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Thursday, September 8, 2022

Zodiac sign (Sun) Libra

 Ranking in esquire shows 32 most beautiful women in history. 5 Libras, other zodiac signs are 3 at maximum.

Frida Pinto, Brigitte Bardot, Monica Bellucci, Alicia Vikander, Anita Ekberg

According to kinowar, 4 Libras, 3 Taurus. Taurus Jessica Alba should also be included, will be 4. 

Libras: Monica Belluci, Brigitte Bardot, Rita Hayworth, Catherine Deneuve

Ranking here in booms shows 20 legendary beautiful women in history beyond cinema. 4 Libras

Brigitte Bardo, Britt Ekland, Kerry Fisher, Catherine Deneuve (They should include Monica Bellucci too, will be 5)

Overall, most rankings show Monica Bellucci, Brigitte Bardot and Rita Hayworth as the top 5 and 10 most beautiful women of all time. 

I try to keep a distance from people, because the more those who enter the environment, the more there is a desire to take into account the interests of everyone and the anxiety grows - what will this one think and how will he react? This is where tension comes from. And then these people become the only authoritative opinion for you and begin to control you. Scales are sensitive the slightest discontent in their address, because they only want to please, so their smile is just a mask, which means "I'm not your enemy, don't be afraid of me!"

A lottery was held. Various prizes were played: a juicer, an iPhone charger, kettles, etc and that's when they said: - And now we play the scales ... I immediately thought to myself: - Looks like I'll take the prize. Imagine my surprise when the number 10 sounded! My number! Considering that I usually have no luck in such things, this prize should definitely have been mine)) I went out and got my own)) When something is yours, anyway you get it! Libra won Libra, cool and logical))
- If only not to harm and not to make worse.
- The main thing is that they don’t blame me, I need to do everything right
- It's scary to offend someone, I'm terribly afraid to hurt someone.
According to this principle, Libra lives, this sign is the favorite of Saturn, the place of exaltation of this planet. Libra understands that by hurting someone, they will upset the karmic balance and will be punished. They know the price of mistakes, so they constantly doubt. They look to see if anyone has disturbed the balance and try to restore justice. They do it in a more peaceful way and without hurting their pride, unlike tough Capricorns. Libra itself is already a symbol of karma. It is no coincidence that this is the only inanimate sign in the entire zodiac! In order for the judge to make a decision, you need to weigh everything well, look at the situation from the perspective of the two warring parties and be as objective and impartial as possible. This sign is often called heartless - they, considering themselves quite fair, with an innocent look can walk over your shortcomings and weaknesses, sparing no feelings.
These are people who look at the torment of Scorpios and draw conclusions on the sidelines - why exaggerate pain and succumb to emotions? Everything is easier if you look at everything from a distance. What is the answer from Scorpios:
- On emotions the whole truth!
“Yeah, here he does this and is mistaken, I don’t envy him),” Libra argues. It’s even more interesting to watch Aquarius and Gemini, who just want to say: “If you were more responsible and serious, you would become a genius! !"
Scorpios accuse with more cruel words, revealing the truth, but you can see how emotionally involved they are and they care! But Libra doesn’t care, they just want to reason correctly and draw fair conclusions, which drives Scorpios crazy:
Let's look at your jealousy from the other side. Are you doing this out of self-doubt? Or is it just a desire to possess a person and deprive him of freedom of action? Does this have anything to do with love, which means that the main thing is that the other should feel good? Whereas jealousy causes a person some inconvenience. He wants to get away from you as soon as possible, because it has become simply unbearable with you!
-What? What are you! I'm confident! If a person is not jealous, then he does not love! I love it when I hurt!
- Well, as you say!
Libra gives unobtrusive advice and basically, like a mirror, agree with your opinion.
You speak:
 - "Terrible weather!!! I'm not in the mood in the morning, the drivers are goats!
Libra says: Yeah...
-Listen, today is a great day! It's been a month since people have become kinder and the bosses are better, haven't you noticed?
-Maybe yes.
Everyone has their own world and their own truth! Well, why not agree?

