Moon signs

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Солнечные знаки (общеизвестные Знаки Зодиака)

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

#1 weak zodiac sign

Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Pisces

Cancer - stingy. This sign tries to dominate psychologically, complains. Likes to blame others for own mistakes. 

Libra - weak heart, takes everything to heart, easily gets offended, can show excessive audacity, naive and trusting. Ruthless to people's weaknesses. 

Taurus - infantile sign, cruel and can beat a person out of fun, sometimes can get angry by trifles. Stubborn and resistant to change. One father beat his son because he did not do exercises (push-ups)

Pisces - alcohol abuse, they can’t succumb temptations. Number 1 serial killer. Idealist - Very ruthless to the enemies

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