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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

#1 inventor and scientist

Aquarius is well-known in an astrological circle as the sign of inventors. Let's look deeper. Stephen Arroyo wrote that the majority of Nobel prize holders were born under air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini). Alfred Nobel who invented the Nobel prize was Libra. Smart Scorpio, Saggitarius, and the earth element can excel in knowing facts, but not in inventions. 

 # 1 in this category is Aquarius (Galileo Galilei, Charles Darvin, Thomas Edison, Mendeleev). Next is Pisces (Copernicus, Einstein, Steve Jobs iPhone, GOAT Boby Fischer in chess - Fischer's method, Bell - first telephone inventor). I wrote in 2015 that found many too excellent students are among Pisces. All of my 4 years of university only Pisces sign was a Valedictorian all 4 years, only girls and the fifth one was a boy who got only one A - that did not let him become the best since there was another Pisces with 4.0 GPA. 

Among the first 6 scientists with the highest IQs there are 2 Aquarius (Galileo Galilei 185, Charles Darwin 165, Mendeleev - unknown) and 2 Pisces (Einstein 160, Copernicus 160)

                                     Galileo Galilei 

Charles Darvin

Dmitriy Mendeleev

Thomas Edison

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