Libra says - Well, yes, he cheated, I first wanted to file for divorce, and then I thought ... - Well, before that, he did such good things for me! Here are his pros....and the list goes on. Can it be fixed? Moreover, I now believe that children cannot live without a father, it will be difficult for them! They are really little... This is especially true for those who have Saturn in Libra/7th house. And the people who only 5 minutes before trying to persuade her to get a divorce and stop suffering, now they themselves think - Is it really worth it to forgive? Saturn is exalted in Libra, he says - be patient! The time will come and you will get yours! I will support you and encourage you for your efforts and work!
Scorpio Libra: - Learn to say "no" to people Answer: Know how to say "No" to passions
It is important for Aries to be the best, and for Libra the main thing is to be no worse than the rest.

- You're a fool!

Scorpio: I'm not stupid!

- You're a fool!

Libra: Damn, what did I do wrong?

Libra often pleases others, but it can be difficult to please them themselves. You can do anything in giving courtesy, they will support anyway! They will say that it's nice, thank you, smile and say that this is exactly what you need)) They will do something good in return so as not to be indebted. In fact, you did everything wrong. Libras are so hard to please. In the same way, in a dispute, they can give in to the interlocutor so as not to waste their nerves on proving their own innocence, but inside they will still remain in their opinion.

Here I look at a couple of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, I just admire their ability to communicate beautifully and courteously, carefully behave towards each other! This is such mutual respect, without which it is difficult to build long-term relationships. And they also quarrel very competently, without getting personal. Without rudeness and straightforward sharpness, but everything is harmonious ...
England is the country of Libra)) And Matthew Macfayden just brilliantly coped with the role of the gallant and aristocratic Mr. Darcy! Well-honed manners and the ability to dignifiedly stay in society! How could it be otherwise, for him this role was natural, because he is Libra!😍
Keira Knightley Aries)) Hot-tempered, straightforward and self-sufficient, simple! I think the opposites are perfect...
Libra does not like to take a leading position in a conversation, it gives them much more pleasure to listen and complete sentences, continue the interlocutor's thoughts, twist to perfection.
I think that this would be the correct way to proceed according to the arguments below ... 1) 2) 3) 4) and another fifth ... tenth. You need to give a rational explanation to the same thing ten times in order to prove to yourself that the decision is correct. Scales)))
Libra husband: I don't know... Capricorn Wife: How you don't know? Make a decision!
Libra is a mirror. They reflect you)) As it comes around, it will respond.
But if you got Libra, then you really tried))
Libra will not tell the true opinion about you)) The insidiousness of this sign is that they are silent and accumulate in themselves, smiling in the face, and then just get angry! You didn't even know you were doing something wrong. And if Libra also has planets in Scorpio, then that's it .... there will also be rancor))
Libras don't like to talk about themselves. It is easier for them to talk about other people, think about something high, notice the beautiful moments of life, weigh the pros and cons of any action, solve the problems of children and relatives. They always need to devote themselves to someone, even to the detriment of their own needs. All is well, of course, but where are you here? - Tell us about yourself? And here are the problems ... They say what people around want to hear and are afraid to say something about themselves that others would not like. Excuse: talking about yourself is boring. They don’t even complain about their problems to friends, they think that no one wants to listen, because everyone thinks only about themselves, and Libra themselves about what others want. The fall of the Sun is a reflection of alien light. There is only one motivation - Love. This is especially true for Libra women.
- What kind of tile do you want? Libra: And what is in fashion now? What do people usually take? Well, it's up to you, everyone has different tastes.
#1 in fashion project was Libra. Libras have good taste. I looked at the winners of the Runway project and found 4 winners Libras out of 22, 4 unknown dates of birth, and 18 are known. Kentaro Kameyama is Libra. 
These signs are ruled by the same planet, whose name is Venus. Libra Venus is airy, sublime, Taurus is more earthly, practical. Libra would like a bouquet of flowers because of the love of everything beautiful, and Taurus - an expensive decoration. In general, both are a worthy manifestation of Venus, which has a specific charm even in the signs of exile / fall (Aries, Scorpio, Virgo). The strongest position of Venus in the signs of Libra and Taurus, exaltation - in Pisces. * Exaltation - the place of the exaltation of the planet, a sign of her delight.

