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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Moon in Cancer

Find your Moon sign here

I would like to talk about the signs of the Moon. Let's start with the Queen of Water. My mother with Moon in Cancer sacrificed her life for the happiness of children (me and my younger sister). My mother pampered us, told fairy tales at nights, she put all her soul into the upbringing of her children. She cooked every day and worked at the same time. 

I respect the position of the Moon in Cancer, as this is a real manifestation of femininity in a girl and a woman. Men with this position are very close to mothers and respect women, have a soft inner world, although they hide the subtle structure of their soul under the guise of the Sun or Mars sign. It’s difficult for girls or women with the Moon in Cancer to live in a society where a penny is the price of femininity (homework is not a work, cooking is not appreciated, and tears annoy)

In this case, such a Moon, being underappreciated, becomes unbearable, capricious, and hysterical, because it always feels a true attitude towards itself, it cannot be deceived. Yes, and often you don’t need to feel, neglect is evident. Such a Moon is very sensitive to rudeness and touchy. Typically masculine traits, such as selfishness, self-assertion at the expense of others, stubbornness, and narcissism, irritate the female nature. However, this Moon is very flexible in adapting. Such a Moon can charm, and at the same time, it gives the lead to another, anyone feels good with her, especially children. Always calm, sympathizing, reactive, and responsive. Yes, it is desirable that the man also had a water Moon to live with the Cancer Moon. A fiery person can suppress such a Moon, it will annoy him to be treated or cared for excessively as a child. The Moon in Cancer loves to poke, so if it annoys someone, it’s better not to mess with such a Moon. It is very important to find connoisseurs of femininity in understanding the Moon in Cancer, because the femininity can also be fiery, earthly, airy))

The Moon in Cancer is about femininity in its original form. The resources for caring for another person are simply huge. Moon Scorpio quickly loses energy, patience is not enough, because the Moon falls there, but the Moon in Cancer can patiently bring up and take care for a long time. This is the abode position of the Moon, the Moon here is the most harmonious. The Lunar Cancers are grateful and loyal people. If someone became a family member or somehow got close to them, they will protect this person, even if he is a devil. Children of the Lunar Cancers are often spoiled because the mild character does not allow to bring up hard (Cancer is the opposite of Capricorn)

Although Cristiano’s father was an alcoholic, he worked as an administrator at a football club and earned money. The authorities sent him to war. It was the father who sent his son to football and watched his growth in the club from the stadium like a maniac. For this reason, Cristiano says: “My father is the reason I am rich.”
After Piers Morgan won 5 golden balls, a video shows him how Dinis Aveiro, looking very exhausted from alcohol addiction, gives an interview to journalists:
“People, friends, everyone says it’s fantastic. I'm very proud of my son. I won’t go to the stadium, but will watch at home so as not to be nervous.”
This is during his time at Manchester United. Dinis Aveiro's Moon is in Cancer, according to his mother he was very good with children. The Moon in Cancer is a good position for raising children, indicating a good parent.

The opinion of relatives is very important for such people. A man with the Moon in Cancer cannot go against his own parents in order to defend his wife. This should be taken into account since this man is the mother's son, it is therefore very important for the girl to find a common language with his relatives.

Once I was a subordinate to a man. He had the Moon in Cancer. The company was small. I did the internship and left because I did not like other people there. I liked the boss himself, he was blissful and calm. I looked at him, it seemed he was calm and in harmony with himself. Although he is a Sunny Leo, the Moon in Cancer is doing its job noticeably. Lunar Cancer takes care of the spiritual comfort of its master. Mental health for these people is the most important thing. Most likely, such a parent will send his child to school, where an individual approach and maximum attention to each are taken into account. In general, any pressure is very poorly tolerated, as it violates harmony in the soul.

In society, the Moon in Cancer can look very alienated, as if in its own world. It looks detached and closed. There can be serious emotions and fantasies inside. In general, the main emotional need is security. Actions that violate security will be stopped at the very beginning.

The music of the respected composer Igor Krutoy is tenderness itself. Lyrical music. Vivid emotions, there is still the mixed fire of course (Igor Krutoy is the fiery Sun), which adds epic emotions. The Moon in Cancer is stronger represented because it is still very soulful music.

Kate Middleton and William have both the Moon in Cancer. They say she found the prince herself and began to wear treats, feed him, and take care of him. That's where she guessed. The Moon Cancer loves to eat. In general, a successful couple. When the Moon is in one sign in the charts of both, it is the best combination according to Arroyo. 

The guy with the Moon in Cancer was in the examples. From school, he had a loved one, although she was not beautiful. He was handsome, there was always a lot of girls around him, but he had been loyal to his choice for many years (all school years), while fate did not separate them. He once told his girlfriend that she might not have the makeup. She can get fat and stay at home, he would love her anyway. Moon Cancers are very jealous, love to be possessive towards their loved ones.

For the past 1.5 years, I have a progressive Moon going through Cancer, another six months left. I think this is the time when I am immersed in the inner life. My character was always masculine, oriented to the external, and here I became more feminine, domestic, feelings woke up. It turns out to be hard to be a girl, but it was helpful. I have become more modest. 

I realized that my mother’s housework has never been appreciated, so I left it and became a man. It seems that I got carried away and forgot about my female destiny, for which I "received" a punishment. I still wait for the progressive Moon to pass into the Leo and I again will shine like a noble Leo. I will leave this Cancerian period as something new for myself that I have not known before. After all, it was this period that showed me what real femininity is.
Men in this period become close to their wives and to their families.

Gorgeous shots. Defenseless face. The Moon in Cancer cries to the president and asks him to protect the football academy from attacks and checks from the prosecutor's office. Entrepreneur Salymbekov with the Moon in Cancer

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