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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Moon in Taurus

 The Moon in Taurus. This position is called the "exaltation of the Moon", the place of its delight and joy. Taurus is a sign of housekeepers. The table is always laid generously and there is always an abundance of food in the house. Such a Moon is very fond of eating and does not like to deny clothes and food. The people with Moon in Taurus are generous in treats and love to pamper the relatives and friends with material goods. Girls with the Moon in Taurus are calm and somewhat slow in reactions. "She was strange! Slow in reactions."- these are the words of a dancing man about a girl with Moon in Taurus. The Moon is a planet of natural emotional reactions, Taurus is an inert sign. One guy once said that stability is the most important thing for him. He has the Moon in Taurus. Another friend of the guy was very good with his wife. He published a lot of photos on Instagram with her, talking about how good he was with her. He later introduced me to her when I met him on the street. People would say that she is not beautiful at all and what did he find in her? However, he appreciates her. The Moon in Taurus is a man-like hotcake. Such a rare instance. Kevin Jonas with the Moon in Taurus married an Italian, a class lower than himself and loves her, takes care of her. It is known that when his mother scolded Daniel, Kevin Jonas stood up for his wife.

“Mom, don't talk to Daniel like that anymore!”
He constantly confesses her love and protects her.

Perhaps such people love modest and inconspicuous women so that they belong only to them. The Moon in Taurus is the owner.
A husband of Ani Lorak, very romantically courted Ani Lorak. It is known that Ani Lorak’s father said that if all Ukrainian men cared for their wives so much, then there would be more happy families in the country.
Yes, he cheated on his wife, but the reason for cheating is that his wife was constantly absent. After so many years of marriage, I think you can justify betrayal by the absence of Ani Lorak, she constantly gave concerts and she did not have time for her husband. Taurus is an earth sign, any earth sign values ​​time as a sign of love. If a person spends time with him, then he feels loved.

Taurus makes the Moon calm and impenetrable.

The woman with the Moon in Taurus is a real peacemaker. She knows how to create a world in the soul of a man and a child, so she is feminine.

Russian version, 2019. Find your Moon sign here

One woman writer describes herself like this:

- By the way, from my youth, I was proud of my calmness and was sure that you can not yell.

I never lost my temper, and if someone poured tea on someone’s head, I thought it was over.

She has the Moon in the sign of Taurus. He describes himself correctly.

Of all women with the Moon in Taurus, the Olympic champion Tatyana Navka is the best example. When Aleksey Vorobyov got to the hospital, it was Tatyana Navka who instinctively felt that she needed to bring him food. Since Alexey Vorobyov wanted to eat, he remembered this moment and said in an interview that it was the time that he understood what an ideal woman should be.

The owners of the Moon in Taurus are watching their bodies. Taylor Lautner was named the owner of the most beautiful body in Hollywood because of his beautifully built muscles.

Among the girls, the two most beautiful actresses in Turkey, Fahriye Evcen and Neslihan Atagül have the Moon in Taurus. The Moon in Taurus gives women beauty.
This marriage is 20 years old. Ricardo Mollo has his Moon in Taurus. Taurus is the zodiac sign of Natalia Oreiro. Taurus is a very conservative sign. One marriage and for all. Even though there was cheating once after several years of marriage, Ricardo forgave.

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