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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Zodiac sign (Sun) Scorpio

If we take the best violinists in history, they are gonna be of water element. Scorpio Niccolo Paganini is the greatest violinist in history. Pisces Vivaldi is in top 10.  Others, like Sarah Chang, are violinists-executives, not composers.

Megan Kelly Scorpio on the meeting with Vladimir Putin. 
Putin: “You look wonderful!”. 
Meghan Kelly: «I know how to make myself heard” 
Scorpio is #1 sexy zodiac sign among women! 
Scorpio - #1 sexy among women. Their Look, figure! 


Powerful voice))

Katy Roar!!!



Scorpio Libra:

- Learn to say "no" to people

Answer: Know how to say "No" to passions


Two signs that are immune to Scorpio bites are Gemini and Cancer. Gemini defends with low importance, they don't care, they don't react. Moreover, Gemini is the 8th sign of Scorpio, it is they who manipulate him! "I think the Scorpio charms do not work on Gemini," the Gemini girl said, that's why. Since Gemini is the master of Scorpios, the 8th sign.

Cancers are related to Scorpio, the element is one - water. Cancer is great at dissolving the negativity of Scorpio. It does not reflect, but simply accepts and dissolves. Cancer protects its inner world and has a protective shell. It is easy to hurt him, but it is precisely from the Scorpios that he gets the least. Maybe also due to the fact that Cancers are still masochists)) They always speak well of Scorpios!


Scorpio, in its low manifestation, indulges its passions too much, can live in momentary pleasures, seduce and leave after physical intimacy, because it has already cooled down. This is heartbreaker No. 1 (Aries yields), who behaves cruelly, aloofly and coldly in society, and in private can make frank confessions, be a passionate lover. Bad boy/bad girl, the whole world sees in the negative and is stubborn in defending both his rightness and ignorance. People don't like scorpions, but they can't live without them. They sit too deeply in the heart, they know how to penetrate into someone else's soul and stay there for a long time. Mysterious, bewitching, bold and self-sufficient, people around want to know - what are they hiding there? If they love, they do everything to surprise their passion! They spare neither emotional nor material resources. They like to win the favor of a person! And it is difficult to resist their magnetism and ardor, and it is not necessary, it is better to succumb))


Scorpios burn bridges... they can communicate for 10 years and take in an instant to break off relations with a person because of an unforgivable offense


Do you feel bad? Serves you right! I want it to be even worse!

Scorpio's revenge is terrible.


- You're a fool!

Scorpio: I'm not stupid!

- You're a fool!

Libra: Damn, what did I do wrong?


There are no fearless people, everyone has some kind of fears, but Scorpio has the least fears. When I asked the journalist Scorpio a question:

- What are you afraid of? She answered

- I'm not afraid of anything! 

Fear is to some extent a protective mechanism so that a person does not do bad things to himself. That's why Scorpios are prone to self-criticism, hence their life is like walking on a blade, a step in the wrong direction and that's it .... the end. They make bold surgeons, shrewd detectives, detectives, police officers, employees of secret organizations, tough businessmen, politicians. At the same time, Scorpio is still a sign with a strong instinct for self-preservation, he will not let himself be offended and will take care of his sense of security.


Scorpio does not recognize the word "weakness" and does not know what "pity" is, he will walk through all your vulnerable places, hurt him and his conscience will not torment him at all.


Famous Scorpio writers say:

"Where do you think a man looks first? At a woman's legs!"


Scorpios tend to be obsessive. Well - if you want Scorpios to get off, just ignore them. Here you yourself give an anchor with your emotions, quarrels and hatred. Want to end your relationship with a Scorpio? Turn off emotions, become a cold wall, ice and indifference. Do not react to their provocations in any way, let them take revenge, do not show that it hurts you, let them try to offend through sharp words, pretend that you do not care. And then Scorpios will think that you are an emotionless tree and it is useless to do anything further, there is simply nothing to take from you.


Scorpio woman is a great motivator for her man. In no case does she feel sorry for him, but on the contrary, she takes the role of a kicker, often pulling him to a new level through pain. "Hey honey, I need a car by such a date, I don't know anything, you will do it."

"See, there is nothing for children to eat? Go and earn money!"

"So, you need to lose a couple of killos, otherwise you look terrible!"

Scorpios do not accept any excuses, but after the work done, they know how to encourage! What do you think, in vain men are ready to put the whole world at their feet?


Cancers and Scorpios are united by a strong instinct for self-preservation. For these two signs, the family is something closed and secret, something that needs to be paranoidly protected from the outside world. Two tenacious signs, hold tightly to each other and are very jealous.


Scorpios love spicy food.


