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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Taurus and Cancer opposition history in figure skating

Taurus Veronika Zhilina and Cancer Akatieva

Taurus Valieva and Cancer Trusova
Taurus Sarah Hughes and Cancer Michelle Kwan 

If you look at recent years, you can see that Taurus skates steadily and confidently. Valieva was led to Olympic gold, and not Trusova, precisely because of stability. External influences such as bullying knocked her down and broke her. Otherwise, she wouldn't flinch. Nathan Chen did consistently 5 quads without falling. Zagitova without falling. Yuma Kagiyama is a future champion, also without falls, like Veronika Zhilina. Cancers, on the other hand, are unstable. Adelina Sotnikova fell at the Sochi Olympics, Trusova fell at the 2021 World Championships. Cancer 7-time world champion Michelle Kwan took 3rd place at the Olympics, and then stable Taurus Sarah Hughes took first place. I have suspicions that Cancer Akatieva is also unstable.

Veronika Zhilina and Sofia Akatieva. Veronika Zhilina is stronger in technique: she does a quadruple Lutz. Mighty, powerful skating. She gets a triple axel in competitions. In terms of components, confident possession of the skate, perfect spins. Like any Taurus, stability is a strong point. Akatieva's strong point is the components. Refined and musical. Stronger in components. Speedy short program. Cancers are often unstable, can fall. If Veronika cleanly does 3 axels, 3-4 quads in the free program, then Sofia has no chance with her components, as she will fall. The confrontation between Akatieva and Zhilina resembles the confrontation between Valieva and Trusova, like Cancer against Taurus. Both need to work to reach the speed of Trusova and Valieva. 

Cancer Trusova and Taurus Valieva. Trusova: 5 quadruples, this is considered an event even in the male world of figure skating. They say that she only has jumps and no program, and Nathan Chen is also like that, but no one talks about it, and the scores for the presentation are the same with genius Hanyu. The fact is that Trusova is a girl and for her 5 quadruples is a sufficient indicator to be considered great, and Nathan Chen is a man. For this reason, nitpicking about the triple axel in short and low components is ridiculous. Only Sasha and Veronica Zhilina can jump 4 lutz. If you take the components, then it has something: it is unsurpassed speed. Both ladies short program has the same high speed, in the free program Trusova surpasses a bit. Valieva's trump cards are: stability (like any Taurus) choreography, plasticity, creativity and just 100% effort in every movement. Beautiful triple axel. The most flexible figure skater in history. Yes, she has a program, even though she is inferior to Sasha in jumping. Very creative exits from jumps. Honored 90 in the short program. The most divine skating in women's FS history. Those who consider Valieva the best in history will also be right in their own way.

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