Moon signs

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Venus in signs

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Солнечные знаки (общеизвестные Знаки Зодиака)

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Zodiac sign (Sun) Taurus

The male under the sign of Taurus is practical. He can constantly make repairs in the house, improve living conditions, change something and buy for the house. He spends the money he earns on creating improved living conditions. Taurus women are talented at housekeeping, they know how to cook and keep the house clean.


When they talk about Taurus, it immediately comes to mind that they love money. The symbol "Golden Calf" means decent earnings through labor. Taurus is a symbol of security. However, do not think that finances are the main subject of their boasting. Taurus are serious people who spend money sparingly and on necessary things. Taurus will not buy a new iPhone model when there is an old one that is still quite good. Tauruses get upset when their earnings fall, but they don't get upset when they spend money. Taurus love to spend money, for them money is a great way to meet household needs.


In 2018, the beautiful Zagitova won the Olympic gold in figure skating, leaving behind the main contender for 1st place, Evgenia Medvedeva. Alina Zagitova was only 15, and Medvedeva was 19! Tutberidze seems to reconcile enemies, and Medvedeva decides to leave her coach. The opposition of the signs of the zodiac is perfectly displayed in the struggle for recognition. Alina Zagitova is Taurus, and Medvedeva's wife is Scorpio (these are 180 signs to each other)

Someone likes Medvedeva's style more because of the passion of the performance. I like Zagitova more, beauty and sophistication. Her Taurus energy is felt. No wonder the figure skater was named after Alina Kabaeva, she is also a Taurus and also an Olympic champion.


Taurus is the sign of the earthly Venus. Material forms are important to this sign. When compared with Scorpio, the opposite of Taurus, Miss Russia Sofia Rudieva and Victoria Odintsova, Alina Zagitova's emphasis is on forms and sophisticated beauty to make it look like a work of art. Sofia Rudieva and Victoria Odintsova focuses on her body as a model for sexuality, exposing herself to half a goal. Taurus are aesthetes and have good taste. No wonder Alina Zagitova conquered Japanese fashion magazines in 2019.


Summer 2012

One American woman and I were standing at the cash register in McDonald's when I spent the summer in the USA on Work and Travel. Her name was Tiffany. Once I decided to ask her date of birth. She answers me:

- I'm Taurus. I know I'm stubborn!


Taurus once baffled one of his acquaintances, who always said smart things and read a lot, asking the question:

- Clever? Where is your money? (On the photo Taurus people: rich person Babanov, Zuckerberg, oligarch Prokhorov) 


A constant storm, (Scorpio), struggle and intense experiences can obviously wear you out and you will want to relax from violent adventures by going to the shore (Taurus), where silence, comfort and peace reign. Enjoy life and nature!


I envy Taurus, they can easily understand Economics, Mathematics, solve problems - said a student with Saturn in Taurus (Taurus is a sign of thrift, perseverance, patience).

Yes, they slowly absorb information, but thanks to a rational mindset and patience, they easily understand the exact sciences


Slowly, patiently, step by step, the Taurus woman approaches the stop. Scorpio walks with swift steps and energetic gait of a warrior)) Scorpios like to rush like the wind, and not to go)


Lera Kudryavtseva, Taurus, about relations with her husband. He says that they are very harmonious and without conflicts. This is how it usually happens with Taurus. Especially when Venus is in Taurus.

“Globally, we don’t swear at all. Maximum resentment because of some trifle, and then five minutes - and everyone forgot. I always go first for reconciliation. Even if it’s not my fault. Igor has such a character, from his mother, apparently, along the genetic line "Never admits that he is wrong. Then there may be an insight. But it's too late." (Starhit)

Strahit interviewers talk about Lera Kudryavtseva:

"Looking at Lera Kudryavtseva, it's hard to imagine that she has never been on a diet, does not use the services of beauty salons and does not even go to the gym"

Taurus girls are beautiful by nature, Venus endowed them with natural beauty and charm.


Not everyone likes the stormy passionate Scorpios, ready to give a real adrenaline rush and a fountain of emotions. There are also many who avoid all this, who are afraid of manifestations of strong feelings and passions. They would like peace and quiet, a stable existence. The Taurus woman is ideal for these types of men! This usually happens when Venus/Moon is in Taurus. Calm and unhurried, smoothly moving, feminine. Always ready to support in difficult situations, providing comfort in the house and delicious food. Taurus is the sign of Venus, it is love here (not Martian passion), which is expressed through the manifestation of tenderness and care.