For Scorpios and for people with Moon/Venus/Mars in Scorpio (if there are no personal planets in Libra/Taurus/Virgo plus Venus/Moon should not be in the 7th house), looks don't really matter. On the contrary, they can even fall in love with a bandit with abrasions or a person with some deformities. The main thing is that Scorpions cling to the character of a person. Rebellion and excessive emotionality is only a plus! They hate boredom and routine. Scorpios just want to own you completely and control your every move! It happens that Scorpio does not want you to be too beautiful, someone else will take you away! Such is the jealous and possessive nature. My / me and only my / me!


Scorpio passion is stable and long lasting. None - it flared up quickly and went out, like Aries)) True, Scorpios are not given an average, you are either “Own” for them and you are allowed a lot of things or “Alien”. I recently realized something about my Mercury and Mars in Scorpio. The average is not given, because it is superficial and such an attitude borders on indifference. And indifference happens to strangers ... If I know a person, I decide to make him mine or someone else ... Some kind of such a division. Before that, I peer for a long time and check for strength. But if a person has gone through all the checks and taunts, then he is in the category of my own for life. And nothing can break faith in a person! I trust him. When I get a chance, I'll help Mine first.

True, I won’t get to such madness as Gatsby though)) I’m reasonable Libra, also with Venus in Virgo))


When a Scorpio loves, it's something like no other! Scorpio loves obsessively and stubbornly does not want to see the obvious vices of his beloved, noticing only the positive aspects! Yes, he doesn’t want to admit it, because Scorpio chooses once and for all, it can’t be that he is wrong! This means he is disappointed in a person, which means he loses! It turns out 5 years down the drain? Believe in the wrong person? But halftones do not exist, a person whom Scorpio has just raised so reverently, immediately becomes the object of his hatred ... You can’t treat Scorpio’s passion so casually, indifferently and superficially! Scorpios have such love, they are ready to give everything for the sake of their loved ones! Therefore, Gatsby believes in Daisy until the end of his life, although everything is obvious to others ... that Daisy is clearly unworthy of him, that she is a cowardly, superficial stupid blonde, for whom only external brilliance and money are important))

- Daisy... I hope she calls...

Fitzgerald: They're nothing! You alone are worth all of them put together!

He nodded and smiled at Gatsby, thinking to himself: "I'll still be waiting for her call ..."


Scorpio, don't want something too passionately, otherwise it will hurt if you don't get what you want. Lost, move on, nothing terrible happened. Otherwise, you always put everything on the line, and when you break off relations with someone, you yourself are also torn. And who said that everything should be your way?


Gerard Butler played the main role in “This is the ugly truth!” 
His zodiac sign is Scorpio. Scorpios tell the truth no matter how ugly it is.


- What do you think ________?

Cancer: A good, well-mannered girl

Scorpio: Irresponsible, dumb and always just hanging out


Scorpios are the most passionate and loyal fans! Chelsea for him is more than a purchase on a whim. Everything that falls under the possession of Scorpio becomes part of his life.


The two sexiest signs are Aries and Scorpio. The ruler is the planet Mars.


Now I just think that there is no such thing as a "comfort zone" for Scorpios in life. Taurus is a comfort-seeking sign, the opposite of Scorpio.


You showed me the whole world! I fell in love with you!

The guy looks admiringly at the Scorpio girl.

"Sorry, it's time to end...

- 💔

Here Scorpios give themselves completely and do everything to make a person fall in love, and then ... when he falls into their cleverly placed nets, goodbye ... you are no longer interesting!

Scorpions ... fatal ladies))


These signs see more than others and know how to go beyond patterns. All because they are controlled by the higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). They often say about Aquarius and Scorpios - Yes, he / she sees people through! Pisces also feel and understand people well, but unlike the first two, they prefer not to notice the bad, hence they are deceived more often.


Scorpios usually take a defensive stance in communication. And this is felt by the frequent objections. It’s just that Scorpios are very wayward, they don’t allow people to control themselves and impose any nonsense.


Scorpio: He broke my iPhone!

Well, he restored everything financially.

Scorpio: It's still hard to forgive! Hate him!


Scorpio Gemini:

- I was upset that we had a fight, and you - that people around saw it.

Scorpios don't care what people think anymore, while Gemini wears a mask.


At school, in the 8th grade, classmate Scorpio looked at me with malice and blurted out:

"Horror, when was the last time you looked in the mirror? Do you pluck your eyebrows at all?"

After that, my mother always tells me: "Watch your eyebrows! Otherwise, M ... will dishonor you again."

Such a cold shower from Scorpio)) Sagittarius is also straightforward and honest, but he does not intend to offend and guides kindly))


The Martian Aries knows exactly what he wants. Martian Scorpio also knows what he wants, but he still knows what others want)) This is the second ruler of Scorpio - the powerful, insightful planet Pluto!