Posner with the Moon in Libra is a true admirer of beautiful women! He himself is Aries, and his image of his wife is Libra. They strongly pay attention to the beauty of women. Having waited a long time for the opportunity to meet with Monica Bellucci herself (Libra) and overcoming many obstacles on the way to an interview with her, Posner clearly did not regret it. “I knew that Monica Belucci was beautiful, but I was not ready for what awaited me. Monica Belucci is not just beautiful. She is dazzlingly beautiful. I sat opposite her and tried to discern at least some flaw in her - in vain "(Pozner) An excerpt from the interview: Posner: Clear. The French say: “To be beautiful, you have to suffer,” but some answer this: “To seem beautiful, you have to suffer, but to be beautiful, you just have to be her.” What do you think of it? Bellucci: In my opinion, in order to be beautiful, you need to feel good. You have to accept yourself, and in order to know yourself, you need to work with it. Especially work on your own personality. I think the more you work on yourself, the more ... This is the inner work that needs to be done in order to accept your appearance. Because there are very pretty women who do not consider themselves as such. Therefore, we are more dependent on what is going on inside us than on how we look.

Libra, write this to yourself somewhere and repeat it constantly! "I always make the right decisions!"
Pisces and Libra are the most indecisive, driven and hesitant signs!
The bitchy girl Libra somehow admits: "I will worship my husband!" Here I gave myself away)) No matter how negative and bad Libra may seem, they are all driven by 💜
It is easiest for Libra to communicate alone with one person. It's easier to please one than many. Even when the third one is added, something is already wrong. The buzz from communication disappears.
In communication there is no one who is higher or lower. Everyone is equal and everyone realizes what he is interested in. The one who enters into communication with a sense of his superiority comes out as a loser.
Geminis are eternally young at heart, and Libras look younger than their years.
They are representatives of the air element, they were so comfortable and easy with each other, no one obligated anyone. But... When she (Libra) was waiting in trepidation for what he would do to her for her birthday, he (Aquarius) simply didn't care about this event, he didn’t even give a gift ... And she was offended ... She forgave him, then they still talked as friends, but their relationship was no longer the same. And a year later they broke up. Libra, unlike Aquarius, is used to conventions, especially in relationships. And such frivolous behavior certainly hurt.

Andrea Del Boca. Libra. The actress of my childhood, then it was the very first series with her participation, which was shown on a black and white TV screen on one of the only three channels (TV channel 2 * 2, later renamed RTR).

