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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Teachers and their zodiac signs

 Teachers have always been the subject of heated discussions.

"Does it ask a lot and is it loading?" "Fair? Any favorites?" "How does he teach?" "Evil?" "Good?"

“Grades are not so important, does the teacher provide knowledge?”

I would like to write about teachers according to zodiac signs from my point of view, taking into account the opinions of different students.

Let's start with Scorpios

I have met many teachers and educators with this sign in my life, so I can safely say something definite. Scorpio teachers constantly keep you in suspense; you should always come to their classes prepared. Otherwise, you can go to the board and get unpleasant sensations. Scorpios do not usually stand and crucify; their lectures are held in such a way that students are obliged to delve into and actively participate. The teacher challenges and demands dedication. You can always feel the pressure put on students, the heaviness. Scorpio teachers have long formed an opinion about students: “Students are ungrateful people”

Scorpios value good students very much, they love them, but outwardly, in front of others, they treat them strictly, mock them for their mistakes, and are afraid of spoiling them. If a student does not study normally, shows low grades in exams, but the teacher likes his activity in classes and, in principle, is an intelligent person, Scorpios can raise the grade and give a grade C- instead of D, but they will not hide the element of disappointment:

“Oh, you could have done better!”

Scorpio teachers know their subject thoroughly, their knowledge is deep, and therefore in classes you need to say something if you know for sure, otherwise, the bite will be merciless. When you get an “A”, it feels like you’ve won something important; you appreciate what you get at a great price.

Next up, Gemini

Geminis easily share knowledge, but they also want students to actively express their opinions and react lively. If you are silent all the time, then most likely you will not get along with Gemini. Unlike Scorpios, the atmosphere is not so heavy, there is freedom and independence of thinking is encouraged - it’s not scary to say something stupid. Gemini is an air element, group work is very frequent; in pairs, Gemini actively engages in socialization: communication, exchange of information, establishing connections with people. Guest speakers are often invited to classes so that students can receive practical and necessary information about life. Geminis are simple and don't put on airs, perhaps because they want to keep in touch with students even after university.


The peculiarity of Capricorns is that they are very principled. If you get 89.8 points, the grade will be B+, not A-. Asking for a raise is useless. Virgos can work well with Capricorns, because for Virgo the rules also play an important role - otherwise, why would a grade scale be needed?

Capricorns in general as teachers are quite demanding and tough, but in classes, activity is not necessary, the main thing is to write written assignments well, because formality is the most important part, proof of your performance. As teachers, they are competent and do not hesitate to say things as they are; they criticize the authorities for their stupidity. They love serious students.


Leos love to encourage children's desire for approval. If you often raise your hand and come to the board voluntarily, the teacher will show his admiration! The sincerity of intentions is important, show that you are really interested in the subject. Valued: creative expression, impressive presentations. Leos are quite powerful and proud; if you treat their lessons with disdain, they can humiliate you. How dare you disrespect a subject taught by Leo? Let's appreciate it. The main thing is to appreciate and try like a child, then mistakes will be forgiven. 


Taurus are calm, I know how the respected Imanaliev taught the subject History and Philosophy of Science. Lots of understanding and patience, no raising of voice or rude remarks. Taurus teachers often smile. Predictability in classes is attractive - you know what to expect. I like the organization: it is clearly known that each couple needs to be prepared. Show persistence and hard work, do what is required and the result will be predictable. There was a teacher at English courses - he was also calm, next to you there was a feeling that you were behind a wall of reliability, there was confidence that you were being taken where you needed to, you felt safe. The main thing was to do homework, the anger was strong. Taurus tend to endure for a long time and accumulate in themselves, and then explode, so do not test their patience. I haven’t met many Taurus people as teachers, so there’s nothing more to say.


Aries are the most unpredictable. Ask students whether it is easy to get a good grade from Aries, they will say:

- She's unpredictable! They may give high grades to those they love and low to those they didn’t. 

 In general, to get along with Aries, you need not to compete with them, but to consider them the coolest and best. Perhaps they really have something to be proud of and are doing themselves a favor by working at the university.


Virgos are strict and picky about little things. If you don't know basic things, they will be annoyed. But there are also Virgo teachers who are sincerely devoted to the idea of perfection.

Virgos love excellent students: if you study well, in general, you can expect that they will not “spread rot” on you personally, and will even take your opinion into account. They know how to appreciate, but they treat everyone like everyone else. I wouldn’t have thought that Virgos could value so much on the inside, but wouldn’t even show it on the outside! Virgos love the right people, they hate it when they are late, even 5-10 minutes. Virgos, as teachers, know their subject thoroughly. Among the Virgos, I liked the classes of Academic Writing taught by Alexander Cigale (who currently works in Queen's college). The teacher was selfless in his desire to help, even after graduating from university he proofread the necessary texts. A brilliant professional who knows his business down to the smallest detail, and most importantly knows how to impart knowledge!


Cancers can feel comfortable; there is usually no sense of competition in the classroom. You get used to proving something, but here you have the opportunity to relax and practice for fun. I haven't met many Cancer teachers, so I can't say more.


I also didn’t have much to do with Sagittarius. I know that they encourage well and inspire optimism. My first Astrology teacher was Sagittarius astrologer Elina Karfi, I know from her that Sagittarians believe in you more than you believe in yourself and this quality has a very positive effect on you and your results.


Pisces are understanding teachers and may feel sorry for you. If a student gets a D, you can pull it up to C+ so as not to fail too much, but rather to make things easier. These teachers are admired by students. Pisces are usually gentle and kind, with a creative teaching mindset, less critical and more encouraging. 


Libra is strict, attentive to what they have to give to students. With their emphasized distance from other people, Libra teachers hint that once again you cannot allow yourself to talk too much, but in general, if you have something to say, then there are no restrictions or pressures. The atmosphere is not exactly free for the expression of thoughts, but also not too overbearing (still an element of air). The most realistic way to get an A grade is to just make trouble less and obey the requirements more. Then it will be possible not only to receive a high grade, but also the approval of the teacher. About Libra, students say that such teachers have a nice character. They are distinguished by brilliant diplomatic qualities, they want to get along with students, so they behave as ethically and tactfully as possible, respecting everyone’s opinion. However, there is also cruelty in punishments: if you are really stupid, and also “acting out of yourself,” you will definitely receive caustic remarks.


Aquarians encourage activity in couples! You just need to freely express your opinion, say what you think is right based on the situation. Another representative of the air element along with Gemini and Libra. They are not as formal as Capricorns, so you can offer different ideas and add your own style to the work or task. Originality can elevate in the eyes of such teachers. Sociable and talkative, simple and friendly. 

There is an astrology teacher S.V. Shestopalov - he says that you need to communicate with students as with friends.

That's all. This is roughly how students discuss teachers, maybe not even as tactfully as I did, and sometimes more rudely, but mostly they say it as it is.

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