Taurus has one wonderful feature - they politely make claims and do it so tactfully that pride is not hurt. And Scorpios .... are intolerant of other people's shortcomings and weaknesses, they immediately get annoyed and begin to get personal, say offensive things))


These signs are ruled by the same planet, whose name is Venus. Libra Venus is airy, sublime, Taurus is more earthly, practical. Libra would like a bouquet of flowers because of the love of everything beautiful, and Taurus - an expensive decoration. In general, both are a worthy manifestation of Venus, which has a specific charm even in the signs of exile / fall (Aries, Scorpio, Virgo). The strongest position of Venus in the signs of Libra and Taurus, exaltation - in Pisces.

* Exaltation - the place of the exaltation of the planet, a sign of her delight.


Petr Cech, the reputation of an impenetrable goalkeeper. Taurus.


At school, there was a cleaning day somewhere in the 8th grade. They removed the leaves in the ditches with their hands. I looked at my hands, they looked awful... started to dramatize. And then a classmate Taurus says:

-Cholpon, it's just dirt! It's OK.


We all love to eat delicious food, it often happens that this is the only joy when everything is bad. Taurus knows that you need to feed a person deliciously in order to win over. Therefore, almost everyone is pleased with them.

Even when the Taurus is not cooking, there is always an atmosphere of food around them, they love to eat and invite to cafes / coffee houses with an offer to try something tasty))


The most famous Taurus is Buddha Gautama. Quotes confirm his Taurus nature, he taught people patience and calmness. The Buddha realized his tendency to be attached to material goods/pleasures, after which he abandoned all these attributes, considering them meaningless. Buddha was strongly drawn to nature, observing the beauty of its rhythms, in lonely reflections under a tree, he realized the truth, he woke up.

Famous Buddha quotes:

"Every intensified attachment to everything earthly is suffering.

There is no delusion greater than hatred, and there is nothing greater than patience. Therefore, I strive always and everywhere to learn patience.

Your suffering is caused by your resistance to what is.

Peace is within you. Don't look for it outside.

He has a calm thought, and the word is calm and deed. Such a calm and liberated one has perfect knowledge.

Patience is the antidote to anger.

Let him give up anger, let him give up complacency, let him overcome all attachments. No misfortunes happen to one who is not attached to name and form.

There are two truths about suffering and the origin of suffering. The main cause of suffering is the irrepressibility of human desires. However, these desires do not lead to happiness. They are either unfulfillable, and this brings sadness, or they are fulfilled, and then we are convinced of the ephemeral nature of our happiness, and the fear of loss deprives it of its meaning. But we continue to desire again and again, and it is this insatiable thirst that pushes us from one string of suffering to another.

Do not do pleasant things, for parting with pleasant things is painful. There are no bonds for those who do not have pleasant or unpleasant."

Here is what biographers write about him:

"Having cleansed the body with abstinence, perfected the mind with humility, and strengthened the heart with loneliness, he began to seek wisdom in the wilderness. He turned to the things created by God, hoping to find out the truth in the beauty of the morning, the splendor of the sun and the splendor of nature and life. He busied himself with reflection and prayer."


My friends and classmates admit that the most reliable friend is Taurus. I would also add Virgo and Capricorn (earth trine) here. True, the nature of the last two is not so simple, like a Taurus.


No need to swear, shout, people perceive words most of all when you speak quietly and calmly.

(c) Taurus


Tauruses are very sensitive to smells, the feeling is that they catch the slightest changes in body aromas, as if they are smelling them on purpose)) For them, satisfaction with the smell is the number 1 criterion in choosing a potential bride / groom.


Have you noticed that Taurus people don't know how to explain?

-Where do you work?

Taurus: Ah, yyy, well, you still don’t understand

How do they explain math?

- You do this, you divide it by that, then you get such a result. Do not understand? Well, that's your problem.


Venus is a symbol of beauty (Libra), goodies (Taurus) and money. It is known that there is a direct correlation between beauty and money. That is, actions to improve appearance increase income.