This is what they say about Brigitte Bardot: "She watched her posture. In her free time, she walked with a glass of water on her head, she kept her back straight, her gait became graceful. Mom was delighted - the glass stood on her daughter's head, as if glued. Over time, Bridget turned from an ugly duckling into a charming, graceful girl" Libra girls take note
This is the Libra problem - to hate the person behind your back and smile in his face. Another thing is what a person does with it. I used to be like that, but now I understand how insignificant it looks to be honest with myself. Although if for some Libra this is okay, then please, the main thing is to be in harmony with yourself. And it makes me feel guilty, so I try to be real with a person, if I don’t like it or somehow offended, I won’t just communicate and that’s it. To quarrel and sort things out is energy-consuming, and unpleasant. I don’t criticize at all, if possible, so as not to offend, I just give advice as a specialist in solving the problem (Asc in Sagittarius). Well, Libra's advice: do not help people to the detriment of yourself. It often happens that Libra goes against themselves in the desire to please or help, expecting that people will do something good in return by default. But unfortunately, not everyone has “scales” in their heads, it happens that the more you give, the more they want, and the good is taken for granted. If you refuse help, you become bad, so people manipulate Libra, taking advantage of their unwillingness to be accused of anything. Take care of yourself and be selective about your surroundings!
When Libra oversteps herself in the desire to avoid conflicts or please you, know that inside they hate you, even though they themselves do not realize it.
Libra was born to notice all that beauty, what is in this world. Handsome man, beautiful clip, lovely acting, masterpiece pictures, poems, music! How beautifully he said, how gracefully he turned, how delicately he asked! How beautifully angry! What an aptly said sentence! How magnificently he sent everyone and became himself! Two people are arguing at the debate... hmm, everyone is sure they are right and knows exactly what they are talking about! And everyone is real sort of right! Isn't that beauty! Superbly embarrassed ... and showed helplessness. Well, it's Pisces. Beauty is in her weakness! A bum came, asked to pour 100 grams of vodka, congratulated him on his birthday and "Smack", kissed the seller on the cheek in the shop! - How do you not disdain?! - surprised, with horror asked a friend I'm quietly rejoicing inside... an Aquarius saleswoman! She considers Homeless a worthy person, chats with him and even allows him to kiss him on the cheek in a friendly way. Isn't it the beauty? However, Libras will not allow to kiss them because they squamish.
She's not a mafia! You don't have to choose! - the knowledgeable and more experienced in this game told me And I acted in such a way that I chose her as a mafia of two people! Ultimately, she regretted it. And I'm a Libra, if I feel that I'm being forced, I start doing the opposite.
Libra will agree for the sake of peace so that there are no conflicts. And then they'll do it anyway.
Libra's problem area is the kidneys. Well, because the balance is disturbed when they live the way others want.
Venus is a symbol of beauty (Libra), goodies (Taurus) and money. It is known that there is a direct correlation between beauty and money. That is, actions to improve appearance increase income. The more love a person puts into cooking, the better off they are with money. Also Venus, only terrestrial, Taurus. (observations)
Libras are very trusting.
Libras are positioned as intelligent aristocrats, beautiful and stylish. Libras look at themselves and get upset because they do not meet the high standards of ideal Libra girls. In fact, Libra has great potential to become a lady, not even externally, but internally. They already have a setting for moderation and calmness, balance. The main thing is to be able to maintain this state, to turn it into a habit to be in peace and in harmony with the cosmos.
Libra more than others manages to refute their own arguments, they seem to not cling to their beliefs. I consider this a good quality, but if Libra is sure of something unequivocally, they will defend their position quite calmly, because they know that they are right.
Depending on people's opinions is actually neither good nor bad. It would be unnatural for a Libra to completely ignore feedback. You just need to take into account the opinion of certain people, and not all in a row. Take into account, think about it, take something for yourself and do as you see fit.
Libras don't know who they are, so they need feedback from people. The opinion of another is like a mirror that reflects you, it helps to correct something in yourself or find out how well you are doing everything. It is important for Libras to choose their environment because they listen to people's opinions. And if the environment is underdeveloped, Libra will dissolve in this environment, losing itself, degrading.
Scales in the team behave aloofly, they try to please everyone and at the same time do not let anyone close. If they start building close relationships with everyone, a heavy weight will be hung - attempts to take into account the interests of everyone, the fear of taking a step in the wrong direction and running into condemnation, the fear of not being liked by someone. And so, when detached, everything is peaceful and harmonious.
Aries says: "Fuck off ah, I have no time to talk to you!" Scales say: "Damn, when will he roll off!" The difference is that Aries directly says it, and Libra - inwardly.
Libra is not as good as he/she might seem. Some of them are actually very difficult to communicate with. Because Libra is tired of pleasing everyone and they begin to look everywhere against, if you say something, they will find something to object to you. The principle of balance also works here, if Libra sees how others absolutely confidently talk about something, Libra tries to find a counterweight in order to make the other doubt their statements. That's what they piss people off about. But they help to see the other side of things, and not to judge one-sidedly.
Libra boss - a person who will gather around him a lot of advisers to help them make the right decision.
Libra decided everything correctly and chose the right strategy, but then his partner said that all this was garbage and should be done differently. Libra doubted too.
Libra loves opposing words "although", "though", "however", "but" or any other words that allow you to restore balance, that is, do not look at things one-sidedly, do not allow yourself to go to extremes "Bad-good" as it happens at the Scorpios.
“He is uninitiated, mistreats his wife, but a caring and kind father.
"I'm not going to work for him! Though, come to think of it...why not?"
"He's good at writing, but he can't read yet"
“I agree with you on this, but here I probably don’t quite agree”
I'm sure YES, but no stop...probably should be done differently"
That's probably why Libra doesn't like Aries because they can't love themselves like Aries.
Libra tends to choose working, reliable methods, fear of making mistakes does not allow them to try new things. Here Libra comes to the cafe and chooses what is checked. Here is Aries, the opposite of Libra, every time he comes to the cafe and always chooses new dishes. He is so brave, not afraid to try new things.
Libras don't feel good when they don't look good. Appearance is just as important to Libra as cleanliness is to Virgo.
Show me a Libra that can accurately answer the question: "What do you want?"