Black and white thinking, inability to lose, stubbornness, passion and emotionality, jealousy, hyperactivity, extremes - all this is inherent in Martians - that is, Aries and Scorpions. What is the difference? Scorpio is more cunning and trusts intuition more.


Ocean with waves. You are fascinated by what can kill. Just like with Scorpios, only an experienced surfer can enjoy and thrill this kind of waves without sacrificing life. Scorpio is dangerous. Read the precautions before entering into a relationship with him.


Russian teacher Scorpio said hurtful things to encourage students to start studying normally.

She once told a student.

"M..., have you ever been offended by me? When will you be very offended by me?"


Sometimes on Skype they write something about themselves in one sentence on top of the avatar. Scorpio has this name:

"A ship is safer in port, but that's not what it was built for."

Through storms and storms, swaying, having passed through the hopeless darkness, Scorpio will eventually reach his America."

By the way, #1 discoverer is Scorpio Christopher Columbus, Scorpios Fernand Magellan and James Cook are among top 5 sailors


If Scorpio usually has no avatar due to secrecy, then Taurus has the same avatar for years, does not change))


Scorpio, like other signs of the water trine, Pisces and Cancers, is shy and self-absorbed.

He is silent in class, even though he knows the correct answer.


Scorpio feels you, do not try to lie to him.


Manuela: I'm not that strong. I'm tired of the constant state of anxiety and tension, I'm afraid I won't be able to stand it, I'm tired of constantly being nervous, if only it would all end soon!

Angel silently hugs and does not want to let go...

He inspired her with calmness and reliability ... (As if saying:

"It will be over soon, everything will be fine...calm down")

Episode 166 (2nd minute) "Mas sabe el diablo" 

Final reconciliation.

Angel: When will you stop hating me?

Manuela: “No, I don’t hate you, Angel! How can I hate you! My obsession is you! I love you! hugs and kisses!"

Angel: Manuela, all my pictures were about you, my thoughts, soul.... all of this is yours!!! Understand? .

Episode 167 (from the very beginning) 


Gaby Espino (Manuela), Scorpio (dr November 15, 1976)

Gencarlos Canela (Angel), Taurus (April 21, 1988)

Opposites Scorpio - Taurus.

Constantly in tension, in crisis, always obsessed with a goal, restless and intense in feelings, Scorpio finds Taurus, warm, homey, reliable and calms down ... gains support, stability and reliability.


Scorpio knows how to delegate work to others, he is the brain, and people are performers.

The goal of Scorpio is achieved with the help of other people.


Scorpio does not trust authorities, he does not believe when someone says that this is how it should be and this is right. Scorpio himself must get to the bottom of the truth, feel how this or that rule works through his experience and practice.


Scorpios are ok when treated cruelly because they themselves are cruel.


Nani ❤ Stellium in Scorpio: Sun, Mercury, Venus in Scorpio. That's what the energy of Scorpio is! Military! Thoughtful and powerful Nani with a deadly penetrating gaze!


Scorpio is a sincere sign. If he does not like someone, he will make it clear with all certainty.


If you hit a Scorpio with any one quality or act, he will see only virtues in you and passionately defend against the verbal attacks of other people. You need to try hard so that Scorpio changes his attitude towards you in the direction of negativity, he will not accentuate small and large errors in character all the way, so take advantage of the moment and do not go into a minus much, otherwise the opposite effect will happen later. Scorpio will put on black glasses and it will be .... hard. Everything, now you are the most insignificant person in the world for him, there is no turning back, unfortunately.


Scorpio wants sincerity in relationships and deep feelings, so he will test you, torment you and do everything to bring you to emotions. He himself loves obsessively and passionately, he likes riddles, intrigue, obstacles on the way to love. His love is strong and expressed in the desire to possess another person completely, so he controls every step of his beloved, does everything to make his presence necessary 24 hours a day. Scorpio love is intense and deep, it is terrible for his second half, as it can strangle and even kill. Passion-hatred-obsession are synonyms of Love in the understanding of Scorpio.


Scorpios and Capricorns are united by: isolation, perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals, cruelty, workaholism, categoricalness, imperiousness, passion.


Scorpio parents ... always intervene and believe that they know exactly how the child should behave better, what should be done and what should not. Rather than loving like that, it’s better to be neutral towards the child in general (friendly, like Aquarius, for example), to allow him, at a certain age, to decide for himself how to live. And then this unfulfilled desire to rule over other people is reflected on children ... well, okay, this is just a Scorpio. What is.


How much do Scorpios miss, considering a lot around and under their noses as "nonsense"


Scorpio is a symbol of big money.

