorce. Kadir Doğulu did not want to lose his wife and begged for forgiveness. A year later, Kadir called Neslihan the meaning of life. For fiery ones, respect is important. The actors clearly respect and love each other very much.
McFayden is perfect for the role of Mr. Darcy. An aristocrat from high society, educated and literate. Good manners and good looks. His zodiac sign is Libra (England is the country of Libra). Elizabeth is a simple-minded and straightforward girl from the common people, who does not understand her lower origin, with a high self-esteem. Just like Aries, Keira Knightley's zodiac sign.
I thought dramatization was only Lions, but people of Aries dramatize worse
Aries is a strong and fighting sign. The leaders of the 10,000 m (2 gold each) Haile Gebrselassie and Mo Farah Aries. In the marathon, too, the leader is Aries: Michel Teato, John Hayes, Delfo Cabrera, Gelindo Bordin, Hwang Yee Jo, Josiah Tugwane. You need to be patient fighters to run such distances. We can say that Aries is patient in terms of how to get their way, but impatient in communication and relationships.
Charlie Chaplin Aries and the first of the 6 best friends he named the Sun! (Fire element takes energy from the Sun)
Fiery: Lions are quick-tempered at the snap of their fingers, Sagittarius have an explosive nature, like a powder keg. Aries are bossy and irritable.

Among the football players-the best players in the world championships, most of all are Scorpios, Virgos and Aries, 11 each. Aquarius 8 The rest are 7, 6
It is not Lions who always talk about themselves, but Aries. Amendment
Vorobyov did not choose anyone in the final of the Bachelor show. The singer had to choose Natalya Gorozhanova, a girl from an orphanage, out of pity. Alexei Vorobyov has Venus in Pisces and he wanted to choose Gorozhanova, since Venus in Pisces is full of sympathy for girls, especially for the miserable. If the finalist had not screwed up herself. Aries girls with Venus in Aries are very unlucky in love. Even when love itself goes into the hands, it is necessary to do something wrong. She was rude to the bachelor and said that she did not love him, that love had to be built over the years. He correctly noted that the girl just really wanted to win and be the best (Aries hate to lose) She did everything for herself, but she did not care about him. She didn't love him. Venus in Pisces did not expect such a fiery act in the heat of the moment, without thinking. Here, Capricorn's categorical nature woke up and condemned the girl. In general... The Bachelor is an interesting program. I also noticed that fiery ones do not like being pitied.
Christian Stewart cheated on Robert Pattinson with the director, and Pattinson justified the behavior of his girlfriend by saying that she was just being led by passion. "There is no primitive female coquetry in her, nothing pretentious, unnatural. She always does as her heart dictates." (Pattinson) By the way, Aries girls really can. Cheating on a man is strong and bold. I mean, she's just temperamental. Pattinson is a Taurus and he said he can't forgive cheating. Taurus are themselves faithful and hate double games. "You know, I'm not one of those who allow themselves easy intrigues. You can't be faithful for a few percent, only one hundred percent. And I have the right to expect one hundred percent fidelity in return."
Lucy Lawless played herself in "Zena-queen of the warriors." She is an Aries, born on March 29.
Rassell Crowe is Aries and he plays the main role in Gladiator. Ruled by Mars, the planet war.

If something annoys others about you, it may mean that he is jealous or does not understand. After all, the disadvantages of another can sometimes be advantages. If the fire often talks about itself, it irritates the water ones, but the fire ones will say: "ooh! Wow" It's a personal talent. If they say about airmen that they chat, then this may be a verbal-linguistic talent. If water directly and impressively expresses all feelings (often irritates the fire), then this can be a talent for love and empathy. The earth is limited, but few can patiently do their work well and for a long time.
One woman blogger wrote under the post the reason why they write bad things to her. "Just understand, people are alive" - was the answer Blogger Aries. That is, the fire element. It is the feature of the fiery to attach great importance to strength and ignore their vulnerable sides and needs for support and love.
She came, she imposed herself, she insisted on the wedding)) This is what happens when a Pisces man meets an Aries woman.


In the bicycle race, the first 3 most titled sportsmen are Aries. 

Jason Kenny was born on March 23, 7-times Olympic champion.

Chris Hoy was born on March 23, 6-times Olympic champion

Zijilaard Van Moorsel was born on March 22, she was 4-times Olympic champion


#1 master chef is Aries, 3 winners. Shaun O'Neal Aries, Jennifer Bem Aries, Claudia Sandoval Aries. The second is Gemini - 2 winners. 