Libra men, aristocrats. Gentlemen. Romantics. Mathew McFayden especially Mr Darcy from Pride and Prejudice! Played himself!
Deepak Chopra. Libra (air sign). The smile is harmonious, a pleasant person, well-mannered. He often writes about non-attachment to the material world, to people and things. He has no planets in earth signs at all! He has 0 earth, zero! Earthly Virgos, Capricorns and Taurus cannot understand his philosophy. However, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius (air signs) and people with no earth can understand and accept it as their own! "Attachment is born from the poverty of consciousness, because attachment is always attachment to symbols. Detachment is a synonym for a rich consciousness, because detachment creates freedom for creativity" (c) D. Chopra “People are constantly looking for certainty, but you will understand that this certainty is a very ephemeral thing. Even attachment to money is a sign of insecurity. You can say: “When I have X million dollars, I will feel secure. I will be financially independent and I can go on vacation. Then I can do everything I really want. "But this never happens - never happens "(c) D. Chopra
"You don't agree inside, why are you nodding your head?" - asks a friend, watching the conversation of Libra's friend with someone from her acquaintances. Here it is easier for Libra to agree for the sake of avoiding quarrels, disputes or troubles. They are like the Japanese. When nodding their head, it does NOT mean "Yes, I agree", they are just saying: "Yes, I heard you" (Japanese saying)
If you talk with Libra, you can do this endlessly, or rather, for as long as you yourself want. Because Libra doesn't know how to end a conversation first.
Do not flatter yourself with the fact that Libra is so good and pliable only with you. They smile to everyone. Herein lies the mystery. Guess who Libra truly loves? And they don't like anyone. They would have to gather more suitors around them, so that later they would give themselves the pleasure of choosing.
She was to blame. But looking at her charming innocent smile, I was ready to forgive her everything! So they say about the Libra girl))
Yes, Libra girls generally have good taste. Not to say that they are super stylish or follow some fashion. It’s just that Libra usually draws a clear line between what is beautiful and what is ugly or vulgar.

In addition to the main sensational film "Titanic", another "Titanic" was also filmed with Catherine Zeta Jones. And in both cases, the main role, that is, the Rose, was played by Libra! Kate Winslet and Katherine - Libra zodiac. It is no coincidence that they were chosen. The scales of the girl just accurately reflect the image of the aristocrat Rosa - a girl with good manners, grace and charm.
When Libra wants to please someone, they really do it sincerely. They love it. Yes, in order to avoid quarrels or offend someone, they may not say what they really think about a person. For Libra, a quarrel is the worst thing that can happen, it greatly disrupts harmony and unsettles for a long time. But they just need to please others in order to feel happy. This is such a need, so they practically do not know how to refuse, even to those who are angry inside. They don't know how to say "no" at all.

At first glance, it seems that Libra is malleable and you can do anything with them. Yes, charm and pleasant manners come from Venus, the ruler of Libra, but there is also Saturn, who exalts in Libra and makes them cold, strict ladies in velvet gloves. In addition, Libra often has Venus either in Virgo or Scorpio, which exacerbates the problem. Take for example Maria Kiseleva, remember how she said: "You are the weakest link, goodbye!" She is Libra Margaret Thatcher, "iron lady", also Libra
Air Gemini, Libra and Aquarius love to interact with information. Gemini's task is to take and transmit information. No matter how true the information is, you need to learn something interesting and tell someone. It can be bright news, interesting information, controversial points for discussion so that there are more opinions. You may be advised to read a book. They give contacts of good doctors, programmers, tutors, psychologists, dentists, businessmen. Name the addresses of famous places in the city. They show you how to get to the library. Libras are more selective. The information received from Gemini is considered by Libra from all sides, pluses and minuses are analyzed. Gemini sets the topic for debate, Libra expresses their opinion and argues. Gemini introduces Libra to everyone from their environment, Libra analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of everyone, looks at appearance and good manners, does not communicate with rude people. Aquarius is not satisfied just like that. He needs fundamentally new information! He gets excited when he sees or invents something original and new. This is not just curious information, this is unique knowledge or a brilliant discovery. Everything banal is boring and uninteresting. He himself speaks in paradoxes, speaks in an unusual form. Gives a speech or writes in an improv style. This is when you don’t know what to say or write next, but at the same time you think it over and as a result other people quote you, Gemini journalists come to you to interview, to find out how you do it. And you just advise: "Be natural and simple, gentlemen. Be yourself and do not listen to others. Take your right to invent something new on your own" ***
The thing to do when dealing with a Libra is to be polite and avoid being rude. Libra hates rudeness, faux pas and bad manners.
Note to all Libras: It is impossible to please everyone, so be yourself at last.
Who comes and winds this clock As if the sun is raising the scales of our days (c) excerpt from Ani Lorak’s song, Ukrainian singer Libra zodiac sign ☀️♎️
Scales: Let everything be your way, just let's not quarell!

