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Sunday, October 15, 2023

Summary of elements analysis

Almost everywhere except IT and mathematics, air signs are the best in discoveries. I thought medicine might be an exception, but Libra is the leader, along with Sagittarius, in the field of the most notable surgeons in history,  Libra and Gemini are after Pisces in the field of scientific discoveries in surgery.

Biology - air element, chemistry - air element, architecture - air element, physics - air element, economics - air element, astrology - air, writing - Virgo (earth) along with Aquarius (air), poetry - air element, most notable surgeons - air element (Libra first). 

Air signs are leaders in the field of science and discovery, but are much weaker in memorizing facts and therefore are far from the first in “What? Where? When?" “The smartest” and “Your own game.” (Who wants to become a millionaire is an exception, but the questions are easier there) In these programs, the smartest ones are Taurus, Scorpio and Sagittarius. They are the best at remembering facts and also at making medical discoveries (smallpox vaccine, tuberculosis cure, insulin for diabetes, anesthesia, artificial heart)

Also, air element is talented in politics. The best politicians are Abraham Lincoln, Donald Trump, Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Regan, Vladimir Putin. 

Fire element excels in film directing and acting. 

Winter signs come first in skiing, hockey, biathlone, speedy downhill mountain skiing, coach in figure skating, men’s singles figure skating. 

Water signs are number 1 in all water types of sports: swimming, surfing, water polo, rowing 🚣‍♀️, rowing in canoe and kayaks. Sailing and navigation too (Scorpios Christopher Columbus, Fernan Magellan, James Cook, Pisces Amerigo Vespucci) 

Fire signs are the best in running, the runners come from hot countries where 365 days a year the sun is shining. 

Air element excels in tennis and parachute 🪂 jumping. 

Greatest parachute jumpers include: in the top 5 two Gemini. The first human to jump from a parachute was Sebastian Lenorman, he invented the term "parachute." 

There is also Gary Connery, Gemini, he is the fifth in the top 10. 

Gemini is an air sign, and parachute jumps happen in air space. Gemini is also the best in tennis, played for several hours in open air space. 

Fire element (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) runners come from the hot weather African countries. 

10,49 for 100 m и 21,43 for 200 m record set by Griffith-Joyner, she is Saggitarius. She is the most titled runner among women. According to Stephen Arroyo, the fire element takes energy from the Sun and daytime is best for fire signs. Griffith-Joyner died at night during sleep. Most champions among runners are from Africa, where the sun is all 365 days a year.  Jamaica is also a sunny country. Total number of Olympic champions in women’s running is Aries. 

Men’s running led by Leo Usain Bolt from Jamaica, the best sprinter ever. Aries is number 1 in marathon and 10000 km distance. 

In skiing, there are 13 Olympic gold medals for Capricorn, 10 for Aquarius, and 8 for Pisces. Winter signs Capricorn and Aquarius are first. Pisces can be born in February and March Pisces is almost winter, because skiing champions are mostly from Norway, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark - where winter is still in March. Details are here


Winter sign Capricorn: Frank Mahovich, Ray Burke, Bobby Hull, Valery Kharlamov, Terry Savchuk, Mark Messier, Jacques Plante, Sill Epps

Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova is the most titled among all FS coaches. 41 gold medals, 8 Olympic. Winter sign - Aquarius. Chaikovskaya Elena - Capricorn, winter sign. 11 gold medals. Tutberidze winter Pisces, February 24. Brian Orser is a Sagittarius, Svetlana Sokolovskaya and choreographer Morozov are also Sagittarius and were all born in December.

 #1 in biathlon - Bjoerndalen Aquarius. The best biathlete in history is Aquarius (Jan20 -Feb 19), a winter sign. In the top 10, there is one more Aquarius - Frank Ullrich (6th place in history's best biathletes). In another winter sport, hockey, Capricorn was a leader, also a winter sign (22 of December - January 19-20)

Mountain skiing

#1 in downhill is winter sign Aquarius - 4 gold medals, other signs - 2 at maximum

Egon Zimmermann, Pirmin Zurbriggen, Tommy Moe, Feuz Beat

Over the past 10 years and the next 12 years (22 years in total) I noticed that the winter sign dominates in the men’s singles. Sagittarius Hanyu and Malinin, Capricorn Alexander Plushenko.

It is important to note that figure skating has changed a lot since 2012. 2013 Hanyu won the World championship and in 2017 he did 4 quads and won the World’s. No one could do quads more than one. Moreover, he demonstrated the best possible gliding and superior choreography that no one could repeat. Malinin only started his career and first jumped 4 axel. This is only the beginning, maybe he will do 6 quads on the competitions. 

