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Thursday, April 14, 2022

#1 in poetry

Among the first 10 best old-time poets (Selection edition) the leader is Taurus: William Shakespeare, Li Bo, Rabindranath Tagor are Taurus. The planet of Taurus is Venus - the planet of art and beauty.

Stephen Arroyo's brilliant idea that air signs have marked verbal ability made me think that there might be great poets under air signs. Among the first 10 best poets according to Selection (in total 30 best poets) ever existed there were Pushkin Gemini, Byron Aquarius and Libra Vergilius. Libra Lermontov was in the best 20. Among the famous ones, we know Gemini Conan Doyle, Libras Oscar Wilde and Coleridge, Gemini Garcia Lorca.

I will be more convincing with Russian poets. According to ranking of the first best 5 poets, 4 are of an air sign (2 Libras - Esenin and Lermontov): 
 Esenin Libra, Vysockiy Aquarius, Pushkin Gemini, Lermontov Libra

According to the survey by Levada Center, 58% believe Pushkin is the greatest poet, 41% - Esenin (Libra), 32% - Lermontov (Libra), Cvetaeva 9% (Libra)
#1 Russian poet is Libra (why not Gemini Pushkin, because the sum of Esenin and Lermontov give higher weight)

Taurus and Libra Venusians are #1 in poetry.

Taurus (Li Bo, Shakespeare, Rabindranath Tagor)

Libra: (Vergilius, Esenin, Lermontov)

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