Due to the great attention to the external, Libra is often called empty. There was one. Directly expensive clothes, branded items, anyone will say how rich she is. Now on her Instagram, there are also a lot of photos from different places. At the consultation, she behaved like a real dummy, arrogantly. She condemned me for some of my posts on FB and as if "here's your retribution for them".
John Mayer won me over in friendly conversations - Jessica Simpson said about Mayer. Air people like to communicate and they have many friends and acquaintances. Air ones do not like the silent, closed in themselves. John Mayer was a Libra. This is power in friendship and love. John Mayer was deeply in love with Jessica Simpson. The singer often returned to memories of how he loved her, she liked it. Basically, Libra knows how to make friends and Aquarius. This is when you don't have to, but you do something extra for someone.
Misunderstanding of the air is also possible, although this is the most peaceful element. They are called "know-it-alls"
I was also told that. True, these were people without air. The fire feels threatened by the air in something, a threat to the ego is possible. Since the air will show where the fire is wrong. Arroyo wrote that one political candidate (he lacked air elements) called a certain group of people "egg-headed intellectuals"
All elements are different. Fire and air can agree, but they will be different all the same.
Leader of the national liberation movement in India. Libra Ghandi. 
Why do Libras always do the opposite? There is a relative Libra. When she went abroad, the family said: "Go to this friend, that one," and she answered: "no." That's often the case. It turns out it was necessary to say: "Do not go to her!" and then she would go.
After this incident, we sit and play mafia. At the end, she advises me and literally screams to choose the person she indicated, and I choose a completely different one. I'm laughing about this right now. Should have listened. There may be a dislike for pressure.
Libra women do not like to take the initiative. When Libra takes the initiative, they do not feel well. Aries, on the other hand, shows and feel good.
Libra women do not particularly like men of lower status. This is where I see the reason why Kim Kardashian mistreated Kanye West. He is worse than her in financial status, and recently he has completely got into huge debts.
Frivolity Gemini in handling money is a common problem. Libras hate the moneyless. Kim Kardashian may have married Kanye when he had money. Kim Kardashian did not find herself in the garbage to endure her husband with a fin. difficulties. She herself is rich.
Of the negative qualities of the Libra sign, one can name envy of the beauty of another person. If it's a girl. If it's a guy then
it is a statement and an expectation to be led. For feminists, the Libra man is a normal option. Looks after himself, a gallant gentleman, an ideal friend, polite.
Libra ... I often came across good people. In addition to being beautiful, they are also good people. It’s just that Libra judges impartially, and if there is an incorrect assessment of a person or act by others, then they indicate a mistake. Emotionless, impartial. It is difficult and even uninteresting to understand why a person does this to them. Premature inference is the fear of making the wrong judgment about behavior. It is necessary to delve into, listen to both sides, understand who is right and who is lying and where. Themis has closed eyes. It is desirable that Libra be fair judges and tried to understand too. Not soulless.
"My friend is Libra. She can't go shopping alone, she calls me. She can't decide. I need someone to consult" (Professor of Economics)
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Libra. What does it say? The fact that the author worked through his shortcoming through the book, because Libra often looks at appearance. Libra often admires beauty, but often chooses not to notice the content. A Libra guy can have high demands on a girl's looks and often falls in love at first sight.

“Exploitation of strength” - yes, I said that about Libra. Different come across, there are such men that do not appreciate the effort and work, they can be despotic and exploit. Some kind ones, because of the weakness of the situation, feel sorry for themselves, and acutely perceive any provocation
Libra can be gullible and lose everything in terms of money - I also said this (this has never been said anywhere)
When they are given a lot of attention, they lose themselves (Libra, also my discovery)

Sports gymnastics includes Capricorn 9-time OC Larisa Latynina, 8-time Savao Kato Libra, Andrianov Nikolai Libra. These are the first three of the most titled OCs. Next up is 6x Capricorn Vitaly Shcherbo and 5x Capricorn Agnes Keleti and Tsukahara Mitsuo. 4x Libra Ludmila Turishcheva and George Maitz.

First is Libra, second is Capricorn. Both are best with an insignificant difference. 


