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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

#1 speed record in football

The fastest football players on record. Number 1 is Garrett Bale Cancer, Venus and Mars in Leo record 39.9 km/h. Second is Cristiano Ronaldo - Moon in Leo, Venus and Mars in Aries, 38.6 km/h, then Sven Botman with Moon in Aries and Venus in Sagittarius. Fourth and fifth place are the same speeds of Mbappe Sagittarius 37.9 km/h and Cancer Darwin Nunes 38 km/h, Venus in Leo.

Based on the top 5 record holders, we can say that, as in running, in football the fastest element is fire (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries)

It is also interesting that there are two Cancers in the top 5. 

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