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Monday, October 17, 2022

Scorpio Rules of Life by Matthew McConaughey

I just read Matthew McConaughey's Rules of Life on Facebook. Having reached half of what was written, I already realized that this dude is a Scorpio.
For some reason, I have a good nose for Virgos and Scorpios)))
So, let's go through each item on the main rules of Matthew's life.

"Rage, dude. What other emotion can give you so much? Rage is what makes everything happen."

Scorpio loves emotional extremes. He gets bored when everything is going smoothly. Only in the struggle does he feel truly alive. It is in the struggle and through overcoming obstacles that Scorpio feels like a winner. Scorpio gets excited and shows itself most strongly when it finds itself in a critical situation. Therefore, when everything seems to work out well and easily, there is a feeling that everything is temporary. The feeling of calm and lack of struggle is unnatural for the nature of Scorpio, who needs a constant challenge. Hence the subconscious attraction of such difficulties into your life, complicates it. 

"My main rule? Don't be excessive."

Here McConaughey meant not to go to extremes. Scorpio is prone to extremes of any kind. Being passionate, often too self-indulgent. Most likely, life experience taught him to observe the measure in everything and "not to be excessive"

"You need to sweat at least once a day for real - so it seems to me"

“Before going to the University of Texas, I went to Australia for a year and got a job there as a paralegal, because I myself was going to become a lawyer. I liked this country and this desert, and I also learned from Australians a special skill: not to let others fill your head with bullshit"
"...don't let others fill your head with bullshit"

Scorpio is a wayward person. He does not listen to anyone, is not manipulated, does what he wants and when he wants. Says what he thinks.

"I didn't become a lawyer because I realized that most lawyers are well aware that the defendant they acquitted was guilty."

Scorpio hates lies and hypocrisy. He is the bearer of truth in its most rude and piercing form. And then imagine, a person is really guilty, but you also need to protect him. Scorpio is an exposer of lies, not its defender!

“Most of all I remember that 15-second pause when I called my parents, who had just paid for my law degree, and said: “Mother, father, I want to change everything. I'm going to film school.”

Conversely, about the waywardness of Scorpios. It is worth adding here that Scorpio is always driven by passion. He is more than all other signs of the zodiac concerned with the search for himself and his destiny. If Scorpio finds a job he loves, he will never go to work for an unloved job. 

"I don't like awards and prizes, but it seems to me that judging art is fair. If we didn't have any measuring instruments in this area, Shakespeare would mean no more than a schoolgirl's diary."

"I do not like awards and prizes ...." speaks of the dislike of Scorpios for all kinds of window dressing. They do not like flattery in their address. If you intend to praise Scorpio, then do not be offended by his cold reaction. Scorpio loves sincere praise. He appreciates everything sincere in people. 

"I miss True Detective. I must admit, my wife and I watched a new episode every Sunday for eight weeks in a row. We put the kids to bed, cooked a light dinner with red wine, and then looked at the screen like we had never seen it before."

Scorpios love detective stories. They like everything that is connected with the disclosure of secrets. They tend to dig deep, look for answers to questions. They would make good detectives. Plus, Matthew has Mercury in Scorpio (Mercury shows the way a person thinks and the way he works with information).

“Why is the greatest question. Only then do all these “how”, “what”, “when” and “where” come.

Here is another confirmation of this.

"When I lost 38 pounds for the Dallas Buyers Club, I started every morning by going to the mirror and saying, 'Damn it, McConaughey, you look like a damned reptile.'"

Scorpios aren't just honest with others about the macabre truth. They don't spare themselves either.

"I love things that push for perfection"

Scorpio is working on himself. He hates his weaknesses. Wants to be strong and self-sufficient. As well as Virgo with Capricorn is inclined to improve himself. Plus, Matthew also has the Moon in Virgo, and the Moon is just as important a factor for analyzing a person’s character as the Sun. The Moon in Virgo is always striving for self-improvement.

"Honesty can be very cruel, but I appreciate any kind of honesty."

I have repeatedly written about the honesty of Scorpios in "The Ugly Truth from Scorpio Gerard Butler! This is the ugly truth! (With)

There was one night for rent
There was one night on the set of True Detective when we all got drunk and spewed the truth at each other. Woody and I said a bunch of things to each other that most people wake up in the morning and say to themselves, "I think I screwed up the friendship." But in the morning we met, shook hands and said to each other: “Yesterday was a great evening. Did you release steam? I am yes.

With the truth, the truth often goes too far.

"The hardest thing is to build a relationship with yourself."

Yep, that's a problem. Scorpios perfectly read people with their insight, but it is much more difficult for them to understand themselves.
"You want to be a writer? Sit down and write. You want to be a director? Shoot something on your fucking phone right now."

Got it.

"I love sarcasm. I even love a little cynicism, and I think that cynicism can be witty. But it's so hard to know when wit is constructive and when it's not."

Sarcasm... also wrote about it. 
"But it's so hard to know when it is constructive and when it's not."

To destroy or to create - this is the main question of Scorpios.

"I can't stand fools, but in life you have to literally wade through them."

Hahaha, really. The penetrating and witty language of Scorpios))

"For some reason, we analyze our defeats in much more detail than our successes."

I suggest Scorpios to praise themselves more often, after all, and not scold

and finally...

"No more illusions. No more illusions"

No problem. Just try to explain it to people around you.

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