Suimonkul Chokmorov (our domestic actor and artist) is depicted on the largest banknote of 5000 soms for a reason. He's a Scorpio


Here you are making a presentation and looking at the skeptical and dissatisfied face of Scorpio, the desire to say something further immediately disappears, the spirit falls or something.


Scorpios have a beautiful language. This is especially true for teachers and teachers of Scorpions, I really like to listen to their confident speech. These people will not go into their pocket for a word.


They give gifts just like that, and expensive ones. They are carriers of great energy, a magnet for big money, owners of strong and intense emotions. A clear penetrating gaze that beckons and repels at the same time. They can sting painfully, but with due patience they will intercede in front of people, they will always take your side, even if you are wrong.

Model Nita, Latin American actress Gabi Espino, Sofia Rudyeva.

Scorpio women.


Thank you Scorpio for clear vision and clear presentation.


Scorpio loves to look for their hidden negative sides in people and mock them. Well, if these are ordinary people, but why look for something to cling to from spiritual people? Probably to expose them. Many Scorpios who love to nullify spiritual authorities often make fun of religious people and their rituals.


If you tell Scorpio or Capricorn how exhausted you are or that you worked very hard, they will tell you that this is work and so it should be, they say, what did you expect?


In general, Scorpio is better to keep silent than to deceive.

Scorpios are vindictive, but they rarely take revenge. I already meet many self-sufficient Scorpios, for whom revenge is not a good way out. They simply delete from the lives of people who somehow crossed their path.

Think carefully before you break up with a Scorpio. Consider the moment that he does not quite agree to let you go and at first he will pursue and even threaten. You just need to say "No" and make a firm decision. Otherwise, if you yourself have not yet decided for sure whether it will be good for you without Scorpio, then he will continue to pursue you, because he feels that your refusal is not final.


Sun, Moon and Venus in Scorpio!

Unlike the correct and modest Ksenia Sukhinova, with an accented Virgo, Miss Russia Sofia Rudyeva is distinguished by rebellious behavior, independence from people's opinions, does not hesitate to openly expose her sexuality,

known for scandalous, overly explicit erotic photos.


I remember how, on the Two Stars project, Ksenia Sobchak shouted like this: "Leave Leps! Leave Leps!" when it turned out that the audience had voted for a different couple. And in the end, it seems, Leps was left. Here are the Scorpios, then I thought, they are so passionate about protecting those they love!


Fast, intense, unpredictable Scorpio and stable, passive, slow Taurus.
Pluto in the sign of Scorpio has passed in 12 years, in Taurus - 30 years!
When the teacher asked the question, "If you were asked to take one single item with you to a desert island, what would it be?"
I remember the answers of two students:
Virgo: I would take a knife so that I could cut fruit and cook food
I would take my guitar with me. Because the guitar is my passion!
I compose music.
Do not touch personal belongings of Scorpios such as cell phones and tablets. Otherwise, you will know their true fury! These paranoids are very secretive.
The intellect and stupidity of Scorpio - in his skepticism.
Scorpio can say something so calmly without thinking, but people cry after his words. He doesn't even remember what and when he said. It's a black teacher, gentlemen.

Warning! Scorpio - threatens to destroy your ego, especially if you are prone to boasting. Dangerous!

The exploiter is not only Capricorn, but also Scorpio! The first requires patience, discipline, perseverance and responsibility. And the second - squeezes out all the juices, he is waiting for the full return of himself without a trace.


Scorpio is a water sign (though fiery water). Yes, despite his ruthlessness, he tends to pity people. It's just a sign of extremes. If he regrets, then strongly, loves strongly, giving himself completely, if he shows cruelty, then without a sense of proportion.


Although Scorpio is biased (he loves a lot, not noticing the shortcomings and hates just as much, not seeing the pluses), but also, like Aquarius, impersonal. It shows up in punishment. If Scorpio believes that a person is wrong or clearly mistaken, lies, goes against the passionate beliefs of Scorpio, no matter who you are to him - a friend, mother or loved one, he will put you in your place, pointing out your weaknesses, the truth is dearest to Scorpio!


Scorpio is ruthless, he likes deep expertise, he does not forgive mistakes, weaknesses, and a frivolous attitude to business. Therefore, if you are lazy or used to doing everything in a blunder, expect a coercive force in changing yourself in the form of a Scorpio person. He will come into your life, he will hurt you very much and you will be forced to start doing something differently. Maybe change the type of activity, or maybe you will begin to develop and reach a new level, in general, you will become a different person


Sagittarius and Scorpio are the most straightforward and honest signs.

Sagittarius can be harsh, rude, thereby offending people who are softer and more tactful, but he makes comments with good intentions, he wants to make people better. And Scorpio, like a black teacher, wants to be sarcastic and hurt, he simply speaks out for the sake of truth, in order to put a person in his place, pointing out his weaknesses.