The more love a person puts into cooking, the better off they are with money. Also Venus, only terrestrial, Taurus. (observations)


Irina Leshchenko, Taurus:

“I counted so quickly that this caused a protest among the whole class. I constantly took first places at regional and city olympiads.

It is not surprising that I entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Economics, at the Department of Economics of Foreign Countries "(7 days. ru)

The Taurus are good in math, but they are not good friends with languages or abstractions.


Trustworthy ranking here and the opinion show in the top 5 two Gemini economists. Adam Smith is considered the best of all times, the founder of economic science. Keynes (author of the Keynesian model) Gemini is among the top 5. 

Two Taurus is in the top 10: Karl Marx and Friedrich Hayek. 

#1 is Gemini, second is Taurus (the most mathematical sign)


I assumed in December 2021 that earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) excel in math and the most mathematical sign is Taurus. A Facebook screenshot is here Number 1 in math and Taurus is number 1 (2016 post that they excel in math and economics)  I never even imagined that the ranking in the top 10 will confirm this 100%. I derived this conclusion from my peers and saw how the Taurus sign had difficulties with languages and speed but succeeded in math. Virgo is about an order, so math is easy to do for Virgo too, Capricorns are accurate and math is an accurate science. See the sample ranking example here 

Several rankings indicate Karl Gauss as the greatest mathematician of all time. He was called a "King of all mathematicians". He is a Taurus. They put Henry Poincare in the top 10 (7th or 9th ) in every ranking. He is Taurus. Felix Klein is in the top 20, Taurus.


Famous figure skater Valieva loves the exact sciences, especially mathematics. Taurus


Taurus does not skimp on food and rest.


Two great gymnasts - Alina Kabaeva and Irina Chashchina. Both Taurus, are beautiful and plastic. In harmony with yourself and the world


In one program about Alina Kabaeva, Irina Viner (artistic gymnastics coach) admired the patience of Alina Kabaeva (Taurus). Alina responded to all comments and critics with gratitude, said "Thank you", smiling politely.

Patient and pleasant people, Taurus.


Hints he does not understand

The language of Astrology is difficult to perceive

Likes mathematics and exact sciences

Studying everything thoroughly and persistently

Difficulty in conveying thoughts



Venus is also the ruler of Taurus, not just Libra.

Hence the love of beauty. Attention to appearance, to the forms of the body, the desire to please oneself and others in the form of material pleasures (earthly Venus)

Among  most handsome models The top 10 most handsome men in history are here 

Kim Tae-Hyng Capricorn, Hrithik Roshan Capricorn,  (2 in total), David Beckham Taurus, Robert Pattinson Taurus (2 in total)

40% of top 10 are Capricorns and Taurus

The top 10 most handsome models among men include 4 Taurus: (source )

Noah Mills, Brad Kroenig, Mark Vanderloo, John Cortajarena 


Taurus is more harmonious than Libra (both are Venusians), he does not have these swings back and forth in search of a golden mean, he is initially more stable, he exudes calmness and determination, which Libra often lacks.


So, we found out. We go to Taurus when we want to get better. To Virgo - when we want to improve our health. And we go to Capricorns when we have already got drunk and let ourselves go so that he, firstly, through swearing, makes us feel guilty. Secondly - to read the recommendations for long-term fasting.


Are you losing weight and not gaining weight? Gotta go to the Taurus! They will feed generously and tasty, only they will not be held liable for harm from food. For healthy food, you need to go to the Virgin!


Here it is the earth, with a protective bark:

Taurus is reserved and stubborn

Capricorn is serious and callous

Virgo - nervously tense and clamped

The defense of these signs can be difficult to break through.


Taurus knows how to enjoy the material world. He enjoys nature, eats delicious food, earns a living, saves and builds a house, feeds his family, he is stable and reliable. Scorpio is not satisfied with this. He is interested in the non-material world, Scorpio is attracted to:

the theme of life and death, the occult, magic, secret knowledge, past lives. He does not settle down with a simple and calm life, he likes to complicate everything, go through crises and transformations in order to feel like living to the fullest.


Usually eating, they often discuss their problems with someone. But for Taurus, food is sacred. Taurus in a cafe, looking at food with love, says: "Well .. food, let's not talk about bad things, better tell something good"


Taurus understands that it is impossible to neglect the strongest energy that brings all material benefits. That is money.


Reading about Mikhail Prokhorov. There is the persistence of Taurus, the ability to patiently work long and hard, love for sports and special attention to food.


