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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Venus in Libra

Find your Venus here

I often met peers with Venus in Libra and they were all very pleasant to talk to. An interesting feature was that even from afar they saw me and smiled full-heartedly! These are friendly people. They communicated easily and were eager to support, intended to cooperate. Sometimes I behave the same way since I have the Sun and Jupiter in Libra, though my Venus is in Virgo, which makes my actions more restrained. Venus is responsible for values ​​and interaction with people. Venus in Libra is at home, this is objectively the best Venus! The main values ​​are beauty, grace, pleasant manners, politeness, cooperation. These are people who love to dress with taste and are disgusted with all that is vulgar and screaming. Venus in this sign loves with eyes. I once complained to one guy I know: "Oh, you also look at appearance!" to what my familiar acquaintance with Venus in Libra replied:

- But how then can I find out about the inner world of a girl, if she does not attract with her beauty? After all, for the start, it is necessary that I like the girl's appearance!
Yes, in any case, Venus in this sign loves with his eyes. It is important for the girl to have a sense of style and taste. In my case, Venus in Virgo speaks more about forms than about superficial things like clothes, cosmetics, hair-do. Venus in Virgo loves when there's a minimum of makeup and the clothes are modest, it is better when I keep the diet so that the skin is healthy and the figure is slim. Venus in Libra loves the appearance: how a person is dressed, what make-up she has, what photos. He is a connoisseur of beautiful appearance more than Venus in Virgo. In this regard, my tastes may often differ from those of Venus in Libra. However, I understand them because Libra is my main sign. I, too, sometimes love with eyes. In the Oculus astrological forum, somehow read how a girl shared her experience of living with a person who has Venus in Libra. When he sees her without make-up, he tells her: "Honey, it's time to make up!"
Others reacted to this in such a way that like, "If my man said that to me, I would something bad to him!"
It was also interesting to read that the male with Venus in Libra loves to choose the attire for his wife or girl. If she chooses something unfortunate, he scolds her.
The following statements may describe different requirements for your favorite girls/women from the owners of Venus in Libra:
"My husband has Venus in Libra. What I can say is that they like girls beautiful, well-groomed. For example, I gained weight after childbirth, and he often blames me for this, saying there are girls who have 90-60-90 and who stay in shape after the birth."

"Quarreling is very difficult. I cannot stand blondes. The interest disappears - I immediately break the connection and start a new one without problems. Therefore, there is a big problem with permanence. Bad styling, a wrinkle that appears, a puff on the pantyhose, dirt on shoes and other small things can put an end to relationships, even if you objectively understand that a person is good. But I myself strive to look at my best. Previously, if I had to save, on food only, but never on clothes.

Yeah, but this is honest!

I also was remarked by the girl with Venus in Libra, when I was wearing something wrong. When I wore one dress, she said I did not need to wear this dress. "It's not bad, just nothing special about the dress!"
After that, I stopped wearing this dress.
I am now analyzing all the girls who had Venus in this sign and understand that they are all well-groomed. Somehow, at the invitation of the organizers, I visited Fashion Week in our country and I was pleased to see a groupmate among the audience! She has her Venus in Libra. I did not think she was such a fan of such events! But now I'm not surprised, because she has Venus in Libra.

The brightest representative with Venus in Libra is the actor Matthew McConaughey. The excerpt below illustrates the actor's tastes. In this passage of a short but very informative interview, Matthew McConaughey shares his opinion on who the real gentleman is.

ELLE What qualities do you like most about women?
M.M. Femininity, grace, humor.
ELLE How can a man conquer a woman?
M.M. For example, by the ability to dance.
M.M. In dance, a man should lead, and if he does it well, then the woman intuitively understands: you can rely on such a partner in everything.
ELLE You are the face of the men's fragrance The One Gentleman, Dolce & Gabbana. Who is the real gentleman for you?
M.M. The one who has the strength and grace, which manifest in how he behaves in society, makes decisions and even keeps silent.

In general, it is very informative and emphasizes the importance of grace, the ability to behave in society for men too! For women, this is grace! Especially he marked the art of dancing.
He should be able to dance! He noted all the qualities of the Libra sign. The actor starred so often in romantic scenes that when he tried himself in other roles, they said: "finally grew out of romantic adventures"
Personally, I remembered him in the film, where he and Jennifer Lopez starred (Wedding Planner)

Matthew McFayden just perfectly played the role of Mr. Darcy in the movie "Pride and Prejudice"!
He is a Sun Libra with Venus in Libra. How well this role suited him! The handsome aristocratic gentleman with high social position, arrogance together with good manners.

Prince Harry always distinguished the beauty of his bride at the wedding and said:

- You're so beautiful, I'm lucky!

In the presence of other people, he repeated:

- I met her and everything was just perfect!

The prince also has Venus in Libra. 
Hema Malini and Dharmendra fell in love while filming the series. Dharmendra fell in love almost instantly with Hema. "Dharmendra, after many years of marriage, looked at me as if on a first date."(Hema) Hema: "He's very romantic!"
Venus in Libra makes him romantic. And Hema Malini's zodiac sign is Libra. An incredible love story. He left the family for Hema. Hema rejected the other two candidates

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