Scorpio does not attack first, but it can defend itself in such a way that it does not seem small.


Scorpio is given a language to express himself aptly and witty,

not to hurt.

He is usually silent, but when he speaks, he speaks well.


Scorpio mercilessly calls a spade a spade.

He does not forgive other people's weaknesses, he is inclined to scoff at them.


It so happened that I met a terribly drinking young man, and now I decided to talk.

I found out his date of birth, well, of course, I say Scorpio you, self-satisfied.

Scorpio: And what is self-eating?

Me: love to hurt yourself

Scorpio: Oh yes, I am. My mom tells me you don't love yourself at all! My mom is also a Scorpio.

Me: Mom's self-criticism manifests itself in a different way. She probably gives herself to all the work, does not regret.

Scorpio: yeah, my mom works a lot...

Me: Nothing, Scorpio is a very strong sign, so you can handle it. Diego Maradona is also a Scorpio, he was able to quit drugs and you can quit drinking!

Scorpio: (smiles) Where do you live?

I'm in the city

Scorpio: ahaha, "I live on planet Earth." (Scorpio subtle humor and appropriately inserted sarcasm)


Scorpio loves riddles, he likes the process of solving mysteries. Let him suffer and look for an answer, but he himself will come to the truth through his experience. Scorpio is unlikely to be interested in knowing the answer right away, it’s too easy and simple, and accordingly there is no satisfaction from the process of one’s own clues. This is the reason why Scorpios are the first in the numbers of crystall owls most titled players of What? When? When? intellectual game


Scorpio does not know how to lose in a relationship. Once you have chosen a girl / guy, you need to go all the way and save the marriage. Even if he does not love, he will not let go, because she or he has already become his property.


A strong sign of Scorpio is also because it asks to say so much negativity about him so that he feels bad. So he wants to reach a new level and experience a transformation. The scorpions are asking me to turn off diplomacy and speak like it is.


Scorpio intuitively feels what information is true and what is false.


He torments, and then torments himself with guilt. And he loves it all! That Cancer would suit Scorpio. Just the martyr finds his tormentor.

<He's a bastard, a bastard, but I love him!


they usually talk about scorpions


Haven't you been told that Scorpio girls are shy and sentimental? Yes, although Scorpio is fiery water, it is still water! They are sensitive and empathetic, they just hide it.

Shailene Woodley (Divergent)


I look - crying, I ask why - does not answer, is silent and says:

"Everything is fine"



When they tell me that audiobooks on Reality transurfing are scary to listen to, I say: "This is not Zeland, this is Mikhail Chernyak."

He reads so soulfully that it gives goosebumps. I really like his hypnotic voice. It fascinates and programs the subconscious for success. Actually a great dude! Reads from the heart. Because Scorpio! Only he can do that.


Scorpios like to express themselves in riddles, like to intrigue and keep the attention of the public.


The integrity and self-sufficiency of Scorpios is often perceived by others as selfishness.


Scorpios like all sorts of intrigue and secrets. Otherwise life is boring again.


Scorpio, you feed on the energy of hatred and revenge. You often find yourself in a negative state because it motivates you to succeed and adds passion. It is necessary to be angry with someone inside, to prove something to someone. Passion is born when there is not only a powerful desire, but also obstacles. And the passion to achieve the goal excites Scorpio! But real, Scorpios, you must also give yourself a rest from constant tension. And then the people around will not be very comfortable next to you.


There is a lot to learn from Scorpios. I like their ability not to bend under someone else's opinion or someone else's will. The desire to live the way they want, not someone else. Scorpio is like that, he wants the whole world to adapt to him, but he does not want to dance to someone else's tune


Taurus knows how to enjoy the material world. He enjoys nature, eats delicious food, earns a living, saves and builds a house, feeds his family, he is stable and reliable. Scorpio is not satisfied with this. He is interested in the non-material world, Scorpio is attracted to:

the theme of life and death, the occult, magic, secret knowledge, past lives. He does not settle down with a simple and calm life, he likes to complicate everything, go through crises and transformations in order to feel like living to the fullest.


Scorpios are very strong personalities. They are calmly ready to go through fire, water and copper pipes. And they will say that everything was fine, that's how it should be.

Scorpio himself drives himself into crisis situations in order to feel the adrenaline.


Gloomy, withdrawn, self-confident, charismatic, passionate, uncompromising, fearless and generally a #1 sadist.


Scorpios are attracted to Astrology because they love to solve mysteries. But at the same time, they don't want someone to take them to pieces, because they are secretive, they don't want to let anyone into their world. Therefore, when communicating, Scorpios prefer to be silent and listen to what I tell them, say "yes" "no", comment dryly. But they won't open.