"He goes in for sports every day for 2 hours, and on weekends he spends 4-5 hours training. He devotes 10-15 hours a day to work, and sleeps only 6 hours a day. Favorite sports are kickboxing, surfing. Doesn't drink , but he loves to eat well - 2 chefs work in his mansion.


The stronger the pressure, the stronger the resistance. He takes obstacles calmly and patiently overcomes them. Slowly, gradually and surely. Like Virgo and Capricorn, they love when everything is clear, predictable and reliable.


This is a Taurus.


The main desire of the Taurus ego is to create a solid and stable existence through the accumulation of property and the increase in one's fortune. He has a strong desire to possess everything in this world.


Taurus, as a Venusian sign, is very attentive to appearance. Russian singer Taurus Andrei Gubin, after obvious deterioration in appearance, stopped performing and touring. He explained this by saying that "it should be nice for people to look at me, but here it’s such a thing that in general when there are problems with appearance, therefore this is a manifestation of disrespect for people if I appear in this form."


It is useless to talk with Taurus about the intangible. Such concepts as the power of thought, visualization, aura are alien to them. The language of Astrology is also incomprehensible to them. Some kind of Moon or Sun, Ascendant, what are you talking about ?. And what is this esoteric? Sit and catch flies, meditate and everything will pass? Who will earn money then?

Of course, I envy them. To so skillfully navigate the material world, to be able to work hard and patiently, to manage the economy well, to be thrifty and economical, and most importantly to have a feeling here and now, to stand firmly on the ground. From Taurus comes a sense of reliability and reasonableness. It is like a wall, you can lean on it, you can feel peace behind it.


The practicality of Taurus is good. At the university, as I explained something to them, for example, derivatives, I received an offer: "Let's eat!" And the same with the Lunar Taurus. They often call in a cafe or visit, treat them with all sorts of sweets. Because they love to eat well.


Taurus are better at doing their physics than learning lessons. There are many football players among the Taurus, especially in the Spanish national team, for example: Iniesta, Casillas, Fabregas, Juan Mata. Spain in 2010 took the World Cup precisely with its reliable game. Won boring 1-0, but reliable. The title of tournament favorites was justified. Taurus are solid and reliable people who stand firmly on the ground.


Taurus loves nature, it turns him on in a special way and calms him down. Already, looking at the trees, he can forget about all the problems. He has a very developed sensual side, he bodily feels all smells and tastes, touches, looks at forms and beauty. Therefore, in dealing with them, make sure that you look neat, smell good and like to talk about beautiful and practical.


It is useful for Virgos to be with Taurus. Well... to calm my nerves. The type of Taurus when communicating says: "Calm and only calm." Taurus is very difficult to break through, they rarely get angry. But just do not overdo it with brainwashing, otherwise you risk seeing an angry bull. And this show is not for the faint of heart.


We don't have a Taurus sign. After my sister and I broke the n-th number of headphones, we realized how much we lacked the frugality of this sign. I’m talking about economics already ...


Sadaam Hussein was very handsome. I look at his final speech in court, where he appears as a very handsome man of age. Taurus men are handsome and cruel at the same time. Of course, the ruler of Iraq was not an angel, but in my opinion his personality was strongly demonized by the Nazi deep state and after him there were many wars in Iraq and terrorists bred


Earth is a helpful element. Taurus Tokaev rose to the presidency. I do not have the most encouraging statistics about Taurus - the rulers. He will leave


The most trusting sign is Taurus.

Not distinguished by intelligence, intuition, easily believes and trusts. The opposite of Scorpio is distrustful, prone to paranoia. Taurus are often deceived, harshly framed, thrown for money. Then Taurus gets very angry with people, but you need to be more vigilant.


The Instagrammer attracted people to her page with a luxurious life, trips to various expensive resorts, physical attractiveness, and forms. These are all the values ​​​​of Taurus - wealth, money, beauty. After the show I concluded that Taurus is gullible and really easy to set them up. The crew's agent wrote to her assistant how much it would cost to book a night with her, to which she gave a price tag: "$1500" 100% upfront. She came to the meeting and directly said what was included, even undressed ... All this was filmed by Malakhov's group. TV journalist Malakhov acted harshly with the girl because of her lies that she was "not like that." Here you need to be able to deceive so that you are not exposed. Taurus is not Pisces, they are too simple and trusting.


