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Sunday, October 16, 2022

How Capricorns are related to matrix?

A funny thing happened 2 weeks ago.

Mom: There is one elderly person who always comes to class and does not say hello. He will meet in the corridor, does not say hello, and when he passed on the street, didn’t say hello. Such an interesting one. Walks still and gloomy always.

Me: Well, usually Capricorns don't say hello, is he by any chance a Capricorn?

Mom: I don't know

A week later.

Mom: Remember you said that Capricorns don't say hello? That person's birthday is January 1st! When I saw it, I immediately said to myself: "Cholpon said that Capricorns mostly don't say hello. Hahahaha)))))))"

Me: wow...

Indeed, in my practice, those people who knew me well, but at the same time could go face to face and not say hello, were just Capricorns! Among them were those who did not say hello at all, even when I was the first to loudly say "Hello!" Speaking to my mother about my guesses, I did not hope that this person would be Capricorn, but after such an incident, I still conclude that the largest percentage of not greeting people are representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign. 

The first impression about Capricorns: a serious, responsible, hardworking and strict grandfather-teacher. Now I'll tell you where the legs grow from.

Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn! Saturn is the planet of limitations and difficulties. It shows us the tests that we must pass before achieving our goals. Saturn loves disciplined people and punishes any frivolity or irresponsibility.

It turns out that all Capricorns are such directly responsible and reliable people? Most yes, because they feel the pressure of Saturn from childhood and know in advance how to behave in order to get along with their own ruler. However, I also met irresponsible Capricorns who did everything in a rush and were late everywhere. I will say that such Capricorns do not get along with their ruler, who requires maximum self-discipline, just like many Taurus and Libra with Venus in exile / in the fall violate the principles of their ruler planet Venus, for which they get on the head.

So, Capricorn knows perfectly well that in life there will be trials and difficulties. Therefore, he, being a careerist, carefully plans his success and usually knows what he will do from childhood. That is, he, as it were, prepares for difficulties in advance and calmly overcomes these very difficulties, step by step, stubbornly and persistently on the way to his goal, and no matter what people say, Capricorn has a strong spirit, he will cope with all the pressure of others! Usually, when they yell at Capricorn, he does not react at all. Even smiles back. Such resilience! In this regard, Capricorn resembles Scorpio (in general, Scorpios and Capricorns have a lot in common).

Their tremendous determination and maturity (from Saturn) is illustrated in the following quotations.

Andrei Malakhov: "Did you definitely believe that you would be famous, you were not afraid of anything, you went ahead and your dream came true?"

Vitya: "You know, word for word! I'll even say more. Everything was exactly as I wanted."

Vitya's father: "Vitya was already an adult from childhood and he solved everything himself. I was surprised"

When Vera Nikolaevna (Vitya's class teacher) said that one should study well, Vitya, a 3rd grade student, answered:

"Vera Nikolaevna, you don't have to worry about me, I'm learning the best I can, but I will have a great future, I will be a singer, the whole world will recognize me!"

On a piece of paper, he wrote the word Singer with a capital letter: "I want to be a Singer"

Vitya is Dima Bilan! At the age of 25, Dima took 2nd place at Eurovision and, 2 years later, won first place! Here is such a Capricorn!

Capricorn, as the opposite of Cancer, attracts with its self-confidence! Cancer is most often not confident in himself, doubts his abilities, hesitates, but Capricorn impresses with his charisma. He speaks confidently, without a drop of doubt, he has an explanation for everything. It also stands firmly on its feet, like Taurus and Virgo. I attached a photo of Kevin Costner, because in my opinion he just played himself in the movie "The Bodyguard". Such a laconic, charismatic, reliable, responsible, serious and impenetrable bodyguard. Watch this movie again and observe his behavior. I remember when I watched the movie, I was wondering who the Zodiac sign is Kevin Costner. I had 2 options: either Virgo or Capricorn. In the end, Kevin turned out to be a Capricorn.

Now to the negative qualities (well, how could it be without it).

Saturn is generally a planet of structure. Roughly but fairly speaking - this is our matrix! And try to crack this matrix! It is difficult, but possible, because we make the choice ourselves. Capricorns either easily fit into the System themselves, like a rabbit in a cage, or they become the builders of this structure, i.e. businessmen. What does every Capricorn strive for? To power! Capricorn loves to give orders. He wants to lead and works hard to move as far as possible up the career ladder, that is, along the Matrix, in which he feels like a fish in water..

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