Trust is expensive. Especially for Capricorn and Scorpio.


Scorpios have strong willpower. This can be seen from the way they are starving, and they do it heroically! Generally do not give slack. One writer starves ironically for several weeks, his wife already admires him, and there are enough Scorpios in my environment who can eat a lot at the beginning (indulging their passions), and then starve for months. That is, they successfully jump from one extreme to another, ignoring prohibitions (which again characterizes Scorpio)


Scorpio is jealous and loves to turn his soulmate into property. The partner must belong to him completely. Taurus and Cancer are also owners, but unlike Scorpio, they are not so obsessed. Scorpio comes to the point that he constantly checks calls, reads SMS, asks to give a report: "Where were you, what did you do?" Most often this applies to men, but even Scorpio girls are very jealous. If a person of a different zodiac sign, but also abnormally jealous, this means he has a personal planet in Scorpio (most often Venus / Moon in Scorpio). When you tell Scorpios about jealousy, they usually look for excuses like

"All men are jealous, such is nature"

Yes, but not that much. Scorpio is jealous just like Virgo criticizes / finds fault - with a reason, without a reason.


Scorpio understands how much it can hurt, so it is often silent.


Scorpio is honest. Tells the truth, but at the same time leaves room for a mystery. It seems that he always speaks sincerely, but sometimes he does not say anything. Keeps people out of certain limits.


People underestimate Scorpio. If a person is silent, this does not mean that he does not represent anyone. It's just that Scorpio knows his own worth, and his inner confidence does not need to be confirmed. Therefore, Scorpio does not show off, does not flaunt his pluses, he does not need advertising, like Lions or Aries. His confidence comes from the feeling of inner strength, when he has already proved everything to himself. What does a Scorpio want? He does not need praise or recognition, this is secondary for him, power and money are important to him in order to transform the world, in order to somehow influence the masses and change something.


Although Capricorns and Scorpios do not immediately trust people, but after checking a person in all respects and including “Theirs” in the circle, they will not let him go. All antics will endure and go to the last.


And the quiet man mired in his depraved thoughts.



Pisces and Cancers tend to manipulate people through self-pity. They do it unconsciously. Scorpio, on the other hand, manipulates people quite consciously and does this not only through invoking self-pity. He is more savvy in the methods of psychological influence. NLP, hypnosis and suggestion, hidden speech influences, playing on people's sore spots so that they do what is beneficial to Scorpio. Scorpio loves power, he wants to control people.


In the worst case, Scorpio does not like anything, he sees only flaws everywhere and scathingly criticizes what others have created. He sees the world in black and white: either he loves something or someone too much, or completely nullifies everything, seeing only negativity in people, in other people's works, and in the world in general.


Usually when they meet people who are secretive and distrustful, they ask: "Did any past experience affect the fact that you now do not trust people?" Of course, experience plays a big role in shaping a person's character, but at the same time, Capricorns and Scorpios are naturally distrustful and secretive. Even if there was no disappointing experience, there is still paranoia, just from all sorts of thoughts - what if he betrays and hurts? This is "what if, huh?" prevents them from approaching people and opening up even to their closest ones. Scorpio is jealous, not because someone cheated on him in the past, he is simply jarred at the thought that this is theoretically possible. And such a thought no longer haunts, Scorpio always suspects a loved one, checks and controls: "Where was/a, what did/a do?" Because he does not trust and somewhere in his thoughts he always allows the option of betrayal.


People are drawn to Scorpios, they are magnetic. It's just that POWER comes from them, this is a very strong sign. Weaker people are drawn to this power. Their strength lies in the fact that they withstand crises very well, in difficult situations they only become stronger. Without panic and whining, with amazing self-control, they go to their goal, becoming stronger after each test. Where others are blown away, do not withstand pressure and give slack, Scorpio becomes stronger, under the influence of Pluto's energy, it transforms and reaches a new level of development. Therefore, Scorpions are called the conquerors of the heights of business, and business is a lot of stress that not everyone can withstand.


In PM: "I wanted to ask why Scorpios are considered so prickly?

I know for myself, it seems not harmful"

I answer: It's not about good / bad, harmful / not harmful, you just have such a quality as telling the truth in person, or sometimes you say something, but it can hurt others, but you think that nothing like that you do not speak, but in the meantime you unconsciously hurt.


Scorpio does everything with passion or nothing at all. Look at Gordon Ramsay, he says to all the participants of the Masterchef and Hell's Kitchen project: "Cook as if you were doing it for the last time!" And how much he puts his soul into what he does! Scorpio has a highly developed sense of purpose, and for him, his favorite thing is everything! The other side of this is the desire to bite a person because of small things. “I was just a fucking psycho. If someone cut garlic incorrectly, for example, I attacked him like mad and forced him to redo it. It was tough, but was I supposed to screw up because of him or what? But I don’t want to continue in this spirit. Although a little pressure is good, it is a great motivator.”