Earth-type girls are hard to understand when you don't have planets in the earth element. Here Timati on the show "The Bachelor" made a choice between the girl of the water element Katya Safarova and Alisa Grabovaya, the sign of Taurus. Taurus girl he did not understand. It was the same at the Bachelor's finale when Jake Pavelka chose between Taurus girl Tenley and Vienna Ghirardi.

Tinley was at a loss and did not understand why he did not choose her. He said after the show, "I couldn't be myself with you, you know?" She said, "I still don't understand"

Alice was Taurus, like Tinley, tried to be perfect, to show herself from a helpful side. Tauruses are conservative and want to adapt to others, try to please. Earth girls are very helpful. What are Taurus, what are Virgos, what are Capricorns. Pavelka is air without land, and Timati is also without earth.


How does air and earth interact? Earth wins over air. We live in the material world and whoever has capital is the main one. Air is often forced to depend on the earth. The earth can be toxic and demanding. Air signs are often nervous and difficult to get along with the earth. What does the earth lack, what does the air have? Few friends, no ease and ease. The land, on the contrary, is anti-democracy, slavery, where someone is the master over someone.


The most cruel sign is Taurus and the earth as a whole, but this is in everyday life: hit, beat, etc. Number 1 serial killer Pisces and the second Scorpio they are generally finished, there are few of them on earth. Here Taurus is not a serial killer, but the rulers of Taurus can also be very cruel. Booth John Wilkes Taurus killed president Lincoln with a gun. Mark Chapman Taurus killed John Lennon. Hitler was Taurus


Taurus is number 1 in figure skating by the number of Olympic gold medals.

Number 1 in figure skating is the beauties of Taurus (especially women’s, Sagittarius is in men’s)

Sarah Hughes, Barbara Ann Scott, Alina Zagitova, Veronika Zhilina (OC 2026), first skater to reach 90 points in the SP, Kamila Valieva, first skater to land 5 quads - Nathan Chen, two-time OC Karl Schaeffer, single OC Manfred Schnelldorfer.

Rhythmic gymnastics. The most famous is the Olympic champion Alina Kabaeva, 2020 Tokyo Olympic champion - Linoy Ashram. Silver medalist Irina Chashina (Second are Scorpios, third - Cancers)

Taurus and Libra Venusians are #1 in poetry.

Taurus (Li Bo, Shakespeare, Rabindranath Tagor)
Among the first 10 best old-time poets (Selection edition) the leader is Taurus: William Shakespeare, Li Bo, Rabindranath Tagor are Taurus. The planet of Taurus is Venus - the planet of art and beauty.

Saggitarius and Leo are in the top 3. The most generous is Turus.

Among top 20:

1) Taurus - about 4226% 2) Saggitarius -966% 3) Leo - 388%

4) Gemini - 190%  5) Scorpio - 108%  6) Capricorn - 77%, 7) Virgo - 48% 8) Aquarius - 48% 9) Pisces - 5%

There is a formula of generosity: amount sacrificed/current financial state. 

Taurus Charles Feeney (he has Mars in Leo) sacrificed $8 billion and left $2 million -  4200%. Taurus Mark Zukerberg will give to charity 99% ($76 billion) of all Facebook assets. Dietman Hopp is Taurus, he sacrificed $1 billion, and the current financial state is $6 billion - 16%,  James Simons sacrificed $2,7 billion, and $25 is left - 10%


There are 4 Taurus among the top 12 ballet dancers of all time here 

Taurus: Osipova Natalia, Tamara Rokho, Darcey Bassell, Margo Fontain. Valieva is a ballet dancer on ice, Taurus. 

Audrey Hepburn and Katharine Hepburn - both Taurus, daughter, and mother, Two of the greatest actresses!


