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Friday, October 14, 2022

Initiative and active Aries

Who better than Libra, ruled by Venus, can discuss these Martians? The point is that Libra and Aries are 180 degrees, that is, complete opposites. Therefore, Libra can see both the obvious advantages and obvious shortcomings of Aries, and with the naked eye. Hence the phrase "From love to hate is only 1 step."

I was always infuriated in Aries by their arrogance. They always want the world to dance to their tune, that is, they want to force people to do something for their own benefit. We, as Libra diplomats, try to take into account the interests of both parties so that there are no conflicts, but Aries has a tendency to pull the blanket in one direction. They are one of those who quickly make a decision, suffer the blows of fate from a wrong decision and also quickly recover from them and move on without looking back. As we can see from the following quotes, the shortcomings of Aries are a continuation of their virtues.

"Impudence is the second happiness of a person."

Indeed, Aries are one of those lucky ones who do not engage in endless introspection. They do not suffer from remorse, do not complex, do not feel guilty, they are alien to fear. For Aries, making a decision is a trifling matter. They act like they say:

“I made a decision that I will do it, I don’t know how, I will decide in the process or on the way. The main thing is to start!”

Aries is Ivanushka the Fool from a fairy tale who follows the ball and finds all the solutions along the way. Aries is Die Hard from Mission Impossible. He is asked - how are you going to do it? To which he replies, "I have no idea." At the same time, he goes and does it. The arbiter of his reality, in other words. Another quote from businessmen: “Don’t think, do!” also about Aries. Successful entrepreneurs come out of Aries, because they have enough business ideas, but whether Aries has enough patience and discipline to complete the job or at least support all the projects that have been started is another question. Aries has problems with Saturn, Saturn is the planet of discipline and limitation, so the Aries hate the word discipline and don't want to accept any kind of limitation. In business, there is nowhere without self-discipline, but all the same, the Aries are lucky because they fall, get up, do it again; make mistakes, fall and go forward again. The book "The Richest Man in Babylon" talks about the qualities that attract fortune-luck. According to the book, this capricious lady named Fortune smiles at active people! Aries is just active! 

Many Aries I met wanted to start their own business, some were already entrepreneurs, and some were already successful businessmen! I won’t say that I studied all the famous entrepreneurs in the world, but I’ll still give here the Aries known specifically to me - businessmen:

John Morgan is considered the most successful and prudent monopolist at the end of the 19th century. Aries sign. 

Sam Walton - founder of the Wal-Mart brand

Larry Page is one of the founders of Google.

Aliko Dangote is the richest man in Africa. CEO of Dangote Group

Steve Ballmer is the founder of Microsoft. Aries - $87,7 billion

Mukesh Ambani is an Indian business - magnate, in the top 20. Net worth - $94,6 billion.

Aries Ingvar Kamprad is the founder of Ikea company producing furniture.

Robert Kiyosaki (though he is not in the best entreprenuers in history) is one of the most successful investors and entrepreneurs in the world. Bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad

Steve Jobs, although he was a Pisces, had exactly Aries as an accented sign in the cosmogram. His Moon and Mars were in Aries! Mars in Aries gives an active and enterprising person who acts quickly and decisively, sweeping away all obstacles in his path. The Moon in Aries gives a subconscious desire to be active, enterprising! As the American astrologer Stephen Arroyo said, the Moons in Aries perceive life as an urgent matter, so they try to use their allotted time as efficiently as possible. It always seems to them that they do not have time for something or miss something if they go slowly. Indeed, I watched a movie about Steve Jobs, where his life motto was repeatedly heard: “If this were the last day of my life, what would I do?” and that's how he lived his whole life!

Aries, like Aquarius, do not like to live by the rules of the System. Aquarius is more of a genius, loves to get out of line and go their own original way. Aquarius has in his mind - how to do it differently, unbanal, not like everyone else and at the same time solve people's problems, and Aries has more selfishness - he wants to direct all his efforts to profitable projects. Aquarius is looking for simple ways to solve problems, while Aries goes ahead, through the greatest resistance, because he does not have enough patience for roundabout ways, give him everything here and now!

Libra doubts for a long time, it is difficult for them to make decisions because of the fear of making a mistake or not being liked by someone. Libras are afraid of being accused of making the wrong decision. You need to understand that it's okay to make mistakes! If someone blames for the wrong decision, that's okay too. You just need to draw the appropriate conclusions and not suffer remorse.

So I hesitated until one Aries straightened my brains in the good sense of the word. He said, “Start today! Why wait a year? Even told me what to do. After that, I had confidence that I would succeed, even if I start today. We can say that the Aries guy managed to direct me, such a doubter. After that, I really decided (!) that a year is a long time, and it's better to start as early as possible. This is how the Universe collides opposites - so that they learn from each other the missing qualities!

As for the tendency of Aries to act more than think, I want to analyze one quote.

"To be - to do - to have!"

First, people learn what to do and prepare themselves for action, then they do it, that is, they apply knowledge in practice, and in the end they get what they want to have. But the cunning lies in the fact that there is a huge gap between "being" and "doing"! A person can read smart books, think and doubt endlessly, talk more in words than confirm in deeds, and wait for the perfect moment to act. This is how time passes and nothing happens, because knowledge without application in practice does not give a result, but Aries start immediately from the “Do” point and gain the necessary knowledge on the way. That is, they have “Do - Be - Have”. They solve practical problems and if something is not clear, they turn to theory. This understanding prompted me to start acting as early as possible.

So, what qualities does an Aries need to get rid of in order to be successful? I know that you will not listen to me anyway, because you are too self-confident, but still take note that the feeling of insatiability can play a cruel joke in your life. An Aries is a person who sets a goal to increase profits by 200% in the next month and gets frustrated that he only gets a 150% increase in the end. Aries can go to immoral deeds to satisfy their ego. This is what you need to get rid of.

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