In the 5 best painters in history there are 2 Aries: 

First is Leonardo Da Vinci and the third is Vincent Van Gogh


I looked at some rankings and revealed that in the top 5 and 10 are 80% fire signs (Saggitarius, Aries, Leo). The top 5 are generally stable: usually, Alfred Hitchcock Leo is the first according to several rankings (at least in the top 3), Saggitarius Spielberg is also first according to some rankings (at least in the top 5), Leo Stanley Kubrick is second or third (at least in the top 5), Quentin Tarantino Aries is fourth or fifth. The top 5 were diluted with Scorpio Martin Scorsese. #1 is Leo! Leos among the top 5: Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick.

The top 10 include Coppola Aries, Christopher Nolan Leo, Woody Allen Saggitarius, James Cameron Leo, and Akira Kurosawa Aries. Orsen Welles is Taurus, top 10, and among the top Coen brothers, the leader is Joel Coen is Saggitarius.


In synchronized swimming, Romashina is the most titled, she is a 7-time champion of the games, Virgo. Aries Ishchenko Natalia 5x OCH was born on April 8 and Ermakova Anastasia 4x OCH on April 8th.


Aries are loyal people. If you are their own (friend, family) for them, they will not go to betrayal. They are also loyal to their own country, authorities and principles. This does not apply to the husbands of Aries, but to those whom Aries considers his own or who personally benefits him.


I think Kaori Sakamoto herself chose the music for the Olympic programs. Short program Gladiator and in the music of Free Skate there are the words “Strong, fierce, independent. Girl on fire”

Kaori Aries and therefore the film about the war Gladiator, where Aries Russell Crowe plays the main role. FS about strength and independence also characterizes Aries girl.

The most enduring heart is obtained from Aries. Libra has 16, the leader in the number of deaths from cardiac arrest, Aries has only 6 and is last on the list.
Aries still has such a trait as the ability to protect not only himself, but also anyone who is somehow connected with him, especially relatives and friends. In this regard, sometimes they go too far, because not in every case it is necessary to rush to defend.
Aries is very greedy for flattery, even more than Leo. If you tell him: You are good!
you can knock out anything.
Aries gets very upset if they tell him that he is bad. Starts drinking.
Here Gemini is not greedy for flattery. Kanye West said that women are ready for anything for money, but he loved Kim Kardashian, because she didn’t need anything from him, she was already rich. Then don't be offended that Kim treated him like shit.
Parsegova wants to be a 10-time world champion. Aries either. I think it will become Olympic, but the first is impossible, of course, with such a level of competition.
Reese Witherspoon is a good Aries. Her servants speak very highly of her. Reese Witherspoon doesn't get dirty and often the servants simply have nothing to do. In addition, she often gives them expensive gifts.
One Aries man has always thought only about career and work. When he lost his job, he began to think: "I'm dead!"
His wife dissuaded him that a person should not always work, but the more they tried to console him, the worse he became. Aries do not like to be pitied and believe that they have died if they lose their job.
Lady Gaga: "Some women choose to follow their husband, but a career will not wake up one day and say:" I do not love you "
Lady Gaga is an Aries and therefore she is unlucky with her personal life because of her male character. This is for a man Career in the first place, and personal life in tenth. For a woman, both are important, that is, a successful career does not compensate for an unsuccessful personal life, although it can console. Aries woman can often be content only with strength.
The ideal Aries is the husband of Eva Longoria. She says that he is very kind and she was lucky to have him.
Aries still has such a trait as the ability to protect not only himself, but also anyone who is somehow connected with him, especially relatives and friends. In this regard, sometimes they go too far, because not in every case it is necessary to rush to defend
The best runners in history come from hot African countries (Jamaica is hot too). It's no wonder why fire signs lead the race. They take energy from the sun, and there is a lot of sun in Africa. Running itself as a sport is included in the summer sports.

In the bicycle race https://olympteka.ruthe first 3 most titled sportsmen are Aries. 

Jason Kenny was born on March 23, 7-times Olympic champion.

Chris Hoy was born on March 23, 6-times Olympic champion

Zijilaard Van Moorsel was born on March 22, she was 4-times Olympic champion

The first 13 most titled bicyclists also include Aries Robert Charpentier, 3-times Olympic champion

Among two-time Olympic champions, there is Gram Brown, Aries

One-time champion is Vladimir Kaminski, Aries, Alexander Krasnov 

24 gold medals brought by Aries sign

137 gold medals total (24 Aries)


I wrote back in 2015 that Aries, when they drink, become insane. This is what happened with Bishimbayev. He was drunk when he beat his wife.

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