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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Venus in Capricorn

 Find your Venus here

If you are an independent woman or a girl with a lot of achievements, always striving for career heights and probably do not know how to pay attention to your personal life, because all the time is utilized for work, then a person with Venus in Capricorn will understand and accept you. When Venus is in Capricorn, the achievements of a girl or a woman come to the fore. If she works, this is a big plus. Venus in Capricorn loves careerists and is ready to take a subordinated position in relationships. Usually, rarely does the male sex agree to obey a woman, and Venus in Capricorn can. This is a pleasant fact since if a woman has more authority or authority in something, she can subjugate such a man and establish the standards of behavior: as it should be. Overall, quite good. Venus in Capricorn can be devoted in a relationship. A person can cling to relationships that have become obsolete. Even in his youth before marriage, a young man can cling and hold on to a girl, and if any other girl tries to take him away, he will say that he cannot date with anyone since he has a girlfriend. This is a reliable reason to think that he is a committed man in a relationship. The problem for both men and women is that it is difficult to express feelings. It is easier to express love tangibly: through money, concrete help, time. Venus in Capricorn does not like words, considering it something "cheap."
Quite the opposite is Venus playing in air signs where words are important.

For such a person, the main thing is self-control. A sad sight was observed when the finalist of the Bachelor's show Victoria Korotkova was rejected by Egor Creed, standing in a wedding dress in front of him. Her face clearly shows the degree of despair and frustration after the words: "No matter how hard I want to give you this ring, I can't do it. Sorry for dragging you into this situation."

Further, the girl shows the self-control of Venus in Capricorn and says in response:

- Do not be sorry! I do not regret anything!

She managed to hide her emotions and got out of the situation with dignity. It turned out that after a project Victoria Korotkova gave an interview a year later, where she said that at that moment everything died inside her ... and long after the project she recovered, came to life because during the project she managed to completely lose herself in it.

Venus in Capricorn for a woman sometimes means "to obey the requirements and desires of a partner" to the extent of losing herself.

However, Victoria Korotkova managed to reach the final! In a video interview, she said that the girls who had gone were gone because of their indecent behavior.

"... some have behaved dishonorably" - I quote Victoria.

It was interesting when the finalist began to talk about the hidden moments of her participation in the show. For example, it was interesting to learn about how a girl calls herself conservative, and also about how difficult it was for her to show feelings, especially on cameras.

"I consider myself conservative. When I do a manicure, I always choose the same color.

Cameras ... I tried to ignore them. This is a stressful situation. You need to show how you feel. It was very difficult for me to show my feelings. When you want something intimate to tell, and here the cameras are. Without training it is very difficult, I'm not an actress."

Here Venus in Capricorn is marked in human conservatism in beauty, tastes, and relationships. Victoria Korotkova Sunny Aquarius (Aquarius is a sign of free morals), and Venus in Capricorn here makes a person very serious and conservative.

The winner of the show Bachelor Daria Klukina is also with Venus in Capricorn, the girl also has the Sun in Capricorn. One day during the next meeting, Daria Klukina during the show pulled out an hourglass and presented to Egor Creed with an accompanying speech: "I'm giving you my time!"

Capricorn is a symbol of time. Time is a way of expressing love when Venus is in Capricorn. Such people will always find time for those they love.

A schoolboy with Venus in Capricorn approached a girl with different questions like "Who are your parents? Where do they work? Who do you communicate with? What are your friends?"

This attitude pushed a girl away from the guy. You can understand why.

Probably, if the owner of Venus in Capricorn considers having a lower status than the others, perhaps he is always unhappy, comparing himself with others. Afraid of any inconsistencies (not reaching the partner's level or exceeding him/her)
Twilight actor Taylor Lautner when asked about romance, replied he was not particularly romantic because he gave flowers only once or twice.

Venus in Capricorn is not a fan of giving flowers, because it will wither anyway! This is the terrestrial Venus, which values ​​durable things.

Magnate Aristotle Onnasis with the Sun and Venus in Capricorn loved women who could somehow improve his own status in society and his eyes. So many journalists write, and it is not a secret that this man married Jacqueline Kennedy with the intention of getting people from her circle.

An interesting remark was also that the magnate loved unapproachable women and very persistently chased them, but as he conquered, he immediately lost interest. I have to warn you that you cannot count on such types of loyalty with Venus in Capricorn, which are driven only by passion (rarely, but sometimes). Venus in Capricorn, too, can act so insidiously for the time period, until he marries or finds his one and only.

An example of a more mature understanding of relationships and love is illustrated by Osho with Venus in Capricorn:

Never accept anything else for love ... In the presence of another, suddenly you feel happy. Just because you are together, you feel ecstasy. The very presence of the other satisfies something deep in your heart ... something starts to sing in your heart. The very presence of the other helps you to be more complete, you become more individual, more centered, more balanced. Then it is love. Love is not a passion, not an emotion. Love is a very deep understanding that someone completes you. Someone makes you a vicious circle. The presence of another increases your presence. Love gives you the freedom to be yourself.


Venus in Capricorn, as in any earthly sign, always feels the need to be close to the beloved partner.

Harry Chapman wrote the book "Love is a verb." The name itself reflects its Venus in Capricorn. I also remember one important instruction from this book. Any crisis can be overcome if a solid foundation is already laid in the relationship. If the couple quickly falls apart, then the foundation was not so strong or was not laid at all. Need to work on building the foundation.

We need to work on building the foundation. It is necessary that relationships take root like a tree so that no wind could scare.

I am now analyzing the position of Venus in earth signs and find well-known best-selling authors about relationships.

Venus in Taurus - The Charm of Femininity, Helen Andelin

Venus in Capricorn - Harry Chapman "Love is a verb"

Venus in Virgo - 100 traps in a relationship, Petrushin

Earth loves to put feelings and love on the shelves)) It analyzes, creates techniques and tells how it should be.

The most successful example among men with Venus in Capricorn is the husband of the 1994 year World Beauty and one of the most beautiful women in the world. Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai fell in love 10 years after they met and had serious relationships for several years before the marriage. After a difficult previous relationship, where Aishwarya was often beaten by her boyfriend, Abhishek became her real love. From 2007 until now they have been together. In some sources I see the information that Aishwarya Rai went to an astrologer (astrology is popular in India), who said that this marriage would be successful and beneficial for her. As it turned out, the specialist was not mistaken.

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