Sex symbol of the 20th and 21st centuries. Alan Delon Scorpio.


"First, it's really hard to have a relationship that's seen in the public eye, and I feel like I was comfortable with expressing my feelings and he wasn't... And that's fine. As his girlfriend, I wanted to respect that because I was going to stand by my man. Was it going to be 100% my choice? No. But I mean, I cared about him and I wanted to be a good girlfriend," Ferrell
Nikki Ferrel, the winner of 2014 Bachelor's project. Water signs prevail in her chart, therefore she is easy in expressing feelings.
Juan Pablo has mainly fire and only one planet in the water sign (Mars in Cancer), that's why he usually has difficulties in expressing feelings (not emotions) and can be rude sometimes.
Being the nurse, she also did not understand his job in the enternainment sphere, it made her uncomfortable (fire stands for the entertainment also and tendency for self-exhibition)
Water and fire elements usually do not match.


- Your starting conditions did not leave you a chance. You even managed to enlist in the army.

But you endured everything and succeeded - both as a businessman and as a person.

- If you asked me

why it happened, I would answer: because Roma is not greedy. By the way, this is a lesson for everyone who

wants to be successful. (Abramovich)


If Scorpio hurt you, then you stepped on his claw without noticing it. The task was to make a presentation on a free topic. I decided to talk about the dangers of the Coca-Cola drink and there was a point about being overweight. The teacher was overweight and there was this drink on her desk nearby. She began to criticize my written report. I wrote there by hand on A4 sheets and left no interline space. She speaks:

- Where do you think I should write my comments? Are you saving paper? They didn't even teach you how to write at school!

Also for the entire audience. This was my freshman year.

I got away with the fact that I prefer to type rather than write.

I felt bad after that. I did not understand why such cruelty. It was only years later that I realized that I myself had made a mistake through inattention. I insulted her without noticing it.


Let's talk about a Scorpio girl. She is my classmate. She was always silent. Even when it was necessary to retell, she was silent. All 5 years of high school was silent. Klassrook even waved her hand in front of her face to revive her, and she looked into her eyes with big eyes and said nothing. Once a class. hands called her mother even. Mom says: "No, she advises me at home what to wear"

She talked to me and two other girls. One was also a Scorpio, the other was a Capricorn. We went out after school and played catch-up. My quiet classmate neighed at the top of her teeth and ran away. She spoke quietly, her voice itself is like that, but the constant silence in the classroom is, of course, too much. There are different types of Scorpions. There are bold and immodest, and there are silent people, but with an inner core that many would envy.

You can't change a Scorpio if he doesn't want to. Another Scorpio girl was. She always read Russian literature and was ready, unlike me. She read all of War and Peace. I couldn't stand War and Peace. But she came and sat silently. From her silence, the teacher believed that she was not ready or she was not interested.


Girls and women Scorpios are loving and deep. They even leave their wives. Because Scorpios nourish with feelings and give emotions. What can not be said about Scorpio men. What is a case worth? He seduced a girl, made a child and decided that he did not want to marry. He told the girl to have an abortion.

She had an abortion and decided to marry someone who loves her. Scorpios are different, like the extremes to which they are committed. Plushenko is relatively the best Scorpio. A strong woman (Capricorn) Yana Rudkovskaya, after an unhappy marriage with Baturin, found true love in the person of Plushenko. Evgeny Viktorovich fell in love with the producer at first sight. "Plushenko turned my life into a fairy tale," says Yana Rudkovskaya.


Medvedev is Scorpio, and Zagitova is Taurus. Medvedeva won in emotional skating, artistry, and Zagitova was physically stronger. Taurus are very strong physically, this is the earth. Hard training and impeccably clean skating. Kabaeva and Chashchina Taurus. In physical talent, it is difficult to beat them.


There is one distinctive negative feature of Scorpios. They can communicate for many years and abruptly cut off everything, break ties with a person. Many have noticed this. What is most interesting is that they themselves believe in it, but after a while they regret it and they become ashamed of such categoricalness. Sometimes it means just trying to draw attention to needs, but for others it can be taken literally.


“It's like looking into space. Egyptian magic opened my heart to even more love for an incredible woman, my Scorpio.” (Orlando Bloom)

Moon in Scorpio Orlando Bloom.


One friend told me about Issyk-Kul lake. How she woke up there every morning and walked along the shore of the IK. It was for medical purposes. She was a Scorpio. This is advice for those who would like to properly use the energy of water.