Most titled Oscar laureates are Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio (8 each)

Taurus: Katharine Hepburn 4 Oscars (all for the best woman's role), Glenda Jackson (2 Oscars), Kate Blanchet 2 (1 for best female role and one supporting actress) = 8 Oscars

Cancers: Makdormand 3 Oscars (all for best woman's role), Meryl Streep 3 times (2 for best woman's role, 1 for the supporting role), Olivia de Heavyland 2 times (all for best woman's role) = 8 Oscars

Scorpios: Sally Field 2 times (all for best woman's role), Vivien Leigh 2 times (all for best woman's role), Jodie Foster 2 times (all for the best woman's role), Tereza Wright 2 times (1 for best woman's role, one for supporting role) = 8 Oscars

Total number of Oscars:  Libra 10 and Taurus 10


Among the first 10 best old-time poets (Selection edition) the leader is Taurus: William Shakespeare, Li Bo, Rabindranath Tagor are Taurus. The planet of Taurus is Venus - the planet of art and beauty.

I will be more convincing with Russian poets. According to ranking of the first best 5 poets, 4 are of an air sign (2 Libras - Esenin and Lermontov): 
 Esenin Libra, Vysockiy Aquarius, Pushkin Gemini, Lermontov Libra

According to the survey by Levada Center, 58% believe Pushkin is the greatest poet, 41% - Esenin (Libra), 32% - Lermontov (Libra), Cvetaeva 9% (Libra)
#1 Russian poet is Libra (why not Gemini Pushkin, because the sum of Esenin and Lermontov give higher weight)

Taurus and Libra Venusians are #1 in poetry.

Taurus (Li Bo, Shakespeare, Rabindranath Tagor)

Trustworthy ranking here and the opinion show in the top 5 two Gemini economists. Adam Smith is considered the best of all times, the founder of economic science. Keynes (author of the Keynesian model) Gemini is among the top 5. 

Two Taurus is in the top 10: Karl Marx and Friedrich Hayek. My 7-years ago post about envy to Taurus sign's understanding of math and economics was confirmed by research. 

In freestyle wrestling, Virgos go first, but Taurus is not far behind at all.
Taurus: 2 times OCH Sadulaev Adulrashid, 2 times OCH Soslan Andiev, 2 times OCH Johan Richthoff

Virgo3 times Olympic champion  Alexander Medved (rare example), 2 times Olympic champion Beloglazov, 2 times Olympic champion Fadzaev Arsen
About how the players Taurus shone at the World Cup in 2010. Taurus Fabregas gave a pass to Taurus Iniesta, who scored the only crucial goal.

I often noticed that Taurus has problem skin. They often have many pimples. Especially in youth. Example: Yuma Kagiyama.
Shoma Uno is also a Sagittarius, as is Yuzuru Hanyu - the first two places in the 2018 Olympics. Nathan Chen Taurus and Yuma Kagiyama Taurus are the two first places in the Beijing 2022 Olympics.

The strongest players in the Own Game project
Lieber is the strongest in terms of the number of wins. He is a Taurus. Like Taurus Druz #1 in “What? Where? When?"
The second is Aquarius Zhdanov. They also say about Sagittarius Wasserman that he is the greatest player of all time, with 15 victories in a row in one tournament. He is like Sagittarius Vetchinov in the transfer of schoolchildren "The smartest"
Taurus Druz also participates in this game and one of the strongest.

I often noticed that Taurus has problem with skin. Many pimples. Especially in youth. Example: Yuma Kagiyama.
About how the players Taurus shone at the World Cup in 2010. Taurus Fabregas gave a pass to Taurus Iniesta, who scored the only crucial goal.

Number 1 in figure skating is the beauties of Taurus and they are also in men's:
Sarah Hughes, Barbara Ann Scott, Alina Zagitova, Veronika Zhilina (OC 2026), the first skater to reach 90 points in the CP - Kamila Valieva, the first skater to land 5 quads - Nathan Chen, two-time OC Karl Scheffer, OC Manfred Schnelldorfer.
You can often hear from Taurus: “We are adults, as adults we will do this and that.”
What kind of adults are they? They are infantile, but they want to appear adults.
Tauruses spin chic: splits on ice at high speed, in terms of flexibility and duration of rotation - number 1. Zagitova, Valieva and Veronika Zhilina with a reference rotation.