Number 1 in figure skating is Sagittarius: GOAT Hanyu and Malinin (Olympic champion 2026) 

Yuzuru Hanyu is the first two-time OCH in FS in 66 years. The last one before him was Dick Button with the Moon in Sagittarius. It took 66 years for Solar Sagittarius to repeat the achievement

Yuzuru Hanyu and Malinin are Sagittarians who brought something new to the men's singles. Quad revolution author Hanyu was the first to jump: he made the quad Rittberger, the quad toe loop and the triple Axel in the cascade, he set 19 world records. The fastest in history. Plus, he has the best gliding in history among all, the most component skater in history (choreography, highest speed and gliding)
Malinin was the first to jump 4A, but Yuzuru jumped in training. Hanyu dominated from 2013 to 2018, becoming a two-time OC. Malinin will dominate from 2025 to 2028. We get 2 of the only and immediately best Sagittarius in the history of FS (winter sign dominates the men’s winter sports/figure skating) 
Both Malinin and Nathan Chen will never approach Yuzuru Hanyu in components and only Yuzuru Hanyu’s skating can be called divine. 

In swimming water element leading - number 1 Olympic champion is Cancer according to the number of Olympic gold medals. 
Cancer - 29, Gemini - 24, Aquarius - 22, Pisces - 20

50 meters (Freestyle) - among 10 gold medalists

#1 Scorpio and Libra:

Back: 100m #1 is Pisces (5)

Warren Kealoha, (2 gold medals), George Kodzhak, Bengt Baron, Richard Carey

200 meters: #1 Pisces (3) 

Pisces: Tyler Clary, Igor Polanski, Richard Carey

Complex swimming

200 meters: #1 is Cancer (5)

Cancer: Massilimiano Rozolino, Michael Phelps (4 gold medals)

Butterfly 100 m #1 is Cancer (4 gold)

Cancer: Denis Pankratov, Michael Phelps (3 gold medals)

200 meters: #1 is Cancer (4 gold)

Cancer: Denis Pankratov, Michael Phelps (3 gold medals)

200 meters: #1 is AQUArius and Pisces (4 gold medals) 

Aquarius: Frederick Hallman, Felipe Munoz, Victor Davis, Norbert Rozsa 

Pisces: Joe Verder, Ian O'Brian, David Wilkie, Zulpa Robertas

Sailing and navigation - number 1 is water element Scorpio Christopher Columbus, Fernan Magellan, James Cook. 
Dirk Hurtog (Holland sea traveler, explored the west coast of Australia) Scorpio, Krusenstern (first Russian trip around the world) Scorpio. 
Amerigo Vespucci Pisces, Pizarro y Gonzalez Pisces (conquered Peru), Matthew Flinders Pisces (Explored Australia), Semyon Dezhnev Pisces, Heinrich Pisces, Amundsen Cancer, Miklouho-Maclay Cancer, Drake (Drake Strait) Cancer
The best are Scorpios, Cancers and Pisces that comprise the majority of other signs. Water (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) elements are 50% of all famous sailors.

Among 20 -surfers-of-all-time/ water sign Pisces is a leader. 

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, lord of ocean. 

4 Pisces: Mark Richards, Laird Hamilton, Lisa Andersen, Jordy Smith. They should include Pisces Tom Blake too, he is in the top 10 of the best = 5 Pisces

Water element is the first in rowing. 

Among the most titled Scorpio is first and Aries is second, Pisces is third

Scorpio and Pisces are water signs, like in any other water sport water signs prevail. 

In rowing in canoe and kayaks:

Water signs- Pisces 19, Cancer 15, Scorpio 16 (twice and more Olympic champions)

In sports, you can also determine who is the best and worst from the opposite. Virgo is the best almost everywhere: mountain skiing, snowboarding, luge, freestyle wrestling, boxing, one of the best in football, one of the best in wrestling, one of the running races, in judo. 

Earlier I said that number 1 in sports is Virgo if we consider the most titled sportsmen among Olympic champions. Now I see GOATs personally in most of sports are also Cancers. If we take UFC, number 1 among the top 10 in history is Mars in Aries (there are 3 of them), but John Johnes is the GOAT, best in history inside these 10. In general, the input into the sports is considered: 

GOAT in UFC - Cancer John Jones 

GOAT in football - Cancer Messi

GOAT in swimming - Cancer Michael Phelps 

GOAT in women figure skating - Cancer Sasha Trusova 

First of the two Everest climbers was Cancer Edmund Hillary. 

Cancers are also first (number of Olympic gold medals) in ski jumping, swimming, weightlifting, water polo. 

In sports, why is there a predominance of female signs (water and earth), and the best in sports are the watery Cancer and the earthly Virgo, since female signs are more obedient than male ones. These male signs are prone to conflict and are unyielding, while female signs will endure anything. In sports it is important to be modest and obedient. In this regard. 

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