Out of 4 killed US presidents, 2 Scorpios and 1 injured: Garfield James Abram, John F Kennedy, and Theodore Roosevelt was shot with gun, but survived.  

Among the most titled Scorpio is first in rowing (29 Olympic gold medals) and Aries is second, Pisces is third

Scorpio and Pisces are water signs, like in any other water sport water signs prevail. 

In Rowing with canoe and kayaks Scorpio is second after Pisces. Scorpio is a sign of rowing

Among the first 10 best chess players in history, the Scorpios were the first: Capablanca, Alekhine, Mikhail Tal. Viswanathan Anand is also almost in the top ten Scorpio. Scorpio is a good strategist.
Next is an interesting fact. The first 5 best chess players have a planet in Gemini. Kasparov Saturn in Gemini, Bobby Fischer Saturn in Gemini, Magnus Carslen and Fabiano Caruano - Mars in Gemini, Karpov Gemini by zodiac sign and he also has Mars in Gemini, Capablanca with the Moon in Gemini.
More… Kramnik Mercury in Gemini, Paul Morphy with Mercury in Gemini (almost tenth) Tigran Petrosyan (almost 10th) - Gemini zodiac sign.
Gemini and Scorpio are the best at chess!


There was a mother and daughter of Scorpio. Mom cries at the mere thought that her husband died in the year when there was an epidemic of coronavirus. Mom is crying, and the daughter tells her why cry, she doesn’t like her mother’s tears. Daughters aged 8. Scorpio children are calm about death. They say it's bad for the dead when suffering about them. 


Two Olympic champions Plushenko and Urmanov Scorpios under the guidance of coach Mishin, aquatic Pisces. Yagudin Pisces was also a student of Mishin. In the men's singles among the great Russian figure skaters (not in the world), water skaters dominate.


There is a trait in Scorpios "carelessness"

Grace Kelly Scorpio and she died in a car accident, crashed somewhere. Also, enemies are easily made due to careless behavior.


Gates is about to change the reputation of the greedy sign of Scorpio. If he sacrifices his entire fortune, he will definitely be in the lead. We'll see how much is left after donations.


Before 2014 100 best football players of World Cups here

Aries (12), Scorpio (11), and Virgo (11), (12, 11, 11 players each) - the two strongest signs whose ruler is Mars. 

Other zodiac signs are by 5-8. 

Most famous legendary football players: Scorpio Diego Maradona and Ronaldinho Aries


Gerard Butler Scorpio stars in The Naked Truth. Scorpios love to tell the truth.

There are Scorpios who can take kindness for weakness and act meanly. It's cynical to use and throw away.

The best girls with whom I once had a friendly relationship were Scorpios. You just need to stay away from the losers of Scorpios, who, due to pain and disappointment in life, can infect other people with negativity.


Kennedy was killed for speaking the truth. Scorpios often die because of this.


Nathan Leopold is among the highest IQ (higher than Einstein) and turned out to be a murderer. I looked at his zodiac sign, he is Scorpio. The only murderer among the highest IQs.


Billionaire Margullan Seisembaev is the President of the Chess Federation in Kazakhstan. Scorpios are the second richest after Virgos, they usually achieve wealth themselves. It is also noteworthy that in chess Scorpios are the first according to my research.


I noticed that Scorpio girls cannot hide their feelings and it is also not normal for them when others hide. Princess Leonor is clearly in love with Barcelona footballer Gavi. She takes a folder to school filled with stickers of a football player's photos.


Scorpios often cannot communicate what they want to people. They want their thoughts to be guessed, but people are so arranged that they are waiting for a command to act. One guy with Mars in Scorpio was disappointed in his relationship with an Aquarius girl. Aquarius lives in his own thoughts and is not empathic, does not understand what the other feels. She said that he told her nothing and how could she guess what he needed.


The best girls with whom I once had a friendly relationship were Scorpios. You just need to stay away from Scorpio losers, who, due to pain and disappointment in life, can infect other people with negativity


Joana Gonzalez on Messi's bedside abilities. She is a Scorpio and therefore knows a lot, but the model is lower in importance in the hierarchy than the athlete. In big sports, you need to train a lot, sacrifice yourself, and for a modeling career, you only need looks and a lot of luck.


Scorpio is a sign of extremes. They may feel too good or too bad.


Scorpio men take relationships very seriously. Their behavior is the opposite of Sagittarius. Scorpio Matthew McConaughey has been married since 2012. The only marriage. Ryan Gosling has been married to Eva Mendes for 15 years. The only marriage. Olympic figure skating champion Alexey Urmanov has been married to only one woman for a long time. Adam Driver has been married since 2013. Plushenko has been married twice, but his last marriage is very stable. Ryan Reynolds loves his wife and is the leader in a couple (stable in the second relationship).


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