Taurus Podolskaya called Taurus Valieva to star in the video. They shot a video where there is support for Camila.
About Taurus. Dobson wrote that Ellis' classmate talked about him. “He doesn't look like a fighter, but he's hard as a rock. It's best not to fight him."
Earth Energy Taurus Dobson.
Taurus are good in relationships, but Taurus men are as firm as possible in relationships. Taurus Dobson is the author of Love Must Be Tough.
There was an example when Taurus abruptly broke up with a girl, because he felt that he was giving care, love, and in return he did not feel love. He just said that I was with another and even showed her on Skype. She thought that this relationship was for life and took it to heart.
If you look at recent years, you can see that Taurus skate steadily and confidently. Valieva was led to Olympic gold, and not Trusova, precisely because of stability. External influences such as bullying knocked her down and broke her. Otherwise, she wouldn't flinch. Nathan Chen consistently 5 quads without falling. Zagitova without falling. Yuma Kagiyama is a future champion, also without falls, like Veronika Zhilina. Cancers, on the other hand, are unstable. Adelina Sotnikova fell at the Sochi Olympics, Trusova fell at the 2021 World Championship. Cancer 7-time world champion Michelle Kwan took 3rd place at the Olympics, and the then stable Taurus Sarah Hughes took the first place. I have suspicions that Cancer Akatieva is also unstable.
Taurus is the number 1 zodiac sign in figure skating and the best in the last 10 years and the next 4 years. Nathan Chen, Yuma Kagiyama, Valieva and Veronica Zhilina. I still don’t consider Zagitova, she doesn’t jump quads.
Taurus is a compliant sign with good manners, except in cases of anger over small things. Nathan Chen is exactly the perfect Taurus: modest, always respectful of Hanyu and recognizes his superiority. Valieva and Zagitova are similar in that they are obedient and loved by the judges.
If we take both female and male FS together, then Taurus still comes out ahead.
Veronika Zhilina and Sofia Akatieva. Veronika Zhilina is stronger in technique: she follows in the footsteps of Sasha Trusova, doing a quadruple Lutz. Powerful riding. She gets a triple axel in competitions and once she even jumped a triple axel with a triple toe loop. In terms of components, confident possession of the skate, perfect spins. Like any Taurus, stability is a strong point. Weaknesses: there are almost none, inferior to Sasha Trusova and Valieva in speed. Akatieva's strong point is the components, except for rotations. Strong speed short program. Refined and musical. Weaknesses: instability and lack of 4 lutz. Cancers are often unstable, can fall. If Veronika cleanly does 3 axels, 3-4 quads in the free program, then Sofia has no chance, as she will fall. The confrontation between Akatieva and Zhilina resembles the confrontation between Valieva and Trusova, like Cancer against Taurus. Only they still need to grow up to Valieva and Trusova in terms of speed.
Taurus are the favorites of the judges in FS. Always get generous points. Sarah Hughes, two-time OCH Karl Schaeffer, Zagitova. Valieva was generally generously awarded with points and her performances were considered divine. Nathan Chen also got very high scores. Now they will also love Veronika Zhilina, who is able to stand on a par with Sasha Trusova. Yuma Kagiyama also receives and will continue to receive generous points.
Taurus are the favorites of the judges in FC. Always get generous points. Sarah Hughes, two-time OC Karl Schaeffer, Zagitova. Valieva was generally generously awarded with points and her performances were considered divine. Nathan Chen also got very high scores. Now they will also love Veronika Zhilina, who is able to stand on a par with Sasha Trusova, and maybe even surpass. Yuma Kagiyama also receives and will continue to receive generous points.
What does pimple Taurus mean in psychology? It's about irritability. Taurus is an irritable sign, quickly irritated, especially true in adolescence.
The airy ones die from the earthly ones, especially from Taurus, the most cruel sign of the zodiac. Lincoln was killed by Taurus Booth, and Lennon was killed by Taurus Chapman. People's favorites haunt Taurus. Hitler was a Taurus.
Taurus Andre Agassi gave $50 million to his wife during the divorce and didn’t even complain. This is a really generous Taurus. The only drawback was that he brought home anger and dissatisfaction from tennis when he was still striving for great success.
Earth and water people are very careful in love relationships. Now I’m not surprised why Taurus Andres Iniesta with Venus in Taurus and Mars in Scorpio was nervous for so long before proposing to his girlfriend, whom he had been dating for a long time. He was afraid of rejection. He said that for about a week or a month, he was nervous, he couldn’t even sleep before the day when he was supposed to propose.
I'll do the same with math as I did with Valedictorians. I’ll name Taurus, who were especially good at mathematics. Nurlan Usenaliev (61 school), Yura Kim (61), Nursultan Anarbekin (13)                                                                     

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