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Friday, March 1, 2024

Zodiac signs by seasons

Since I was born in the fall, I am most lucky in the fall. In summer, Leos are most lucky, since this summer sign is also fiery, which means it receives energy from the sun. Aries is lucky in the spring, April is just sunny after winter, also a fire element. The first green herbs from the energy of the sun! Gemini is lucky in the summer, summer sign, warm air. Aquarius is a cold air, winter sign. It’s not for nothing that Aquarius is called the cold sign of the zodiac. Capricorn is frost, ice, lucky in winter, so you can often find among them those who are callous and do not know how to feel. But it is the most stress-resistant and hardworking. Sagittarius is the only winter sign among the fire ones; it does not have much sympathy; its character is the same as winter fire sign: sometimes ice, sometimes fire. Cancers are warm because they were born in the summer. Maximum sympathy. Warm water, July is a hot time, lucky in the summer! There are winter fish, March Pisces is the average between cold and warmth. Pisces is far from being a holy sign of the zodiac, they are vindictive and vengeful, number 1 serial killers. Good ones are moderately good. Scorpio is somewhere between autumn and winter, November. Already the first cold weather, there is some ruthlessness, but not completely callousness, there is a share of humanity. Libra is the middle ground between the warmth of Gemini and the coldness of Aquarius. Mixed air, autumn. Virgo is harvest time, autumn. The earth literally bears fruit. Taurus is the month of May, the first flowers, there is a lot of work in the garden, the land is suitable for planting vegetables.

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