Among the 19 double OCHs there are 5 Libras and among two 3-times Olympic champions 1 triple OCH Libra. Libra is the best in Greek-Roman wrestling. 

Three-time OCH Karl Westergren, two-time: Valery Ryazantsev, Roman Vlasov, Sim Gwon Ho, Andzhei Wronsky, Filiberto Askuy


According to the survey by Levada Center, 58% believe Pushkin is the greatest poet, 41% - Esenin (Libra), 32% - Lermontov (Libra), Cvetaeva 9% (Libra)
#1 Russian poet is Libra.
According to ranking of the first best 5 poets, 4 are of an air sign (2 Libras - Esenin and Lermontov): 
 Esenin Libra, Vysockiy Aquarius, Pushkin Gemini, Lermontov Libra
Libras have good taste. I looked at the winners of the Runway project and found 4 winners Libras out of 22, 4 unknown dates of birth, and 18 are known. Kentaro Kameyama is Libra. Anya Ayoung-Chee is Libra, Leanne Marshal Libra, Jay McCarroll is Libra
In one of the years, one girl from 70 school won the Brain-Ring and received a 100% grant for education. The day after the victory, I looked at her Twitter and saw a tweet the day before the game: “Tomorrow we will tear everyone!”
This is a Libra girl. It turns out that there are people of the air element who are very confident in their intellectual superiority. I wouldn't be able to say that. Although I remember old articles and I also wanted to prove something.
Air signs are leaders in the field of science and discovery, but much weaker in remembering facts and therefore far from the first in “What? Where? When?" "The smartest" and "Own game." (Who wants to become a millionaire is an exception, but questions are easier there)
In these knowing facts show , the most intelligent Taurus, Scorpio and Sagittarius. They are the best at remembering facts and also at medical discoveries (smallpox vaccine, cure for tuberculosis, insulin for diabetes, anesthesia, artificial heart)
Almost everywhere except IT air signs are the best in openings. I thought medicine might be an exception, but Libra is the leader along with Sagittarius in the field of the most notable surgeons in history, the second Libra and Gemini after Pisces in the field of scientific discoveries in surgery.
By the way, Libra is not an inanimate sign. There is a girl with scales. All 3 air signs represent people: Gemini, Aquarius and Libra. Among earthly one Virgo. Other animals.
One friend had a Libra boyfriend. Here he loved to give advice on how to dress and how to paint. "Can you do this?"
She was so angry with him and said: “You will see me soon, I will become such a lady! To spite you"
She has become even better than expected. I mean, you shouldn't be angry about it. Libra wants good things for girls.
Libra is a rather bold sign. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock on the cheek in public for saying his bald-headed wife could be a good fit for the film. Will Smith was wrong, as it was not done out of malice. We can say Libra is divided into two types: tactful and daring.
Jimin is possibly a very good friend, which Libras usually are. He speaks very highly of Kim Taehyung. A person who saw the good features of Kim Taehyung. As BTS fans notice, it is Jimin who is the informal leader there, as a friend and brother who watches over others. That is, Libra can really be the main ones in terms of soft skills and good friends.
Husbands of Libra are led. John Lennon always listened to Yoko Ono and Lennon's bandmates complained that he was listening to her and not them. 

Jenny Lind is a woman that Andersen had unrequited love for. She was cold and resembled Ice Queen, biographers say the writer created Ice Queen fairy tale from Jenny Lind’s image. She is Libra and I remembered Eduard Falkovski astrologer said: “Libras need to get rid of Ice Queen image.” It’s hard to do it if they don’t love.

My mother, Gulmira Moldomusaeva, is a beautiful woman and kind. She is a Libra and I look and think that beautiful Libras are also kind. I have met evil Libras only who were not very beautiful in appearance.
Steven Arroyo is a Libra and I am a Libra continuing what he wanted to do. Popularizing Astrology. 
Libra John Edward, Libra Sylvia Brown and Libra (or Aquarius) Vanga are the best among 9 best psychics in history here
Arthur Miller was of course arrogant towards Marilyn Monroe, but journalists note him as a very efficient writer. Libras are often proud of their intellectual abilities. 
 My mother is very smart in terms of speech, she graduated in languages: English, Russian and literature - her second specialty (she worked as an English teacher)
I needed my mother's upbringing in terms of how to express myself correctly. If I said something wrong, my mother corrected me, and that’s how I grew up. Libra is my mother. 

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